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Wed, Feb 12, 08:00

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of pybliographer
# Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Frederic GOBRY
# Email :
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" Stream oriented reading of a BibTeX file, with no actual semantic
operation on the content. Tries to return _everything_ from the file,
including comments, strings,..."""
import re
from gettext import gettext as _
from Pyblio.Exceptions import ParserError
from Pyblio.Parsers.Syntax.BibTeX import Coding
class IBibTeX:
def flat (self):
""" Return a textual version of the field, with no visible BibTeX / LaTeX markup """
def subst (self):
""" Return a flattened list of the balanced expressions composing the field """
def execute (self, environ):
""" Execute the known LaTeX commands forming the field,
substitute the known symbols, and return the resulting string"""
def tobib (self):
""" Return the BibTeX version of the field """
class Comment (unicode):
""" A bibtex file comment """
def __repr__ (self):
return 'Comment (%s)' % unicode.__repr__ (self)
class ATComment (Comment):
def __repr__ (self):
return '@Comment (%s)' % unicode.__repr__ (self)
class Record (object):
def __init__ (self, type, key, fields):
self.type = type
self.key = key
self.fields = fields
def __cmp__ (self, other):
if self.type != other.type: return 1
if self.key != other.key : return 1
return cmp (self.fields, other.fields)
def __repr__ (self):
return 'Record (%s, %s, %s)' % (
repr (self.type),
repr (self.key),
repr (self.fields))
class Join (list):
""" A value, as a concatenation of blocks """
def __repr__ (self):
return 'Join (%s)' % list.__repr__ (self)
def subst (self):
v = []
for data in self:
v = v + data.subst ()
return v
def join (self):
r = []
for v in self:
r += v.join ()
return r
def execute (self, env):
# Joining of bare Text fragments leads to a lookup in the @string environment
def subjoin (fragment):
if isinstance (fragment, Text):
return env.strings [fragment]
except KeyError:
return fragment.execute (env)
return Join ([ subjoin (x) for x in self ])
def flat (self):
return ''.join (map (lambda x: x.flat (), self))
except AttributeError:
print repr (self)
def tobib (self):
return ' # '.join (map (lambda x: x.tobib (), self))
class Text(unicode):
def flat(self):
return self.replace ('~', u'\xa0')
def __repr__ (self):
return 'Text(%s)' % unicode.__repr__(self)
def subst (self):
return [self]
def tobib(self):
return Coding.encode(self)
def execute (self, env):
return self
class Cmd (object):
""" A LaTeX \-command """
def __init__ (self, cmd):
self._cmd = cmd
def __repr__ (self):
return 'Cmd (%s)' % `self._cmd`
def flat (self):
return self._cmd
def subst (self):
return [self]
def tobib (self):
return '\\%s' % self._cmd
def __cmp__ (self, other):
if not isinstance (other, Cmd): return 1
return cmp (self._cmd, other._cmd)
class Block (object):
""" A textual block, as a sequence of text and commands """
closer = {
'"': '"',
'{': '}',
'(': ')',
def __init__ (self, opening, data = None):
self._o = opening
if data is None: self._d = ()
else: self._d = data
def flat (self):
r = ''
for o in self._d:
r = r + o.flat ()
return r
def append (self, v):
return self._d.append (v)
def execute (self, env):
final = []
stack = [] + list (self._d)
while stack:
d = stack.pop (0)
if isinstance (d, Cmd):
r = (d._cmd, stack)
r = d.execute (env)
final.append (r)
return Block (self._o, final)
def join (self):
return list (self._d)
def __repr__ (self):
return 'Block (%s, %s)' % (`self._o`,
def subst (self):
r = []
for d in self._d:
r = r + d.subst ()
except AttributeError:
print repr (d)
return r
def __cmp__ (self, other):
if not isinstance (other, Block): return 1
if self._o != other._o: return 1
return cmp (self._d, other._d)
def tobib (self):
return '%s%s%s' % (
''.join([x.tobib() for x in self._d]),
class EndOfFile(ParserError):
def __init__(self):
ParserError.__init__(self, _('end of file reached'))
class Cache(object):
def __init__(self, fd, charset):
self.fd = fd
self.ln = 0
self.cs = charset
self._buf = []
def readline(self):
self.ln += 1
if self._buf:
return self._buf.pop()
l = self.fd.readline()
if not l:
raise EndOfFile()
return l.decode(self.cs)
except UnicodeDecodeError, err:
raise ParserError(str(err), self.ln)
def unreadline(self, line):
self.ln -= 1
self._buf.append (line)
class Context (object):
def __init__ (self):
self.rectype = None
ST_OUT, ST_OPEN, ST_DONE = range (3)
_record_start = re.compile ('\s*@\s*(\w+)(.*)')
def _on_out (fd, ctx):
""" Called when the parser is not in a record """
assert ctx.rectype is None
comment = ''
while 1:
l = fd.readline ()
except EndOfFile, _:
if comment: return ST_DONE, Comment (comment)
else: return ST_DONE, None
m = _record_start.match (l)
if m:
# Handle the case of a @comment comment.
if (1).lower () == 'comment':
r = []
if comment:
r.append (Comment (comment))
r.append (ATComment ( (2)))
return ST_OUT, r
ctx.rectype = (1)
fd.unreadline ( (2).lstrip ())
if comment: return ST_OPEN, Comment (comment)
else: return ST_OPEN, None
comment += l
assert False
_brace_re = re.compile (r'[()"{}\\]')
_cmd_re = re.compile (r'(\w+|\S| )(.*)')
_inline_re = re.compile (r'([,#=])')
def _on_open (fd, ctx):
""" Called at the opening of a record """
assert ctx.rectype is not None
# We eat up input as long as we don't have a balanced expression
stack = []
curr = []
container = None
data = ''
l = fd.readline ()
start = fd.ln
while 1:
m = (l)
if not m:
data += l
l = fd.readline ()
idx = m.start (0)
before, brace, l = l [:idx], l [idx], l [idx+1:]
data += before
if brace == '\\':
m = _cmd_re.match (l)
if not m:
raise ParserError ('backslash at the end of a line', fd.ln)
if data: curr.append (Text (data))
curr.append (Cmd ( (1)))
l = (2)
data = ''
if not container:
if data:
raise ParserError (
'unexpected data before '
'the opening of the record: %s' % repr (data),
if brace in ')}':
raise ParserError ('unexpected closing symbol %s' % repr (brace),
container = brace
if brace in '})':
# Discard bad matching of braces
if (brace == '}' and container != '{'):
raise ParserError ('mismatched "%s"' % brace, fd.ln)
if brace == ')' and container != '(':
data += ')'
if data: curr.append (Text (data))
data = ''
if not stack: break
v = Block (container, curr)
curr, container = stack.pop ()
curr.append (v)
elif brace == '(':
# Except during the opening, the parenthesis is a normal token
data += '('
elif brace == '"':
if container == '"':
# closing the brace
if data: curr.append (Text (data))
data = ''
if not stack: break
v = Block ('"', curr)
curr, container = stack.pop ()
curr.append (v)
# opening the brace only occurs on the second level
if len (stack) == 0:
#create a new context
if data: curr.append (Text (data))
stack.append ((curr, container))
curr = []
data = ''
container = '"'
data += '"'
elif brace == '{':
if data: curr.append (Text (data))
stack.append ((curr, container))
curr = []
data = ''
container = '{'
# We are only interested in first level items now
stream = []
while curr:
l = curr.pop (0)
if not isinstance (l, Text):
stream.append (l)
i = 0
for m in _inline_re.finditer (l):
s, e = m.start (1), m.end (1)
stream += [ Text (x) for x in l [i:s].split () ]
stream.append (Text (l [s]))
i = e
if i < len (l): stream += [ Text (x) for x in l [i:].split () ]
final = []
key = None
field = []
while stream:
k = stream.pop (0)
if not stream or stream [0] == ',':
if key: raise ParserError (
"key is defined twice", start)
if field: raise ParserError (
"key is defined in the middle of the record", start)
key = k
if stream: stream.pop (0)
v = stream.pop (0)
if v != '=':
raise ParserError (
"invalid syntax after field %s" % repr (k), start)
vs = Join ()
while stream:
v = stream.pop (0)
if v == ',': break
if vs:
if v == '#':
if not stream:
raise ParserError (
"field %s: unexpected #" % k, start)
vs.append (stream.pop (0))
if isinstance (v, Text):
# Give a chance, in case a comma was missing
stream.insert (0, v)
raise ParserError (
"field %s: missing #" % k, start)
vs.append (v)
field.append ((k, vs))
rec = Record (ctx.rectype, key, field)
ctx.rectype = None
return ST_OUT, rec
_fstm = {
ST_OUT: _on_out,
ST_OPEN: _on_open,
def read (fd, charset = 'utf-8'):
ctx = Context ()
fd = Cache (fd, charset)
st = ST_OUT
while st != ST_DONE:
st, data = _fstm [st] (fd, ctx)
if data is None: continue
if type (data) is type ([]):
for d in data: yield d
yield data

Event Timeline