argstr += (argstr and ',' or '') + str(id_argument)
# check if equal authorization exists
for (id_trav, ) in run_sql("""SELECT DISTINCT argumentlistid FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT WHERE id_accROLE = '%s' AND id_accACTION = '%s' """% (id_role, id_action)):
listlength = run_sql("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT
WHERE id_accROLE = '%s' AND id_accACTION = '%s' AND argumentlistid = '%s' AND
id_accARGUMENT IN (%s) """ % (id_role, id_action, id_trav, argstr))[0][0]
notlist = run_sql("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT
WHERE id_accROLE = '%s' AND id_accACTION = '%s' AND argumentlistid = '%s' AND
id_accARGUMENT NOT IN (%s) """ % (id_role, id_action, id_trav, argstr))[0][0]
# this means that a duplicate already exists
if not notlist and listlength == len(id_arguments): return []
# find new arglistid, highest + 1
try: arglistid = 1 + run_sql("""SELECT MAX(argumentlistid) FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT WHERE id_accROLE = %s AND id_accACTION = %s """
% (id_role, id_action))[0][0]
except (IndexError, TypeError): arglistid = 1
if arglistid <= 0: arglistid = 1
# insert
for id_argument in id_arguments:
run_sql("""INSERT INTO accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT values (%s, %s, %s, %s) """
if not run_sql("""SELECT * FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT
WHERE id_accROLE = %s AND id_accACTION = %s AND argumentlistid = %s AND id_accARGUMENT = %s"""
% (id_role, id_action, 0, 0)):
if verbose: print 'ids: try to insert'
result = run_sql("""INSERT INTO accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT values (%s, %s, %s, %s)""" % (id_role, id_action, 0, 0))
return ((id_role, id_action, 0, 0), )
if verbose: print 'ids: already existed'
return 0
if verbose: print 'ids: arguments exist'
argstr = ''
# check that the argument exists, and that it is a valid key
if verbose: print 'ids: checking all the arguments'
for id_argument in id_arguments:
res_arg = run_sql("""SELECT * FROM accARGUMENT WHERE id = %s""" % (id_argument, ))
if not res_arg or res_arg[0][1] not in allowedkeys:
return 0
if argstr: argstr += ','
argstr += '%s' % (id_argument, )
# arglistid = -1 means that the user wants a new group
if verbose: print 'ids: find arglistid'
if arglistid < 0:
# check if such single group already exists
for (id_trav, ) in run_sql("""SELECT DISTINCT argumentlistid FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT WHERE id_accROLE = '%s' AND id_accACTION = '%s' """
% (id_role, id_action)):
listlength = run_sql("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT
WHERE id_accROLE = '%s' AND id_accACTION = '%s' AND argumentlistid = '%s' AND
id_accARGUMENT IN (%s) """ % (id_role, id_action, id_trav, argstr))[0][0]
notlist = run_sql("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT
WHERE id_accROLE = '%s' AND id_accACTION = '%s' AND argumentlistid = '%s' AND
id_accARGUMENT NOT IN (%s) """ % (id_role, id_action, id_trav, argstr))[0][0]
# this means that a duplicate already exists
if not notlist and listlength == len(id_arguments): return 0
# find new arglistid
arglistid = run_sql("""SELECT MAX(argumentlistid) FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT WHERE id_accROLE = %s AND id_accACTION = %s """ %
(id_role, id_action))[0][0] + 1
except ProgrammingError: return 0
except (IndexError, TypeError): arglistid = 1
if arglistid <= 0: arglistid = 1
if verbose: print 'ids: insert all the entries'
# all references are valid, insert: one entry in raa for each argument
for id_argument in id_arguments:
if not run_sql("""SELECT * FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT WHERE id_accROLE = %s AND id_accACTION = %s AND id_accARGUMENT = %s AND argumentlistid = %s""" %
if run_sql("""SELECT * FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT WHERE id_accROLE = %s AND id_accACTION = %s AND id_accARGUMENT = 0 AND argumentlistid = 0""", (id_role, id_action)):
return [['#', 'argument keyword'], ['0', 'action without arguments']]
# tuples into lists
res2, arglistids = [], {}
for res in res1:
for r in res: res2[-1].append(r)
# create multilevel dictionary
for res in res2:
a, kw, value = res # rolekey, argumentlistid, keyword, value
if kw not in keywords: continue
if not arglistids.has_key(a):
arglistids[a] = {}
# fill dictionary
if not arglistids[a].has_key(kw): arglistids[a][kw] = [value]
elif not value in arglistids[a][kw]: arglistids[a][kw] = arglistids[a][kw] + [value]
# fill list with all possible combinations
res3 = []
# rolekeys = roles2.keys(); rolekeys.sort()
for a in arglistids.keys(): # argumentlistids
# fill a list with the new entries, shortcut and copying first keyword list
next_arglistid = []
for row in arglistids[a][keywords[0]]: next_arglistid.append([a, row[:] ])
# run through the rest of the keywords
for kw in keywords[1:]:
if not arglistids[a].has_key(kw): arglistids[a][kw] = ['optional value']
new_list = arglistids[a][kw][:]
new_len = len(new_list)
# duplicate the list
temp_list = []
for row in next_arglistid:
for i in range(new_len): temp_list.append(row[:])
# append new values
for i in range(len(temp_list)):
new_item = new_list[i % new_len][:]
temp_list[i].append( new_item )
next_arglistid = temp_list[:]
# if optional allowed, put on top
opt = run_sql("""SELECT * FROM accROLE_accACTION_accARGUMENT
WHERE id_accROLE = %s AND
id_accACTION = %s AND
id_accARGUMENT = -1 AND
argumentlistid = -1""" % (id_role, id_action))
if opt: res3.insert(0, [-1] + ['optional value'] * len(keywords))