Example: "4x4 Global Simulation with Seasonal Forcing"
(see also similar set-up in: verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/)
From verification/global_ocean.90x40x15 dir:
Configure and compile the code:
cd build ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code [-of my_platform_optionFile]
[make Clean]
make depend make cd ..
To run:
cd run ln -s ../input/* . ../input/prepare_run ln -s ../build/mitgcmuv . ./mitgcmuv > output.txt cd ..
There is comparison output in the directory:
There is comparison output in directory:
(verification/global_ocean.90x40x1/) results
Comments: o The input data is real*4. o The surface fluxes are derived from monthly means of the NCEP climatology;
- a matlab script is provided that created the surface flux data files from the original NCEP data: ncep2global_ocean.m in the diags_matlab directory, needs editing to adjust search paths.
o matlab scripts that make a simple diagnostic (barotropic stream function,
overturning stream functions, averaged hydrography etc.) is provided in verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/diags_matlab: - mit_loadglobal is the toplevel script that run all other scripts - mit_globalmovie animates theta, salinity, and 3D-velocity field for a layer "iz", if "meanfields=0"
Additional example:
similar set-up, with the same executable, and using pkg/dwnslp:
to run this 2nd example:
cd input.dwnslp ln -s ../input/* . ../input/prepare_run ../build/mitgcmuv > output.dwnslp.txt cd ..
Use of "blank tiles" in conjunction with exch2 package:
This verification experiment also demonstrate the omission of tiles (or processors) for tiles that are fully land cover and don't need computation. The relevant config. files to be manipulated are:
- at compile time, in dir. code/: packages.conf, SIZE.h
- at run time, in dir. input/: data.exch2
To enable this feature requires package "exch2" (see Section 6.2.4 "exch2: Extended Cubed Sphere Topology" of online manual), i.e. in code/packages.conf add "exch2"
The basic layout of the experiment is Nx*Ny = 90x40. In a single-processor config. with very small tile sizes (sNx*sNy=10*10) this can be represented, e.g. via
& sNx = 10, & sNy = 10, & OLx = 3, & OLy = 3, & nSx = 9, & nSy = 4, & nPx = 1, & nPy = 1,
i.e. we use nSx*nSy=9*4=36 virtual processors.
An equivalent parallel setup using 9 virtual and 4 real processors would look like:
& sNx = 10, & sNy = 10, & OLx = 3, & OLy = 3, & nSx = 9, & nSy = 1, & nPx = 1, & nPy = 4,
In this layout it turns out that tile number 30 is "empty", i.e. fully land covered. We wish to remove this tile from our calculation. How to proceed?
- Find out which tiles to eliminate via a config. that uses all tiles ---
1.1. At compile time:
- add line "exch2" to packages.conf
- configure SIZE.h using your desired individual tile size, e.g. sNx*sNy=10*10, as follows: & sNx = 10, & sNy = 10, & OLx = 3, & OLy = 3, & nSx = 9, & nSy = 1, & nPx = 1, & nPy = 4, As described above you are using 4 real processors with 9 virtual tiles per processor.
- compile (don't forget to compile via -mpi or similar)
1.2 At runtime:
- need to reflect your basic layout in data.exch2 This is simple: since you are not using any non-trivial topology with multiple facets (such as cubed-sphere), you only need to specify one basic facet (Nx,Ny)=(90,40) layout via following line: dimsFacets = 90, 40, Then run the moodel, e.g. via: mpirun -np 4 ./mitgcmuv
1.3 Diagnose which tile numbers are empty:
- from STDOUT.000[0-3] you can infer which tiles are empty using following grep: grep "Empty tile" STDOUT.* | awk '{print " " $6 ","}' > empty_tiles.txt
- In this example there's only one empty tile, and it is #30.
- Configuring with empty tiles removed ---
2.1 At compile time:
We've determined that 1 out of nSx*nPx*nSy*nPy=36 tiles is empty and can be removed, leaving 36-1=35 non-empty tiles. We are free to re-order nSx,nPx,nSy,nPy in any way, as long as nSx*nPx*nSy*nPy=35. Here's how it's chosen in the verif. experiment (see file SIZE.h_mpi) & sNx = 10, & sNy = 10, & OLx = 3, & OLy = 3, & nSx = 7, & nSy = 1, & nPx = 1, & nPy = 5, and for which, as required nSx*nPx*nSy*nPy=35
2.2 At runtime: We now need to specify in data.exch2 the number of the empty tile to be removed. This is done as follows (see file data.exch2.mpi):
blankList = 30,
If there were more empty tiles, this would be a more extensive index array, e.g.
blankList = tile1, tile2, tile3, ...
Now run the model (note that we've selected nPy=5, so in this example we actually *increase* the number of "real" processors used, despite reducing the number of total, i.e. "real" plus virtual tiles from 36 to 35): mpirun -np 5 ./mitgcmuv
Adjoint set-up example:
Configure and compile the code:
cd build ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods='../code_ad'
[make Clean]
make depend make adall cd ..
To run the code:
cd input_ad ./prepare_run ../build/mitgcmuv_ad > output_adm.txt cd ..