c c c ========================================= c Adjoint support Package for the MITgcmUV c ========================================= c c Current Version: 0.1.0 (20-Jun-2000) c c c General Outline: c ---------------- c c The directory autodiff only contains pieces c of code that are of general use in getting c the adjoint or the tangent linear model of c a some MITgcmUV setup. c c Such pieces are hand-coded adjoint routines, c initialization and finalization of a future c autodiff package, flow directives for TAMC c and header files necessary to include for c doing automatic differentiation. c c ======== c HISTORY: c ======== c c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 1999 c c changed: Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 20-Jun-2000 c c - adjoint support routines: c * active_file_ad.F (changed subroutine argument list) c * adopen_adclose.F (changed subroutine argument list) c * adread_adwrite.F (changed subroutine argument list) c * adread_adwrite.F (single file name convention with or c without ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION) c c - flow directives: c * added: print_message.flow, check_exp.flow c c - exch_ad.F: c NB: Exchanges have been modified substantially since c exch_ad.F was written.