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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Point of access to the documents clustering facility.
Provides utilities to safely interact with stored data.
import invenio.bibauthorid_personid_tables_utils as tu
from invenio.dbquery import OperationalError
from invenio.access_control_admin import acc_find_user_role_actions
from cgi import escape
from time import gmtime, strftime
def get_bibrefs_from_bibrecs(bibreclist):
lists = []
for bibrec in bibreclist:
lists.append([bibrec, tu.get_possible_bibrecref([''], bibrec,
return lists
def get_possible_bibrefs_from_pid_bibrec(pid, bibreclist, always_match=False):
Returns for each bibrec a list of bibrefs for which the surname matches.
@param pid: person id to gather the names strings from
@param bibreclist: list of bibrecs on which to search
pid = _wash_integer_id(pid)
pid_names = tu.get_person_names_set([pid])
lists = []
for bibrec in bibreclist:
lists.append([bibrec, tu.get_possible_bibrecref([n[0] for n in pid_names], bibrec,
return lists
def get_pid_from_uid(uid):
Return the PID associated with the uid
if not isinstance(uid, tuple):
uid = ((uid,),)
return tu.get_personid_from_uid(uid)
def get_user_level(uid):
Finds and returns the aid-universe-internal numeric user level
@param uid: the user's id
@type uid: int
@return: A numerical representation of the maximum access level of a user
@rtype: int
actions = [row[1] for row in acc_find_user_role_actions({'uid': uid})]
return max([tu.resolve_paper_access_right(acc) for acc in actions])
def get_person_id_from_paper(bibref=None):
Returns the id of the person who wrote the paper
@param bibref: the bibref,bibrec pair that identifies the person
@type bibref: str
@return: the person id
@rtype: int
if not _is_valid_bibref(bibref):
return - 1
person_id = -1
db_data = tu.get_papers_status([(bibref,)])
person_id = db_data[0][1]
except (IndexError):
return person_id
def get_papers_by_person_id(person_id= -1, rec_status= -2):
Returns all the papers written by the person
@param person_id: identifier of the person to retrieve papers from
@type person_id: int
@param rec_status: minimal flag status a record must have to be displayed
@type rec_status: int
@return: list of record ids
@rtype: list of int
if not isinstance(person_id, int):
person_id = int(person_id)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return []
if person_id < 0:
return []
if not isinstance(rec_status, int):
return []
db_data = tu.get_person_papers((person_id,),
records = [[row["data"].split(",")[1], row["data"], row["flag"],
row["authorname"]] for row in db_data]
return records
def get_papers_cluster(bibref):
Returns the cluster of documents connected with this one
@param bibref: the table:bibref,bibrec pair to look for
@type bibref: str
@return: a list of record IDs
@rtype: list of int
papers = []
person_id = get_person_id_from_paper(bibref)
if person_id > -1:
papers = get_papers_by_person_id(person_id)
return papers
def get_person_names_from_id(person_id= -1):
Finds and returns the names associated with this person along with the
frequency of occurrence (i.e. the number of papers)
@param person_id: an id to find the names for
@type person_id: int
@return: name and number of occurrences of the name
@rtype: tuple of tuple
# #retrieve all rows for the person
if (not person_id > -1) or (not isinstance(person_id, int)):
return []
return tu.get_person_names_count((person_id,))
def get_paper_status(person_id, bibref):
Finds an returns the status of a bibrec to person assignment
@param person_id: the id of the person to check against
@type person_id: int
@param bibref: the bibref-bibrec pair that unambiguously identifies a paper
@type bibref: string
db_data = tu.get_papers_status([[bibref]])
status = None
status = db_data[0][2]
except IndexError:
status = -10
status = _wash_integer_id(status)
return status
def _wash_integer_id(param_id):
Creates an int out of either int or string
@param param_id: the number to be washed
@type param_id: int or string
@return: The int representation of the param or -1
@rtype: int
pid = -1
pid = int(param_id)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return (-1)
return pid
def _is_valid_bibref(bibref):
Determines if the provided string is a valid bibref-bibrec pair
@param bibref: the bibref-bibrec pair that unambiguously identifies a paper
@type bibref: string
@return: True if it is a bibref-bibrec pair and False if it's not
@rtype: boolean
if (not isinstance(bibref, str)) or (not bibref):
return False
if not bibref.count(":"):
return False
if not bibref.count(","):
return False
table = bibref.split(":")[0]
ref = bibref.split(":")[1].split(",")[0]
bibrec = bibref.split(":")[1].split(",")[1]
except IndexError:
return False
table = int(table)
ref = int(ref)
bibrec = int(bibrec)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
def confirm_person_bibref_assignments(person_id, bibrefs, uid):
Confirms a bibref-bibrec assignment to a person. That internally
raises the flag of the entry to 2, which means 'user confirmed' and
sets the user level to the highest level of the user provided as param
@param person_id: the id of the person to confirm the assignment to
@type person_id: int
@param bibrefs: the bibref-bibrec pairs that unambiguously identify records
@type bibrefs: list of strings
@param uid: the id of the user that arranges the confirmation
@type uid: int
@return: True if the process ran smoothly, False if there was an error
@rtype: boolean
pid = _wash_integer_id(person_id)
refs = []
if pid < 0:
return False
if not isinstance(bibrefs, list) or not len(bibrefs):
return False
for bibref in bibrefs:
if _is_valid_bibref(bibref):
return False
tu.confirm_papers_to_person((pid,), refs, get_user_level(uid))
except OperationalError:
return False
return True
def repeal_person_bibref_assignments(person_id, bibrefs, uid):
Repeals a bibref-bibrec assignment from a person. That internally
sets the flag of the entry to -2, which means 'user repealed' and
sets the user level to the highest level of the user provided as param
@param person_id: the id of the person to repeal the assignment from
@type person_id: int
@param bibrefs: the bibref-bibrec pairs that unambiguously identify records
@type bibrefs: list of strings
@param uid: the id of the user that arranges the repulsion
@type uid: int
@return: True if the process ran smoothly, False if there was an error
@rtype: boolean
pid = _wash_integer_id(person_id)
refs = []
if pid < 0:
return False
if not isinstance(bibrefs, list) or not len(bibrefs):
return False
for bibref in bibrefs:
if _is_valid_bibref(bibref):
return False
tu.reject_papers_from_person((pid,), refs, get_user_level(uid))
except OperationalError:
return False
return True
def reset_person_bibref_decisions(person_id, bibrefs):
Resets a bibref-bibrec assignment of a person. That internally
sets the flag of the entry to 0, which means 'no user interaction' and
sets the user level to 0 to give the record free for claiming/curation
@param person_id: the id of the person to reset the assignment from
@type person_id: int
@param bibrefs: the bibref-bibrec pairs that unambiguously identify records
@type bibrefs: list of strings
@return: True if the process ran smoothly, False if there was an error
@rtype: boolean
pid = _wash_integer_id(person_id)
refs = []
if pid < 0:
return False
if not isinstance(bibrefs, list) or not len(bibrefs):
return False
for bibref in bibrefs:
if _is_valid_bibref(bibref):
return False
tu.reset_papers_flag((person_id,), refs)
except OperationalError:
return False
return True
def add_person_comment(person_id, message):
Adds a comment to a person after enriching it with meta-data (date+time)
@param person_id: person id to assign the comment to
@type person_id: int
@param message: defines the comment to set
@type message: string
@return the message incl. the metadata if everything was fine, False on err
@rtype: string or boolean
msg = ""
pid = -1
msg = str(message)
pid = int(person_id)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
strtimestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())
msg = escape(msg, quote=True)
dbmsg = "%s;;;%s" % (strtimestamp, msg)
tu.set_person_data(pid, "comment", dbmsg)
return dbmsg
def get_person_comments(person_id):
Get all comments from a person
@param person_id: person id to get the comments from
@type person_id: int
@return the message incl. the metadata if everything was fine, False on err
@rtype: string or boolean
pid = -1
comments = []
pid = int(person_id)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
for row in tu.get_person_data(pid, "comment"):
return comments
def search_person_ids_by_name(namequery):
Prepares the search to search in the database
@param namequery: the search query the user enquired
@type namequery: string
@return: information about the result w/ probability and occurrence
@rtype: tuple of tuple
query = ""
escaped_query = ""
query = str(namequery)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return []
if query:
escaped_query = escape(query, quote=True)
return []
return tu.find_personIDs_by_name_string(escaped_query)
def log(userinfo, personid, action, tag, value, comment='', transactionid=0):
Log an action performed by a user
Examples (in the DB):
1 2010-09-30 19:30 admin|| 1 assign paper 1133:4442 'from 23'
1 2010-09-30 19:30 admin|| 1 assign paper 8147:4442
2 2010-09-30 19:35 admin|| 1 reject paper 72:4442
@param userinfo: information about the user [UID|IP]
@type userinfo: string
@param personid: ID of the person this action is targeting
@type personid: int
@param action: intended action
@type action: string
@param tag: A tag to describe the data entered
@type tag: string
@param value: The value of the action described by the tag
@type value: string
@param comment: Optional comment to describe the transaction
@type comment: string
@param transactionid: May group bulk operations together
@type transactionid: int
@return: Returns the current transactionid
@rtype: int
userinfo = escape(str(userinfo))
action = escape(str(action))
tag = escape(str(tag))
value = escape(str(value))
comment = escape(str(comment))
if not isinstance(personid, int):
personid = int(personid)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return - 1
if not isinstance(transactionid, int):
transactionid = int(transactionid)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return - 1
return tu.insert_user_log(userinfo, personid, action, tag,
value, comment, transactionid)
def user_can_modify_data(uid, pid):
Determines if a user may modify the data of a person
@param uid: the id of a user (invenio user id)
@type uid: int
@param pid: the id of a person
@type pid: int
@return: True if the user may modify data, False if not
@rtype: boolean
@raise ValueError: if the supplied parameters are invalid
if not isinstance(uid, int):
uid = int(uid)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise ValueError("User ID has to be a number!")
if not isinstance(pid, int):
pid = int(pid)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise ValueError("Person ID has to be a number!")
return tu.user_can_modify_data(uid, pid)
def user_can_modify_paper(uid, paper):
Determines if a user may modify the record assignments of a person
@param uid: the id of a user (invenio user id)
@type uid: int
@param pid: the id of a person
@type pid: int
@return: True if the user may modify data, False if not
@rtype: boolean
@raise ValueError: if the supplied parameters are invalid
if not isinstance(uid, int):
uid = int(uid)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise ValueError("User ID has to be a number!")
if not paper:
raise ValueError("A bibref is expected!")
return tu.user_can_modify_paper(uid, paper)
def person_bibref_is_touched(pid, bibref):
Determines if an assignment has been touched by a user (i.e. check for
the flag of an assignment being 2 or -2)
@param pid: the id of the person to check against
@type pid: int
@param bibref: the bibref-bibrec pair that unambiguously identifies a paper
@type bibref: string
@raise ValueError: if the supplied parameters are invalid
if not isinstance(pid, int):
pid = int(pid)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise ValueError("Person ID has to be a number!")
if not bibref:
raise ValueError("A bibref is expected!")
return tu.person_bibref_is_touched(pid, bibref)
def assign_uid_to_person(uid, pid, create_new_pid=False):
pid = _wash_integer_id(pid)
uid = _wash_integer_id(uid)
tu.assign_uid_to_person(uid, pid, create_new_pid)
def get_review_needing_records(pid):
pid = _wash_integer_id(pid)
db_data = tu.get_person_papers_to_be_manually_reviewed(pid)
return [int(row[1]) for row in db_data if row[1]]
def add_review_needing_record(pid, bibrec_id):
pid = _wash_integer_id(pid)
bibrec_id = _wash_integer_id(bibrec_id)
tu.add_person_paper_needs_manual_review(pid, bibrec_id)
def del_review_needing_record(pid, bibrec_id):
pid = _wash_integer_id(pid)
bibrec_id = _wash_integer_id(bibrec_id)
tu.del_person_papers_needs_manual_review(pid, bibrec_id)
def get_processed_external_recids(pid):
list_str = tu.get_processed_external_recids(pid)
return list_str.split(";")
def set_processed_external_recids(pid, recid_list):
if isinstance(recid_list, list):
recid_list_str = ";".join(recid_list)
tu.set_processed_external_recids(pid, recid_list_str)

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