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## $Id$
## CDSware Search Engine unit tests.
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
<protect># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-</protect>
"""Unit tests for the search engine."""
__lastupdated__ = """<: print `date +"%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"`; :>"""
<protect> ## okay, rest of the Python code goes below #######
__version__ = "$Id$"
import search_engine
import unittest
class TestWashQueryParameters(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test for washing of search query parameters."""
def test_wash_url_argument(self):
"""search engine - washing of URL arguments"""
self.assertEqual(1, search_engine.wash_url_argument(['1'],'int'))
self.assertEqual("1", search_engine.wash_url_argument(['1'],'str'))
self.assertEqual(['1'], search_engine.wash_url_argument(['1'],'list'))
self.assertEqual(0, search_engine.wash_url_argument('ellis','int'))
self.assertEqual("ellis", search_engine.wash_url_argument('ellis','str'))
self.assertEqual(["ellis"], search_engine.wash_url_argument('ellis','list'))
self.assertEqual(0, search_engine.wash_url_argument(['ellis'],'int'))
self.assertEqual("ellis", search_engine.wash_url_argument(['ellis'],'str'))
self.assertEqual(["ellis"], search_engine.wash_url_argument(['ellis'],'list'))
def test_wash_pattern(self):
"""search engine - washing of query patterns"""
self.assertEqual("Ellis, J", search_engine.wash_pattern('Ellis, J'))
self.assertEqual("ell", search_engine.wash_pattern('ell*'))
class TestStripAccents(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test for handling of UTF-8 accents."""
def test_strip_accents(self):
"""search engine - stripping of accented letters"""
self.assertEqual("memememe", search_engine.strip_accents('mémêmëmè'))
self.assertEqual("MEMEMEME", search_engine.strip_accents('MÉMÊMËMÈ'))
class TestQueryParser(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test of search pattern (or query) parser."""
def _check(self, p, f, m, result_wanted):
"Internal checking function calling create_basic_search_units."
result_obtained = search_engine.create_basic_search_units(None, p, f, m)
assert result_obtained == result_wanted, \
'obtained %s instead of %s' % (repr(result_obtained), repr(result_wanted))
def test_parsing_single_word_query(self):
"search engine - parsing single word queries"
self._check('word', '', None, [['|', 'word', '', 'w']])
def test_parsing_single_word_in_field(self):
"search engine - parsing single word queries in a logical field"
self._check('word', 'title', None, [['|', 'word', 'title', 'w']])
def test_parsing_single_word_in_tag(self):
"search engine - parsing single word queries in a physical tag"
self._check('word', '500', None, [['|', 'word', '500', 'a']])
def test_parsing_query_with_commas(self):
"search engine - parsing queries with commas"
self._check('word,word', 'title', None, [['|', 'word,word', 'title', 'a']])
def test_parsing_exact_phrase_query(self):
"search engine - parsing exact phrase"
self._check('"the word"', 'title', None, [['|', 'the word', 'title', 'a']])
def test_parsing_exact_phrase_query_unbalanced(self):
"search engine - parsing unbalanced exact phrase"
self._check('"the word', 'title', None, [['|', '"the', 'title', 'w'],
['+', 'word', 'title', 'w']])
def test_parsing_exact_phrase_query_in_any_field(self):
"search engine - parsing exact phrase in any field"
self._check('"the word"', '', None, [['|', 'the word', 'anyfield', 'a']])
def test_parsing_partial_phrase_query(self):
"search engine - parsing partial phrase"
self._check("'the word'", 'title', None, [['|', '%the word%', 'title', 'a']])
def test_parsing_partial_phrase_query_unbalanced(self):
"search engine - parsing unbalanced partial phrase"
self._check("'the word", 'title', None, [['|', "'the", 'title', 'w'],
['+', "word", 'title', 'w']])
def test_parsing_partial_phrase_query_in_any_field(self):
"search engine - parsing partial phrase in any field"
self._check("'the word'", '', None, [['|', "'the", '', 'w'],
['|', "word'", '', 'w']])
def test_parsing_regexp_query(self):
"search engine - parsing regex matches"
self._check("/the word/", 'title', None, [['|', 'the word', 'title', 'r']])
def test_parsing_regexp_query_unbalanced(self):
"search engine - parsing unbalanced regexp"
self._check("/the word", 'title', None, [['|', '/the', 'title', 'w'],
['+', 'word', 'title', 'w']])
def test_parsing_regexp_query_in_any_field(self):
"search engine - parsing regexp searches in any field"
self._check("/the word/", '', None, [['|', "/the", '', 'w'],
['|', "word/", '', 'w']])
def test_parsing_boolean_query(self):
"search engine - parsing boolean query with several words"
self._check("muon kaon ellis cern", '', None, [['|', 'muon', '', 'w'],
['+', 'kaon', '', 'w'],
['+', 'ellis', '', 'w'],
['+', 'cern', '', 'w']])
def test_parsing_boolean_query_with_word_operators(self):
"search engine - parsing boolean query with word operators"
self._check("muon and kaon or ellis not cern", '', None, [['|', 'muon', '', 'w'],
['+', 'kaon', '', 'w'],
['|', 'ellis', '', 'w'],
['-', 'cern', '', 'w']])
def test_parsing_boolean_query_with_symbol_operators(self):
"search engine - parsing boolean query with symbol operators"
self._check("muon +kaon |ellis -cern", '', None, [['|', 'muon', '', 'w'],
['+', 'kaon', '', 'w'],
['|', 'ellis', '', 'w'],
['-', 'cern', '', 'w']])
def test_parsing_boolean_query_with_symbol_operators_and_spaces(self):
"search engine - parsing boolean query with symbol operators and spaces"
self._check("muon + kaon | ellis - cern", '', None, [['|', 'muon', '', 'w'],
['+', 'kaon', '', 'w'],
['|', 'ellis', '', 'w'],
['-', 'cern', '', 'w']])
def test_parsing_boolean_query_with_symbol_operators_and_no_spaces(self):
"search engine - parsing boolean query with symbol operators and no spaces"
self._check("muon+kaon|ellis-cern", '', None, [['|', 'muon+kaon|ellis-cern', '', 'w']])
def test_parsing_combined_structured_query(self):
"search engine - parsing combined structured query"
self._check("title:muon author:ellis", '', None, [['|', 'muon', 'title', 'w'],
['+', 'ellis', 'author', 'w']])
def test_parsing_structured_regexp_query(self):
"search engine - parsing structured regexp query"
self._check("title:/(one|two)/", '', None, [['|', '(one|two)', 'title', 'r']]),
def test_parsing_combined_structured_query_in_a_field(self):
"search engine - parsing structured query in a field"
self._check("title:muon author:ellis", 'abstract', None, [['|', 'muon', 'title', 'w'],
['+', 'ellis', 'author', 'w']])
def create_test_suite():
"""Return test suite for the search engine."""
return unittest.TestSuite((unittest.makeSuite(TestWashQueryParameters,'test'),
if __name__ == "__main__":

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