============================ Invenio v1.2.2 is released ============================ Invenio v1.2.2 was released on November 25, 2016. About ----- Invenio is a digital library framework enabling you to build your own digital library or document repository on the web. This stable release update is recommended to all Invenio sites using v1.2.1 or previous releases. New features ------------ + installation - Initial release of kickstart installations scripts. Ported from the old `tiborsimko/invenio-devscripts` repository of helper scripts and adapted to resemble Invenio 3 kickstart installation scripts. Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and CentOS 6. Improved features ----------------- + BibDocFile - Escapes file name special characters including accents and spaces in document URLs. + BibFormat - Corrects subfield usage when displaying the DOI qualifying information, changing subfield `y` (not valid) by `q`. (#3195) + BibIndex - Enhances full-text indexing of external flles. (PR #3358) + BibRank - Allows ranking external files using Solr. (PR #3358) + I18N - Updates Slovak translation from Transifex. - Updates Slovak translation from Transifex. - Updates German, French, Slovak and Spanish translations from Transifex. - Updates Catalan, French, German, Italian, Russian, Slovak, and Spanish translations from Transifex. - Completes Italian translation for Invenio v1.2. - Completes Italian translation. - Completes French translation. + WebSession - Changes error message depending on `CFG_ACCESS_CONTROL_LEVEL_ACCOUNTS` value as the meaning of the column `note` also changes with it. (#1414) (PR #3414) + WebStyle - Cleans the port from the user's IP preventing issues in future manipulations of it. (PR #3255) + WebSubmit - Adds subtitle file to the file converter rules. (PR #3358) - Allows the stamping function to accept both files and directories. + crossrefutils - Supports querying CrossRef with free account (without password). (#3503) (#1277) (PR #3516) + installation - Installation scripts now support Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. - Uses `/usr/sbin/service foo` consistently everywhere to restart daemons instead of deprecated `/etc/init.d/foo`. - Pinned specific JSON-js and Mediaelement versions instead of using the latest master branch commits. (#11) + urlutils - Uses `md5` from `hashlib` when available. (#3382) Bug fixes --------- + BibCirculation - Fixes the number of copies of an item that is displayed in the circulation UI item search. (#2018) (PR #3574) + BibDocFile - Disallows % character in filenames since it may cause some problems with URL encoding/decoding leading to incorrect URLs. (#1918) (PR #2788) - Purges old extracted text too, when purging a BibDoc. (#3519) + BibFormat - Casts record ID type to integer in record editor formatting element. Various functions working with the record ID expect it to be an integer rather than a string. (PR #2796) - Fixes filtering of records not modified since the last bibreformat run, which could have skipped records that were, for whatever reason, not reformatted in the past. (PR #2824) - Changes when the missing caches are generated during bibreformat run. The missing cache is no longer generated for records if the bibreformat is run with -i, --collection, --field or --pattern option. + BibIndex - Fixes possible infinite loop in beautify_range_list() that could have been triggered in particular conditions. (PR #2758) + BibSched - Makes `recid` argument optional in tasklet `bst_create_icons`. (#2192) + I18N - Fixes a typo in the German translation. + OAIHarvest - Fixes an exception that would happen upon the initial harvest of a new OAI harvest source marked to be harvested "from beginning". (#2793) - Fixes the parsing of resumptiontoken in incoming OAI-PMH XML which could fail when the resumptiontoken was empty. + OAIRepository - Fixes default configuration of CFG_OAI_METADATA_FORMATS, correctly assigning the XSD and XML namespace to the corresponding metadata prefix. + WebAccess - Improves the WebAccess FireRole documentation by providing corrected example on how to use groups in FireRole definitions. (#3107) (#3225) + WebSearch - Takes into account the sort order when searching, even if no specific sort or rank method is used. (PR #3564) - Adds the proper language parameter on tabs if the user has selected different language from the browser preferred. (#308) (PR #3395) - Fixes a search regression test case that looks for records added in the past 10 years. This test started to fail because some records are declared with date added (see MARC tag 005) before 2006. Amends the test case to use safer value of last 100 years instead of last 10 years. - Fixes asynchronous external collection getter tests following the update of the Invenio project web site. + WebSession - Removes pending groups from user info object. (#3526) + bibupload - In case of replicating datasets between instances by means of OAI harvesting it is plausible to check for external OAI-IDs not only in the field specified by CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG but also in CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD. (#2812) (PR #2816) + crossrefutils - Correctly URL-encodes the query sent to CrossRef in order to retrieve information about a given DOI. - Correctly passes the noredirect flag to CrossRef API. + global - Silences most MySQL UTF-8 warnings related to inserting into and updating BLOB table columns. + installation - Amends canonical location of py-editdist and pyRXP packages, fixing the installation problem. - Amends installation procedures to download necessary jQuery plugins from Invenio-hosted web site, fixing problems with non- existing Google Code pages. (#3620) - Fixes Apache virtual host configuration generation on CentOS 6. + inveniogc - Fixes garbage collection of temporary directories created by websubmit_icon_creator and websubmit_file_stamper. (#3556) (PR #3558) Download -------- - http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-1.2.2.tar.gz - http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-1.2.2.tar.gz.md5 - http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-1.2.2.tar.gz.sig Installation ------------ Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball. Upgrade ------- Please proceed as follows: a) Stop your bibsched queue and your Apache server. b) Install the update:: $ tar xvfz invenio-1.2.2.tar.gz $ cd invenio-1.2.2 $ sudo rsync -a /opt/invenio/etc/ /opt/invenio/etc.OLD/ $ sh /opt/invenio/etc/build/config.nice $ make $ make check-upgrade $ sudo -u www-data make install $ sudo rsync -a /opt/invenio/etc.OLD/ \ --exclude invenio-autotools.conf \ /opt/invenio/etc/ # (1) $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --upgrade (1) If you are upgrading from previous stable release series (v0.99, v1.0 or v1.1), please don't run this rsync command but diff, in order to inspect changes and adapt your old configuration to the new Invenio v1.2 release series. For more information you may also want to consult release notes coming with Invenio v1.2.0. c) Restart your Apache server and your bibsched queue. Happy hacking and thanks for flying Invenio. | Invenio Development Team | Email: info@invenio-software.org | IRC: #invenio on irc.freenode.net | Twitter: http://twitter.com/inveniosoftware | GitHub: http://github.com/inveniosoftware | URL: http://invenio-software.org