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## $Id$
## Personal features - your baskets.
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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<protect>## $Id$ </protect>
"""Web Baskets features."""
import sys
import time
import zlib
import urllib
from config import *
from webpage import page
from dbquery import run_sql
from webuser import getUid, getDataUid,isGuestUser
from search_engine import print_record
from webaccount import warning_guest_user
imagesurl = "%s/img" % weburl
# perform_display(): display the baskets defined by the current user
# input: default action="" display the list of baskets and the content of the selected basket;
# action="DELETE" delete the selected basket;
# action="RENAME" modify the basket name;
# action="CREATE NEW" create a new basket;
# action="SET PUBLIC" set access permission to public;
# action="SET PRIVATE" set access permission to private;
# action="REMOVE" remove selected items from basket;
# action="EXECUTE" copy/move selected items to another basket;
# action="ORDER" change the order of the items in the basket;
# id_basket is the identifier of the selected basket
# delete_alerts='n' if releted alerts shouldn't be deleted; 'y' if yes
# confirm_action="CANCEL"cancel the delete action/="CONFIRM" confirm the delete action;
# bname is the old basket name for renaming
# newname is the new name for renaming the basket
# mark[] contains the list of identifiers of the items to be removed
# to_basket is the destination basket identifier for copy or move items
# copy_move="1" if copy items is requested,"2" if move items is requested
# idup, ordup are the identifier and the order of the item to be moved up
# iddown, orddown are the identifier and the order of the item to be moved down
# of is the output format code
# output: list of baskets in formatted html+content of the selected basket
def perform_display(uid, action="", delete_alerts="", confirm_action="", id_basket=0, bname="", newname="", newbname="", mark=[], to_basket="", copy_move="", idup="", ordup="", iddown="", orddown="", of="hb"):
# set variables
out = ""
basket_name = ""
permission = []
bname = get_basket_name( id_basket )
# execute the requested action
if (action == "DELETE") and (id_basket != '0') and (id_basket != 0):
if (confirm_action == "CANCEL") or (confirm_action == "CONFIRM"):
msg = perform_delete(uid, delete_alerts, confirm_action, id_basket)
out += "%s<BR>" % msg
except BasketException, e:
out += "The basket has not been deleted: %s" % e
show_actions = 1
# goes to the form which deletes the selected basket
out += delete_basket(uid, id_basket, bname)
basket_name = bname
show_actions = 0
id_basket = '0'
show_actions = 1
if action == "CREATE NEW":
# create a new basket
if newname != "":
# create a new basket newname
id_basket = perform_create_basket(uid, newname)
out += """The <I>private</I> basket <B>%s</B> has been created.<BR>\n""" % newname
except BasketException, e:
out += """The basket %s has not been created: %s""" % (newname, e)
out += """The basket has not been created: specify a basket name."""
if (id_basket != '0') and (id_basket != 0):
if action == "RENAME":
# rename the selected basket
if newbname != "":
# rename basket to newname
id_basket = perform_rename_basket(uid, id_basket,newbname)
out += """The basket <B>%s</B> has been renamed to <B>%s</B>.<BR>\n""" % (bname, newbname)
except BasketException, e:
out += """The basket has not been renamed: %s"""%e
out += """The basket has not been renamed: specify a basket name."""
if action == "SET PUBLIC":
# set public permission
set_permission(uid, id_basket, "y")
url_public_basket = """%s/""" \
% (weburl, id_basket)
out += """The selected basket is now publicly accessible at the following URL:<BR>"""\
"""<A href="%s">%s</A><BR><BR>""" % (url_public_basket, url_public_basket)
except BasketException, e:
out += "The basket has not been made public: %s"%e
if action == "SET PRIVATE":
# set private permission
set_permission(uid, id_basket, "n")
out += """The selected basket is no more publically accessible.<BR>"""
except BasketException, e:
out += "The basket has not been made private: %s"%e
if action == "REMOVE":
# remove the selected items from the basket
remove_items(uid, id_basket, mark)
out += """The selected items have been removed.<BR>"""
except BasketException, e:
out += """The items have not been removed: %s"""%e
if action == "EXECUTE":
# copy/move the selected items to another basket
if to_basket == '0':
out += """Select a destination basket to copy/move items.<BR>"""
move_items(uid, id_basket, mark, to_basket, copy_move)
out += """The selected items have been copied/moved.<BR>"""
if action == "ORDER":
# change the order of the items in the basket
order_items(uid, id_basket,idup,ordup,iddown,orddown)
except BasketException, e:
out += """The items have not been re-ordered: %s"""%e
# display the basket's action form
if (show_actions):
# query the database for the list of baskets
query_result = run_sql("SELECT,, b.public, ub.date_modification "\
"FROM basket b, user_basket ub "\
"WHERE ub.id_user=%s AND "\
out += """<FORM name="displaybasket" action="display" method="post">"""
if len(query_result) == 0:
# create new basket form
out += """No baskets have been defined.<BR>"""
out += """New basket name:&nbsp;"""\
"""<INPUT type="text" name="newname" size="20" maxlength="50">&nbsp;"""\
"""<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="CREATE NEW"></CODE>"""
# display the list of baskets
out += """You own <B>%s</B> baskets.<BR>""" % len(query_result)
out += """Select&nbsp;an&nbsp;existing&nbsp;basket:&nbsp;"""\
"""<SELECT name="id_basket"><OPTION value="0">- basket name -</OPTION>"""
for row in query_result :
if str(id_basket) == str(row[0]):
basket_selected = " selected"
basket_name = row[1]
basket_selected = ""
out += """<OPTION value="%s"%s>%s</OPTION>""" % (row[0], basket_selected, row[1])
permission += [(row[0],row[2])]
out += """</SELECT>\n"""
# buttons for basket's selection or creation
out += """&nbsp;<CODE class="blocknote">"""\
"""<INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SELECT"></CODE>\n"""
out += """&nbsp;&nbsp;or&nbsp;"""\
"""<INPUT type="text" name="newname" size="10" maxlength="50">&nbsp;"""\
"""<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="CREATE NEW"></CODE><BR><BR>"""
if id_basket:
out += """<TABLE style="background-color:F1F1F1; border:thin groove grey" """\
"""cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">\n<TR><TD>"""
# buttons for actions: display basket content, delete, rename, create a new basket
# basket delete
out += """<TR><TD colspan="2">The&nbsp;selected&nbsp;basket&nbsp;is&nbsp;<B>%s</B>.</TD>"""\
"""<TD><CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="DELETE"></CODE>&nbsp;""" % basket_name
# basket rename
out += """<br><CODE class="blocknote"><input type="text" name="newbname"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="RENAME"></CODE></TD></TR>"""
# basket permission private/public
i = 0
while (i < len(permission)) :
if (str(permission[i][0]) == id_basket):
i += 1
if (i < len(permission)):
if (permission[i][1] == "n"):
out += """<TR><TD colspan="2">Basket access is set to <I>private</I>, convert to <I>public</I>?</TD><TD>"""\
"""<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SET PUBLIC"></CODE></TD></TR>\n"""
else :
out += """<TR><TD colspan="2">Basket access is set to <I>public</I>, convert to <I>private</I>?<BR></TD><TD>"""\
"""<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SET PRIVATE"></CODE></TD></TR>\n"""
if (public_basket=="yes"):
url_public_basket = """%s/""" \
% (weburl, id_basket)
out += """<TR><TD colspan="3">Public URL: <FONT size="-1"><NOBR><A href="%s">%s</A></NOBR></FONT></TD></TR>""" \
% (url_public_basket, url_public_basket)
# is basket related to some alerts?
alert_query_result = run_sql("SELECT alert_name FROM user_query_basket WHERE id_user=%s AND id_basket=%s",
(uid, id_basket))
out += """<TR><TD colspan="3">"""
if len(alert_query_result) == 0:
out += """There isn't any alert related to this basket."""
out += """The following <A href="../">alerts</A> are related to this basket:&nbsp;"""
i = 1
for row in alert_query_result:
if i == 1:
out += """<B>%s</B>""" % row[0]
out += """, <B>%s</B>""" % row[0]
out += """<BR>"""
out += """</TD></TR></TABLE>"""
# hidden parameters
out += """<INPUT type="hidden" name="bname" value="%s">""" % basket_name
out += """</FORM>"""
# display the content of the selected basket
if ((id_basket != '0') and (id_basket != 0)):
if (basket_name == ""):
if (newname != ""):
basket_name = newname
if (newbname != ""):
basket_name = newbname
out += display_basket_content(uid, id_basket, basket_name, of)
# if is guest user print message of relogin
if isGuestUser(uid):
out += warning_guest_user(type="baskets")
return out
# display_basket_content: display the content of the selected basket
# input: the identifier of the basket
# the name of the basket
# output: the basket's content
def display_basket_content(uid, id_basket, basket_name, of):
out = ""
# search for basket's items
if (id_basket != '0') and (id_basket != 0):
query_result = run_sql("SELECT br.id_record,br.nb_order "\
"FROM basket_record br "\
"WHERE br.id_basket=%s "\
"ORDER BY br.nb_order DESC ",
if len(query_result) > 0:
out += out_tmp
# display the list of items
out += """<FORM name="basketform" action="display" method="post">"""
out += """<TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\n<TR><TD>"""
out += """<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing ="3" width="650">"""
# display operations on the selected items: delete, copy or move
out += """<TR><TD colspan="2">Selected items:&nbsp;"""\
"""<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="REMOVE"></CODE>\n"""
out += """&nbsp;&nbsp;or&nbsp;&nbsp;<SELECT name="copy_move"><OPTION value="1">Copy</OPTION>"""\
"""<OPTION value="2">Move</OPTION></SELECT>to"""
# query the database for the list of baskets
query_result1 = run_sql("SELECT, "\
"FROM basket b, user_basket ub "\
"WHERE ub.id_user=%s AND AND<>%s "\
# display the list of baskets
if len(query_result1) > 0:
out +="""<SELECT name="to_basket"><OPTION value="0">- select basket -</OPTION>"""
for row1 in query_result1 :
out += """<OPTION value="%s">%s</OPTION>""" % (row1[0], row1[1])
out += """</SELECT>\n"""
out +="""<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="EXECUTE"></CODE><BR><BR></TD></TR>\n"""
# display the list of items
i = 1
preid = 0
preord = 0
for row in query_result :
if i==1:
out += """<TR valign="top"><TD width="60">%s<input type="checkbox" name="mark" value="%s">"""\
"""<IMG src="%s/arrow_up.gif" border="0">""" % (i,row[0],imagesurl)
# complete display previous item
out += """<A href="display?id_basket=%s&amp;action=ORDER&amp;idup=%s&amp;ordup=%s&amp;iddown=%s&amp;orddown=%s">"""\
"""<IMG src="%s/arrow_down.gif" border="0"></A>"""\
"""<TR colspan="2"><TD></TD></TR>""" % (id_basket,row[0],row[1],preid,preord,imagesurl,preabstract)
# display current item
out += """<TR valign="top"><TD width="60">%s<input type="checkbox" name="mark" value="%s">"""\
"""<A href="display?id_basket=%s&amp;action=ORDER&amp;idup=%s&amp;ordup=%s&amp;iddown=%s&amp;orddown=%s">"""\
"""<IMG src="%s/arrow_up.gif" border="0"></A>""" % (i,row[0],id_basket,row[0],row[1],preid,preord,imagesurl)
preid = row[0]
preord = row[1]
preabstract = print_record(row[0], of)
i += 1
# complete display last item
out += """<IMG src="%s/arrow_down.gif" border="0"></A>"""\
"""<TR colspan="2"><TD></TD></TR>""" % (imagesurl,preabstract)
# hidden parameters
out += """<INPUT type="hidden" name="id_basket" value="%s"></TD></TR>""" % id_basket
out += """</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>"""
out += """<p>The basket <B>%s</B> is empty.""" % basket_name
out += out_tmp
return out
# delete_basket: present a form for the confirmation of the delete action
# input: the identifier of the selected basket
# the name of the selected basket
# output: the information about the selected basket and the form for the confirmation of the delete action
def delete_basket(uid, id_basket, basket_name):
# set variables
out = ""
# search for related alerts
out += """<FORM name="deletebasket" action="display" method="post">"""
out += """<TABLE style="background-color:F1F1F1; border:thin groove grey" cellspacing="0" """\
"""cellpadding="0" width="650">\n<TR><TD>"""
out += """<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing ="10">"""
query_result = run_sql("SELECT alert_name FROM user_query_basket WHERE id_user=%s AND id_basket=%s",
(uid, id_basket))
if len(query_result) == 0:
Msg = """There isn't any alert related to this basket."""
out += """<TR><TD colspan="2" align="left">%s</TD></TR>""" % Msg
Msg = """The following <A href="../">alerts</A> are related to this basket:&nbsp;"""
i = 1
for row in query_result:
if i == 1:
Msg += """<B>%s</B>""" % row[0]
Msg += """, <B>%s</B>""" % row[0]
out += """<TR><TD colspan="2" align="left">%s</TD></TR>""" % Msg
out += """<TR><TD align="right">Do you want to remove the related alerts too?</TD>"""\
"""<TD>&nbsp;<SELECT name="delete_alerts"><OPTION value="n" selected>No</OPTION>"""\
"""<OPTION value="y">Yes</OPTION></TD></TR>"""
# confirm delete action? yes or no
out += """<TR><TD align="right" width="400">Delete the basket <NOBR><B>%s</B></NOBR> ?</TD>""" % basket_name
out += """<TD>&nbsp;<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="confirm_action" value="CONFIRM"></CODE>"""\
"""&nbsp;<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="confirm_action" value="CANCEL"></CODE>"""
# hidden parameters
out += """<INPUT type="hidden" name="id_basket" value="%s"></TD></TR>""" % id_basket
out += """<INPUT type="hidden" name="action" value="DELETE"></TD></TR>"""
out += """</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>"""
return out
# perform_delete: present a form for the confirmation of the delete action
# input: delete_alerts='n' if releted alerts shouldn't be deleted; 'y' if yes
# action='YES' if delete action has been confirmed; 'NO' otherwise
# id_basket contains the identifier of the selected basket
# output: go back to the display baskets form with confirmation message
def perform_delete(uid, delete_alerts, confirm_action, id_basket,):
# set variables
out = ""
if (confirm_action=='CONFIRM'):
#check that the user which is changing the basket name is the owner of it
if not is_basket_owner( uid, id_basket ):
raise NotBasketOwner("You are not the owner of this basket")
# perform the cancellation
msg = "The selected basket has been deleted."
if (delete_alerts=='y'):
# delete the related alerts, remove from the alerts table: user_query_basket
query_result = run_sql("DELETE FROM user_query_basket WHERE id_user=%s AND id_basket=%s",
(uid, id_basket))
msg += " The related alerts have been removed."
# replace the basket identifier with 0
# select the records to update
query_result = run_sql("SELECT id_query,alert_name,frequency,notification,date_creation,date_lastrun "\
"FROM user_query_basket WHERE id_user=%s AND id_basket=%s",
(uid, id_basket))
# update the records
for row in query_result:
query_result_temp = run_sql("UPDATE user_query_basket "\
"SET alert_name=%s,frequency=%s,notification=%s,"\
"date_creation=%s,date_lastrun=%s,id_basket='0' "\
"WHERE id_user=%s AND id_query=%s AND id_basket=%s",
# delete the relation with the user table
query_result = run_sql("DELETE FROM user_basket WHERE id_user=%s AND id_basket=%s", (uid, id_basket))
# delete the basket information
query_result = run_sql("DELETE FROM basket WHERE id=%s", (id_basket,))
# delete the basket content
query_result = run_sql("DELETE FROM basket_record WHERE id_basket=%s", (id_basket,))
return msg
# perform_rename_basket: rename an existing basket
# input: basket identifier, basket new name
# output: basket identifier
def perform_rename_basket(uid, id_basket, newname):
# check that there's no basket owned by this user with the same name
if has_user_basket( uid, newname):
raise BasketNameAlreadyExists("You already have a basket which name is '%s'"%newname)
#check that the user which is changing the basket name is the owner of it
if not is_basket_owner( uid, id_basket ):
raise NotBasketOwner("You are not the owner of this basket")
# update a row to the basket table
tmp = run_sql("UPDATE basket SET name=%s WHERE id=%s", (newname, id_basket))
return id_basket
class BasketException(Exception):
"""base exception class for basket related errors
class BasketNameAlreadyExists(BasketException):
"""exception which is raised when a basket already exists with a certain name for a user
class NotBasketOwner(BasketException):
"""exception which is raised when a user which is not the owner of a basket tries
to perform an operation over it for which he has no privileges
def has_user_basket(uid, basket_name):
"""checks if a user (uid) already has a basket which name is 'basket_name' (case-sensitive)
return run_sql("select from basket b, user_basket ub where ub.id_user=%s and and",
(uid, basket_name.strip()))
def is_basket_owner(uid, bid):
"""checks whether or not the user (uid) is owner for the indicated basket (bid)
return run_sql("select id_basket from user_basket where id_user=%s and id_basket=%s",
(uid, bid))
def get_basket_name(bid):
"""returns the name of the basket corresponding to the given id
res = run_sql("select name from basket where id=%s", (bid,))
if not res:
return ""
return res[0][0]
# perform_create_basket: create a new basket and the relation with the user table
# input: basket name
# output: basket identifier
def perform_create_basket(uid, basket_name):
# check that there's no basket owned by this user with the same name
if has_user_basket(uid, basket_name):
raise BasketNameAlreadyExists("You already have a basket which name is '%s'"%basket_name)
# add a row to the basket table
id_basket = run_sql("INSERT INTO basket(id,name,public) VALUES ('0',%s,'n')", (basket_name,))
# create the relation between the user and the basket: user_basket
query_result = run_sql("INSERT INTO user_basket(id_user,id_basket,date_modification) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)",
(uid, id_basket, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())))
return id_basket
# basket_exists checks if a basket is in the database
# input: the name of the basket
# output: the id of the basket if it exists, 0 otherwise
def basket_exists (basket_name, uid):
id_basket = run_sql("SELECT FROM basket b, user_basket ub "\
"AND "\
"AND ub.id_user=%s",
(basket_name, uid))
return id_basket
# set_permission: set access permission on a basket
# input: basket identifier, basket public permission
# output: basket identifier
def set_permission(uid, id_basket, permission):
#check that the user which is changing the basket name is the owner of it
if not is_basket_owner( uid, id_basket ):
raise NotBasketOwner("You are not the owner of this basket")
# update a row to the basket table
id_basket = run_sql("UPDATE basket SET public=%s WHERE id=%s", (permission, id_basket))
return id_basket
# remove_items: remove the selected items from the basket
# input: basket identifier, list of selected items
# output: basket identifier
def remove_items(uid, id_basket, mark):
#check that the user which is changing the basket name is the owner of it
if not is_basket_owner( uid, id_basket ):
raise NotBasketOwner("You are not the owner of this basket")
if type(mark)==list:
for i in selected_items:
# delete the basket content
query_result = run_sql("DELETE FROM basket_record WHERE id_basket=%s AND id_record=%s",
(id_basket, i))
return id_basket
# check_copy: check if the record exists already in the basket
# input: basket identifier, list of selected items
# output: boolean
def check_copy(idbask,i):
query_result = run_sql("select * from basket_record where id_basket=%s and id_record=%s",
if len(query_result)>0 :
return 0
return 1
# copy/move the selected items to another basket
# input: original basket identifier, list of selected items,
# destination basket identifier, copy or move option: "1"=copy, "2"=move
#output: basket identifier
def move_items(uid, id_basket, mark, to_basket, copy_move="1"):
if type(mark)==list:
for i in selected_items:
if check_copy(to_basket,i):
query_result = run_sql("INSERT INTO basket_record(id_basket,id_record,nb_order) VALUES (%s,%s,'0')",
(to_basket, i))
if copy_move=="2":
#delete from previous basket
remove_items(uid, id_basket, mark)
return id_basket
# change the order of the items in the basket
# input: basket identifier
# identifiers and positions of the items to be moved
#output: basket identifier
def order_items(uid, id_basket,idup,ordup,iddown,orddown):
#check that the user which is changing the basket name is the owner of it
if not is_basket_owner( uid, id_basket ):
raise NotBasketOwner("You are not the owner of this basket")
# move up the item idup (by switching its order number with the other item):
query_result = run_sql("UPDATE basket_record SET nb_order=%s WHERE id_basket=%s AND id_record=%s",
# move down the item iddown (by switching its order number with the other item):
query_result = run_sql("UPDATE basket_record SET nb_order=%s WHERE id_basket=%s AND id_record=%s",
return id_basket
# perform_display_public: display the content of the selected basket, if public
# input: the identifier of the basket
# the name of the basket
# of is the output format code
# output: the basket's content
def perform_display_public(uid, id_basket, basket_name, action, to_basket, mark, newname, of):
out = ""
if action=="EXECUTE":
# perform actions
if newname != "":
# create a new basket
to_basket = perform_create_basket(uid, newname)
out += """The <I>private</I> basket <B>%s</B> has been created.<BR>\n""" % newname
# copy the selected items
if to_basket == '0':
out += """Select a destination basket to copy the selected items.<BR>"""
move_items(uid, id_basket, mark, to_basket, '1')
out += """The selected items have been copied.<BR>"""
# search for basket's items
if (id_basket != '0') and (id_basket != 0):
res = run_sql("select public from basket where id=%s", (id_basket,))
if len(res) == 0:
out += """Non existing basket"""
return out
if str(res[0][0]).strip() != 'y':
out += """The basket is private"""
return out
query_result = run_sql("SELECT br.id_record,br.nb_order "\
"FROM basket_record br "\
"WHERE br.id_basket=%s "\
"ORDER BY br.nb_order DESC ",
if len(query_result) > 0:
out += """Content of the public basket <B>%s</B> :<BR>""" % basket_name
# display the list of items
out += """<FORM name="basketform" action="display_public" method="post">"""
out += """<TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\n<TR><TD>"""
out += """<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing ="3" width="650">"""
# copy selected items to basket
query_result1 = run_sql("SELECT, "\
"FROM basket b, user_basket ub "\
"WHERE ub.id_user=%s AND "\
if len(query_result1) > 0:
out += """Copy the selected items to """
out += """<SELECT name="to_basket"><OPTION value="0">- select basket -</OPTION>"""
for row1 in query_result1 :
out += """<OPTION value="%s">%s</OPTION>""" % (row1[0], row1[1])
out += """</SELECT>\n"""
out += """&nbsp;or new&nbsp;"""
out += """Copy the selected items to new basket&nbsp;"""
out += """<INPUT type="text" name="newname" size="10" maxlength="50">&nbsp;&nbsp;"""
out += """<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="EXECUTE"></CODE><BR><BR></TD></TR>\n"""
# display the list of items
i = 1
preid = 0
preord = 0
for row in query_result :
if i==1:
out += """<TR valign="top"><TD width="60">%s<input type="checkbox" name="mark" value="%s">"""\
"""<IMG src="%s/arrow_up.gif" border="0">""" % (i,row[0],imagesurl)
# complete display previous item
out += """<A href="display?id_basket=%s&action=ORDER&idup=%s&ordup=%s&iddown=%s&orddown=%s">"""\
"""<IMG src="%s/arrow_down.gif" border="0"></A>"""\
"""<TR colspan="2"><TD></TD></TR>""" % (id_basket,row[0],row[1],preid,preord,imagesurl,preabstract)
# display current item
out += """<TR valign="top"><TD width="60">%s<input type="checkbox" name="mark" value="%s">"""\
"""<A href="display?id_basket=%s&action=ORDER&idup=%s&ordup=%s&iddown=%s&orddown=%s">"""\
"""<IMG src="%s/arrow_up.gif" border="0"></A>""" % (i,row[0],id_basket,row[0],row[1],preid,preord,imagesurl)
preid = row[0]
preord = row[1]
preabstract = print_record(row[0], of)
i += 1
# complete display last item
out += """<IMG src="%s/arrow_down.gif" border="0"></A>"""\
"""<TR colspan="2"><TD></TD></TR>""" % (imagesurl,preabstract)
# hidden parameters
out += """<INPUT type="hidden" name="id_basket" value="%s"></TD></TR>""" % id_basket
out += """<INPUT type="hidden" name="name" value="%s"></TD></TR>""" % basket_name
out += """</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></FORM>"""
out += """The basket <B>%s</B> is empty.""" % basket_name
return out
## --- new stuff starts here ---
def perform_request_add(uid=-1, recid=[], bid=[], bname=[]):
"""Add records recid to baskets bid for user uid. If bid isn't set, it'll ask user into which baskets to add them.
If bname is set, it'll create new basket with this name, and add records there rather than to bid."""
out = ""
# wash arguments:
recIDs = recid
bskIDs = bid
if not type(recid) is list:
recIDs = [recid]
if not type(bid) is list:
bskIDs = [bid]
# sanity checking:
if recIDs == []:
return "<p>No records to add."
# do we have to create some baskets?
if bname:
new_basket_ID = perform_create_basket(uid, bname)
bskIDs = [new_basket_ID]
except BasketException, e:
out += """The basket %s has not been created: %s""" % (bname, e)
if bskIDs == []:
# A - some information missing, so propose list of baskets to choose from
basket_id_name_list = get_list_of_user_baskets(uid)
if basket_id_name_list != []:
# there are some baskets; good
out += "<p>Please choose the basket you want to add %d records to:" % len(recIDs)
out += """<form action="%s/" method="post">""" % weburl
for recID in recIDs:
out += """<input type="hidden" name="recid" value="%s">""" % recID
out += """<select name="bid">"""
for basket_id, basket_name in get_list_of_user_baskets(uid):
out += """<option value="%s">%s""" % (basket_id, basket_name)
out += """</select>"""
out += """<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="ADD TO BASKET">"""
out += """</form>"""
# user have to create a basket first
out += """<p>You don't own baskets defined yet."""
out += """<form action="%s/" method="post">""" % weburl
for recID in recIDs:
out += """<input type="hidden" name="recid" value="%s">""" % recID
out += """New basket name: """
out += """<input type="text" size="30" name="bname" value="">"""
out += """<input class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="CREATE NEW BASKET">"""
out += """</form>"""
# B - we have baskets IDs, so we can add records
out += """<p><span class="info">Adding %s records to basket(s)...</span>""" % len(recIDs)
for bskID in bskIDs:
if is_basket_owner(uid, bskID):
for recID in recIDs:
res = run_sql("INSERT INTO basket_record(id_basket,id_record,nb_order) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)",
pass # maybe records were already there? page reload happened?
out += """<span class="info">done.</span>"""
out += """<span class="info">sorry, you are not the owner of this basket.</span>"""
out += perform_display(uid=uid, id_basket=bskIDs[0])
return out
def get_list_of_user_baskets(uid):
"""Return list of lists [[basket_id, basket_name],[basket_id, basket_name],...] for the given user."""
out = []
res = run_sql("SELECT, "\
"FROM basket b, user_basket ub "\
"WHERE ub.id_user=%s AND "\
for row in res:
out.append([row[0], row[1]])
return out
def account_list_baskets(uid, action="", id_basket=0, newname=""):
out = ""
# query the database for the list of baskets
query_result = run_sql("SELECT,, b.public, ub.date_modification "\
"FROM basket b, user_basket ub "\
"WHERE ub.id_user=%s AND "\
out += """<FORM name="displaybasket" action="../" method="post">"""
out += """You own the following baskets: """
out += """<SELECT name="id_basket"><OPTION value="0">- basket name -</OPTION>"""
for row in query_result :
if str(id_basket) == str(row[0]):
basket_selected = " selected"
basket_name = row[1]
basket_selected = ""
out += """<OPTION value="%s"%s>%s</OPTION>""" % (row[0], basket_selected, row[1])
out += """</SELECT>\n"""
# buttons for basket's selection or creation
out += """&nbsp;<CODE class="blocknote">"""\
"""<INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="SELECT"></CODE>\n"""
out += """&nbsp;&nbsp;or&nbsp;"""\
"""<INPUT type="text" name="newname" size="10" maxlength="50">&nbsp;"""\
"""<CODE class="blocknote"><INPUT class="formbutton" type="submit" name="action" value="CREATE NEW"></CODE><BR><BR>"""
out += """</FORM>"""
return out

Event Timeline