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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2013 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from invenio.ext.script import Manager, change_command_name
manager = Manager(usage="Perform Apache operations.")
def version(separator='\n'):
Try to detect Apache version by localizing httpd or apache
executables and grepping inside binaries. Return list of all
found Apache versions and paths. (For a given executable, the
returned format is 'apache_version [apache_path]'.) Return empty
list if no success.
from invenio.legacy.inveniocfg import _grep_version_from_executable
from import run_shell_command
out = []
dummy1, cmd_out, dummy2 = run_shell_command("locate bin/httpd bin/apache")
for apache in cmd_out.split("\n"):
apache_version = _grep_version_from_executable(apache, '^Apache\/')
if apache_version:
out.append("%s [%s]" % (apache_version, apache))
return separator.join(out)
@manager.option('-f', '--force', dest='force')
@manager.option('--no-ssl', dest='no_ssl')
def create_config(force=False, no_ssl=True):
Create Apache configuration files for this site, keeping previous
files in a backup copy.
import os
import pwd
import sys
import shutil
from flask import current_app
from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound
from invenio.ext.template import render_template_to_string
from invenio.utils.text import wrap_text_in_a_box
from invenio.modules.access.local_config import CFG_EXTERNAL_AUTH_USING_SSO
CFG_PREFIX = current_app.config.get('CFG_PREFIX', '')
def get_context():
from invenio.legacy.inveniocfg import _detect_ip_address
conf = current_app.config
## Apache vhost conf file is distro specific, so analyze needs:
# Gentoo (and generic defaults):
listen_directive_needed = True
ssl_pem_directive_needed = False
ssl_pem_path = CFG_PREFIX + '/etc/apache/ssl/apache.pem'
ssl_crt_path = CFG_PREFIX + '/etc/apache/ssl/server.crt'
ssl_key_path = CFG_PREFIX + '/etc/apache/ssl/server.key'
vhost_ip_address_needed = False
wsgi_socket_directive_needed = False
# Debian:
if os.path.exists(os.path.sep + 'etc' + os.path.sep + 'debian_version'):
listen_directive_needed = False
ssl_pem_directive_needed = True
ssl_pem_path = '/etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem'
ssl_crt_path = '/etc/apache2/ssl/server.crt'
ssl_key_path = '/etc/apache2/ssl/server.key'
if os.path.exists(os.path.sep + 'etc' + os.path.sep + 'redhat-release'):
listen_directive_needed = False
ssl_crt_path = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt'
ssl_key_path = '/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key'
vhost_ip_address_needed = True
wsgi_socket_directive_needed = True
# maybe we are using non-standard ports?
vhost_site_url = conf.get('CFG_SITE_URL').replace("http://", "")
if vhost_site_url.startswith("https://"):
## The installation is configured to require HTTPS for any connection
vhost_site_url = vhost_site_url.replace("https://", "")
vhost_site_url_port = '80'
vhost_site_secure_url = conf.get('CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL').replace("https://", "").replace("http://", "")
vhost_site_secure_url_port = '443'
if ':' in vhost_site_url:
vhost_site_url, vhost_site_url_port = vhost_site_url.split(':', 1)
if ':' in vhost_site_secure_url:
vhost_site_secure_url, vhost_site_secure_url_port = vhost_site_secure_url.split(':', 1)
if vhost_site_url_port != '80' or vhost_site_secure_url_port != '443':
listen_directive_needed = True
apc1 = {'vhost_site_url_port': vhost_site_url_port,
'servername': vhost_site_url,
'serveralias': vhost_site_url.split('.')[0],
'vhost_ip_address': vhost_ip_address_needed and
_detect_ip_address() or '*',
'wsgi_socket_directive_needed': wsgi_socket_directive_needed,
'listen_directive_needed': listen_directive_needed,
apc2 = {'vhost_site_url_port': vhost_site_secure_url_port,
'servername': vhost_site_secure_url,
'serveralias': vhost_site_secure_url.split('.')[0],
'vhost_ip_address': vhost_ip_address_needed and
_detect_ip_address() or '*',
'wsgi_socket_directive_needed': wsgi_socket_directive_needed,
'ssl_pem_directive': ssl_pem_directive_needed and
'SSLCertificateFile %s' % ssl_pem_path or
'#SSLCertificateFile %s' % ssl_pem_path,
'ssl_crt_directive': ssl_pem_directive_needed and
'#SSLCertificateFile %s' % ssl_crt_path or
'SSLCertificateFile %s' % ssl_crt_path,
'ssl_key_directive': ssl_pem_directive_needed and
'#SSLCertificateKeyFile %s' % ssl_key_path or
'SSLCertificateKeyFile %s' % ssl_key_path,
'listen_directive_needed': listen_directive_needed,
return [apc1, apc2]
CFG_WSGIDIR=os.path.join(CFG_PREFIX, 'var', 'www-wsgi'))
apache_conf_dir = current_app.config.get('CFG_ETCDIR') + os.sep + 'apache'
print ">>> Going to create Apache conf files..."
conf_files = ['invenio-apache-vhost.conf', 'invenio-apache-vhost-ssl.conf']
conf_files = conf_files[:1 if no_ssl else 2]
if not os.path.exists(apache_conf_dir):
for local_file, context in zip(conf_files,
get_context()[:1 if no_ssl else 2]):
print ">>> Writing %s ..." % local_file
apache_vhost_file = apache_conf_dir + os.sep + local_file
if os.path.exists(apache_vhost_file):
apache_vhost_file + '.OLD')
with open(apache_vhost_file, 'w') as f:
out = render_template_to_string(local_file + '.tpl', os=os,
print >> f, out
except TemplateNotFound:
print >> sys.stderr, "Could not find template %s" % local_file
print wrap_text_in_a_box("""\
Apache virtual host configuration file(s) for your Invenio site
was(were) created. Please check created file(s) and activate virtual
host(s). For example, you can put the following include statements in
your httpd.conf:\n
Please see the INSTALL file for more details.
""" % tuple(map(lambda x: "Include " + apache_conf_dir.encode('utf-8') + os.sep + x,
print ">>> Apache conf files created."
def main():
from invenio.base.factory import create_app
app = create_app() = app
if __name__ == '__main__':

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