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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import re
from invenio.docextract_pdf import replace_undesirable_characters
from invenio.docextract_utils import write_message
from invenio.docextract_text import join_lines, \
repair_broken_urls, \
re_multiple_space, \
from invenio.refextract_config import CFG_REFEXTRACT_MAX_LINES
from invenio.refextract_find import find_end_of_reference_section, \
def extract_references_from_fulltext(fulltext):
"""Locate and extract the reference section from a fulltext document.
Return the extracted reference section as a list of strings, whereby each
string in the list is considered to be a single reference line.
E.g. a string could be something like:
'[19] Wilson, A. Unpublished (1986).
@param fulltext: (list) of strings, whereby each string is a line of the
@return: (list) of strings, where each string is an extracted reference
# Try to remove pagebreaks, headers, footers
fulltext = remove_page_boundary_lines(fulltext)
status = 0
# How ref section found flag
how_found_start = 0
# Find start of refs section
ref_sect_start = get_reference_section_beginning(fulltext)
if ref_sect_start is None:
## No References
refs = []
status = 4
write_message("* extract_references_from_fulltext: " \
"ref_sect_start is None", verbose=2)
# If a reference section was found, however weak
ref_sect_end = \
if ref_sect_end is None:
# No End to refs? Not safe to extract
refs = []
status = 5
write_message("* extract_references_from_fulltext: " \
"no end to refs!", verbose=2)
# If the end of the reference section was found.. start extraction
refs = get_reference_lines(fulltext,
return refs, status, how_found_start
def get_reference_lines(docbody,
"""After the reference section of a document has been identified, and the
first and last lines of the reference section have been recorded, this
function is called to take the reference lines out of the document body.
The document's reference lines are returned in a list of strings whereby
each string is a reference line. Before this can be done however, the
reference section is passed to another function that rebuilds any broken
reference lines.
@param docbody: (list) of strings - the entire document body.
@param ref_sect_start_line: (integer) - the index in docbody of the first
reference line.
@param ref_sect_end_line: (integer) - the index in docbody of the last
reference line.
@param ref_sect_title: (string) - the title of the reference section
(e.g. "References").
@param ref_line_marker_ptn: (string) - the patern used to match the
marker for each reference line (e.g., could be used to match lines
with markers of the form [1], [2], etc.)
@param title_marker_same_line: (integer) - a flag to indicate whether
or not the reference section title was on the same line as the first
reference line's marker.
@return: (list) of strings. Each string is a reference line, extracted
from the document.
start_idx = ref_sect_start_line
if title_marker_same_line:
# Title on same line as 1st ref- take title out!
title_start = docbody[start_idx].find(ref_sect_title)
if title_start != -1:
# Set the first line with no title
docbody[start_idx] = docbody[start_idx][title_start + \
elif ref_sect_title is not None:
# Set the start of the reference section to be after the title line
start_idx += 1
if ref_sect_end_line is not None:
ref_lines = docbody[start_idx:ref_sect_end_line+1]
ref_lines = docbody[start_idx:]
if ref_sect_title:
ref_lines = strip_footer(ref_lines, ref_sect_title)
if not ref_line_marker or not ref_line_marker.isdigit():
ref_lines = strip_pagination(ref_lines)
# Now rebuild reference lines:
# (Go through each raw reference line, and format them into a set
# of properly ordered lines based on markers)
return rebuild_reference_lines(ref_lines, ref_line_marker_ptn)
def strip_pagination(ref_lines):
"""Remove footer pagination from references lines"""
pattern = ur'\(?\[?\d{0,3}\]?\)?\.?\s*$'
re_footer = re.compile(pattern, re.UNICODE)
return [l for l in ref_lines if not re_footer.match(l)]
def strip_footer(ref_lines, section_title):
"""Remove footer title from references lines"""
pattern = ur'\(?\[?\d{0,4}\]?\)?\.?\s*%s\s*$' % re.escape(section_title)
re_footer = re.compile(pattern, re.UNICODE)
return [l for l in ref_lines if not re_footer.match(l)]
def rebuild_reference_lines(ref_sectn, ref_line_marker_ptn):
"""Given a reference section, rebuild the reference lines. After translation
from PDF to text, reference lines are often broken. This is because
pdftotext doesn't know what is a wrapped-line and what is a genuine new
line. As a result, the following 2 reference lines:
[1] See for more details.
[2] Example, AN: private communication (1996).
...could be broken into the following 4 lines during translation from PDF
to plaintext:
[1] See fo
r more details.
[2] Example, AN: private communica
tion (1996).
Such a situation could lead to a citation being separated across 'lines',
meaning that it wouldn't be correctly recognised.
This function tries to rebuild the reference lines. It uses the pattern
used to recognise a reference line's numeration marker to indicate the
start of a line. If no reference line numeration was recognised, it will
simply join all lines together into one large reference line.
@param ref_sectn: (list) of strings. The (potentially broken) reference
@param ref_line_marker_ptn: (string) - the pattern used to recognise a
reference line's numeration marker.
@return: (list) of strings - the rebuilt reference section. Each string
in the list represents a complete reference line.
## initialise some vars:
rebuilt_references = []
working_ref = []
strip_before = True
if ref_line_marker_ptn is None or \
type(ref_line_marker_ptn) not in (str, unicode):
if test_for_blank_lines_separating_reference_lines(ref_sectn):
## Use blank lines to separate ref lines
ref_line_marker_ptn = ur'^\s*$'
## No ref line dividers: unmatchable pattern
#ref_line_marker_ptn = ur'^A$^A$$'
# I am adding a new format, hopefully
# this case wasn't useful
# Reference1
# etc
# Reference2
# etc
# We split when there's no identation
ref_line_marker_ptn = ur'^[^\s]'
strip_before = False
write_message('* references separator %s' % ref_line_marker_ptn, verbose=2)
p_ref_line_marker = re.compile(ref_line_marker_ptn, re.I|re.UNICODE)
# Work backwards, starting from the last 'broken' reference line
# Append each fixed reference line to rebuilt_references
current_ref = None
line_counter = 0
def prepare_ref(working_ref):
working_line = ""
for l in reversed(working_ref):
working_line = join_lines(working_line, l)
working_line = working_line.rstrip()
return wash_and_repair_reference_line(working_line)
for line in reversed(ref_sectn):
# Try to find the marker for the reference line
if strip_before:
current_string = line.strip()
m_ref_line_marker =
m_ref_line_marker =
current_string = line.strip()
if m_ref_line_marker and (not current_ref \
or current_ref == int('marknum')) + 1):
# Reference line marker found! : Append this reference to the
# list of fixed references and reset the working_line to 'blank'
if current_string != '':
## If it's not a blank line to separate refs
# Append current working line to the refs list
if line_counter < CFG_REFEXTRACT_MAX_LINES:
current_ref = int('marknum'))
except IndexError:
pass # this line doesn't have numbering
working_ref = []
line_counter = 0
elif current_string != u'':
# Continuation of line
line_counter += 1
if working_ref:
# Append last line
# A list of reference lines has been built backwards - reverse it:
# Make sure mulitple markers within references are correctly
# in place (compare current marker num with current marker num +1)
# rebuilt_references = correct_rebuilt_lines(rebuilt_references, \
# p_ref_line_marker)
# For each properly formated reference line, try to identify cases
# where there is more than one citation in a single line. This is
# done by looking for semi-colons, which could be used to
# separate references
return rebuilt_references
def wash_and_repair_reference_line(line):
"""Wash a reference line of undesirable characters (such as poorly-encoded
letters, etc), and repair any errors (such as broken URLs) if possible.
@param line: (string) the reference line to be washed/repaired.
@return: (string) the washed reference line.
# repair URLs in line:
line = repair_broken_urls(line)
# Replace various undesirable characters with their alternatives:
line = replace_undesirable_characters(line)
# Replace "<title>," with "<title>",
# common typing mistake
line = re.sub(ur'"([^"]+),"', ur'"\g<1>",', line)
line = replace_undesirable_characters(line)
# Remove instances of multiple spaces from line, replacing with a
# single space:
line = re_multiple_space.sub(u' ', line)
return line
def test_for_blank_lines_separating_reference_lines(ref_sect):
"""Test to see if reference lines are separated by blank lines so that
these can be used to rebuild reference lines.
@param ref_sect: (list) of strings - the reference section.
@return: (int) 0 if blank lines do not separate reference lines; 1 if
they do.
num_blanks = 0 # Number of blank lines found between non-blanks
num_lines = 0 # Number of reference lines separated by blanks
blank_line_separators = 0 # Flag to indicate whether blanks lines separate
# ref lines
multi_nonblanks_found = 0 # Flag to indicate whether multiple nonblank
# lines are found together (used because
# if line is dbl-spaced, it isnt a blank that
# separates refs & can't be relied upon)
x = 0
max_line = len(ref_sect)
while x < max_line:
if not ref_sect[x].isspace():
# not an empty line:
num_lines += 1
x += 1 # Move past line
while x < len(ref_sect) and not ref_sect[x].isspace():
multi_nonblanks_found = 1
x += 1
x -= 1
# empty line
num_blanks += 1
x += 1
while x < len(ref_sect) and ref_sect[x].isspace():
x += 1
if x == len(ref_sect):
# Blanks at end doc: dont count
num_blanks -= 1
x -= 1
x += 1
# Now from the number of blank lines & the number of text lines, if
# num_lines > 3, & num_blanks = num_lines, or num_blanks = num_lines - 1,
# then we have blank line separators between reference lines
if (num_lines > 3) and ((num_blanks == num_lines) or \
(num_blanks == num_lines - 1)) and \
blank_line_separators = 1
return blank_line_separators

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