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Sat, Jun 1, 20:38
#include "pid.h"
#include "utils.h"
* @brief Initialize the PID structure.
* @param pid: pointer to the PID structure.
* @param kp: proportionnal coefficient of the PID. No effect if zero.
* @param ki: integral coefficient of the PID. No effect if zero.
* @param kd: derivative coefficient of the PID. No effect if zero.
* @param arw: maximum value of the integrator (anti-reset windup). Disabled if negative.
* @param feedforward: component proportional to the target (not the error). No effect if zero.
void pid_Init(pid_Pid *pid, float32_t kp, float32_t ki, float32_t kd,
float32_t arw, float32_t feedforward)
pid->kp = kp;
pid->ki = ki;
pid->kd = kd;
pid->arw = arw;
pid->previousErr = 0.0f;
pid->integrator = 0.0f;
pid->feedforward = feedforward;
* @brief Step the PID structure.
* @param pid: pointer to the PID structure.
* @param current: current state of the system to control.
* @param target: target state of the system to control.
* @param dt: timestep (time since the last call of this function) [s].
* @retval command to apply to the system.
float32_t pid_Step(pid_Pid *pid, float32_t current, float32_t target, float32_t dt)
float32_t err;
pid->current = current;
pid->target = target;
// Error computation.
err = target - current;
// Feedforward part.
pid->command = pid->feedforward * target;
// Proportionnal part.
pid->command += pid->kp * err;
// Integral part.
if(pid->ki > 0.0f)
pid->integrator += pid->ki * (err * dt);
if(pid->arw > 0.0f)
utils_SaturateF(&pid->integrator, -pid->arw, pid->arw);
pid->command += pid->integrator;
// Derivative part.
pid->command += pid->kd * ((err - pid->previousErr) / dt);
pid->previousErr = err;
return pid->command;

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