This page summarizes all the information suitable to dig inside
BibRank and it's different ranking methods.
<dt><a href="single_tag_rank.html">Single tag rank method</a> <dd>Ex. of use: Journal Impact Factor. Explains what this
ranking method does to create the star categories for use when ranking based on Journal Impact Factor or similar methods.
<dt><a href="merge_rank_methods.html">Merg rank methods</a> <dd>Explains what this
ranking method does.
<dt><a href="sort.html">Sort method</a> <dd>Ex. of use: Sorting of the records based on their rank value into star categories. Explains how the records are
sorted into the different star categories.
##<dt><a href="citation_mehod.html">Citation method</a> <dd>Explains what this
##ranking method does.
##<dt><a href="author_method.html">Author method</a> <dd>Explains what this
##ranking method does.
##<dt><a href="access_method.html">Access method</a> <dd>Explains what this
##ranking method does.
<dt><a href="bibrankgkb.html">Create knowledgebase files (bibrankgkb)</a> <dd>Explains how to create knowledgebase files using the bibrankgkb tool