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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Define authorization actions and checks."""
from invenio.base.globals import cfg
from invenio.legacy.bibrecord import get_fieldvalues
from invenio.modules.collections.cache import collection_reclist_cache, \
get_collection_reclist, restricted_collection_cache
def check_email_or_group(user_info, email_or_group):
"""Check user email or group matches."""
if email_or_group in user_info['group']:
return True
email = email_or_group.strip().lower()
if user_info['email'].strip().lower() == email:
return True
def check_uid(user_info, uid):
"""Check user id matches."""
return unicode(user_info['id']) == uid
def check_authorized_tags(recid, tags, test_func):
"""Check if tags in record matches a given test."""
authorized_values = []
for tag in tags:
authorized_values.extend(get_fieldvalues(recid, tag))
for value in authorized_values:
if test_func(value):
return True
return False
def is_user_in_tags(recid, user_info, user_id_tags, email_or_group_tags):
"""Check if user id or email is found in a records tags."""
if check_authorized_tags(recid, user_id_tags,
lambda uid: check_uid(user_info, uid)):
return True
return check_authorized_tags(
recid, email_or_group_tags,
lambda val: check_email_or_group(user_info, val)
def is_user_owner_of_record(user_info, recid):
"""Check if the user is owner of the record.
I.e. he is the submitter and/or belongs to a owner-like group authorized
to 'see' the record.
:param user_info: the user_info dictionary that describe the user.
:type user_info: user_info dictionary
:param recid: the record identifier.
:type recid: positive integer
:return: True if the user is 'owner' of the record; False otherwise
from invenio.modules.access.local_config import \
return is_user_in_tags(recid, user_info, uid_tags, email_tags)
# FIXME: This method needs to be refactored
def is_user_viewer_of_record(user_info, recid):
"""Check if the user is allow to view the record based in the marc tags.
i.e. his email is inside the 506__m tag or he is inside an e-group listed
in the 506__m tag
:param user_info: the user_info dictionary that describe the user.
:type user_info: user_info dictionary
:param recid: the record identifier.
:type recid: positive integer
@return: True if the user is 'allow to view' the record; False otherwise
@rtype: bool
from invenio.modules.access.local_config import \
return is_user_in_tags(recid, user_info, uid_tags, email_tags)
def get_restricted_collections_for_recid(recid, recreate_cache_if_needed=True):
"""Return the list of restricted collections to which recid belongs."""
if recreate_cache_if_needed:
return [collection for collection in restricted_collection_cache.cache
if recid in get_collection_reclist(
collection, recreate_cache_if_needed=False)]
def check_user_can_view_record(user_info, recid):
"""Check if the user is authorized to view the given recid.
The function grants access in two cases: either user has author rights on
this record, or he has view rights to the primary collection this record
belongs to.
:param user_info: the user_info dictionary that describe the user.
:type user_info: user_info dictionary
:param recid: the record identifier.
:type recid: positive integer
:return: (0, ''), when authorization is granted, (>0, 'message') when
authorization is not granted
from invenio.modules.access.engine import acc_authorize_action
from invenio.modules.access.local_config import VIEWRESTRCOLL
from invenio.modules.collections.cache import is_record_in_any_collection
from invenio.legacy.search_engine import record_public_p, record_exists
policy = cfg['CFG_WEBSEARCH_VIEWRESTRCOLL_POLICY'].strip().upper()
if isinstance(recid, str):
recid = int(recid)
# At this point, either webcoll has not yet run or there are some
# restricted collections. Let's see first if the user own the record.
if is_user_owner_of_record(user_info, recid):
# Perfect! It's authorized then!
return (0, '')
if is_user_viewer_of_record(user_info, recid):
# Perfect! It's authorized then!
return (0, '')
restricted_collections = get_restricted_collections_for_recid(
recid, recreate_cache_if_needed=False
if not restricted_collections and record_public_p(recid):
# The record is public and not part of any restricted collection
return (0, '')
if restricted_collections:
# If there are restricted collections the user must be authorized to
# all/any of them (depending on the policy)
auth_code, auth_msg = 0, ''
for collection in restricted_collections:
(auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(
user_info, VIEWRESTRCOLL, collection=collection
if auth_code and policy != 'ANY':
# Ouch! the user is not authorized to this collection
return (auth_code, auth_msg)
elif auth_code == 0 and policy == 'ANY':
# Good! At least one collection is authorized
return (0, '')
# Depending on the policy, the user will be either authorized or not
return auth_code, auth_msg
if is_record_in_any_collection(recid, recreate_cache_if_needed=False):
# the record is not in any restricted collection
return (0, '')
elif record_exists(recid) > 0:
# We are in the case where webcoll has not run.
# Let's authorize SUPERADMIN
(auth_code, auth_msg) = acc_authorize_action(
user_info, VIEWRESTRCOLL, collection=None
if auth_code == 0:
return (0, '')
# Too bad. Let's print a nice message:
return (
"The record you are trying to access has just been "
"submitted to the system and needs to be assigned to the "
"proper collections. It is currently restricted for security "
"reasons until the assignment will be fully completed. Please "
"come back later to properly access this record.")
# The record either does not exists or has been deleted.
# Let's handle these situations outside of this code.
return (0, '')

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