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File Metadata

Fri, Sep 6, 00:30

## $Id$
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import string
import os
import sys
import time
import tempfile
from config import weburl, cdslang
from messages import msg_dowloads_history
from dbquery import run_sql
from bibrank_downloads_indexer import database_tuples_to_single_list
from bibrank_grapher import *
color_line_list = ['9', '19', '10', '15', '21', '18']
cfg_id_bibdoc_id_bibrec = 5
cfg_bibrank_print_download_history = 1
cfg_bibrank_print_download_split_by_id = 0
def create_download_history_graph_and_box(id_bibrec, ln=cdslang):
"""Create graph with citation history for record ID_BIBREC (into a
temporary file) and return HTML box refering to that image.
Called by Detailed record pages.
if id_bibrec=0 : its an oustide-stored document and it has no id_bibdoc --> only one line
if nb_id_bibdoc <= cfg_id_bibdoc_id_bibrec draw one line per id_bibdoc
if nb_id_bibdoc > cfg_id_bibdoc_id_bibrec draw only one line which hold simultaneously the downloads per id_bibdoc
Each time this function is called, all the images older than 10 minutes are deleted.
html_code = ""
html_content = ""
users_analysis_text = ""
if cfg_bibrank_print_download_split_by_id:
users_analysis_text = "and Users repartition"
#remove images older than 10 minutes
#Users analysis graphe
ips = database_tuples_to_single_list(run_sql("select client_host from rnkDOWNLOADS where id_bibrec=%s;" % id_bibrec))
if ips == []:
else :
users_analysis_results = create_users_analysis_graph(id_bibrec, ips)
graphe_file_users = weburl + "/img/" + users_analysis_results[0]
file_to_close_users = users_analysis_results[1]
html_content += """<tr><td valign=center align=center><img src='%s'/></td>""" % graphe_file_users
if file_to_close_users:
if os.path.exists(file_to_close_users):
#Downloads history graphe and return html code used by get_file or search_engine
if cfg_bibrank_print_download_history:
nb_id_bibdoc = run_sql("select distinct id_bibdoc from rnkDOWNLOADS where id_bibrec=%s;" % id_bibrec)
history_analysis_results = ()
if nb_id_bibdoc == ():
elif nb_id_bibdoc[0][0] <= cfg_id_bibdoc_id_bibrec and (0, ) not in nb_id_bibdoc:
history_analysis_results = draw_downloads_statistics(id_bibrec, list(nb_id_bibdoc))
history_analysis_results = draw_downloads_statistics(id_bibrec, [])
if history_analysis_results:
graph_file_history = weburl + "/img/" + history_analysis_results[0]
file_to_close_history = history_analysis_results[1]
html_content += """<tr><td valign=center align=center><img src='%s'/></td>""" % graph_file_history
if file_to_close_history :
if os.path.exists(file_to_close_history):
out = ""
if html_content != "":
out += """<br/><br/><table><tr><td class="blocknote">
%s %s</td></tr><tr><td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">""" % (msg_dowloads_history[ln], user_analysis_text)
out += html_content
out += "</table></td></tr></table>"
return out
def draw_downloads_statistics(id_bibrec, id_bibdoc_list):
"""Create a graph about download history using a temporary file to store datas
and a new png file for each id_bibrec to store the image of the graph which will
be referenced by html code."""
intervals = []
#Will be used to name the different curves when len(id_bibdoc_list)>1
docfile_name_list = []
#Will be used to name the unique curve when len(id_bibdoc_list)=0 or > cfg_id_bibdoc_id_bibrec
record_name = run_sql("select value from bibrec_bib24x,bib24x where id_bibrec=%s and id_bibxxx=id;" % id_bibrec)[0][0]
#list of lists of tuples: [[("09/2004",4),..],[(..,..)]..]
#Each list element of the list will be represented by a curve
coordinates_list = []
#If the document is not stored in CdsWare it has id_bibrec 0 and no creation date
#In this case the beginning date is the first time the document has been downloaded
creation_date_res = run_sql("""SELECT DATE_FORMAT(creation_date,"%%Y-%%m-%%d") FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s;""" % id_bibrec)
if creation_date_res == ():
creation_date_res = run_sql("""SELECT DATE_FORMAT(MIN(download_time),"%%Y-%%m-%%d") FROM rnkDOWNLOADS where id_bibrec=%s;""" % id_bibrec)
creation_date_year, creation_date_month, creation_date_day = string.split(creation_date_res[0][0], "-")
creation_date_year = string.atoi(creation_date_year)
creation_date_month = string.atoi(creation_date_month)
creation_date_day = string.atoi(creation_date_day)
#create intervals and corresponding values
local_time = time.localtime()
intervals = create_tic_intervals(local_time, creation_date_year, creation_date_month)
if id_bibdoc_list == []:
coordinates_list.append(create_list_tuple_data(creation_date_day, intervals, id_bibrec))
docfile_name_list = record_name
else :
for i in range(len(id_bibdoc_list)):
datas = create_list_tuple_data(creation_date_day, intervals, id_bibrec, id_bibdoc_query_addition="and id_bibdoc=%s" % id_bibdoc_list[i][0])
docfile_name_list.append(run_sql("select docname from bibdoc where id=%s;" % id_bibdoc_list[i][0])[0][0])
#In case of multiple id_bibdocs datas_max will be used to draw a line which is the total of the others lines
datas_max = create_list_tuple_total(intervals, coordinates_list)
#write coordinates_list in a temporary file
result2 = write_coordinates_in_tmp_file(coordinates_list)
#Use the previous temporary file and some others parameters to create the graphe
return create_temporary_image(id_bibrec, 'download_history', result2[0], '', 'Downloads/month', (0, 0),
result2[1], id_bibdoc_list, docfile_name_list,intervals)
def create_list_tuple_data(creation_date_day, intervals, id_bibrec, id_bibdoc_query_addition=""):
"""-Return a list of tuple of the form [('10/2004',3),(..)] which will be used to plot graph
Where 3 is the number of downloads between 03/2004 and 04/2004"""
list_tuple = []
text = "-%s 00:00:00" % (creation_date_day)
for i in range(len(intervals)-1):
act_str_interv = string.split(intervals[i+1], '/')
prev_str_interv = string.split(intervals[i], '/')
date1 = "%s-%s%s" % (prev_str_interv[1], prev_str_interv[0], text)
date2 = "%s-%s%s" % (act_str_interv[1], act_str_interv[0], text)
res = run_sql("select count(*) from rnkDOWNLOADS where id_bibrec=%s %s and download_time>='%s' and download_time<'%s';" \
% (id_bibrec, id_bibdoc_query_addition, date1, date2))[0][0]
list_tuple.append((intervals[i], res))
list_tuple = sort_list_tuple_by_date(list_tuple)
return (list_tuple)
def sort_list_tuple_by_date(list_tuple):
"""Sort a list of tuple of the forme ("09/2004", 3)according to the
year of the first element of the tuple"""
list_tuple.sort(lambda x, y: (cmp(string.split(x[0], '/')[1],
string.split(y[0], '/')[1])))
return list_tuple
def create_list_tuple_total(intervals, list_data):
"""In the case of multiple id_bibdocs, a last paragraph is added
at the end to show the global evolution of the record"""
list_tuple = []
for i in range(len(intervals)-1):
res = 0
for j in range(len(list_data)):
res += list_data[j][i][1]
list_tuple.append((intervals[i], res))
list_tuple = sort_list_tuple_by_date(list_tuple)
return list_tuple
def create_tic_intervals(local_time, creation_date_year, creation_date_month):
"""Create intervals since document creation date until now
Return a list of the form ["04/2004", "05/2004", ...].
Note: make sure that at least two dates are returned. Useful for
drawing graphs.
# safety belt: diminish the creation_date_month by one to make sure that
# we shall have at least two output values
creation_date_month = creation_date_month - 1
if creation_date_month == 0:
creation_date_month = 12
creation_date_year = creation_date_year - 1
# okay, off we go
list_result = []
local_month = local_time.tm_mon
local_year = local_time.tm_year
y_period = local_year - creation_date_year - 1
m_period = 12 - creation_date_month
period = (y_period * 12) + local_month + m_period
counter = 1
if period > 12 and period <= 36:
#compute every 3 months
counter = 3
elif period > 36 and period <= 60:
#compute every 6 months
counter = 6
elif period > 60:
#compute every year
counter = 12
c = 1
while (creation_date_year, creation_date_month) <= (local_year, local_month) and creation_date_month <= 12:
if c == counter :
list_result.append("%s/%s" % (creation_date_month, creation_date_year))
c = 1
else :
c += 1
if creation_date_month != 12:
creation_date_month = creation_date_month+1
else :
creation_date_year = creation_date_year+1
creation_date_month = 1
return list_result
def create_users_analysis_graph(id_bibrec, ips):
"""For a given id_bibrec, classify cern users and other users
Draw a percentage graphic reprentation"""
cern_users = 0
other_users = 0
coordinates_list = []
#compute users repartition
for i in range(len(ips)):
if 2307522817 <= ips[i] <= 2307588095 or 2156724481 <= ips[i] <= 2156789759:
cern_users += 1
else :
other_users += 1
tot = float(cern_users+other_users)
#prepare coordinates list
coordinates_list.append((1, str(float(cern_users)/tot*100)))
coordinates_list.append((3, str(float(other_users)/tot*100)))
#write coordinates in a temporary file
result2 = write_coordinates_in_tmp_file([coordinates_list])
#plot the graphe
return create_temporary_image(id_bibrec, 'download_users', result2[0], '', '', (0, 0), result2[1], [], [], [1, 3])

Event Timeline