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#include "../main.h"
/** @defgroup CircularBuffer Circular buffer
* @brief Bytes queue (FIFO) implemented with a circular buffer.
* This bytes container works as a queue, which means "first in, first out".
* Create a cb_CircularBuffer structure, and initialize it with cb_Init().
* Then, add bytes using cb_Push(), and extract them with cb_Pull().
* @ingroup Lib
* @addtogroup CircularBuffer
* @{
* @brief Circular buffer structure.
typedef struct
uint8_t *buffer; ///< Pointer to the byte buffer.
uint16_t bufferSize; ///< Size of buffer.
volatile uint16_t readIndex, ///< Index of the element at the front of the queue.
writeIndex; ///< Index of the next free location at the end of the queue.
} cb_CircularBuffer;
void cb_Init(cb_CircularBuffer* cb, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t bufferSize);
uint16_t cb_ItemsCount(cb_CircularBuffer* cb);
bool cb_IsEmpty(cb_CircularBuffer* cb);
bool cb_IsFull(cb_CircularBuffer* cb);
void cb_Push(cb_CircularBuffer* cb, uint8_t newElem);
uint8_t cb_Pull(cb_CircularBuffer* cb);
* @}

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