if re.search(uid_email,email,re.IGNORECASE) == None and not acc_authorize_action(uid, "submit",verbose=0,doctype=doctype, act=act):
raise functionStop("""
document.forms[0].curpage.value = 1;
document.forms[0].step.value = 0;
alert('Only the submitter of this document has the right to do this action. \\nYour login (%s) is different from the one of the submitter (%s).');
</SCRIPT>""" % (uid_email,email))
elif re.search(uid_email,email,re.IGNORECASE) == None and acc_authorize_action(uid, "submit",verbose=0,doctype=doctype, act=act):
return ("""
alert('Only the submitter of this document has the right to do this action. \\nYour login (%s) is different from the one of the submitter (%s).\\n\\nAnyway, as you have a special authorization for this type of documents,\\nyou are allowed to proceed! Watch out your actions!');