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Thu, Sep 12, 18:23

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2011 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Bibencode configuration submodule"""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import invenio.config
import pkg_resources
import re
from six import iteritems
# General Configuration #
# The command for probing with FFMPEG
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_PROBE_COMMAND = invenio.config.CFG_PATH_FFPROBE + " %s -loglevel verbose -show_format -show_streams"
# The command for probing with MEDIAINFO
# Image extraction base command
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_EXTRACT_COMMAND = invenio.config.CFG_PATH_FFMPEG + " -ss %.2f -i %s -r 1 -vframes 1 -f image2 -s %s %s"
# Commands for multipass encoding
# In the first pass, you can dump the output to /dev/null and ignore audio
# CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_COMMAND_PASS_1 = "ffmpeg -i %s -y -loglevel verbose -vcodec %s -pass 1 -passlogfile %s -an -f rawvideo -b %s -s %s %s /dev/null"
# CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_COMMAND_PASS_2 = "ffmpeg -i %s -y -loglevel verbose -vcodec %s -pass 2 -passlogfile %s -acodec %s -b %s -ab %s -s %s %s %s"
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_PASSLOGFILE_PREFIX = invenio.config.CFG_LOGDIR + "/bibencode2pass-%s-%s"
# Path to the encoding logfiles
# Filenames will later be substituted with process specific information
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_ENCODING_LOG = invenio.config.CFG_LOGDIR + "/bibencode_%s.log"
# Path to probing logiles
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_PROBE_LOG = invenio.config.CFG_LOGDIR + "/bibencode_probe_%s.log"
# The pattern for the encoding status specific string in the FFmpeg output
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_ENCODE_TIME = re.compile("^.+time=(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d\d).+$")
# The pattern for the configuration string with information about compiling options
CFD_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_OUT_RE_CONFIGURATION = re.compile("(--enable-[a-z0-9\-]*)")
# The minimum ffmpeg compile options for BibEncode to work correctly
## '--enable-libfdk-aac',
## '--enable-funky'
# Path to the directory for transcoded files
# Metadata Configuration #
# Template for key-value pairs that can be used with FFMPEG to set metadata.
# Not all keys are represented in every video container format.
# FFMPEG will try to write any given key-value pairs. If the container
# format does not support some pairs there wont be an error.
# You might like to verify that the attributes were really written
# by using FFPROBE.
# The FFMPEG argument structure is:
# -metadata key1="value1" -metadata key2="value2 ...
'title': None,
'author': None,
'album_artist': None,
'album': None,
'grouping': None,
'composer': None,
'year': None,
'track': None,
'comment': None,
'genre': None,
'copyright': None,
'description': None,
'synopsis': None,
'show': None,
'episode_id': None,
"network": None,
'lyrics': None
# Duration: 00:02:28.58, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 9439 kb/s
# timcode start? bitrate
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_RE_VIDEOINFO_DURATION = re.compile("^\s*Duration: (.*?), start: (\d+\.\d+), bitrate: (\d+?) kb\/s$")
# Stream #0.0(eng): Video: h264 (Main), yuv420p, 1920x1056, 9338 kb/s, 23.98 fps, 23.98 tbr, 2997 tbn, 5994 tbc
# Stream #0.1(eng): Video: wmv3, yuv420p, 1440x1080, 9500 kb/s, 25 tbr, 1k tbn, 1k tbc
# number language codec color resolution bitrate fps tbr tbn tbc
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_RE_VIDEOINFO_VSTREAM = re.compile("^\s*Stream #(\d+.\d+)\(?(\w+)?\)?: Video: ([a-zA-Z0-9\(\) ]*), (\w+), (\d+x\d+), (\d+) kb\/s, (.+) fps, (.+) tbr, (.+) tbn, (.+) tbc$")
# Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 320 kb/s
# Stream #0.1(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 97 kb/s
# number language codec samplerate channels bit-depth bitrate
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_RE_VIDEOINFO_ASTREAM = re.compile("^\s*Stream #(\d+.\d+)\(?(\w+)?\)?: Audio: ([a-zA-Z0-9\(\) ]*), (\d+) Hz, ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+), (\w+), (\d+) kb\/s$")
# FFMPEG command for setting metadata
# This will create a copy of the master and write the metadata there
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_METADATA_SET_COMMAND = "ffmpeg -y -i %s -acodec copy -vcodec copy %s"
# FFMPEG metadata argument template
# had to remove '-metadata ' in front because of issues with command splitting
# File containing mappings from ffprobe and mediainfo to pbcore
CFG_BIBENCODE_PBCORE_MAPPINGS = pkg_resources.resource_filename('invenio.modules.encoder','pbcore_mappings.json')
# XSLT Template from PBCORE to MARCXML
CFG_BIBENCODE_PBCORE_MARC_XSLT = pkg_resources.resource_filename('invenio.modules.encoder','pbcore_to_marc_nons.xsl')
# Metadata Patterns for parsing
def create_metadata_re_dict():
""" Creates a dictionary with Regex patterns from the metadata template dictionary
metadata_re_dictionary = {}
for key, value in iteritems(CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_METADATA_TEMPLATE):
metadata_re_dictionary[key] = re.compile("^\s*%s\s*:\s(((\S*)\s*(\S*))*)$" % key)
return metadata_re_dictionary
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_METADATA_RE_DICT = create_metadata_re_dict()
# Parameter Validation #
CFG_BIBENCODE_VALID_MODES = ['encode', 'extract', 'meta', 'batch', 'daemon', 'cdsmedia']
'sqcif', 'qcif', 'cif', '4cif', '16cif', 'qqvga', 'qvga', 'vga', 'svga',
'xga', 'uxga', 'qxga', 'sxga', 'qsxga', 'hsxga', 'wvga', 'wxga', 'wsxga',
'wuxga', 'woxga', 'wqsxga', 'wquxga', 'whsxga', 'cga', 'ega',
'hd480', 'hd720', 'hd1080'
"ntsc": "720x480",
"pal": "720x576",
"qntsc": "352x240",
"qpal": "352x288",
"sntsc": "640x480",
"spal": "768x576",
"film": "352x240",
"ntsc-film": "352x240",
"sqcif": "128x96",
"qcif": "176x144",
"cif": "352x288",
"4cif": "704x576",
"16cif": "1408x1152",
"qqvga": "160x120",
"qvga": "320x240",
"vga": "640x480",
"svga": "800x600",
"xga": "1024x768",
"uxga": "1600x1200",
"qxga": "2048x1536",
"sxga": "1280x1024",
"qsxga": "2560x2048",
"hsxga": "5120x4096",
"wvga": "852x480",
"wxga": "1366x768",
"wsxga": "1600x1024",
"wuxga": "1920x1200",
"woxga": "2560x1600",
"wqsxga": "3200x2048",
"wquxga": "3840x2400",
"whsxga": "6400x4096",
"whuxga": "7680x4800",
"cga": "320x200",
"ega": "640x350",
"hd480": "852x480",
"hd720": "1280x720",
"hd1080": "1920x1080"
CFG_BIBENCODE_FFMPEG_RE_VALID_SIZE = re.compile("^\d+x\d+$")
'libx264', 'libvpx', 'libtheora', 'mpeg4', 'wmv2', 'wmv1', 'flv'
'libmp3lame', 'libvorbis', 'wma1', 'wma2', 'libfaac'
# Profiles Configuration #
CFG_BIBENCODE_PROFILES_ENCODING = pkg_resources.resource_filename('invenio.modules.encoder','encoding_profiles.json')
CFG_BIBENCODE_PROFILES_ENCODING_LOCAL = pkg_resources.resource_filename('invenio.modules.encoder','encoding_profiles_local.json')
CFG_BIBENCODE_PROFILES_EXTRACT = pkg_resources.resource_filename('invenio.modules.encoder','extract_profiles.json')
CFG_BIBENCODE_PROFILES_EXTRACT_LOCAL = pkg_resources.resource_filename('invenio.modules.encoder','extract_profiles_local.json')
CFG_BIBENCODE_TEMPLATE_BATCH_SUBMISSION = pkg_resources.resource_filename('invenio.modules.encoder','batch_template_submission.json')
# Daemon Configuration #
CFG_BIBENCODE_DAEMON_DIR_NEWJOBS = invenio.config.CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR + '/bibencode/jobs'
CFG_BIBENCODE_DAEMON_DIR_OLDJOBS = invenio.config.CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR + '/bibencode/jobs/done'
# WebSubmit Support #

Event Timeline