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Sun, Oct 6, 18:26
#ifndef __PID_H
#define __PID_H
#include "../main.h"
/** @defgroup PID Lib / PID regulator
* @brief Proportionnal-integral-derivative regulator with integrator
* saturation capability.
* First, instantiate a pid_Pid structure (e.g. "pid_Pid pid;"), then
* initialize it once with pid_Init(). Then, every time a new command needs to
* be computed (typically when a new measurement arrives), call pid_Step().
* @addtogroup PID
* @{
*@brief PID regulator structure
typedef struct
float32_t kp, ///< Proportional coefficient.
ki, ///< Integral coefficient. Disabled if negative or zero.
kd, ///< Derivative coefficient.
arw, ///< Max value of the integrator ("anti-reset windup"). Disabled if negative or zero.
previousErr, ///< Error (current-target) at the previous timestep, for derivative computation.
integrator, ///< Integrator value for the integral part of the PID.
command, ///< Output command computed by the PID regulator.
feedforward; ///< Feedforward coefficient.
} pid_Pid;
void pid_Init(pid_Pid *pid, float32_t kp, float32_t ki, float32_t kd,
float32_t arw, float32_t feedforward);
float32_t pid_Step(pid_Pid *pid, float32_t current, float32_t target, float32_t dt);
* @}

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