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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Unit tests for the plotextract script."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
from invenio.base.wrappers import lazy_import
from invenio.testsuite import make_test_suite, run_test_suite, InvenioTestCase
assemble_caption = lazy_import('invenio.utils.plotextractor.cli:assemble_caption')
find_open_and_close_braces = lazy_import('invenio.utils.plotextractor.cli:find_open_and_close_braces')
intelligently_find_filenames = lazy_import('invenio.utils.plotextractor.cli:intelligently_find_filenames')
put_it_together = lazy_import('invenio.utils.plotextractor.cli:put_it_together')
get_converted_image_name = lazy_import('invenio.utils.plotextractor.output_utils:get_converted_image_name')
remove_dups = lazy_import('invenio.utils.plotextractor.output_utils:remove_dups')
class PutItTogetherTest(InvenioTestCase):
"""Test functions related to the put_it_together function."""
def setUp(self):
self.empty_images_and_captions = []
self.dummy_line_index = -1
self.empty_lines = []
self.tex_file = 'unimportant'
def test_with_singles(self):
"""plotextractor - put_it_together with singles"""
single_image = 'singleimage'
single_caption = 'singlecaption'
single_label = 'singlelabel'
dummy1, dummy2, images_and_captions = \
put_it_together(single_image, single_caption, single_label,
self.empty_images_and_captions, self.dummy_line_index,
self.assertTrue(images_and_captions == [('singleimage',
'failed to zip captions correctly')
def test_with_multiples_0(self):
"""plotextractor - put_it_together with multiples"""
no_main_two_subs = ['', ['img1', 'img2']]
single_caption = 'singlecaption'
single_label = 'singlelabel'
dummy1, dummy2, images_and_captions = \
put_it_together(no_main_two_subs, single_caption, single_label,
self.empty_images_and_captions, self.dummy_line_index,
self.assertTrue(images_and_captions == [('img1',
"didn't zip multiple images to one caption correctly")
def test_with_multiples_1(self):
"""plotextractor - put_it_together with multiples 1"""
no_main_two_subs = ['', ['sub1', 'sub2']]
main_and_two_sub_captions = ['main caption', ['subcap1', 'subcap2']]
single_label = 'singlelabel'
dummy1, dummy2, images_and_captions = \
put_it_together(no_main_two_subs, main_and_two_sub_captions, single_label,
self.empty_images_and_captions, self.dummy_line_index,
self.assertTrue(images_and_captions == [('sub1',
'main caption : subcap1',
'main caption : subcap2',
"didn't zip multiple images to main and subcaps correctly")
def test_with_multiples_2(self):
"""plotextractor - put_it_together with multiples 2"""
main_and_two_sub_images = ['main', ['sub1', 'sub2']]
main_and_two_sub_captions = ['main caption', ['subcap1', 'subcap2']]
single_label = 'singlelabel'
dummy1, dummy2, images_and_captions = \
self.empty_images_and_captions, self.dummy_line_index,
self.assertTrue(images_and_captions == [('main',
'main caption',
'main caption : subcap1',
'main caption : subcap2',
"didn't zip {main,sub}{images,captions} together properly")
def test_with_multiples_3(self):
"""plotextractor - put_it_together with multiples 3"""
single_image = 'singleimage'
no_main_two_subcaptions = ['', ['subcap1', 'subcap2']]
single_label = 'singlelabel'
dummy1, dummy2, images_and_captions = \
put_it_together(single_image, no_main_two_subcaptions, single_label,
self.empty_images_and_captions, self.dummy_line_index,
self.assertTrue(images_and_captions == [('singleimage',
'subcap1 : subcap2',
"didn't zip a single image to multiple subcaps correctly")
def test_extract_caption(self):
"""plotextractor - put_it_together with extract caption"""
example_lines = ['{some caption}', '[something else]', 'unrelated']
single_image = 'singleimage'
no_caption = ''
single_label = 'singlelabel'
dummy1, dummy2, images_and_captions = \
put_it_together(single_image, no_caption, single_label,
self.empty_images_and_captions, 1,
self.assertTrue(images_and_captions == [('singleimage',
'some caption',
"didn't correctly extract the caption for zipping")
class TestFindOpenAndCloseBraces(InvenioTestCase):
def test_simple_test(self):
"""plotextractor - find_open_and_close_braces simple"""
simple_test_lines = ['{simple}']
start, start_line, end, end_line = find_open_and_close_braces(
0, 0, '{', simple_test_lines)
self.assertTrue(start == 0, "didn't identify start index")
self.assertTrue(start_line == 0, "didn't identify start line")
self.assertTrue(end == 7, "didn't identify end index")
self.assertTrue(end_line == 0, "didn't identify end line")
def test_braces_start_on_next_line_test(self):
"""plotextractor - find_open_and_close_braces next line"""
start_on_next_line_lines = ['nothing here', 'chars{morestuff', 'last}']
start, start_line, end, end_line = find_open_and_close_braces(
0, 0, '{',
self.assertTrue(start == 5, "didn't identify start index")
self.assertTrue(start_line == 1, "didn't identify start line")
self.assertTrue(end == 4, "didn't identify end index")
self.assertTrue(end_line == 2, "didn't identify end line")
def test_confounding_braces(self):
"""plotextractor - find_open_and_close_braces confounding"""
confounding_braces_lines = ['{brace{bracebrace}{}', 'brace{{brace}',
'brace}', '}']
start, start_line, end, end_line = find_open_and_close_braces(
0, 0, '{',
self.assertTrue(start == 0, "didn't identify start index")
self.assertTrue(start_line == 0, "didn't identify start line")
self.assertTrue(end == 0, "didn't identify end index")
self.assertTrue(end_line == 3, "didn't identify end line")
def test_square_braces(self):
"""plotextractor - find_open_and_close_braces square braces"""
square_brace_lines = ['[squaaaaaaare braces]']
start, start_line, end, end_line = find_open_and_close_braces(
0, 0, '[',
self.assertTrue(start == 0, "didn't identify start index")
self.assertTrue(start_line == 0, "didn't identify start line")
self.assertTrue(end == 20, "didn't identify end index")
self.assertTrue(end_line == 0, "didn't identify end line")
def test_hanging_braces(self):
"""plotextractor - find_open_and_close_braces hanging braces"""
hanging_braces_lines = ['line{and stuff', 'and more stuff', 'and more']
start, start_line, end, end_line = find_open_and_close_braces(
0, 0, '{',
self.assertTrue(start == 4, "didn't identify start index")
self.assertTrue(start_line == 0, "didn't identify start line")
self.assertTrue(end == 4, "didn't identify end index")
self.assertTrue(end_line == 0, "didn't identify end line")
def test_unacceptable_braces(self):
"""plotextractor - find_open_and_close_braces unacceptable braces"""
empty_lines = []
start, start_line, end, end_line = find_open_and_close_braces(
0, 0, '?',
self.assertTrue(start == -1, "didn't identify non-brace")
self.assertTrue(start_line == -1, "didn't identify non-brace")
self.assertTrue(end == -1, "didn't identify non-brace")
self.assertTrue(end_line == -1, "didn't identify non-brace")
class TestIntelligentlyFindFilenames(InvenioTestCase):
def test_simple_test(self):
"""plotextractor - intelligently_find_filenames simple"""
line = 'file.eps'
filenames = intelligently_find_filenames(line, ext=True)
self.assertTrue(filenames == ['file.eps'],
"didn't find correct filenames")
def test_ext_test(self):
"""plotextractor - intelligently_find_filenames extension"""
line = 'file.eps file2'
filenames = intelligently_find_filenames(line, ext=True)
self.assertTrue(filenames == ['file.eps'],
"didn't look for extension")
def test_tex_test(self):
"""plotextractor - intelligently_find_filenames TeX extension"""
line = 'file.eps file2.tex'
filenames = intelligently_find_filenames(line, TeX=True)
self.assertTrue(filenames == ['file.eps', 'file2.tex'],
'not looking for TeX ext')
def test_file_equals_test(self):
"""plotextractor - intelligently_find_filenames equals"""
line = 'file=something.eps'
filenames = intelligently_find_filenames(line, ext=True)
self.assertTrue(filenames == ['something.eps', 'file=something.eps'],
"didn't catch file=")
def test_in_brackets_test(self):
"""plotextractor - intelligently_find_filenames brackets"""
line = '[file.eps]{}'
filenames = intelligently_find_filenames(line)
self.assertTrue(filenames == ['file.eps', ''],
"didn't sort out brackets properly")
def test_lots_of_filenames(self):
"""plotextractor - intelligently_find_filenames lots of filenames"""
line = '[file.pstex]figure=something.eps,haha,'
filenames = intelligently_find_filenames(line, ext=True)
self.assertTrue('file.pstex' in filenames, "didn't look in brackets")
self.assertTrue('something.eps' in filenames, "didn't find figure=")
self.assertTrue('' in filenames, "didn't find filename")
class TestAssembleCaption(InvenioTestCase):
def test_simple_test(self):
"""plotextractor - assemble caption simple"""
lines = ['some', 'simple ', 'caption!']
caption = assemble_caption(0, 0, 2, 8, lines)
self.assertTrue(caption == 'some simple caption!',
"didn't correctly assemble caption")
def test_clean_out_label_test(self):
"""plotextractor - assemble caption clean out label"""
lines = ['some', '\\label{aghhhh}simple ', 'caption!']
caption = assemble_caption(0, 0, 2, 8, lines)
self.assertTrue(caption == 'some simple caption!',
"didn't correctly assemble caption")
class TestRemoveDups(InvenioTestCase):
def test_no_dups(self):
"""plotextractor - remove_dups no dupes"""
images_and_captions = [('img1', 'caption1', 'label1', 'FIXME1'),
('img2', 'caption2', 'label1', 'FIXME1')]
pared_images_and_captions = remove_dups(images_and_captions)
self.assertTrue(pared_images_and_captions == images_and_captions, 'removed nondup')
def test_dup_images(self):
"""plotextractor - remove_dups images"""
images_and_captions = [('img1', 'caption1', 'label1', 'FIXME1'),
('img1', 'caption2', 'label1', 'FIXME1')]
pared_images_and_captions = remove_dups(images_and_captions)
self.assertTrue(pared_images_and_captions == [('img1',
'caption1 : caption2',
'label1', 'FIXME1')],
"didn't merge captions correctly")
def test_dup_captions(self):
"""plotextractor - remove_dups captions"""
images_and_captions = [('img1', 'caption1', 'label1', 'FIXME1'),
('img1', 'caption1', 'label1', 'FIXME1'),
('img1', 'caption2', 'label1', 'FIXME1')]
pared_images_and_captions = remove_dups(images_and_captions)
self.assertTrue(pared_images_and_captions == [('img1',
'caption1 : caption2',
'label1', 'FIXME1')],
"didn't merge captions correctly")
class TestGetConvertedImageName(InvenioTestCase):
def test_no_change_test(self):
"""plotextractor - get_converted_image_name no change"""
image = '/path/to/image.png'
converted_image = get_converted_image_name(image)
self.assertTrue(converted_image == image,
"didn't notice image was already converted")
def test_dot_in_dir_name_no_ext_test(self):
"""plotextractor - get_converted_image_name dot in dir name"""
image = '/'
converted_image = get_converted_image_name(image)
self.assertTrue(converted_image == image + '.png',
"didn't add extension")
def test_change_extension_test(self):
"""plotextractor - get_converted_image_name extension"""
image = '/path/to/image.eps'
converted_image = get_converted_image_name(image)
self.assertTrue(converted_image == '/path/to/image.png',
"didn't change extension")
TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite(PutItTogetherTest, TestFindOpenAndCloseBraces,
TestAssembleCaption, TestRemoveDups,
if __name__ == "__main__":

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