% Copyright (C) 2017 EPFL-LSRO (Laboratoire de Systemes Robotiques). % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and % limitations under the License. classdef hri_comm < handle % HRI_COMM Class to remotely control a HRI board. % Manages the communication between MATLAB on PC and the HHRI board, % and allows remote operation. properties(Access = private) hSerial packetBuffer rxCurrentMessageType rxBytesCount firstHalfByte rxTimer pendingPingback pendingGetVarsList pendingGetVar logfile varsList streamId varsIdsToStream streamPacketSize streamBuffer currentStreamBufferIndex gotVarsListCallbackFunc boardOfflineCallbackFunc plotDecimCounter end properties(Hidden = true, Access = private, Constant = true) %% Messages sent by MATLAB to the board. PC_MESSAGE_DO_NOTHING = 0; % Do nothing. PC_MESSAGE_PING = 1; PC_MESSAGE_GET_VARS_LIST = 2; % Request the device to send the variables list. PC_MESSAGE_SET_STREAMED_VAR = 3; % Set the variables to be streamed. PC_MESSAGE_GET_VAR = 4; % Request the device to send the selected value. PC_MESSAGE_SET_VAR = 5; % Set the selected variable. %% Messages sent by the board to MATLAB. STM_MESSAGE_PINGBACK = 0; % Response to a ping request. STM_MESSAGE_VAR = 1; % Variable state. STM_MESSAGE_STREAMING_PACKET = 2; % Streaming packet. STM_MESSAGE_DEBUG_TEXT = 3; % Debug text message. STM_MESSAGE_VARS_LIST = 4; % Monitored variables list. STM_MESSAGE_START_INFO = 5; % Notification that the board has (re)started. %% Other constants. SYNCVAR_NAME_SIZE = 50; % Max size of a SyncVar name, including the '\0' trailing character. STREAMING_BUFF_LEN = 1000; % [bytes]. READ_BYTES_PERIOD = 0.100; % [s]. VAR_ACCESSES = {'readonly', 'writeonly', 'read+write'}; VAR_TYPES = {'bool', 'uint8', 'int8', 'uint16', 'int16', ... 'uint32', 'int32', 'uint64', 'int64', 'single', ... 'double'}; end methods function hbh = hri_comm(comPortName, gotVarsListCallbackFunc) % HRI_COMM Class constructor. hbh.hSerial = serial(comPortName, ... 'BaudRate', 1843200, ... 'Parity', 'none', ... 'StopBits', 1, ... 'FlowControl', 'none', ... 'Timeout', 0.5, ... 'InputBufferSize', 100000, ... 'ReadAsyncMode', 'continuous'); hbh.packetBuffer = zeros(1, 1000, 'uint8'); hbh.rxCurrentMessageType = 0; hbh.rxBytesCount = 0; hbh.pendingPingback = 0; hbh.logfile = 0; hbh.rxTimer = 0; hbh.streamId = 0; hbh.gotVarsListCallbackFunc = gotVarsListCallbackFunc; hbh.plotDecimCounter = 1; end function open(hbh) % OPEN Opens the serial link, and starts receiving data. % hbh hri_comm object. % Open the serial link. fopen(hbh.hSerial); flushinput(hbh.hSerial); % Setup the callback function, called periodically to read the % bytes sent by the board. hbh.rxTimer = timer('Period', hbh.READ_BYTES_PERIOD, ... 'TimerFcn', @(~,~)readBytes(hbh), ... 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate', ... 'BusyMode', 'drop'); start(hbh.rxTimer); % Stop the streaming, if it was running. setStreamedVars(hbh, []); % Get the remote variables list, if the board is OK. if ping(hbh) requestVarsList(hbh); end end function close(hbh) % CLOSE Closes the serial link. % hbh hri_comm object. if hbh.rxTimer ~= 0 stop(hbh.rxTimer); end if strcmp(hbh.hSerial.Status, 'open') fclose(hbh.hSerial); delete(hbh); end end function delete(hbh) % DELETE Class destructor. % hbh hri_comm object. close(hbh); end function ok = ping(hbh) % PING Checks if the board is responding to a ping request. % hbh hri_comm object. hbh.pendingPingback = 1; sendPacket(hbh, hbh.PC_MESSAGE_PING, []); startTime = tic; while hbh.pendingPingback && toc(startTime) < 1.0 pause(0.1); end ok = (hbh.pendingPingback == 0); end function startLogging(hbh) % STARTLOGGING Starts the logging to a text file. % hbh hri_comm object. hri_constants; % Load the parameters file. % Get the directory of this file, to avoid problems when % changing the current MATLAB directory. [baseDirectory, ~, ~] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); addpath(baseDirectory); % If the "logs" directory does not exist, create it. logsDirectory = [baseDirectory '/' 'logs/']; if ~exist(logsDirectory, 'dir') mkdir(logsDirectory); end % Open the logfile to write. if strcmp(LOGFILE_NAMING, 'date') % Use the current date/time to get a unique filename. filenameSuffix = datestr(now, 'yyyy-mm-dd_HH_MM_SS'); elseif strcmp(LOGFILE_NAMING, 'counter') % List the existing logfiles, and look for the highest % number, in order to determine the next number. logfilesNames = dir([logsDirectory 'log_*.csv']); logfilesNames = {logfilesNames.name}; a = regexp(logfilesNames, 'log_(?\d{6}).csv', 'tokens'); a(cellfun(@isempty, a)) = []; maxNumber = max(cellfun(@(x) str2double(x{1}), a)); filenameSuffix = sprintf('%06i', maxNumber+1); end hbh.logfile = fopen([logsDirectory 'log_' filenameSuffix ... '.csv'], 'w'); % Build the header. header = 'timestamp [us];'; for i=hbh.varsIdsToStream header = [header hbh.varsList(i).name ';']; %#ok end header(end) = []; fprintf(hbh.logfile, [header '\n']); end function stopLogging(hbh) % STOPLOGGING Stops the logging to a text file. % hbh hri_comm object. if hbh.logfile ~= 0 fclose(hbh.logfile); hbh.logfile = 0; end end function varsList = getVarsList(hbh) % GETTVARSLIST Gets the variables list to the board. % Requests the variables list from the board, and waits until it % has been received. % hbh hri_comm object. hbh.pendingGetVarsList = 1; requestVarsList(hbh); while hbh.pendingGetVarsList pause(0.1); end varsList = hbh.varsList; end function setVar(hbh, varId, newValue) % SETVAR Sets a board variable to the desired value. % hbh hri_comm object. % varId the selected variable to set. % newValue the new desired value of the selected variable. The % given value will be cast to the correct type. % Send a packet to set the value of the variable. if strcmp(hbh.varsList(varId).type, 'bool') newValue = cast(newValue, 'uint8'); else newValue = cast(newValue, hbh.varsList(varId).type); end data = [varId-1 typecast(newValue, 'uint8')]; sendPacket(hbh, hbh.PC_MESSAGE_SET_VAR, data); end function varValue = getVar(hbh, varId) % REQUESTVAR Get the variable value from the board. % This function blocks until the variable has been received. % hbh hri_comm object. % varId the ID of the selected variable to get. hbh.pendingGetVar = 1; sendPacket(hbh, hbh.PC_MESSAGE_GET_VAR, varId-1); while(hbh.pendingGetVar) pause(0.01); end varValue = hbh.varsList(varId).value{:}; end function dispVarsList(hbh) % DISPVARLIST Prints the variables list. % hbh hri_comm object. for i=1:length(hbh.varsList) fprintf('#%i %s %s (size %i) %s\n', i, ... hbh.varsList(i).name, ... hbh.varsList(i).type, ... hbh.varsList(i).size, ... hbh.varsList(i).access); end end function setStreamedVars(hbh, varsIdsToStream) % SETSTREAMEDVARS Setup the streaming with the given variables. % hbh hri_comm object. % varsIdsToStream array of indices of variables to stream. % Allocate the buffer. hbh.streamBuffer = zeros(1000, length(varsIdsToStream)); hbh.currentStreamBufferIndex = 1; % Build the communication packet. hbh.streamId = hbh.streamId + 1; hbh.streamPacketSize = 1 + 4; % ID + timestamp. hbh.varsIdsToStream = varsIdsToStream; data = zeros(1, 2 + length(varsIdsToStream)); data(1) = uint8(length(varsIdsToStream)); data(2) = uint8(hbh.streamId); for i=1:length(varsIdsToStream) data(2+i) = uint8(varsIdsToStream(i)-1); hbh.streamPacketSize = hbh.streamPacketSize + ... hbh.varsList(varsIdsToStream(i)).size; end sendPacket(hbh, hbh.PC_MESSAGE_SET_STREAMED_VAR, data); % TODO: remove. % This avoids a bug when removing a variable while streaming. pause(0.1); end function vars = getStreaming(hbh) % GETSTREAMING Gets the variables values during streaming. % Returns an array containing the values received for each % variable, one variable per column. % hbh hri_comm object. vars = hbh.streamBuffer(1:hbh.currentStreamBufferIndex-1, :); hbh.currentStreamBufferIndex = 1; end function varId = getVarIdFromName(hbh, varName) % GETVARIDFROMNAME Gets the variable index from its name. % hbh hri_comm object. % varName name of the variable, as it appears in the list. If % it cannot be found, [] will be returned. varId = find(strcmp({hbh.varsList.name}, varName), 1); if isempty(varId) warning(['Could not find the variable "' varName ... '" in the list.']); end end end methods(Static) function boardComPort = getHriComPort() % GETHRICOMPORT Finds the port corresponding to the board. % Tries to ping the board on all the serial ports that are % available. If an appropriate answer is received on one port, % its name will be returned, otherwise an empty string will be % returned. hwinfo = instrhwinfo('Serial'); ports = hwinfo.AvailableSerialPorts; for i=1:length(ports) try port = ports{i}; h = hri_comm(port, 0); open(h); if ping(h) boardComPort = port; delete(h); return; end catch % Ignore the error, a keep trying the other serial % ports. end if exist('h', 'var') delete(h); clear h; end end boardComPort = ''; end end methods(Access = private) function sendPacket(wmh, type, data) % SENDPACKET Sends a packet to the board. % hbh hri_comm object. % type type of the packet. See the PC_MESSAGE_* properties. % data data content of the packet. Its meaning depends on the % packet type. % Build the packet. txBuffer = zeros(1, 1 + length(data) * 2, 'uint8'); txBuffer(1) = bitset(type, 8); % Set bit 8 to 1 ("start byte"). for i = 1:length(data) b = data(i); txBuffer(i*2+0) = bitshift(b, -4); % MSB. txBuffer(i*2+1) = bitshift(bitshift(b, 4), -4); % LSB. end % Send the packet through the serial link. fwrite(wmh.hSerial, txBuffer); % TODO: set to 'async'? end function readBytes(hbh) % READBYTES Reads and interprets the data received. % hbh hri_comm object. try hri_constants; % Read the available bytes from the serial link. nAvailableBytes = hbh.hSerial.BytesAvailable; if nAvailableBytes == 0 return; end rxBytes = fread(hbh.hSerial, nAvailableBytes, 'uint8'); % Cache the most accessed members. rxBytesCountC = hbh.rxBytesCount; packetBufferC = hbh.packetBuffer; % Process each byte, one by one. for rxByte = rxBytes' if bitget(rxByte, 8) == 1 % Start byte. hbh.rxCurrentMessageType = bitset(rxByte, 8, 0); rxBytesCountC = 0; else % "Normal" byte. rxBytesCountC = rxBytesCountC + 1; end if rem(rxBytesCountC, 2) == 1 % Got first half byte. hbh.firstHalfByte = rxByte; else % Got nothing, or the second half byte. dataBytesReady = floor(rxBytesCountC / 2); % Accumulate the incoming byte in the RX packet buffer. if dataBytesReady > 0 packetBufferC(dataBytesReady) = ... bitshift(hbh.firstHalfByte, 4) + ... % MSB. bitshift(bitshift(rxByte, 4), -4); % LSB. end % If enough data bytes have been received, interpret % them. switch hbh.rxCurrentMessageType case hbh.STM_MESSAGE_PINGBACK hbh.pendingPingback = 0; case hbh.STM_MESSAGE_VAR if dataBytesReady >= 1 varId = packetBufferC(1) + 1; varSize = hbh.varsList(varId).size; if dataBytesReady == 1 + varSize if strcmp(hbh.varsList(varId).type, 'bool') hbh.varsList(varId).value = {(packetBufferC(2) ~= 0) * 1}; else hbh.varsList(varId).value = {typecast(packetBufferC(2:1+varSize), hbh.varsList(varId).type)}; end end hbh.pendingGetVar = 0; end case hbh.STM_MESSAGE_STREAMING_PACKET if dataBytesReady == hbh.streamPacketSize if packetBufferC(1) == hbh.streamId timestamp = cast(typecast(packetBufferC(2:5), 'uint32'), 'double'); p = 6; for varId=hbh.varsIdsToStream if strcmp(hbh.varsList(varId).type, 'bool') hbh.varsList(varId).value = {(packetBufferC(p) ~= 0) * 1}; p = p + 1; else varSize = hbh.varsList(varId).size; hbh.varsList(varId).value = {typecast(packetBufferC(p:p+varSize-1), hbh.varsList(varId).type)}; p = p + varSize; end end % Add the values into the streaming buffer. streamBufferLine = cellfun(@(x)cast(x{:}, 'double'), {hbh.varsList(hbh.varsIdsToStream).value}); if hbh.plotDecimCounter >= PLOT_DOWNSAMPLING hbh.plotDecimCounter = 1; hbh.streamBuffer(hbh.currentStreamBufferIndex,:) = streamBufferLine; hbh.currentStreamBufferIndex = hbh.currentStreamBufferIndex + 1; % If the streaming buffer is full, restart. if hbh.currentStreamBufferIndex >= hbh.STREAMING_BUFF_LEN hbh.currentStreamBufferIndex = 1; warning('The streaming buffer was full, and has been reseted.'); end else hbh.plotDecimCounter = hbh.plotDecimCounter + 1; end % Log to file, if enabled. if hbh.logfile ~= 0 fprintf(hbh.logfile, '%f;', [timestamp streamBufferLine]); fprintf(hbh.logfile, '\n'); end end end case hbh.STM_MESSAGE_DEBUG_TEXT if dataBytesReady > 0 && ... packetBufferC(dataBytesReady) == 0 message = char(... packetBufferC(... 1:find(packetBufferC == 0)-1)); message(message == 13) = []; fprintf([message '\n']); end case hbh.STM_MESSAGE_VARS_LIST if dataBytesReady > 0 nVars = double(packetBufferC(1)); hbh.varsList = []; if dataBytesReady == 1 + nVars * (hbh.SYNCVAR_NAME_SIZE + 3) j = 2; for i=1:nVars name = packetBufferC(j:j+hbh.SYNCVAR_NAME_SIZE); hbh.varsList(i).name = char(name(1:find(name == 0, 1, 'first')-1)); j = j + hbh.SYNCVAR_NAME_SIZE; hbh.varsList(i).type = hbh.VAR_TYPES{packetBufferC(j)+1}; j = j + 1; hbh.varsList(i).access = hbh.VAR_ACCESSES{packetBufferC(j)+1}; j = j + 1; hbh.varsList(i).size = double(packetBufferC(j)); j = j + 1; if strcmp(hbh.varsList(i).type, 'bool') hbh.varsList(i).value = 0; else hbh.varsList(i).value = {cast(0, hbh.varsList(i).type)}; end end hbh.pendingGetVarsList = 0; if isa(hbh.gotVarsListCallbackFunc, 'function_handle') hbh.gotVarsListCallbackFunc(hbh.varsList); end end end case hbh.STM_MESSAGE_START_INFO if dataBytesReady == 0 disp('The board has (re)started.'); requestVarsList(hbh); end end end end % De-cache the cached variables. hbh.rxBytesCount = rxBytesCountC; hbh.packetBuffer = packetBufferC; catch e % Having this variable in global allows accessing it from % the main workspace. global err; %#ok err = e; rethrow(e); end end function requestVarsList(hbh) % REQUESTVARSLIST Requests the variables list to the board. % hbh hri_comm object. sendPacket(hbh, hbh.PC_MESSAGE_GET_VARS_LIST, []); end end end