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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
This file aims to filter and modify the interface given by
bibauthorid_bdinterface in order to make it usable by the
frontend so to keep it as clean as possible.
import bibauthorid_dbinterface as dbinter
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import set_person_data #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_person_data #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_personid_from_uid #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_bibrefs_from_name_string #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import create_new_person #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import update_request_ticket #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import delete_request_ticket #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import find_personIDs_by_name_string #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_bibref_modification_status #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_canonical_id_from_personid #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_papers_status #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_person_db_names_count #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_person_id_from_canonical_id #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_person_names_count #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_person_names_set #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_person_papers #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_persons_with_open_tickets_list #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_possible_personids_from_paperlist #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_request_ticket #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import insert_user_log #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import person_bibref_is_touched #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import reject_papers_from_person #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import reset_papers_flag #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import user_can_modify_data #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import user_can_modify_paper #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import update_personID_canonical_names #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import update_personID_names_string_set #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import get_possible_bibrecref #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import resolve_paper_access_right #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import delete_cached_author_page #emitting
from bibauthorid_dbinterface import confirm_papers_to_person #emitting
def get_bibrefrec_name_string(bibref):
Returns the name string associated to a name string
@param bibref: bibrefrec '100:123,123'
@return: string
name = ""
ref = ""
if not ((bibref and isinstance(bibref, str) and bibref.count(":"))):
return name
if bibref.count(","):
ref = bibref.split(",")[0]
except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError):
return name
ref = bibref
dbname = dbinter.get_bibref_name_string(((ref,),))
if dbname:
name = dbname
return name
def add_person_paper_needs_manual_review(pid, bibrec):
Adds to a person a paper which needs manual review before bibref assignment
@param pid: personid, int
@param bibrec: the bibrec, int
dbinter.set_person_data(pid, 'paper_needs_bibref_manual_confirm', bibrec)
def get_person_papers_to_be_manually_reviewed(pid):
Returns the set of papers awaiting for manual review for a person for bibref assignment
@param pid: the personid, int
return dbinter.get_person_data(pid, 'paper_needs_bibref_manual_confirm')
def del_person_papers_needs_manual_review(pid, bibrec):
Deletes from the set of papers awaiting for manual review for a person
@param pid: personid, int
@param bibrec: the bibrec, int
dbinter.del_person_data(person_id=pid, tag='paper_needs_bibref_manual_confirm', value=str(bibrec))
def set_processed_external_recids(pid, recid_list_str):
Set processed external recids
@param pid: pid
@param recid_list_str: str
dbinter.del_person_data(person_id=pid, tag='processed_external_recids')
dbinter.set_person_data(pid, "processed_external_recids", recid_list_str)
def assign_person_to_uid(uid, pid):
Assigns a person to a userid. If person already assigned to someone else, create new person.
Returns the peron id assigned.
@param uid: user id, int
@param pid: person id, int, if -1 creates new person.
@return: pid int
if pid == -1:
pid = dbinter.create_new_person_from_uid(uid)
return pid
current_uid = dbinter.get_person_data(pid, 'uid')
if len(current_uid) == 0:
dbinter.set_person_data(pid, 'uid', str(uid))
return pid
pid = dbinter.create_new_person_from_uid(uid)
return pid
def assign_uid_to_person(uid, pid, create_new_pid=False, force=False):
Assigns a userid to a person, counterchecknig with get_personid_from_uid.
If uid has already other person returns other person.
If create_new_pid and the pid is -1 creates a new person.
If force, deletes any reference to that uid from the tables and assigns to pid, if pid wrong
(less then zero) returns -1.
@param uid: user id, int
@param pid: person id, int
@param create_new_pid: bool
@param force, bool
if force and pid >= 0:
dbinter.del_person_data(tag='uid', value=str(uid))
dbinter.set_person_data(pid, 'uid', str(uid))
return pid
elif force and pid < 0:
return -1
current = dbinter.get_personid_from_uid(((uid,),))
if current[1]:
return current[0][0]
if pid >= 0:
cuid = dbinter.get_person_data(pid, 'uid')
if len(cuid) > 0:
if str(cuid[0][1]) == str(uid):
return pid
if create_new_pid:
return -1
dbinter.set_person_data(pid, 'uid', str(uid))
return pid
if create_new_pid:
return -1
def get_personid_status_cacher():
Returns a DataCacher object describing the status of the pid table content
@return: DataCacher Object
@rtype: DataCacher
if not dbinter.DATA_CACHERS:
return dbinter.DATA_CACHERS[0]
def get_processed_external_recids(pid):
Returns processed external recids
@param pid: pid
@return: [str]
db_data = dbinter.get_person_data(pid, "processed_external_recids")
recid_list_str = ''
if db_data and db_data[0] and db_data[0][1]:
recid_list_str = db_data[0][1]
return recid_list_str
def get_all_personids_recs(pid):
records = dbinter.get_all_paper_records(pid)
return [int(rec[0].split(',')[1]) for rec in records]

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