"""Prints a custom field in a way suitable to be used in HTML META
tags. In particular conforms to Google Scholar harvesting protocol as
defined http://scholar.google.com/intl/en/scholar/inclusion.html and
Open Graph http://ogp.me/
@param tag_name: the name, from tag table, of the field to be exported
looks initially for names prefixed by "meta-"<tag_name>
then looks for exact name, then falls through to "tag"
@param tag: the MARC tag to be exported (only if not defined by tag_name)
@param name: name to be displayed in the meta headers, labelling this value.
@param kb: a knowledge base through which to process the retrieved value if necessary.
@param kb: when a '<code>kb</code>' is specified and no match for value is found, what shall we
return? Either return the given parameter or specify "{value}" to return the retrieved
value before processing though kb.
@param var: the name of a variable to output instead of field from metadata.
Allowed values are those supported by bfe_server_info and
bfe_client_info. Overrides <code>name</code> and <code>tag_name</code>
@param protocol: the protocol this tag is aimed at. Can be used to switch on/off support for a given "protocol". Can take values among 'googlescholar', 'opengraph'