Southern-Ocean box with Biochemistry, using Open-Boundary Conditions
(pkg/obcs) at Northern, Eastern and Western edges of the domain.
This experiment illustrates and tests the use of package DIC with OBCS.
The configuration (e.g., resolution), model parameters and forcing are almost identical to tutorial_global_oce_biogeo expect that the horizontal domain is limited to a sub-domain around Drake passage with open-boundary conditions coming from the last year of a 2 yrs global simulation and initial conditions taken from t=1.yr of this same simulation. This enable to compare directly the results of the first year simulation of this regional set-up with the 2nd year results of the global set-up run.
Configure and compile the code:
cd build ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code [-of my_platform_optionFile] make depend make cd ..
To run:
cd run ln -s ../input/* . ln -s ../build/mitgcmuv . ./mitgcmuv > output.txt cd ..
There is comparison output in the directory:
To generate inital and open boundary conditions: a) The global set-up (using executable from: tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/build)
was run for 2 years using model-parameter from inp_global/.
The only differences with the ones used in tutorial_global_oce_biogeo are:
- CD-Scheme is turned off (useCDscheme=F), since it is not implemented for OBCS ;
- as a consequence, horizontal viscosity (viscAh) is increased from 2.E5 to 3.E5;
- convective-adjustment diffusivity (ivdc_kappa) is reduced from 100. to 10.m^2/s;
- implicit vertical viscosity is turned off (not needed);
- free-surface exact conservation is turned on (exactConserv=T);
- use the Avective-Form of GM (in data.gmredi: GM_AdvForm=T) instead of Skew-Flux;
to repeat this global simutlation, from so_box_biogeo/ mkdir run_glob ; cd run_glob ln -s ../inp_global/* . ../inp_global/prepare_run ln -s ../../tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/build/mitgcmuv . ./mitgcmuv > output.glob cd ..
b) Then regional model forcing files, initial conditions and open-boundary
conditions files are generated using the matlab script: "mk_box_input.m" cd inp_global/ matlab >> mk_box_input