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Sun, Oct 20, 04:14

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## $Id$
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import gzip
import bz2
import zipfile
import tarfile
import shutil
import os
import copy
import re
import tempfile
import glob
import sys
from cdsware.elmsubmit_filename_generator import calculate_filename_extension as _calculate_filename_extension
# from cdsware.elmsubmit_filename_generator import generate_filename as _generate_filename
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import write_to_and_return_tempfile_name as _write_to_and_return_tempfile_name
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import provide_dir_with_perms_then_exec as _provide_dir_with_perms_then_exec
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import dirtree as _dirtree
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import count_dotdot as _count_dotdot
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import get_perms as _get_perms
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import random_alphanum_string as _random_alphanum_string
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import backup_directory as _backup_directory
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import open_tempfile as _open_tempfile
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import split_common_path as _split_common_path
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import recursive_dir_contents as _recursive_dir_contents
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import concat as _concat
from cdsware.elmsubmit_misc import mkdir_parents as _mkdir_parents
# Store all files written out in two lists:
# 1. remove_always is for temporary files, which we try to remove regardless.
# 2. remove_on_error is for files the user wants, but need removing if we
# encounter an error.
def _validate_args(arg, received, allowed):
if received not in allowed:
raise ValueError('argument %s must be a value from set %s: got %s' % (arg, allowed, received))
_remove_on_error = []
_remove_always = []
def _remember_write(file_loc, error_only=False):
if error_only:
def _delete_files(list):
for item in list:
if os.path.isdir(item):
def _calc_perms(permissions, umask):
return permissions & (~umask)
## os.chmod('/tmp/thisthis', stat.S_IMODE(os.stat('/tmp')[stat.ST_MODE]))
def _check_mode(current_mode, allowed_mode):
if current_mode != allowed_mode: raise _ModeError
_valid_file_types = ['regular', 'dir', 'symlink', 'hardlink', 'char_dev', 'block_dev', 'fifo']
def _file_type(tarinfo_obj):
if tarinfo_obj.isfile():
return 'regular'
elif tarinfo_obj.isdir():
return 'dir'
elif tarinfo_obj.issym():
return 'symlink'
elif tarinfo_obj.islnk():
return 'hardlink'
elif tarinfo_obj.ischr():
return 'char_dev'
elif tarinfo_obj.isblk():
return 'block_dev'
elif tarinfo_obj.isfifo():
return 'fifo'
def _pick_compression_type(ext):
# Fix the extension; for example if its a gzipped pdf,
# calculate_filname_extension will return pdf.gz. To combat
# this, we find the longest extension from: tar.gz, tar.bz2,
# tar, gz, bz2.
return re.sub(r'^.*?(tar\.gz|tar\.bz2|tar|gz|bz2)$', r'\1', string=ext, count=1)
def _verify_filename(name, seen_filenames, filename_collision, num_random_bits, rename_from_set):
# name could be a filename or directory.
if seen_filenames.has_key(name):
seen_filenames[name] += 1
times = seen_filenames[name]
(dirname, basename) = os.path.split(name)
if filename_collision == 'throw_error':
raise EZArchiveError('filename collision: %s' % (name))
elif filename_collision == 'rename_similar':
# Just in case archive contains a list of
# filenames that follow the same pattern as this
# incrementing, we need to check the increment
# doesn't collide as well:
incremented_basename = str(times) + '.' + basename
while seen_filenames.has_key(os.path.join(dirname, incremented_basename)):
times += 1
incremented_basename = str(times) + '.' + basename
# Make a note of how many increments we've had to
# do:
seen_filenames[name] = times
name = os.path.join(dirname, incremented_basename)
elif filename_collision == 'rename_random':
# Just in case of random collision, we introduce the while loop.
randbasename = _random_alphanum_string(num_random_bits, chars=rename_from_set)
tries = 1
while seen_filenames.has_key(os.path.join(dirname, randbasename)):
randbasename = _random_alphanum_string(num_random_bits, chars=rename_from_set)
# If user gives small set rename_from_set and low number of bits,
# then it is possible we will exhaust all posibile combinations:
tries += 1
if tries > 20:
raise EZArchiveError('20 random filename selections collided: perhaps you need to increase num_rand_bits?')
seen_filenames[os.path.join(dirname, randbasename)] = 0
name = os.path.join(dirname, randbasename)
elif filename_collision == 'overwrite':
elif filename_collision == 'skip':
return ['skip']
seen_filenames[name] = 0
return name
def extract(input, # byte string of file location
input_disposition='byte_string', # ['byte_string', 'file_location']
compression_hint=None, # [None, 'gz', 'bz2', 'tar', 'tar.gz', 'tar.bz2', 'zip']
extract_to='byte_strings', # ['byte_strings', 'my_directory', 'temp_directory']
my_directory=None, # directory path
backup_extension=None, # extension including dot, for backup of my_directory
directory_structure='retain', # ['retain', 'flatten']
file_handle = None, # [None, 'py', 'os']
file_handle_mode = 'rb',
force_file_permissions=None, # file permission bits. eg 0777.
force_dir_permissions=None, # file permission bits. eg 0777.
umask=None, # file permission bits. eg. 0777 (assuming standard umask interpretation).
allow_file_types=_valid_file_types, # list containing any of ['regular, dir, symlink, hardlink, char_dev, block_dev, fifo']
on_find_invalid_file_type='throw_error', # ['throw_error', 'skip']
filename_collision='rename_similar', # ['throw_error', 'rename_similar', 'rename_random', 'overwrite', 'skip']
rename_from_set='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', # characters to use if filename_collision='rename_random'
num_random_bits=8, # number of random bits to use in the random filename.
allow_clobber=False, # [True, False]
on_find_dotdot_path='throw_error', # ['throw_error', 'skip', 'allow']
on_find_absolute_path='throw_error' # ['throw_error', 'skip', 'allow']
# Shelved options:
# file_name_regexp, non_matches='rename_safely', etc.
# Hopefully to be implemented in the future.
# Clean out the written files list:
global _remove_on_error
global _remove_always
_remove_on_error = []
_remove_always = []
# Validate arguments.
_validate_args('input_disposition', input_disposition, ['byte_string', 'file_location'])
_validate_args('compression_hint', compression_hint, [None] + available_tools.keys())
_validate_args('extract_to', extract_to, ['byte_strings', 'my_directory', 'temp_directory'])
# _validate_args('extract_to', return_objects, [None, 'file_location', 'open_c_filehandles', 'open_py_file_handles'])
f = lambda type: _validate_args('allow_file_types', type, _valid_file_types)
map(f, allow_file_types)
if not input: raise ValueError('argument input must specify a filename or a byte string')
# From here on, we start writing things out to disk, so we wrap it
# in a try loop and catch all exceptions. This allows us to clean
# up the disk if we didn't succeed with the whole of the
# extraction.
# try/except/finally cannot be combined, so we have to nest:
# Write input to a temp file if we are given a byte string.
if input_disposition == 'byte_string':
input_file_loc = _write_to_and_return_tempfile_name(input)
# input_disposition == 'file_location'
# Check that the input file location we've been given exists;
# stat will throw the right error for us:
# Check it is a file:
if not os.path.isfile(input):
raise ValueError("argument input must be a path to an archive file if input_disposition='file_location': %s"
% (input))
input_file_loc = input
# Make sure we know what type of file we're dealing with:
if compression_hint is None:
compression_ext = _calculate_filename_extension(filename=input_file_loc)
compression_ext = _pick_compression_type(compression_ext)
compression_ext = compression_hint
# Select approriate archive/compression tool:
tool_class = available_tools[compression_ext]
except KeyError:
raise EZArchiveError('Unrecognized archive type: %s' % (compression_ext))
# Instantiate the tool:
archive = tool_class(input_file_loc, mode='r', allow_clobber=allow_clobber)
if extract_to == 'byte_strings':
# If extract_to == byte_strings, permissions mean nothing.
# However, because we use a temp directory to load the files
# into byte strings, we force the permissions to be nice and
# liberal inside the temp dir:
force_file_permissions = 0700
force_dir_permissions = 0700
# Get extraction_root:
if extract_to == 'byte_strings' or extract_to == 'temp_directory':
# Need a temp directory to work in.
extraction_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if extract_to == 'byte_strings':
_remember_write(extraction_root, error_only=False)
# extract_to == 'temp_directory':
_remember_write(extraction_root, error_only=True)
# extract_to == 'my_directory':
if my_directory is None:
raise ValueError("my_directory must be specified if extract_to='my_directory'")
# Make given directory into a nice sane one.
my_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(my_directory)))
# Check it exists, and we can stat it:
# stat will throw the right error for us:
# Check it is a dir.
if not os.path.isdir(my_directory):
raise ValueError("argument my_directory must be a directory: %s" % (my_directory))
# If we've been asked to back it up, do so:
if backup_extension is not None:
backup_dir = my_directory + backup_extension
if _backup_directory(my_directory, backup_dir) is not None:
raise EZArchiveError('creation of backup directory using GNU mirrordir failed: %s' % (backup_dir))
# Finally set the extraction root:
extraction_root = my_directory
# Logically we would also check we have write permissions
# here. But this is acutally better served by letting
# builtin/other functions raise EnvironmentErrors when we fail
# to write: Checking for write permissions is actually quite
# complex: e.g. you'd have to check group membership to see if
# the group bits allow write.
# If we haven't been given a umask, use take the system umask as a
# default. If we have been given a umask, set the system umask to
# it, so all calls to builtin open/file apply the given umask:
if umask is None:
# It doesn't seem possible to read the umask without also
# setting it. Hence this fudge:
umask = os.umask(0777)
# Used in the extraction for loop to check for filename collisions
# when flattening directory structure:
seen_filenames = {}
# Collect the returned file information here:
return_data = []
for mem in archive.list_all_members():
name = mem['name']
dir = mem['dir']
file_type = mem['file_type']
identity_object = mem['identity_object']
# Check it is an allowed file type:
if file_type not in allow_file_types:
if on_find_invalid_file_type=='skip':
# on_find_invalid_file_type='throw_error':
raise EZArchiveError("found disallowed file type '%s': %s" % (file_type, os.path.join(dir, name)))
# Deal with dotdot paths:
if on_find_dotdot_path == 'allow':
# check if path contains '..'
dir_parts = dir.split(os.sep)
if '..' in dir_parts or name == '..':
if on_find_dotdot_path == 'throw_error':
raise EZArchiveError("tar entry's path contains '..' (*cautiously* consider on_find_dotdot_path='allow'): "
+ os.path.join(dir, name))
# on_find_dotdot_path == 'skip'
# next file please:
# Deal with absolute paths in a similar way:
if on_find_absolute_path == 'allow':
# check if path begins with '/'
if dir != '' and dir[0] == '/':
if on_find_absolute_path == 'throw_error':
raise EZArchiveError("tar entry's path is absolute (*cautiously* consider on_find_absolute_path='allow'): "
+ os.path.join(dir, name))
# on_find_absolute_path == 'skip'
# next file please:
# Deal with flattening of directories:
if directory_structure == 'flatten':
dir = ''
if file_type == 'dir':
# tars allow multiple entries for same path/file:
# extracting such tarballs with GNU/tar will just
# cause the second entry to overwrite the first. We
# try to be more graceful:
verified_fullname = _verify_filename(name=os.path.join(dir, name), seen_filenames=seen_filenames,
filename_collision=filename_collision, num_random_bits=num_random_bits,
if verified_fullname == ['skip']: continue
name = os.path.basename(verified_fullname)
archive.extract_member(identity_object=identity_object, root_dir=extraction_root, dir=dir, new_filename=name,
umask=umask, force_file_permissions=force_file_permissions, force_dir_permissions=force_dir_permissions,
fullname = os.path.join(extraction_root, dir, name)
file_info = {}
file_info['basename'] = name
file_info['tar_dir'] = dir
file_info['file_type'] = file_type
if extract_to == 'byte_strings':
if file_type == 'regular':
file_info['file'] = open(fullname, 'rb').read()
# extract_to in ['my_directory', 'temp_directory']
file_info['fullname'] = fullname
file_info['dirname'] = os.path.join(extraction_root, dir)
if file_type == 'regular':
if file_handle == 'py':
file_info['fh'] = open(fullname, file_handle_mode)
elif file_handle == 'os':
file_info['fh'] =, file_handle_mode)
if extract_to == 'temp_directory':
return (extraction_root, return_data)
return return_data
# Clean up non-temporary file if we get an error:
# Always clean up temporary files, error or not:
def create(input, # list of files or named ([['name', 'data...'], ...]) or anonymous ([[data...], ...]) byte strings.
input_disposition='named_byte_strings', # ['file_locations', 'anonymous_byte_strings', 'named_byte_strings']
compression='tar.gz', # ['gz', 'bz2', 'tar', 'tar.gz', 'tar.bz2', 'zip']
compress_to = 'byte_string', # ['byte_string', 'my_file', 'temp_file']
my_file=None, # name of output archive, if compress_to='my_file'
recurse_dirs=True, # [True, False]
directory_structure='retain', # ['retain', 'flatten']
use_compression_root='calculate_minimum', # ['calculate_minimum', 'this_root']
this_root=None, # root path for compression of files.
filename_collision='rename_similar', # ['throw_error', 'rename_similar', 'rename_random', 'overwrite', 'skip']
rename_from_set='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', # characters to use if filename_collision='rename_random'
num_random_bits=8, # number of random bits to use in the random filename.
force_file_permissions=None, # file permission bits. eg 0777.
force_dir_permissions=None, # file permission bits. eg 0777.
file_handle = None, # [None, 'py', 'os']
file_handle_mode = 'rb',
allow_clobber=False, # [True, False]
# Basic idea: If we are told to output an archive (tar or zip)
# then all files given in input are put into a single archive. If
# we are told to output compressed files (gz, bz2) then we must be
# given a maximum of one archive file.
# If we are given anonymous byte strings with no filename, we use
# filename_generator.generate_filename() to provide a random
# filename with hopefully a correct file extension.
# Clean out written files list:
global _remove_on_error
global _remove_always
_remove_on_error = []
_remove_always = []
# Validate arguments.
# ??????????????????
# From here on, we start writing things out to disk, so we wrap it
# in a try loop and catch all exceptions. This allows us to clean
# up the disk if we didn't succeed with the whole of the
# extraction.
# try/except/finally cannot be combined, so we have to nest:
# Write input to a temp file if we are given a byte string.
# Work out where the output archive file is going to go:
if compress_to == 'my_file':
if my_file is None:
raise ValueError("if compress_to == 'my_file' then argument my_file must be specified. got None.")
# Make given file into a nice sane one:
archive_fullname = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(my_file)))
# Should we remember this file or not? If we get an error in
# the middle of processing, should we delete a user specified
# archive file? The decision is not so clear cut as with
# temporary files (see next). My choice is not to remember
# (and so not to delete on error)
# compress_to in ['temp_file', 'byte_string']
(tf, tf_name) = _open_tempfile(mode='wb')
# close filehandle because we don't need it:
# delete the empty tempfile that open_tempfile
# created, so we don't get ClobberError
del tf
if compress_to == 'temp_file':
_remember_write(tf_name, error_only=True)
# compress_to == 'byte_string'
_remember_write(tf_name, error_only=False)
archive_fullname = tf_name
# Get an archive/compress tool:
tool_class = available_tools[compression]
archive = tool_class(file_loc=archive_fullname, mode='w', allow_clobber=allow_clobber)
# Deal with the input:
# We do this as follows:
# 1. Take anonymous byte strings and turn them into byte strings
# by generating a filename for each string, then set
# input=[new list of named byte strings]
# input_disposition='named_byte_strings'
# 2. Take named byte strings and write them to a temporary
# directory, chdir to this directory and set:
# input = [glob of temp dir]
# input_diposition = 'file_locations'
if input_disposition == 'anonymous_byte_strings':
# If input is anonymous byte strings, we need generate a filename
# for each of the strings:
seen_rand_names = []
def f(bytstr):
rand_name = _random_alphanum_string(num_random_bits, chars=rename_from_set)
tries = 1
while rand_name in seen_rand_names:
rand_name = _random_alphanum_string(num_random_bits, chars=rename_from_set)
tries += 1
if tries > 20:
raise EZArchiveError('20 random filename selections collided: perhaps you need to increase num_rand_bits?')
return [rand_name, bytstr]
input = map(f, input)
input_disposition = 'named_byte_strings'
if input_disposition == 'named_byte_strings':
# Write the byte strings out to the temporary directory.
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
_remember_write(temp_dir, error_only=False)
if this_root is not None:
# santize:
this_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(this_root)))
# chop off the root slashes:
this_root = re.sub(r'^/+', '', string=this_root, count=1)
# rejig the root dir to reflect the fact we've shoved
# everything under a psuedo-root temp directory:
this_root = os.path.join(temp_dir, this_root)
new_input = []
seen_filenames = {}
for filename, bytestr in input:
# Sanitize the filename we've been given:
filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(filename)))
# chop off the root slashes:
filename = re.sub(r'^/+', '', string=filename, count=1)
dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
# Use temp_dir as a 'fake_root': (There is some possible
# dodginess here if the user names one of the files as if
# it were inside the not yet existant temp directory:
# unlikely scenario; should we work around it? I haven't.
_mkdir_parents(os.path.join(temp_dir, dirname))
filename = _verify_filename(name=filename, seen_filenames=seen_filenames,
filename_collision=filename_collision, num_random_bits=num_random_bits,
if filename == ['skip']: continue
tempfile_fullname = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename)
open(tempfile_fullname, 'wb').write(bytestr)
input = new_input
# At this point, input_disposition='file_locations' and input contains a list of filenames.
# sanitize the list of filenames
f = lambda x: os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(x)))
input = map(f, input)
# Expand any directories into filenames (excluding symlinks):
new_input = []
for item in input:
if os.path.isdir(item):
if recurse_dirs:
input = new_input
# calculate the compression root:
if use_compression_root == 'calculate_minimum':
first_input = input[0]
if input == filter(lambda x: x == first_input, input):
# all of the filenames we've been given are the same:
compression_root = os.path.dirname(first_input)
files_to_compress = [os.path.basename(first_input)] * len(input)
# find out the common root of the filenames:
(compression_root, files_to_compress) = _split_common_path(input)
# if compression_root was also specified in input, it will
# have become a blank entry '' in files_to_compress:
files_to_compress = filter(lambda x: (x != '' and True) or False, files_to_compress)
# use_compression_root == 'this_root':
if this_root is None:
raise EZArchiveError("if compression_root=='this_root' then argument this_root must be specified")
this_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(this_root)))
# check that this_root is indeed a prefix of all of the input
# files we've been given:
if input != filter(lambda file: this_root in _dirtree(file), input):
raise EZArchiveError('not all files specified in argument input are children of argument this_root')
# get rid of the entries that are exactly this_root:
input = filter(lambda file: file != this_root, input)
compression_root = this_root
# Chop off this_root from input:
if this_root == '/' or this_root == '//':
this_root_len = len(this_root)
this_root_len = len(this_root + '/')
files_to_compress = map(lambda file: file[this_root_len:], input)
old_cwd = os.getcwd()
seen_filenames = {}
for file_to_compress in files_to_compress:
if directory_structure == 'flatten':
if os.path.isdir(file_to_compress):
archive_name = os.path.basename(file_to_compress)
archive_name = _verify_filename(name=archive_name, seen_filenames=seen_filenames,
if archive_name == ['skip']: continue
archive.add_member(file_loc=file_to_compress, archive_name=archive_name,
# directory_structure == 'retain':
archive.add_member(file_loc=file_to_compress, archive_name=None,
# get rid of the archive object, which has an open
# filehandle, mode 'wb' on the archive file:
# not closing this would prevent us from seeing what
# has been written to the files.
del archive
# now see if we need to return anything:
if compress_to == 'my_file':
return None
elif compress_to == 'temp_file':
return tf_name
# compress_to == 'byte_string':
return open(archive_fullname, 'rb').read()
# Clean up non-temporary file if we get an error:
# Always clean up temporary files, error or not:
class ArchiveTool:
def __init__(self, file_loc, mode, allow_clobber=False):
raise Exception("method must be overided in child class")
def list_all_members(self):
raise Exception("method must be overided in child class")
# Should return dictionary:
# { filename =
# tar_location =
# new_location =
# file_type =
# }
def extract_member(self, identity_object, root_dir, dir, new_filename, umask, force_file_permissions=None,
force_dir_permissions=None, allow_clobber=False):
raise Exception("method must be overided in child class")
def add_member(self, file_loc, archive_name=None, force_file_permissions=None, force_dir_permissions=None):
raise Exception("method must be overided in child class")
class tarArchiveTool(ArchiveTool):
# Overide this in child classes tarbz2ArchiveTool and
# targzArchiveTool to make the mode string reflect the required
# compression.
def _mode_string(string):
return string + ':'
_mode_string = staticmethod(_mode_string)
def __init__(self, file_loc, mode, allow_clobber=False):
if mode not in ('r', 'w'): raise ValueError('mode argument must equal "r" or "w"')
if mode == 'w':
if os.path.exists(file_loc) and not allow_clobber:
raise ClobberError(file_loc)
# Set adjusted mode to reflect whether we are dealing with a
# tar.gz tar.bz2 or just a tar.
adjusted_mode = self._mode_string(mode)
self._tarfile_obj =, mode=adjusted_mode)
self._mode = mode
self._filename = os.path.basename(file_loc)
self._file_loc = file_loc
def list_all_members(self):
_check_mode(self._mode, 'r')
f = lambda tarinfo_obj: { 'name' : os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(,
'dir' : os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(,
'file_type' : _file_type(tarinfo_obj),
'identity_object' : tarinfo_obj }
return map(f, self._tarfile_obj.getmembers())
def extract_member(self, identity_object, root_dir, dir, new_filename, umask, force_file_permissions=None,
force_dir_permissions=None, allow_clobber=False):
_check_mode(self._mode, 'r')
tarinfo_obj = identity_object
output_location = os.path.join(root_dir, dir, new_filename)
if os.path.exists(output_location) and not allow_clobber:
raise ClobberError(output_location)
# Extract the file to the given location.
saved_name = = os.path.join(dir, new_filename)
saved_mode = tarinfo_obj.mode
tarinfo_obj.mode = _calc_perms(tarinfo_obj.mode, umask) # Apply umask to permissions.
self._tarfile_obj.extract(tarinfo_obj, root_dir)
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno == 13:
def f():
# Have already done this, but permissions might
# have caused a fallacious answer previously:
if os.path.exists(output_location) and not allow_clobber:
raise ClobberError(output_location)
elif os.path.exists(output_location) and allow_clobber:
if os.path.isdir(output_location):
# can ignore dirs; we can overwrite them
# whatever their current perms
# non-write permissions will prevent
# .extract method from overwriting, so
# unlink first:
return self._tarfile_obj.extract(tarinfo_obj, root_dir)
number_dotdot = _count_dotdot(dir)
if number_dotdot != 0:
# This is the reason why allow_dotdot_paths = True is v. dangerous:
barrier_dir = None
# shunted_root_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, '../' * number_dotdot)
# normed_shunted_root_dir = os.path.normpath(shunted_root_dir)
# barrier_dir = normed_shunted_root_dir
_provide_dir_with_perms_then_exec(dir=os.path.join(root_dir, dir), function=f, perms=0700, barrier_dir=barrier_dir)
raise = saved_name
tarinfo_obj.mode = saved_mode
# If we've been asked to force permissions, do so:
type = _file_type(tarinfo_obj)
if type == 'regular':
if force_file_permissions is not None:
os.chmod(output_location, force_file_permissions)
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno == 13:
f = lambda: os.chmod(output_location, force_file_permissions)
_provide_dir_with_perms_then_exec(dir=os.path.join(root_dir, dir), function=f, perms=0700, barrier_dir=root_dir)
elif type == 'dir':
if force_dir_permissions is not None:
os.chmod(output_location, force_dir_permissions)
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno == 13:
f = lambda: os.chmod(output_location, force_dir_permissions)
_provide_dir_with_perms_then_exec(dir=os.path.join(root_dir, dir), function=f, perms=0700, barrier_dir=root_dir)
# We don't attempt to play with permissions of special
# file types.
def add_member(self, file_loc, archive_name=None, force_file_permissions=None, force_dir_permissions=None):
_check_mode(self._mode, 'w')
if archive_name is None:
archive_name = file_loc
tarinfo_obj = self._tarfile_obj.gettarinfo(name=file_loc, arcname=archive_name)
if tarinfo_obj is None:
sys.stderr.write("Skipping unsupported file type (eg. socket): %s\n" % (file_loc))
return None
if os.path.isdir(file_loc) and force_dir_permissions is not None:
tarinfo_obj.mode = force_dir_permissions
if os.path.isfile(file_loc) and force_file_permissions is not None:
tarinfo_obj.mode = force_file_permissions
if tarinfo_obj.isfile():
self._tarfile_obj.addfile(tarinfo_obj, open(file_loc, 'rb'))
class targzArchiveTool(tarArchiveTool):
def _mode_string(string):
return string + ':gz'
_mode_string = staticmethod(_mode_string)
class tarbz2ArchiveTool(tarArchiveTool):
def _mode_string(string):
return string + ':bz2'
_mode_string = staticmethod(_mode_string)
class zipArchiveTool(ArchiveTool):
class CompressTool:
# Use to prevent trying to compress multiple files into the
# unstructured gz file (if you want to do this, use a tar.gz,
# tar.bz2, zip instead!):
_write_protected = False
def __init__(self, file_loc, mode, allow_clobber=False):
Overided child methods must set class properties:
raise Exception("method must be overided in child class")
def list_all_members(self):
_check_mode(self._mode, 'r')
uncompressed_filename = re.sub(r'\.' + self._ext + r'$', '', string=self._filename, count=1)
return [{ 'name' : uncompressed_filename,
'dir' : '',
'file_type' : 'regular',
'identity_object' : None } ]
def extract_member(self, identity_object, root_dir, dir, new_filename, umask, force_file_permissions=None,
force_dir_permissions=None, allow_clobber=False):
_check_mode(self._mode, 'r')
output_location = os.path.join(root_dir, dir, new_filename)
if os.path.exists(output_location) and not allow_clobber:
raise ClobberError(output_location)
elif os.path.exists(output_location) and allow_clobber:
# unlink instead of just overwriting: this makes sure the
# file permissions take the umask into account:
output_fh = open(output_location, 'wb')
# See if we need to force the file permissions. Otherwise, we
# do nothing, since open call above will have obeyed the
# system umask.
if force_file_permissions is not None:
os.chmod(output_location, force_file_permissions)
def add_member(self, file_loc, archive_name=None, force_file_permissions=None, force_dir_permissions=None):
if not os.path.isfile(file_loc):
raise EZArchiveError("%s file format only supports compression of regular files: %s" % (self._ext, file_loc))
if not self._write_protected:
input_fh = open(file_loc, 'rb')
self._write_protected = True
raise EZArchiveError('tried to compress more than one file into a single %s file' % (self._ext))
class gzCompressTool(CompressTool):
def __init__(self, file_loc, mode, allow_clobber=False):
if mode not in ('r', 'w'): raise ValueError('mode argument must equal "r" or "w"')
if mode == 'w':
if os.path.exists(file_loc) and not allow_clobber:
raise ClobberError(file_loc)
self._fh = gzip.GzipFile(file_loc, mode=mode+'b')
self._filename = os.path.basename(file_loc)
self._file_loc = file_loc
self._mode = mode
self._ext = 'gz'
class bz2CompressTool(CompressTool):
def __init__(self, file_loc, mode, allow_clobber=False):
if mode not in ('r', 'w'): raise ValueError('mode argument must equal "r" or "w"')
if mode == 'w':
if os.path.exists(file_loc) and not allow_clobber:
raise ClobberError(file_loc)
self._fh = bz2.BZ2File(file_loc, mode=mode+'b')
self._filename = os.path.basename(file_loc)
self._file_loc = file_loc
self._mode = mode
self._ext = 'bz2'
available_tools = { 'tar' : tarArchiveTool,
'tar.gz' : targzArchiveTool,
'tar.bz2' : tarbz2ArchiveTool,
'zip' : zipArchiveTool,
'gz' : gzCompressTool,
'bz2' : bz2CompressTool }
# Errors:
class _ModeError(Exception):
This is a private error raised iff there is an attempt to use a
class method that is not allowed by the 'mode' in which the class
instance has been instantiated. Eg. If we have created a
CompressTool in write mode, and we try to use a method intended
only for use in read mode.
This should only occur in the case of a programming error in the
class _NotInArchive(Exception):
A private error raised iff there is an attempt to extract a file
from a given archive that does not exist inside the archive.
This should only occur in the case of a programming error in the
class EZArchiveError(Exception):
class ClobberError(EZArchiveError):
def tester(tar):
t = targzArchiveTool(tar, mode='r', allow_clobber=False)
for mem in t.list_all_members():
name = mem['name']
dir = mem['dir']
identity_object = mem['identity_object']
t.extract_member(identity_object=identity_object, root_dir='/tmp', dir=dir, new_filename=name,
umask=0002, force_file_permissions=None, force_dir_permissions=None, allow_clobber=False)
def tester2(file):
tar =, mode="r:gz")
for tarinfo in tar:
tar.extract(tarinfo, '/tmp/')

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