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Thu, Mar 13, 09:42


\typeout{dspComm, by Paolo Prandoni, 2013 }
\typeout{ }
%% Set up constellation plot
% \begin{psQAMplot}[OPTIONS]{SIZE}
% SIZE number of points on the positive axis
% Specialized options:
% decreg=[true|FALSE] draw decision regions
% labels=[TRUE|false] draw axis labels
\def\qamNoiseScale{0.2 }
%% Axes range, increment and labels %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\FPupn\qamSpan{#2 2 * clip}
\FPupn\qamMax{#2 2 * -1 + 0 trunc clip}%
\FPupn\rangeX{\qamMax{} 1 + clip}%
\FPupn\extRange{\rangeX{} 1.1 * 2 trunc clip}%
%% Ticks
\def\incX{-1}\def\incY{-1}\dspSetupAxes\def\sp{ }
\gdef\dspTickLabelY##1##2{\uput{{2\dspYTickGap}}[180]{{0}}(! -\tickEndY\sp 0.5 mul ##1 ){{##2}}}%
\gdef\dspTickLabelX##1##2{\rput[b]{{0}}(! ##1 0.2 add \tickTxtX\sp 0.7 mul ){{##2}}}%
%%% Font %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\def\psvlabel##1{\selectPlotFont ##1}%
%%%% Box %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\psline[linewidth=0.4pt](0,0)(! 0 2 \rangeX.0 mul)}%
\psline[linewidth=0.4pt](0,0)(! 0 2 \rangeX.0 mul)}%
\psline[linewidth=0.4pt](0,0)(! 2 \rangeX.0 mul 0)}%
\psline[linewidth=0.4pt](0,0)(! 2 \rangeX.0 mul 0)}%
%% Plot QAM point at given coordinates (Specify the type of point)
%% Plot NOISY QAM dot at given coordinates
% Specify point type. To change amount of noise deviation change the
% value of \qamNoiseScale
\psdot[dotstyle=#1,dotsize=\dspDotSize](! #2 rand 100 mod 50 div 1 sub \qamNoiseScale mul add #3 rand 100 mod 50 div 1 sub \qamNoiseScale mul add)
%% Plot entire QAM constellation
% Specify point drawing function and point type.
\ifPAM \def\iy{0}\def\ya{0}\def\ys{1}\else\def\ya{-\qamMax}\def\ys{\qamSpan}\fi

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