% $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/utils/matlab/README.txt,v 1.4 2017/02/07 17:02:10 dimitri Exp $
% $Name: $
The following utilities are available in this directory:
cm_landwater.m :: creates colormap for plotting bathymetry/orography
contourfv.m :: customized contourf version (for finite volume topo)
densjmd95.m :: calculate in-situ density (Jackett & McDougall 1995)
densmdjwf.m :: calculate in-situ density (McDougall et.al. 2003)
dens_poly3.m :: calculate in-situ density as MITgcm POLY3
gluemnc.m :: glue together different tiles into a global file
grepread.m :: a new (from Aug 2001) useful script
griddata_fast.m :: script to help use cube and netcdf
griddata_preprocess.m :: script to help use cube and netcdf
ini_poly3.m :: calculate in-situ density as MITgcm POLY3
inpaint_nans.m :: used by interpickups.m (for topography mask)
interpickups.m :: interpolate mnc pickup files
ioLb2num.m :: convert from ptracer io-label to ptracer number
load_grid.m :: load MITgcm output grid-files into one structure array
longitude.m :: new (from Aug 2001) script for plotting cube stuff.
mnc_assembly.m :: assemble MNC tiles into single NetCDF files
nc_add.m :: script to help use cube and netcdf
num2ioLb.m :: convert from ptracer number to ptracer io-label
pcolorfv.m :: customized pcolor version (for finite volume topo)
rdmds.m :: read MDSIO output (data & meta) files
rdmeta.m :: read MDSIO output meta file
rdmnc.m :: read tiled MNC output files
stats.m :: calculate and print basic statistics of 1 array
test_nc_add.m :: script to help use cube and netcdf
Graphix :: cubed-sphere data manipulation and plotting package
cs_grid :: cubed-sphere and lat-lon-cap routines
gmt :: general MITgcm tiles/topologies
ocean_basin :: basin mask generation routines
And more complete directions for each script are:
=== mnc_assembly.m ===
This utility is available for assembling the data from one or more
variables contained in multiple MNC tiles (each having their own
file) into a single NetCDF file. It understands both "old-style"
MITgcm exch1 topologies and newer exch2 topologies. A complete set
of examples demonstrating the use of this tool on both exch1 and
exch2 data sets is available from the MITgcm.org CVS server at:
$ export CVSROOT=':pserver:cvsanon@mitgcm.org:/u/gcmpack'
$ cvs login
$ cvs co development/edhill/mnc_assembly
% $Name: $
The following utilities are available in this directory:
cm_landwater.m :: creates colormap for plotting bathymetry/orography
contourfv.m :: customized contourf version (for finite volume topo)
densjmd95.m :: calculate in-situ density (Jackett & McDougall 1995)
densmdjwf.m :: calculate in-situ density (McDougall et.al. 2003)
dens_poly3.m :: calculate in-situ density as MITgcm POLY3
gluemnc.m :: glue together different tiles into a global file
grepread.m :: a new (from Aug 2001) useful script
griddata_fast.m :: script to help use cube and netcdf
griddata_preprocess.m :: script to help use cube and netcdf
ini_poly3.m :: calculate in-situ density as MITgcm POLY3
inpaint_nans.m :: used by interpickups.m (for topography mask)
interpickups.m :: interpolate mnc pickup files
ioLb2num.m :: convert from ptracer io-label to ptracer number
load_grid.m :: load MITgcm output grid-files into one structure array
longitude.m :: new (from Aug 2001) script for plotting cube stuff.
mnc_assembly.m :: assemble MNC tiles into single NetCDF files
nc_add.m :: script to help use cube and netcdf
num2ioLb.m :: convert from ptracer number to ptracer io-label
pcolorfv.m :: customized pcolor version (for finite volume topo)
rdmds.m :: read MDSIO output (data & meta) files
rdmeta.m :: read MDSIO output meta file
rdmnc.m :: read tiled MNC output files
stats.m :: calculate and print basic statistics of 1 array
test_nc_add.m :: script to help use cube and netcdf
Graphix :: cubed-sphere data manipulation and plotting package
cs_grid :: cubed-sphere and lat-lon-cap routines
gmt :: general MITgcm tiles/topologies
ocean_basin :: basin mask generation routines
And more complete directions for each script are:
=== mnc_assembly.m ===
This utility is available for assembling the data from one or more
variables contained in multiple MNC tiles (each having their own
file) into a single NetCDF file. It understands both "old-style"
MITgcm exch1 topologies and newer exch2 topologies. A complete set
of examples demonstrating the use of this tool on both exch1 and
exch2 data sets is available from the MITgcm.org CVS server at:
$ export CVSROOT=':pserver:cvsanon@mitgcm.org:/u/gcmpack'
$ cvs login
$ cvs co development/edhill/mnc_assembly
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