CDS Invenio UNINSTALLATION ========================== Revision: $Id$ About ===== This document specifies how to uninstall the CDS Invenio. See INSTALL if you look for information on how to install the system. See RELEASE-NOTES if you are upgrading from a previous CDS Invenio release. Contents ======== 1. Quick instructions for the impatient CDS Invenio admin 2. Detailed instructions for the patient CDS Invenio admin 1. Quick instructions for the impatient CDS Invenio admin ================================================== $ cd /usr/local/src/cdsware-0.9 $ gmake uninstall ## NOTE: This has not been tested yet!! $ cd .. $ rm -rf cdsware-0.9.tar.gz cdsware-0.9 $ mysql -h -u root -p mysql mysql> DROP DATABASE cdsware; mysql> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON cdsware.* FROM; 2. Detailed instructions for the patient CDS Invenio admin =================================================== $ cd /usr/local/src/cdsware-0.9 Change to the directory where you have configured and built the CDS Invenio. $ gmake uninstall ## NOTE: This has not been tested yet!! This will uninstall all the installed web pages, cgi scripts and database utilities from their respective directories. Note that it may happen that you will need to clean manually HTDOCS directory where all the collection pages were created. We'll test this in the coming future. Also, you may want to remove the directories manually in case you have added some non-CDS Invenio files to the same place. $ cd .. Go to the parent directory. $ rm -rf cdsware-0.9.tar.gz cdsware-0.9 Wipe out the downloaded tarball and all the CDS Invenio sources. $ mysql -h -u root -p mysql mysql> DROP DATABASE cdsware; mysql> REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON cdsware.* FROM; Ask your MySQL administrator to execute the above commands that will drop the CDS Invenio databases and revoke access rights to the CDS Invenio user. Thanks for testing CDS Invenio. We would be glad to hear from you about your CDS Invenio experience. Please tell us what you think to help us to improve the system. Thanks! - CDS Development Group