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Thu, Jun 27, 14:45


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "pusher.hh"
#include <cmath>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace BlackDynamite {
class Pusher::SqlStateUpdater : public pqxx::transactor<transaction> {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Constructors/Destructors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SqlStateUpdater(const std::string & tablename, UInt run_id):
pqxx::transactor<transaction>("Update state of table" + tablename),
tablename(tablename), run_id(run_id), state(UNDEF)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Accessors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void operator()(transaction & T);
void changeState(RunState st){
state = st;
template <typename type>
std::string makeRequest(const std::string & field,type value);
std::string checkState();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Class Members */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
std::string tablename;
UInt run_id;
RunState state;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename type>
std::string Pusher::SqlStateUpdater::makeRequest(const std::string & field,type value){
std::stringstream command;
command << "UPDATE " << pqxx::to_string(tablename) << ".runs"
<< " SET " << pqxx::to_string(field)
<< " = " << pqxx::to_string(value)
<< " WHERE id = " << pqxx::to_string(run_id)
<< ";";
return command.str();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <>
std::string Pusher::SqlStateUpdater::makeRequest<std::string>(const std::string & field,std::string value){
std::stringstream command;
command << "UPDATE " << pqxx::to_string(tablename) << ".runs"
<< " SET " << pqxx::to_string(field)
<< " = '" << pqxx::to_string(value) << "'"
<< " WHERE id = " << pqxx::to_string(run_id)
<< ";";
return command.str();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <>
std::string Pusher::SqlStateUpdater::makeRequest<const char*>(const std::string & field,const char * value){
std::stringstream command;
command << "UPDATE " << pqxx::to_string(tablename) << ".runs"
<< " SET " << pqxx::to_string(field)
<< " = '" << pqxx::to_string(value) << "'"
<< " WHERE id = " << pqxx::to_string(run_id)
<< ";";
return command.str();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
std::string Pusher::SqlStateUpdater::checkState(){
std::stringstream command;
command << "SELECT " << pqxx::to_string("state") << " from " << pqxx::to_string(tablename) << ".runs"
<< " WHERE id = " << pqxx::to_string(run_id)
<< ";";
return command.str();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Pusher::SqlStateUpdater::operator()(transaction & trans) {
std::string command;
if (state == STARTED) {
command = this->checkState();
try {
pqxx::result r = trans.exec(command);
std::string state;
if (state == "START") FATAL("Run " << run_id << " was already previously ran: abort");
} catch (std::runtime_error & e) {
FATAL("Failed to execute query: "
<< command << std::endl << " with message: " << e.what());
// std::cout << "state is " << state << " " << this << std::endl ;
switch (state){
case STARTED: command = this->makeRequest("state","START");break;
case ENDED: command = this->makeRequest("state","FINISHED");break;
default: FATAL("this should not append");
// std::cout << command << std::endl;
// command << "UPDATE " << pqxx::to_string(tablename) << ".runs"
// << " SET has_started = true WHERE id = " << pqxx::to_string(run_id)
// << ";";
try {
} catch (std::runtime_error & e) {
FATAL("Failed to execute query: "
<< command << std::endl << " with message: " << e.what());
// std::cout << "state is " << state << " " << this << std::endl ;

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