Example: Labrador Sea Region with Sea-Ice
This example sets up a small (20x16x23) Labrador Sea experiment coupled to a dynamic thermodynamic sea-ice model. A brief description of the sea-ice model is in "seaice.ps".
The domain of integration spans 280E to 320E and 46N to 78N. Horizontal grid spacing is 2 degrees. The 23 vertical levels and the bathymetry file
bathyFile = 'bathy.labsea'
are obtained from the the 2-degree ECCO configuration.
Integration is initialized from annual-mean Levitus climatology hydrogThetaFile = 'LevCli_temp.labsea' hydrogSaltFile = 'LevCli_salt.labsea'
Surface salinity relaxation is to the monthly mean Levitus climatology saltClimFile = 'SSS.labsea'
Forcing files are a 1979-1999 monthly climatology computed from the NCEP reanalysis (see pkg/seaice/SEAICE_FFIELDS.h for units and signs)
uwindFile = 'u10m.labsea79' # 10-m zonal wind vwindFile = 'v10m.labsea79' # 10-m meridional wind atempFile = 'tair.labsea1979' # 2-m air temperature aqhFile = 'qa.labsea1979' # 2-m specific humidity lwdownFile = 'flo.labsea1979' # downward longwave radiation swdownFile = 'fsh.labsea1979' # downward shortwave radiation precipFile = 'prate.labsea1979' # precipitation
The experiment uses pkg/gmredi, pkg/kpp, pkg/seaice, and pkg/exf. The test is a 1-cpu, 10-hour integration. Both the atmospheric state and the open-water surface fluxes are provided by pkg/exf.
More pkg/seaice test experiments, configured for low and high-resolution global cube-sphere domains are described in MITgcm_contrib/high_res_cube/README_ice.
Using testscript to test sea-ice code
Running the testscript experiment:
cd MITgcm/verification ./testreport -t lab_sea [-of my_platform_optionFile]
Note that fairly large differences in accuracy occur across different platforms. For example, testscript comparisons between g77 (Linux) and f77 (SGI) generated output gives:
C D M c m s m s m s m s n p a R g m m e . m m e . m m e . m m e . f n k u 2 i a a d i a a d i a a d i a a d g d e n d n x n . n x n . n x n . n x n .
Y Y Y Y 8 10 9 11 10 9 11 13 10 9 8 8 9 8 9 8 9 FAIL lab_sea
Instructions for generating and running a 1-CPU experiment
cd MITgcm/verification/lab_sea
Configure and compile the code:
cd build ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code [-of my_platform_optionFile] make depend make cd ..
To run:
cd run ln -s ../input/* . ln -s ../build/mitgcmuv . ./mitgcmuv > output.txt cd ..
There is comparison output in the directory:
Use matlab script lookat_ice.m to compare the output with that from checkpoint51f sea-ice code:
cd ../../../verification/lab_sea/matlab matlab lookat_ice
Instructions for generating and running a 2-CPU experiment
cd MITgcm/verification/lab_sea
Configure and compile the code:
cd build ../../../tools/genmake2 -mpi -mods ../code [-of my_platform_optionFile] ln -s ../code/SIZE.h_mpi SIZE.h make depend make cd ..
To run:
cd run ln -s ../input/* . mpirun -np 2 ../build/mitgcmuv cd ..
Instructions for testing useExfYearlyFields (Note: might not be up-to-date)
cd MITgcm/verification/lab_sea/build \rm * \cp ../code/* . sed 's/undef EXF_V/define EXF_V/' \ ../../../pkg/exf/EXF_OPTIONS.h > EXF_OPTIONS.h ../../../tools/genmake2 make depend make -j cd ../run \rm * \cp ../input/* . \mv v10m.labsea1979 v10m.labsea_1979 \mv u10m.labsea1979 u10m.labsea_1979 \mv flo.labsea1979 flo.labsea_1979 \mv prate.labsea1979 prate.labsea_1979 \mv tair.labsea1979 tair.labsea_1979 \mv fsh.labsea1979 fsh.labsea_1979 \mv qa.labsea1979 qa.labsea_1979 \mv SSS_monthly.labsea1979 SSS_monthly.labsea_1979 \ln -sf v10m.labsea_1979 v10m.labsea_1978 \ln -sf u10m.labsea_1979 u10m.labsea_1978 \ln -sf flo.labsea_1979 flo.labsea_1978 \ln -sf prate.labsea_1979 prate.labsea_1978 \ln -sf tair.labsea_1979 tair.labsea_1978 \ln -sf fsh.labsea_1979 fsh.labsea_1978 \ln -sf qa.labsea_1979 qa.labsea_1978 \ln -sf SSS_monthly.labsea_1979 SSS_monthly.labsea_1978 \ln -sf v10m.labsea_1979 v10m.labsea_1980 \ln -sf u10m.labsea_1979 u10m.labsea_1980 \ln -sf flo.labsea_1979 flo.labsea_1980 \ln -sf prate.labsea_1979 prate.labsea_1980 \ln -sf tair.labsea_1979 tair.labsea_1980 \ln -sf fsh.labsea_1979 fsh.labsea_1980 \ln -sf qa.labsea_1979 qa.labsea_1980 \ln -sf SSS_monthly.labsea_1979 SSS_monthly.labsea_1980 \mv data.exf_YearlyFields data.exf \mv data_YearlyFields data sed 's/tics = .TRUE./tics = .FALSE./' ../input/data.pkg > data.pkg ../build/mitgcmuv >& output.txt &