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%% definitions of page layout for PRINT version
%% The following macros affect the rendering of sections and other
%% environments and they will have to be redefined for all other
%% styles such as EPUB
%% exercises, solutions, examples
% to specify an inline title use \begin{exercise}\pstyle{title text}
\newtheorem{exercise}{\normalfont\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries Exercise}[chapter]
\newtheorem*{solution}{\normalfont\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries Solution}
\newtheorem{example}{\normalfont\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries Example}[chapter]
\def\extitle#1{{\normalfont\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries #1.\ }}
%% this is used for end-of-chapter sections (further reading, appendices, etc)
%% In the PRINT version we change the graphical appearance of section titles
%% numbered sections: gray rounded box with black text (see later for \sectionbox)
%% unnumbered sections: darkgray rounded box with white text
%% In print layout we can compile the pstricks figures directly:
%% fonts
%% postscript macros for section headings
% #1: background color
% #2: foreground color
% #3: section heading (either \thesection or nothing)
% #4: section title
%% titles
{\large\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\bfseries\huge}
%% modified section headings for normal sections
%% subsections & co.
%% headers
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{{\thechapter \ -- \ #1}}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{{\thesection \ -- \ #1}}}
%% Table of contents
\renewcommand{\cftchappagefont} {\sffamily}

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