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Thu, Mar 13, 15:35


% set date for scheduled broadcast, if known
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\title{Image Processing}
{\Large\bfseries Part 1: image processing basics}
\item Introduction to Images and Image Processing
\item Affine Transforms
\item 2D Fourier Analysis
\item Image Filters
{\Large\bfseries Part 2: image compression}
\item introduction to quantization
\item the problem of image compression
\item the JPEG standard
\intertitle{affine transforms}
\intertitle{2D Fourier Analysis}
\intertitle{image filtering}
\cueCard{end of Part 1}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Overview of Part 2:}
\item Quantization
\item How can we compress an image?
\item the JPEG standard
\intertitle{quantization: the basics}
\intertitle{image compression fundamentals}
\intertitle{the JPEG standard}

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