Example matlab scripts for plotting from gmt netcdf output. Scripts use stuff from utils/matlab/gmt and utils/matlab in the MITgcm CVS tree - so that needs to be in your search path e.g. addpath ${mitgcm_rootdir}/utils/matlab/gmt. Many of the functions work with the structure from rdnctiles, so that is used in the example to load the data.
Example driver is plot_llc.m. Running that calls the other scripts
calcFacetAngles.m :: Calculate rotation angles to project to
:: XG, YG coordinate system.
croptiled.m :: Crop data to remove values for fields
:: read in by rdnctiles
llc_pcol.m :: Do a colormap of something read in by
:: rdnctiles
llc_vec.m :: Do a vector plot of something read in
:: by rdnctiles
:: Read global or tiled mdsio lat-lon-cap output and :: do simple global plot (Arctic duplicated 4 times)
plot_llc.m :: Example driver for plotting 72 tile lat-lon cap
:: output. This is mostly general except :: for directory locations and the removal of tiles :: 69-72 which are junk for this specific configuration. :: Example script produces both color scale and vector :: plots. :: It requires mnc generated grid files and :: mnc generated time average files. :: Example grid files can be found at :: wget http://mitgcm.org/mitgcm_repo/MITgcm_contrib/cnh_cs_plot/plot_llc_datasets/llc_grid_72tiles/v20070507/'grid.t001.nc' :: Example mnc time average files can be found at :: wget http://mitgcm.org/mitgcm_repo/MITgcm_contrib/cnh_cs_plot/plot_llc_datasets/llc_48month/v20070507/'tave.0000000001.t001.nc'
quikpcolor :: faster replacement for pcolor using image
:: when used with homogeneous grid spacing, it is also more :: accurate as it plots one facet per grid cell, as opposed :: to interpolating between cell corners as does pcolor
quikplot :: quick and dirty llc plotting routine
:: usage example for llc270 domain: :: fld=quikread_llc('Depth.data',270); :: quikplot_llc(fld)
quikread :: quick and dirty llc read routine
vel2latlon.m :: Rotate vectors according pre-calculated angles
:: ( from calcFacetAngles ).
zmean.m :: Calculate a vertical integral divided by depth
:: for a field and depths read in by rdnctiles.