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## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Invenio BibSort Administrator Interface."""
from invenio.access_control_engine import acc_authorize_action
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language, language_list_long
from invenio.bibsort_engine import delete_all_data_for_method, add_sorting_method
from invenio.bibsort_washer import get_all_available_washers
from invenio.bibrankadminlib import write_outcome, modify_translations, \
get_i8n_name, get_languages, \
tupletotable, createhiddenform
def perform_index(ln, action, bsrcode, sm_name, sm_def_type, sm_def_value, sm_washer, sm_locale):
Create the BibSort main page that displays all the sorting methods.
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = create_important_box('<p>If you have questions, please see the %s.</p>' \
%get_admin_guide_link(ln), '#66CCFF')
return create_important_box('<p>BibSort is not enabled. In order to enable it, \
CFG_BIBSORT_BUCKETS needs to have a positive value.<br\>\
Please see the %s for more details.</p>' %get_admin_guide_link(ln))
#Treatment of the possible actions
if action == 'delete':
result = delete_all_data_for_method(bsrcode)
if not result:
return create_important_box('<p> There was an error deleting method %s. <br/>\
You can try deleting methods directly in the config file: \
(<b>%s/bibsort/bibsort.cfg</b>) <br/>\
and then load the configuration into the database using the command line tool.<br/>\
Please see the %s for more details.</p>' \
%(bsrcode, CFG_ETCDIR, get_admin_guide_link(ln)))
elif action == 'add':
sm_method = '%s: %s' % (sm_def_type.upper(), sm_def_value)
if sm_locale != 'en':
#it's not the default one, let's store it in the db with the washer
sm_washer += ':%s' % sm_locale
result = add_sorting_method(sm_name, sm_method, sm_washer)
if not result:
return create_important_box('<p> There was an error adding method %s. <br/>\
You can try adding methods directly in the config file: \
(<b>%s/bibsort/bibsort.cfg</b>) \
and then load the configuration into the database using the command line tool.<br/>\
Please see the %s for more details.</p>' \
%(sm_name, CFG_ETCDIR, get_admin_guide_link(ln)))
sorting_methods = get_sorting_methods()
if not sorting_methods:
out = create_important_box('<p>The BibSort contains no methods.<br/>\
If you wish to load a previous configuration (ex: <b>%s/bibsort/bibsort.cfg</b>) \
please use the bibsort command line tool.<br/>\
Please see the %s for more details.</p>' \
%(CFG_ETCDIR, get_admin_guide_link(ln)))
#display the sorting methods in a table
header_list = ['Name', 'Definition', 'Washer', 'Translation', 'Action']
sm_table_header = ''
for item in header_list:
sm_table_header += '''<th class="adminheader">%s</th>''' % item
sm_table_body = ''
for (sm_id, sm_name, sm_def, sm_washer) in sorting_methods:
trans_link = create_adminaction_link('modifytranslations', 'Modify', {'bsrID': sm_id, 'ln': ln})
delete_link = create_action_delete_link(sm_name, sm_id, bsrcode, ln)
sm_table_body += '''<tr>
<td class="admintdleft">%(name)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft">%(def)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft">%(washer)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft">%(trans)s</td>
<td class="admintdleft">%(action)s</td>
'''% {'name': sm_name, 'def': sm_def, \
'washer': sm_washer, 'trans': trans_link, \
'action': delete_link}
#the sorting methods table
sm_table = '''
<table class="admin_wvar_nomargin">
''' % {'header': sm_table_header, 'body': sm_table_body}
out += sm_table
# add new bibsort method button
out += create_action_add_link()
return out
def create_action_add_link():
Creates the Add action link and the Add new method form and java script attached to it.
add_form_js = '''
$('#addsortingmethod').click(function() {
button_style = '''color: #FFFFFF; background: #3366CC;
text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;
font-size:small; padding:5px;'''
#get the available washers
def get_washer_value():
"""Returns all the available washer methods"""
sm_washer_code = '''<select name="sm_washer">'''
sm_washer_code += '''<option value='NOOP'>NOOP</option>'''
washers = get_all_available_washers()
for washer in washers:
sm_washer_code += '''<option value='%(washer)s'>%(washer)s</option>''' \
% {'washer': washer}
sm_washer_code += '''</select>'''
return sm_washer_code
#get possibilities for field
def get_field_value():
"""Returns all the available logical fields"""
field_value = '''<div><select id='fieldmore' name="sm_field_value">'''
fields = get_all_available_fields()
for field in fields:
field_value += '''<option value='%(field)s'>%(field)s</option>''' \
% {'field': field[0]}
field_value += '''</select></div>'''
return field_value
#get possibilities for marc
def get_marc_value():
"""Returns the input field for the MARC tag"""
return '''
<input type='text' id='marcmore' name='sm_marc_value' />
#get possibilities for rnk
def get_rnk_value():
"""Returns all the available rnk methods"""
rnk_value = '''<div><select id='rnkmore' name="sm_rnk_value">'''
rnks = get_all_available_rnks()
for rnk in rnks:
rnk_value += '''<option value='%(rnk)s'>%(rnk)s</option>''' \
% {'rnk': rnk[0]}
rnk_value += '''</select></div>'''
return rnk_value
#get possibilities for bibrec
def get_bibrec_value():
"""Returns all the available bibrec methods"""
return '''
<select id='bibrecmore' name="sm_bibrec_value">
<option value='creation_date'>creation date</option>
<option value='modification_date'>modification date</option>
#get possibilities for language
def get_locale_value():
"""Returns all the available languages"""
sm_locale_code = '''<select name="sm_locale">'''
sm_locale_code += '''<option value='en'>English (default)</option>'''
langs = language_list_long(True)
for lang in langs:
if lang[0] != 'en': # we already added English as default
sm_locale_code += '''<option value='%(lang_short)s'>%(lang_long)s</option>''' \
% {'lang_short': lang[0], 'lang_long': lang[1]}
sm_locale_code += '''</select>'''
return sm_locale_code
#get the possible definition types
sm_types = ['field', 'marc', 'rnk', 'bibrec']
sm_def_code = '''<table cellspan='5' cellpadding='5'>'''
for sm_type in sm_types:
sm_def_code += '''
<td><input type="radio" name="sm_def_type" value="%(type)s" id="%(id)s">%(name)s</td>
<td id="%(type_id)s">%(type_value)s</td>
</tr>''' \
% {'type': sm_type,
'id': sm_type + 'radio',
'name': sm_type.upper(),
'type_id': 'type' + sm_type,
'type_value': locals()['get_' + sm_type + '_value']()}
#javascript code for: when one method is selected, show it's value and hide the values for the others
sm_def_code += '''<script>
$('#%(id)s').click(function() {
all_types = $.map($('input:radio[name=sm_def_type]'), function(el){return el.value;})
for (sm_type in all_types){
if ('type' + all_types[sm_type] != '%(type_id)s'){
$('#type' + all_types[sm_type]).hide();
</script>''' \
% {'id': sm_type + 'radio',
'type_id': 'type' + sm_type}
sm_def_code += '''</table>'''
#javascript for: populate field sm_def_value and delete all the sm_[type]_value
add_form = '''<script>
selected_type = $('input:radio[name=sm_def_type]:checked').val();
selected_value = $('[name=sm_' + selected_type + '_value]').val();
all_types = $.map($('input:radio[name=sm_def_type]'), function(el){return el.value;})
for (type in all_types){
$('#' + all_types[type] + 'more').remove();
add_form += '''
<div id='addform' style='border: 1px solid #FF9966; padding:10px; margin-top:20px; margin-left:10px; width:-moz-fit-content;'>
<form action='' id='addsubmission'>
<input type='hidden' name='action' value='add'/>
<input type='hidden' name='sm_def_value' value=''/>
<table cellspacing="5" style='text-size:small;'>
<td><b><small>Method Name:</small></b></td>
<td><input type='text' name='sm_name'/></td>
<td valign="top"><b><small>Method Definition:</small></b></td>
<td><b><small>Method Washer:</small></b></td>
<td><b><small>Use this language when sorting:</small></b></td>
<td colspan=2 align='right'><input type='submit' value='Add' style="%(button_style)s"/></td>
'''% {'button_style': button_style,
'sm_washer_code': get_washer_value(),
'sm_locale_code': get_locale_value(),
'sm_def_code': sm_def_code}
button_link = '''<div style="padding-top:20px; padding-left:10px;">\
<a href='#' style='%s' id='addsortingmethod'>Add New Sorting Method</a>\
</div>''' % button_style
return button_link + add_form_js + add_form
def create_action_delete_link(sm_name, sm_id, bsrcode, ln):
Creates the Delete action link.
if sm_id == bsrcode:
# the deletion was not successful, the method that should have been deleted is still in the database
return '<span style="color:red">Error: the method was not deleted. Please check the database permissions.</span>'
delete_confirm = '''Are you sure you want to delete the sorting method <<%s>> and all the data asociated with it? [If in doubt, see the BibSort Admin Guide for details].''' % sm_name
on_click = '''return confirm('%s')''' % delete_confirm
return create_adminaction_link('', 'Delete', options={'bsrID': sm_id, 'ln': ln, 'action': 'delete'}, style='', on_click=on_click)
def getnavtrail(previous = ''):
"""Get the navtrail"""
navtrail = """<a class="navtrail" href="%s/help/admin">Admin Area</a> """ % (CFG_SITE_URL,)
navtrail = navtrail + previous
return navtrail
def check_user(req, role, authorized=0):
Checks if the user is authorized to access the admin area.
auth_code, auth_message = acc_authorize_action(req, role)
if not authorized and auth_code != 0:
return ("false", auth_message)
return ("", auth_message)
def get_sorting_name(bsrcode):
Returns the name asociated with the bsrcode in the bsrMETHOD table.
return run_sql('SELECT name from bsrMETHOD where id = %s', (bsrcode,))[0][0]
except IndexError:
return ''
def get_sorting_methods():
Returns the list of all sorting methods defined
return run_sql('SELECT id, name, definition, washer from bsrMETHOD')
def create_important_box(content, color='#FF9966'):
Returns the code for a red box containing an important message
return '''<div style="border:1px solid %(color)s; background: %(color)s; width=100%%; margin-bottom:10px;">
</div>''' % {'color': color, 'content': content}
def create_adminaction_link(action, name, options=None, style='', on_click=''):
Returns the link coresponding to an action
@param action: the action the url should point to
@param name: the name displayed to the user
@param options: dictionary containing the url parameters
#create the link parameters from the options dictionarly
link_params = options and '&'.join('%s=%s' %(item, options[item]) for item in options) or ''
return '<a style="%(style)s" onclick="%(on_click)s" \
href="%(site)s/admin/bibsort/">%(name)s</a>' \
% {'style': style,
'on_click': on_click,
'site': CFG_SITE_URL,
def get_admin_guide_link(ln):
Returns the link to the admin guide.
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return '<a href="%s/help/admin/bibsort-admin-guide">%s</a>' % (CFG_SITE_URL, _('BibSort Guide'))
def get_all_available_fields():
Returns all fields
return run_sql("SELECT code FROM field ORDER BY code")
def get_all_available_rnks():
Returns all ranking methods
return run_sql("SELECT name FROM rnkMETHOD ORDER BY name")
def perform_modifytranslations(ln, bsrID, trans=None, confirm=0):
"""Modify the translations of a sort method"""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
output = create_important_box('<p>If you have questions, please see the %s.</p>' %get_admin_guide_link(ln), '#66CCFF')
sel_type = 'ln' #Long name
table_name = 'bsrMETHOD'
sitelangs = get_languages()
if not trans:
trans = []
if type(trans) is str:
trans = [trans]
if confirm == 2 and bsrID:
finresult = modify_translations(bsrID, sitelangs, sel_type, trans, table_name)
bsr_dict = dict(get_i8n_name(bsrID, ln, sel_type, table_name))
if bsrID and bsr_dict.has_key(bsrID):
header = ['Language', 'Translation']
actions = []
if not confirm:
trans = []
for (key, dummy) in sitelangs:
trans.append(get_i8n_name(bsrID, key, sel_type, table_name)[0][1])
except StandardError:
for i in range(0, len(sitelangs)):
actions.append(["%s %s" % (sitelangs[i][1], (sitelangs[i][0]==CFG_SITE_LANG and '<small>(def)</small>' or ''))])
actions[-1].append('<input type="text" name="trans" size="30" value="%s"/>' % trans[i])
text = tupletotable(header=header, tuple=actions)
output += createhiddenform(action="modifytranslations",
if sel_type and len(trans) and confirm == 2:
output += write_outcome(finresult)
return output

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