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Thu, Oct 17, 07:40


author : Guillaume ANCIAUX (,
author : Till JUNGE <>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <pqxx/pqxx>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
typedef unsigned int UInt;
typedef double Real;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef FATAL
#define FATAL(x) {std::cerr << x << std::endl ; exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace BlackDynamite {
class Pusher {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Typedefs */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// See chapter 10 section "Designing transactor<>-based Applications" in Douglas: "PostgreSQL" (0-672-32756-2
// this object represents a transaction
template<typename type, bool is_scalar = true>
struct transaction_input {
std::string tablename;
UInt run_id;
UInt quantity_id;
UInt step;
const type * value;
// transaction for non scalar types
template<typename type>
struct transaction_input<type, false> {
std::string tablename;
UInt run_id;
UInt quantity_id;
UInt step;
const std::vector <type> * value;
// pqxx transaction type
typedef pqxx::robusttransaction<pqxx::serializable> transaction;
// obect to really do the push to database
template <typename type, bool is_scalar > class SqlPusher;
// obect to really do the push to database
class SqlStateUpdater;
enum RunState {
UNDEF = 0,
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Constructors/Destructors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual ~Pusher();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Methods */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
//! initialisation method
void init();
//! initialisation method
void init(const std::string & dbname,
const std::string & user,
const std::string & host,
const std::string & schema,
UInt run_id
// const std::string & hostaddr,
// const std::string & port,
// const std::string & connect_timeout,
// const std::string & slmode,
// const std::string & service
//! function to be called to update the state of the job at the end of the run
void endRun();
//! template method that pushes a value associated with a quantity at a particular timestep
template<typename valuetype>
inline void push(valuetype value, const std::string& quantity, const UInt& step);
//! template method that pushes an int associated with a quantity at a particular timestep
void push(const int & value, const UInt& quantity_id, const UInt& step);
//! template method that pushes a real associated with a quantity at a particular timestep
void push(const Real & value, const UInt& quantity_id, const UInt& step);
//! template method that pushes an array of int associated with a quantity at a particular timestep
void push(const std::vector<int> & values, const UInt& quantity_id, const UInt& step);
//! template method that pushes an array of real associated with a quantity at a particular timestep
void push(const std::vector<Real> & values, const UInt& quantity_id, const UInt& step);
//! return the integer id of a quantity identified with a string
UInt getQuantityID(const std::string & name);
//! simple function to concatenate the keyword and parameter for forging a request
inline std::string request_increment(std::string keyword, std::string parameter);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Class Members */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
UInt run_id;
transaction_input<int> scalar_integer;
transaction_input<Real> scalar_real;
transaction_input<int, false> vector_integer;
transaction_input<Real, false> vector_real;
//standard postgresql connection parameters
// std::string sql_dbname, sql_user, sql_host, sql_password, sql_hostaddr, sql_port, sql_connect_timeout, sql_slmode, sql_service;
std::string sql_schema;
std::string quantities_tablename;
static pqxx::connection * sql_connection;
static UInt connection_counter;
std::map<std::string, UInt> quantity_ids;
bool sql_mode;
SqlStateUpdater * state_updater;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<typename valuetype>
inline void Pusher::push(valuetype value, const std::string& quantity, const UInt& step){
if (!this->quantity_ids.count(quantity))
this->quantity_ids[quantity] = getQuantityID(quantity);
UInt quantity_id = this->quantity_ids[quantity];
this->push(value, quantity_id, step);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename num>
inline std::string nan_avoider(const num& val) {
return pqxx::to_string(val);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <>
inline std::string nan_avoider(const double& val) {
if (isnan(val)) {
return "'nan'::double precision";
} else {
std::stringstream val_rep;
val_rep << std::scientific << val;
return val_rep.str();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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