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%% multi-target publication. Cannot define this as a .sty file because
%% by default LateXML does not include styles for which it doesn't have
%% bindings.
%% This file defines the following mutually exclusive environments:
%% PRINT : used for PDF compilation
%% KINDLE : used for PDF compilation that works on Kindle paperwhite
%% HTML : used for XHTML compilation
%% EPUB : used for EPUB3 compilation (packaged HTML)
%% version environments:
% \gdef\locpath{.}
% \gdef\multipubbegin{}
% \gdef\mps{}
\typeout{MULTIPUB: compiling using the PRINT format}%
\typeout{MULTIPUB: compiling using the KINDLE format}%
\typeout{MULTIPUB: compiling using the HTML format}%
% see the definition of \pstf below as to why we have to do this
\typeout{MULTIPUB: compiling using the EPUB format}%
%% Page definition for the Kindle format; we need to split this into
%% two sections because the font packages conflict with some amsmath
%% packages that may be included after the multipub declaration
%% use this macro to include chapter files in subfolders
%% The macro defines the \localpath macro which you can use in each chapter
%% to include pictures or files relative to the chapter's path
%% (eg. \includegraphics{\localpath{figs/picture.eps}})
% #1: chapter's folder name
% #2: chapter's file name
%% This macro prepends the path to a file name
%% PSTricks figures
%% in PRINT mode, pstricks figures can be compiled on the go if needed
%% Unfortunately \IfFileExists does not work in LateXML if the argument is
%% itself a macro so we cannot test for the presence of the rendered figure. Rely on input error
%% when rendered is not available
% Originally:
% \IfFileExists{\renderedfile{#1}}%
% {\includegraphics{\renderedfile{#1}}}%
% {\PackageError{PSTrickFigure}{figure \pstricksfile{#1} must be pre-rendered to EPS for this layout}%
% {please run the appropriate Python script to pre-render all PSTricks-based figures in the manuscript.}}}

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