Page MenuHomec4science
No OneTemporary

File Metadata

Thu, Jul 4, 22:42

## $Id$
## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware).
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 CERN.
## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import urllib
import time
import cgi
import gettext
import string
import locale
import re
import operator
import os
from config import *
from messages import gettext_set_language
class Template:
def tmpl_submit_home_page(self, ln, catalogues):
The content of the home page of the submit engine
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'catalogues' *string* - The HTML code for the catalogues list
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="Javascript1.2">
var allLoaded = 1;
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(document_types)s:</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<TABLE width="100%%">
<TD width="50%%" class="narrowsearchboxbody">
<FORM method=get action="">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="doctype">
</table>""" % {
'document_types' : _("Document types available for submission"),
'please_select' : _("Please select the type of document you want to submit"),
'catalogues' : catalogues,
def tmpl_submit_home_catalog_no_content(self, ln):
The content of the home page of submit in case no doctypes are available
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = "<h3>" + _("No document types yet...") + "</h3>\n"
return out
def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs(self, ln, catalogs):
Produces the catalogs' list HTML code
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'catalogs' *array* - The catalogs of documents, each one a hash with the properties:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
- 'sons' - sub-catalogs
- 'docs' - the contained document types, in the form:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
There is at least one catalog
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# import pprint
# out = "<pre>" + pprint.pformat(catalogs)
out = ""
for catalog in catalogs:
out += "<UL>"
out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(ln, catalog)
return out
def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(self, ln, catalog):
Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'catalog' *array* - A catalog of documents, with the properties:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
- 'sons' - sub-catalogs
- 'docs' - the contained document types, in the form:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if catalog['level'] == 1:
out = "<LI><font size=\"+1\"><strong>%s</strong></font>\n" % catalog['name']
if catalog['level'] == 2:
out = "<LI>%s\n" % catalog['name']
if catalog['level'] > 2:
out = "<LI>%s\n" % catalog['name']
if len(catalog['docs']) or len(catalog['sons']):
out += "<UL>"
if len(catalog['docs']) != 0:
for row in catalog['docs']:
out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_doctype(ln, row)
if len(catalog['sons']) != 0:
for row in catalog['sons']:
out += self.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_sub(ln, row)
if len(catalog['docs']) or len(catalog['sons']):
out += "</UL>"
return out
def tmpl_submit_home_catalogs_doctype(self, ln, doc):
Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doc' *array* - A catalog of documents, with the properties:
- 'id' - the internal id
- 'name' - the name
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """<LI><a href="" onmouseover="javascript:popUpTextWindow('%(id)s',true,event);" onmouseout="javascript:popUpTextWindow('%(id)s',false,event);" onClick="document.forms[0].doctype.value='%(id)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(name)s</a>""" % doc
def tmpl_action_page(self, ln, guest, pid, now, doctype, description, docfulldesc, snameCateg, lnameCateg, actionShortDesc, indir, statustext):
Recursive function that produces a catalog's HTML display
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'guest' *boolean* - If the user is logged in or not
- 'pid' *string* - The current process id
- 'now' *string* - The current time (security control features)
- 'doctype' *string* - The selected doctype
- 'description' *string* - The description of the doctype
- 'docfulldesc' *string* - The title text of the page
- 'snameCateg' *array* - The short names of all the categories of documents
- 'lnameCateg' *array* - The long names of all the categories of documents
- 'actionShortDesc' *array* - The short names (codes) for the different actions
- 'indir' *array* - The directories for each of the actions
- 'statustext' *array* - The names of the different action buttons
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ""
out += """
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
var checked = 0;
function tester() {
if (guest):
out += "alert(\"%(please_login_js)s\");return false;\n" % {
'please_login_js' : _("please log in first.\\nUse the top right menu to log in.")
out += """
if (checked == 0) {
alert ("%(select_cat)s");
return false;
} else {
return true;
function clicked() {
function selectdoctype(nb) {
document.forms[0].act.value = docname[nb];
<FORM method="get" action="">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="indir">
<input type="hidden" name="access" value="%(now)i_%(pid)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="act">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="startPg" value="1">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="mainmenu" value="">
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(docfulldesc)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">%(description)s
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
var nbimg = document.images.length + 1;
<TABLE align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<TR valign="top">
""" % {
'select_cat' : _("please select a category"),
'doctype' : doctype,
'now' : now,
'pid' : pid,
'docfulldesc' : docfulldesc,
'description' : description,
if len(snameCateg) :
out += """<TD align="right">"""
for i in range(0, len(snameCateg)):
out += """%(longname)s<INPUT type="radio" name="combo%(doctype)s" value="%(shortname)s" onClick="clicked();">&nbsp;<BR />""" % {
'longname' : lnameCateg[i],
'doctype' : doctype,
'shortname' : snameCateg[i],
out += "</TD>"
out += "<SCRIPT>checked=1;</SCRIPT>"
out += """<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
#display list of actions
for i in range(0,len(actionShortDesc)):
out += """<input type="submit" class="adminbutton" value="%(status)s" onClick="if (tester()) { document.forms[0].indir.value='%(indir)s';document.forms[0].act.value='%(act)s';document.forms[0].submit();}; return false;"><br>""" % {
'status' : statustext[i],
'indir' : indir[i],
'act' : actionShortDesc[i]
out += """ </TABLE>
if len(snameCateg) :
out += """<STRONG class="headline">%(notice)s:</STRONG><BR>
%(select_cat)s""" % {
'notice' : _("Notice"),
'select_cat' : _("Select a category and then click the button to perform the action you chose."),
out += """
<FORM action=""><HR>
<font color="black"><small>%(continue_explain)s</small></FONT>
<TABLE border=0 bgcolor="#CCCCCC" width="100%%"><TR>
<TD width="100%%">
<small>Access Number: <INPUT size=15 name=AN>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s">
<INPUT class="adminbutton" type="submit" value=" %(go)s ">
</table>""" % {
'continue_explain' : _("To continue an interrupted submission, enter your access number directly in the input box."),
'doctype' : doctype,
'go' : _("go"),
return out
def tmpl_warning_message(self, ln, msg):
Produces a warning message for the specified text
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'msg' *string* - The message to display
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """<center><font color="red">%s</font></center>""" % msg
def tmpl_page_interface(self, ln, docname, actname, curpage, nbpages, file, nextPg, access, nbPg, doctype, act, indir, fields, javascript, images, mainmenu):
Produces a page with the specified fields (in the submit chain)
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The document type
- 'docname' *string* - The document type name
- 'actname' *string* - The action name
- 'act' *string* - The action
- 'curpage' *int* - The current page of submitting engine
- 'nbpages' *int* - The total number of pages
- 'nextPg' *int* - The next page
- 'access' *string* - The submission number
- 'nbPg' *string* - ??
- 'indir' *string* - the directory of submitting
- 'fields' *array* - the fields to display in the page, with each record having the structure:
- 'fullDesc' *string* - the description of the field
- 'text' *string* - the HTML code of the field
- 'javascript' *string* - if the field has some associated javascript code
- 'type' *string* - the type of field (T, F, I, H, D, S, R)
- 'name' *string* - the name of the field
- 'rows' *string* - the number of rows for textareas
- 'cols' *string* - the number of columns for textareas
- 'val' *string* - the default value of the field
- 'size' *string* - the size for text fields
- 'maxlength' *string* - the maximum length for text fields
- 'htmlcode' *string* - the complete HTML code for user-defined fields
- 'typename' *string* - the long name of the type
- 'javascript' *string* - the javascript code to insert in the page
- 'images' *string* - the path to the images
- 'mainmenu' *string* - the url of the main menu
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# top menu
out = """
<FORM method="POST" action="" onSubmit="return tester();">
<center><TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<TD class="submitHeader"><B>%(docname)s&nbsp;</B></TD>
<TD class="submitHeader"><small>&nbsp;%(actname)s&nbsp;</small></TD>
<TD valign="bottom">
<TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%%">
<TR><TD class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
""" % {
'docname' : docname,
'actname' : actname,
for i in range(1, nbpages+1):
if i == int(curpage):
out += """<TD class="submitCurrentPage"><small>&nbsp;page: %s&nbsp;</small></TD>""" % curpage
out += """<TD class="submitPage"><small>&nbsp;<A HREF='' onClick="if (tester2() == 1){document.forms[0].curpage.value=%s;document.forms[0].submit();return false;} else { return false; }">%s</A>&nbsp;</small></TD>""" % (i,i)
out += """ <TD class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;
<TD class="submitHeader" align="right">&nbsp;<A HREF='' onClick="'','summary','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=500,height=250');return false;"><font color="white"><small>%(summary)s(2)</small></font></A>&nbsp;</TD>
<TR><TD colspan="5" class="submitHeader">
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" width="100%%" class="submitBody"><TR><TD>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="file" value="%(file)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="nextPg" value="%(nextPg)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="access" value="%(access)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="curpage" value="%(curpage)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="nbPg" value="%(nbPg)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="act" value="%(act)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="indir" value="%(indir)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="mode" value="U">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="step" value="0">
""" % {
'summary' : _("SUMMARY"),
'doctype' : doctype,
'act' : act,
'access' : access,
'indir' : indir,
'file' : file,
'nextPg' : nextPg,
'curpage' : curpage,
'nbPg' : nbPg,
for field in fields:
if field['javascript']:
out += """<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" TYPE="text/javascript">
""" % field['javascript'];
# now displays the html form field(s)
out += "%s\n%s\n" % (field['fullDesc'], field['text'])
out += javascript
out += "<BR>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR>\n"
# Display the navigation cell
# Display "previous page" navigation arrows
out += """<TR><TD colspan="5"><TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%%"><TR>"""
if int(curpage) != 1:
out += """ <TD class="submitHeader" align="left">&nbsp;
<A HREF='' onClick="if (tester2() == 1) {document.forms[0].curpage.value=%(prpage)s;document.forms[0].submit();return false;} else { return false; }">
<IMG SRC="%(images)s/left-trans.gif" alt="%(prevpage)s" border="0">
<strong><font color="white">%(prevpage)s</font></strong>
""" % {
'prpage' : int(curpage) - 1,
'images' : images,
'prevpage' : _("previous page"),
out += """ <TD class="submitHeader">&nbsp;</TD>"""
# Display the submission number
out += """ <TD class="submitHeader" align="center"><small>%(submission)s: %(access)s</small></TD>\n""" % {
'submission' : _("Submission no(1)"),
'access' : access,
# Display the "next page" navigation arrow
if int(curpage) != int(nbpages):
out += """ <TD class="submitHeader" align="right">
<A HREF='' onClick="if (tester2()){document.forms[0].curpage.value=%(nxpage)s;document.forms[0].submit();return false;} else {return false;}; return false;">
<strong><font color="white">%(nextpage)s</font></strong>
<IMG SRC="%(images)s/right-trans.gif" alt="%(nextpage)s" border="0">
""" % {
'nxpage' : int(curpage) + 1,
'images' : images,
'nextpage' : _("next page"),
out += """ <TD class="submitHeader">&nbsp;</TD>"""
out += """</TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE></center></FORM>
<A HREF="%(mainmenu)s" onClick="return confirm('%(surequit)s')">
<IMG SRC="%(images)s/mainmenu.gif" border="0" ALT="%(back)s" align="right"></A>
""" % {
'surequit' : _("Are you sure you want to quit this submission?"),
'back' : _("back to main menu"),
'mainmenu' : mainmenu,
'images' : images,
'take_note' : _("(1) you should take note of this number at the beginning of the submission, it will allow you to get your information back in case your browser crashes before the end of the submission."),
'explain_summary' : _("(2) mandatory fields appear in red in the 'Summary' window."),
return out
def tmpl_submit_field(self, ln, field):
Produces the HTML code for the specified field
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'field' *array* - the field to display in the page, with the following structure:
- 'javascript' *string* - if the field has some associated javascript code
- 'type' *string* - the type of field (T, F, I, H, D, S, R)
- 'name' *string* - the name of the field
- 'rows' *string* - the number of rows for textareas
- 'cols' *string* - the number of columns for textareas
- 'val' *string* - the default value of the field
- 'size' *string* - the size for text fields
- 'maxlength' *string* - the maximum length for text fields
- 'htmlcode' *string* - the complete HTML code for user-defined fields
- 'typename' *string* - the long name of the type
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# If the field is a textarea
if field['type'] == 'T':
text="<TEXTAREA name=\"%s\" rows=\"%s\" cols=\"%s\">%s</TEXTAREA>" % (field['name'],field['rows'],field['cols'],field['val'])
# If the field is a file upload
elif field['type'] == 'F':
text="<INPUT TYPE=file name=\"%s\" size=\"%s\" maxlength=\"%s\">" % (field['name'],field['size'], field['maxlength']);
# If the field is a text input
elif field['type'] == 'I':
text="<INPUT name=\"%s\" size=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">" % (field['name'],field['size'],field['val'])
# If the field is a hidden input
elif field['type'] == 'H':
text="<INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\">" % (field['name'],field['val'])
# If the field is user-defined
elif field['type'] == 'D':
# If the field is a select box
elif field['type'] == 'S':
# If the field type is not recognized
text="%s: unknown field type" % field['typename']
return text
def tmpl_page_interface_js(self, ln, upload, field, fieldhtml, txt, check, level, curdir, values, select, radio, curpage, nbpages, images, returnto):
Produces the javascript for validation and value filling for a submit interface page
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'upload' *array* - booleans if the field is a <input type="file"> field
- 'field' *array* - the fields' names
- 'fieldhtml' *array* - the fields' HTML representation
- 'txt' *array* - the fields' long name
- 'check' *array* - if the fields should be checked (in javascript)
- 'level' *array* - strings, if the fields should be filled (M) or not (O)
- 'curdir' *array* - the current directory of the submission
- 'values' *array* - the current values of the fields
- 'select' *array* - booleans, if the controls are "select" controls
- 'radio' *array* - booleans, if the controls are "radio" controls
- 'curpage' *int* - the current page
- 'nbpages' *int* - the total number of pages
- 'images' *int* - the path to the images
- 'returnto' *array* - a structure with 'field' and 'page', if a mandatory field on antoher page was not completed
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
nbFields = len(upload)
# if there is a file upload field, we change the encoding type
out = """<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" TYPE="text/javascript">
for i in range(0,nbFields):
if upload[i] == 1:
out += "document.forms[0].encoding = \"multipart/form-data\";\n"
# we don't want the form to be submitted if the user enters 'Return'
# tests if mandatory fields are well filled
out += """function tester(){
return false;
function tester2() {
for i in range(0,nbFields):
if"%s\[\]" % field[i],fieldhtml[i]):
fieldname = "%s[]" % field[i]
fieldname = field[i]
out += " el = document.forms[0].elements['%s'];\n" % fieldname
# If the field must be checked we call the checking function
if check[i] != "":
out += """if (%(check)s(el.value) == 0) {
return 0;
} """ % {
'check' : check[i]
# If the field is mandatory, we check a value has been selected
if level[i] == 'M':
if select[i] != 0:
# If the field is a select box
out += """if ((el.selectedIndex == -1)||(el.selectedIndex == 0)){
return 0;
} """ % {
'field_mandatory' : _("The field `%s` is Mandatory.\\n Please make a choice in the 'Select:' box") % txt[i]
elif radio[i] != 0:
# If the field is a radio buttonset
out += """var check=0;
for (var j = 0; j < el.length; j++) {
if (el.options[j].checked){
if (check == 0) {
return 0;
}""" % {
'press_button':_("Please press a button.")
# If the field is a text input
out += """if (el.value == '') {
return 0;
}""" % {
'field_mandatory' : _("The field `%s` is Mandatory. Please fill it in.") % txt[i]
out += """ return 1;
<!-- Fill the fields in with the previous saved values-->
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Fill the fields with the previously saved values
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
for i in range(0,nbFields):
fieldname = "%s[]" % field[i]
fieldname = field[i]
text = values[i]
if text != '':
if select[i] != 0:
# If the field is a SELECT element
vals = text.split("\n")
for val in vals:
if tmp != "":
tmp = tmp + " || "
tmp = tmp + "el.options[j].value == \"%s\" || el.options[j].text == \"%s\"" % (val,val)
if tmp != "":
out += """
<!--SELECT field found-->
el = document.forms[0].elements['%(fieldname)s'];
for (var j = 0; j < el.length; j++){
if (%(tmp)s){
el.options[j].selected = true;
}""" % {
'fieldname' : fieldname,
'tmp' : tmp,
elif radio[i] != 0:
# If the field is a RADIO element
out += """<!--RADIO field found-->
el = document.forms[0].elements['%(fieldname)s'];
if (el.value == "%(text)s"){
}""" % {
'fieldname' : fieldname,
'text' : text,
elif upload[i] == 0:
text = text.replace('"','\"')
text = text.replace("\n","\\n")
# If the field is not an upload element
out += """<!--INPUT field found-->
el = document.forms[0].elements['%(fieldname)s'];
""" % {
'fieldname' : fieldname,
'text' : text,
out += """<!--End Fill in section-->
# JS function finish
# This function tests each mandatory field in the whole submission and checks whether
# the field has been correctly filled in or not
# This function is called when the user presses the "End
# Submission" button
if int(curpage) == int(nbpages):
out += """function finish() {
if returnto:
out += """alert ("%(msg)s");
""" % {
'msg' : _("The field '%(field)s' is mandatory.\\nGoing back to page %(page)s") % returnto,
'page' : returnto['page']
out += """ if (tester2()) {
} else {
return false;
out += """</SCRIPT>"""
return out
def tmpl_page_endaction(self, ln, weburl, file, nextPg, startPg, access, curpage, nbPg, nbpages, doctype, act, docname, actname, indir, mainmenu, finished, function_content, next_action, images):
Produces the pages after all the fields have been submitted.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'weburl' *string* - The url of cdsware
- 'doctype' *string* - The document type
- 'act' *string* - The action
- 'docname' *string* - The document type name
- 'actname' *string* - The action name
- 'curpage' *int* - The current page of submitting engine
- 'startPg' *int* - The start page
- 'nextPg' *int* - The next page
- 'access' *string* - The submission number
- 'nbPg' *string* - total number of pages
- 'nbpages' *string* - number of pages (?)
- 'indir' *string* - the directory of submitting
- 'file' *string* - ??
- 'mainmenu' *string* - the url of the main menu
- 'finished' *bool* - if the submission is finished
- 'images' *string* - the path to the images
- 'function_content' *string* - HTML code produced by some function executed
- 'next_action' *string* - if there is another action to be completed, the HTML code for linking to it
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" action="" method="POST">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="file" value="%(file)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="nextPg" value="%(nextPg)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="startPg" value="%(startPg)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="access" value="%(access)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="curpage" value="%(curpage)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="nbPg" value="%(nbPg)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="act" value="%(act)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="indir" value="%(indir)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="fromdir" value="">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="mainmenu" value="%(mainmenu)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="mode" value="U">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="step" value="1">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="deleted" value="no">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="file_path" value="">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="userfile_name" value="">
<center><TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><TR>
<TD class="submitHeader"><B>%(docname)s&nbsp;</B></TD>
<TD class="submitHeader"><small>&nbsp;%(actname)s&nbsp;</small></TD>
<TD valign="bottom">
<TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%%">
<TR><TD class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
""" % {
'file' : file,
'nextPg' : nextPg,
'startPg' : startPg,
'access' : access,
'curpage' : curpage,
'nbPg' : nbPg,
'doctype' : doctype,
'act' : act,
'docname' : docname,
'actname' : actname,
'indir' : indir,
'mainmenu' : mainmenu,
if finished == 1:
out += """<TD class="submitCurrentPage">%(finished)s</TD>
<TD class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
<TD class="submitEmptyPage" align="right">&nbsp;</TD>
""" % {
'finished' : _("finished!"),
for i in range(1, nbpages + 1):
out += """<TD class="submitPage"><small>&nbsp;
<A HREF='' onClick="document.forms[0].curpage.value=%s;document.forms[0].action='';document.forms[0].step.value=0;document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%s</A>&nbsp;</small></TD>""" % (i,i)
out += """<TD class="submitCurrentPage">%(end_action)s</TD><TD class="submitEmptyPage">&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
<TD class="submitHeader" align="right">&nbsp;<A HREF='' onClick="'','summary','scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=500,height=250');return false;"><font color="white"><small>%(summary)s(2)</small></font></A>&nbsp;</TD>""" % {
'end_action' : _("end of action"),
'summary' : _("SUMMARY"),
'doctype' : doctype,
'act' : act,
'access' : access,
'indir' : indir,
out += """</TR>
<TD colspan="5" class="submitBody">
<TR class="submitHeader">
<TD class="submitHeader" colspan="5" align="center">""" % {
'function_content' : function_content,
'next_action' : next_action,
if finished == 0:
out += """<small>%(submission)s</small>&sup2;:
<small>%(access)s</small>""" % {
'submission' : _("Submission no"),
'access' : access,
out += "&nbsp;\n"
out += """
# Add the "back to main menu" button
if finished == 0:
out += """ <A HREF="%(mainmenu)s" onClick="return confirm('%(surequit)s')">""" % {
'surequit' : _("Are you sure you want to quit this submission?"),
'mainmenu' : mainmenu,
out += """ <A HREF="%(mainmenu)s">
<IMG SRC="%(images)s/mainmenu.gif" border="0" ALT="%(back)s" align="right"></A>
<BR><BR>""" % {
'back' : _("back to main menu"),
'images' : images,
'mainmenu' : mainmenu,
return out
def tmpl_function_output(self, ln, display_on, action, doctype, step, functions):
Produces the output of the functions.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'display_on' *bool* - If debug information should be displayed
- 'doctype' *string* - The document type
- 'action' *string* - The action
- 'step' *int* - The current step in submission
- 'functions' *aray* - HTML code produced by functions executed and informations about the functions
- 'name' *string* - the name of the function
- 'score' *string* - the score of the function
- 'error' *bool* - if the function execution produced errors
- 'text' *string* - the HTML code produced by the function
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ""
if display_on:
out += """<br><br>%(function_list)s<P>
<table border="1" cellpadding="15">
""" % {
'function_list' : _("Here is the %(action)s function list for %(doctype)s documents at level %(step)s") % {
'action' : action,
'doctype' : doctype,
'step' : step,
'function' : _("Function"),
'score' : _("Score"),
'running' : _("Running Function"),
for function in functions:
out += """<tr><td>%(name)s</td><td>%(score)s</td><td>%(result)s</td></tr>""" % {
'name' : function['name'],
'score' : function['score'],
'result' : function['error'] and (_("function %s does not exist...") % function['name'] + "<br>") or function['text']
out += "</table>"
for function in functions:
if not function['error']:
out += function['text']
return out
def tmpl_next_action(self, ln, actions):
Produces the output of the functions.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'actions' *array* - The actions to display, in the structure
- 'page' *string* - the starting page
- 'action' *string* - the action (in terms of submission)
- 'doctype' *string* - the doctype
- 'nextdir' *string* - the path to the submission data
- 'access' *string* - the submission number
- 'indir' *string* - ??
- 'name' *string* - the name of the action
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = "<BR><BR>%(haveto)s<ul>" % {
'haveto' : _("You now have to"),
i = 0
for action in actions:
if i > 0:
out += " <b>" + _("or") + "</b> "
i += 1
out += """<LI><A HREF="" onClick="document.forms[0].action='';document.forms[0].curpage.value='%(page)s';document.forms[0].startPg.value='%(page)s';document.forms[0].act.value='%(action)s';document.forms[0].doctype.value='%(doctype)s';document.forms[0].indir.value='%(nextdir)s';document.forms[0].access.value='%(access)s';document.forms[0].fromdir.value='%(indir)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;"> %(name)s </a>""" % action
out += "</ul>"
return out
def tmpl_filelist(self, ln, filelist, recid, docid, version):
Displays the file list for a record.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'recid' *string* - The record id
- 'docid' *string* - The document id
- 'version' *string* - The version of the document
- 'filelist' *string* - The HTML string of the filelist (produced by the BibDoc classes)
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
title = _("record #%s") % ("<a href=\"\">%s</a>" % (recid,recid))
if docid != "":
title += _(" document #%s") % docid
if version != "":
title += _(" version #%s") % version
out = """<center><table class="searchbox" summary="" width="500"><tr><th class="portalboxheader">Access&nbsp;to&nbsp;Fulltext&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size=-2>[%s]</font></th></tr><tr><td class="portalboxbody"><!--start file list-->
<!--end file list--></td></tr></table></center>
""" % (title, filelist)
return out
def tmpl_bibrecdoc_filelist(self, ln, types):
Displays the file list for a record.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'types' *array* - The different types to display, each record in the format:
- 'name' *string* - The name of the format
- 'content' *array of string* - The HTML code produced by tmpl_bibdoc_filelist, for the right files
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ""
for mytype in types:
out += "<small><b>%s</b> %s:</small>" % (mytype['name'], _("file(s)"))
out += "<ul>"
for content in mytype['content']:
out += content
out += "</ul>"
return out
def tmpl_bibdoc_filelist(self, ln, weburl, versions, imagepath, docname, id):
Displays the file list for a record.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'weburl' *string* - The url of cdsware
- 'versions' *array* - The different versions to display, each record in the format:
- 'version' *string* - The version
- 'content' *string* - The HTML code produced by tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist, for the right file
- 'previous' *bool* - If the file has previous versions
- 'imagepath' *string* - The path to the image of the file
- 'docname' *string* - The name of the document
- 'id' *int* - The id of the document
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """<table border="0" cellspacing="1" class="searchbox">
<td align="left" colspan="2" class="portalboxheader">
<img src='%(imagepath)s' border=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;%(docname)s
</tr>""" % {
'imagepath' : imagepath,
'docname' : docname
for version in versions:
if version['previous']:
versiontext = """<br>(%(see)s <a href="%(weburl)s/">%(previous)s</a>)""" % {
'see' : _("see"),
'weburl' : weburl,
'id' : id,
'previous': _("previous"),
versiontext = ""
out += """<tr>
<td class="portalboxheader">
<font size="-2">%(version)s %(ver)s%(text)s</font>
""" % {
'version' : _("version"),
'ver' : version['version'],
'text' : versiontext,
for content in version['content']:
out += content
out += "</table></td></tr>"
out += "</table>"
return out
def tmpl_bibdocfile_filelist(self, ln, weburl, id, name, selfformat, version, format, size):
Displays a file in the file list.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'weburl' *string* - The url of cdsware
- 'id' *int* - The id of the document
- 'name' *string* - The name of the file
- 'selfformat' *string* - The format to pass in parameter
- 'version' *string* - The version
- 'format' *string* - The display format
- 'size' *string* - The size of the file
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """<tr>
<td valign="top">
<small><a href="%(weburl)s/">
<td valign="top">
<font size="-2" color="green">[%(size)s&nbsp;B]</font>
</td></tr>""" % {
'weburl' : weburl,
'docid' : id,
'quotedname' : urllib.quote(name),
'selfformat' : urllib.quote(selfformat),
'version' : version,
'name' : name,
'format' : format,
'size' : size
def tmpl_submit_summary (self, ln, values, images):
Displays the summary for the submit procedure.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'values' *array* - The values of submit. Each of the records contain the following fields:
- 'name' *string* - The name of the field
- 'mandatory' *bool* - If the field is mandatory or not
- 'value' *string* - The inserted value
- 'page' *int* - The submit page on which the field is entered
- 'images' *string* - the path to the images
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """<body style="background-image: url(%(images)s/header_background.gif);"><table border="0">""" % \
{ 'images' : images }
for value in values:
if value['mandatory']:
color = "red"
color = ""
out += """<tr>
<td align="right">
<A HREF='' onClick="window.opener.document.forms[0].curpage.value='%(page)s';window.opener.document.forms[0].action='';window.opener.document.forms[0].submit();return false;">
<FONT color="%(color)s">%(name)s</FONT>
<I><small><font color="black">%(value)s</font></small></I>
</tr>""" % {
'color' : color,
'name' : value['name'],
'value' : value['value'],
'page' : value['page']
out += "</table>"
return out
def tmpl_yoursubmissions(self, ln, images, weburl, order, doctypes, submissions):
Displays the list of the user's submissions.
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'images' *string* - the path to the images
- 'weburl' *string* - The url of cdsware
- 'order' *string* - The ordering parameter
- 'doctypes' *array* - All the available doctypes, in structures:
- 'id' *string* - The doctype id
- 'name' *string* - The display name of the doctype
- 'selected' *bool* - If the doctype should be selected
- 'submissions' *array* - The available submissions, in structures:
- 'docname' *string* - The document name
- 'actname' *string* - The action name
- 'status' *string* - The status of the document
- 'cdate' *string* - Creation date
- 'mdate' *string* - Modification date
- 'id' *string* - The id of the submission
- 'reference' *string* - The display name of the doctype
- 'pending' *bool* - If the submission is pending
- 'act' *string* - The action code
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype code
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ""
out += """
<input type="hidden" value='%(order)s' name="order">
<input type="hidden" name="deletedId">
<input type="hidden" name="deletedDoctype">
<input type="hidden" name="deletedAction">
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(for)s&nbsp;
<select name="doctype" onchange="document.forms[0].submit();">
<option value="">%(alltype)s</option>
""" % {
'order' : order,
'for' : _("For"),
'alltype' : _("all types of document"),
for doctype in doctypes:
out += """<option value="%(id)s" %(sel)s>%(name)s</option>""" % {
'id' : doctype['id'],
'name' : doctype['name'],
'sel' : doctype['selected'] and "SELECTED=\"SELECTED\"" or ""
out += """ </select>
<td class="portalboxbody">
num = 0
docname = ""
for submission in submissions:
if submission['docname'] != docname:
docname = submission['docname']
out += """</table>
<table border="0" class="searchbox" align="left" width="100%%">
<th class="headerselected">%(action)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="actiondown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="actionup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" border="0"></a>
<th class="headerselected">%(status)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="statusdown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="statusup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" border="0"></a>
<th class="headerselected">%(id)s</th>
<th class="headerselected">%(reference)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="refdown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="refup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" border="0"></a>
<th class="headerselected">%(first)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="cddown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="cdup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" border="0"></a>
<th class="headerselected">%(last)s&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="mddown";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smalldown.gif" border="0"></a>&nbsp;
<a href='' onClick='document.forms[0].order.value="mdup";document.forms[0].submit();return false;'><img src="%(images)s/smallup.gif" border="0"></a>
""" % {
'docname' : submission['docname'],
'action' : _("Action"),
'status' : _("Status"),
'id' : _("id"),
'reference' : _("reference"),
'images' : images,
'first' : _("first access"),
'last' : _("last access"),
if submission['pending']:
idtext = """<a href="">%(id)s</a>
&nbsp;<a onClick='if (confirm("%(sure)s")){document.forms[0].deletedId.value="%(id)s";document.forms[0].deletedDoctype.value="%(doctype)s";document.forms[0].deletedAction.value="%(action)s";document.forms[0].submit();return true;}else{return false;}' href=''><img src="%(images)s/smallbin.gif" border="0" alt='%(delete)s'></a>
""" % {
'images' : images,
'id' : submission['id'],
'action' : submission['act'],
'doctype' : submission['doctype'],
'sure' : _("Are you sure you want to delete this submission?"),
'delete' : _("delete submission %(id)s in %(docname)s") % {
'id' : submission['id'],
'docname' : submission['docname']
idtext = submission['id']
if operator.mod(num,2) == 0:
color = "#e0e0e0"
color = "#eeeeee"
if submission['reference']:
reference = submission['reference']
reference = """<font color="red">%s</font>""" % _("reference not yet given")
cdate = str(submission['cdate']).replace(" ","&nbsp;")
mdate= str(submission['mdate']).replace(" ","&nbsp;")
out += """
<tr bgcolor="%(color)s">
<td align="center" class="mycdscell">
<td align="center" class="mycdscell">
<td class="mycdscell">
<td class="mycdscell">
<td class="mycdscell">
<td class="mycdscell">
""" % {
'color' : color,
'actname' : submission['actname'],
'status' : submission['status'],
'idtext' : idtext,
'reference' : reference,
'cdate' : cdate,
'mdate' : mdate,
num += 1
out += "</table></td></tr></table></form>"
return out
def tmpl_yourapprovals(self, ln, referees):
Displays the doctypes and categories for which the user is referee
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'referees' *array* - All the doctypes for which the user is referee:
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'docname' *string* - The display name of the doctype
- 'categories' *array* - The specific categories for which the user is referee:
- 'id' *string* - The category id
- 'name' *string* - The display name of the category
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """ <table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(refdocs)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">""" % {
'refdocs' : _("Refereed Documents"),
for doctype in referees:
out += """<UL><LI><b>%(docname)s</b><UL><small>
<LI><A HREF="">%(generalref)s</a><br>
""" % {
'docname' : doctype['docname'],
'doctype' : doctype['doctype'],
'generalref' : _("You are general referee"),
for category in doctype['categories']:
out += """<LI><A HREF="">%(referee)s</a><br>""" % {
'referee' : (_("You are referee for category: %(name)s (%(id)s)") % {
'name' : category['name'],
'id' : category['id'],
'doctype' : doctype['doctype'],
'categ' : category['id'],
out += "</small></UL></UL>"
out += "</td></tr></table>"
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectdoctype(self, ln, docs):
Displays the doctypes that the user can select
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'docs' *array* - All the doctypes that the user can select:
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'docname' *string* - The display name of the doctype
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(list)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<blockquote>""" % {
'list' : _("List of refereed types of documents"),
'select' : _("Select one of the following types of documents to check the documents status:"),
for doc in docs:
out += "<li><A HREF=''>%(docname)s</A><BR>" % doc
out += """</blockquote>
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectcateg(self, ln, doctype, title, categories, images):
Displays the categories from a doctype that the user can select
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'title' *string* - The doctype name
- 'images' *string* - the path to the images
- 'categories' *array* - All the categories that the user can select:
- 'id' *string* - The id of the category
- 'waiting' *int* - The number of documents waiting
- 'approved' *int* - The number of approved documents
- 'rejected' *int* - The number of rejected documents
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(title)s: %(list_categ)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<FORM action="" method="get">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="doctype" value='%(doctype)s'>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="categ" value=''>
<TD align=left>""" % {
'title' : title,
'doctype' : doctype,
'list_categ' : _("List of refereed categories"),
'choose_categ' : _("Please choose a category"),
for categ in categories:
num = categ['waiting'] + categ['approved'] + categ['rejected']
if categ['waiting'] != 0:
classtext = "class=\"blocknote\""
classtext = ""
out += """<A href="" onClick="document.forms[0].categ.value='%(id)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;"><SMALL %(classtext)s>%(id)s</SMALL></A><SMALL> (%(num)s document(s)</SMALL>""" % {
'id' : categ['id'],
'classtext' : classtext,
'num' : num,
if categ['waiting'] != 0:
out += """| %(waiting)s <IMG ALT="%(pending)s" SRC="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif" border="0">""" % {
'waiting' : categ['waiting'],
'pending' : _("pending"),
'images' : images,
if categ['approved'] != 0:
out += """| %(approved)s<IMG ALT="%(approved_text)s" SRC="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif" border="0">""" % {
'approved' : categ['approved'],
'approved_text' : _("approved"),
'images' : images,
if categ['rejected'] != 0:
out += """| %(rejected)s<IMG ALT="%(rejected_text)s" SRC="%(images)s/cross_red.gif" border="0">""" % {
'rejected' : categ['rejected'],
'rejected_text' : _("rejected"),
'images' : images,
out += ")</SMALL><BR>"
out += """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(key)s:</th>
<IMG ALT="%(pending)s" SRC="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif" border="0"> %(waiting)s<BR>
<IMG ALT="%(approved)s" SRC="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif" border="0"> %(already_approved)s<BR>
<IMG ALT="%(rejected)s" SRC="%(images)s/cross_red.gif" border="0"> %(rejected_text)s<BR><BR>
<SMALL class="blocknote">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</SMALL> %(somepending)s<BR></SMALL>
</table>""" % {
'key' : _("Key"),
'pending' : _("pending"),
'images' : images,
'waiting' : _("waiting for approval"),
'approved' : _("approved"),
'already_approved' : _("already approved"),
'rejected' : _("rejected"),
'rejected_text' : _("rejected"),
'already_approved' : _("already approved"),
'somepending' : _("some documents are pending"),
return out
def tmpl_publiline_selectdocument(self, ln, doctype, title, categ, images, docs):
Displays the documents that the user can select in the specified category
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'title' *string* - The doctype name
- 'images' *string* - the path to the images
- 'categ' *string* - the category
- 'docs' *array* - All the categories that the user can select:
- 'RN' *string* - The id of the document
- 'status' *string* - The status of the document
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = """
<table class="searchbox" width="100%%" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(title)s - %(categ)s: %(list)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">
<FORM action="" method="get">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="doctype" value='%(doctype)s'>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="categ" value='%(categ)s'>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="RN" value=''>
<TABLE class="searchbox">
<TH class="portalboxheader">%(report_no)s</TH>
<TH class="portalboxheader">%(pending)s</TH>
<TH class="portalboxheader">%(approved)s</TH>
<TH class="portalboxheader">%(rejected)s</TH>
""" % {
'doctype' : doctype,
'title' : title,
'categ' : categ,
'list' : _("List of refereed documents"),
'choose_report' : _("Click on a report number to have more information"),
'report_no' : _("Report Number"),
'pending' : _("Pending"),
'approved' : _("Approved"),
'rejected' : _("Rejected"),
for doc in docs:
status = doc ['status']
if status == "waiting":
out += """<TR>
<TD align="center">
<A HREF="" onClick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</A>
<TD align="center">
<IMG ALT="check" SRC="%(images)s/waiting_or.gif">
<TD align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : images,
elif status == "rejected":
out += """<TR>
<TD align="center">
<A HREF="" onClick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</A>
<TD align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD align="center"><IMG ALT="check" SRC="%(images)s/cross_red.gif"></TD>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : images,
elif status == "approved":
out += """<TR>
<TD align="center">
<A HREF="" onClick="document.forms[0].RN.value='%(rn)s';document.forms[0].submit();return false;">%(rn)s</A>
<TD align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD align="center"><IMG ALT="check" SRC="%(images)s/smchk_gr.gif"></TD>
<TD align="center">&nbsp;</TD>
""" % {
'rn' : doc['RN'],
'images' : images,
out += """ </TABLE>
return out
def tmpl_publiline_displaydoc(self, ln, doctype, docname, categ, rn, status, dFirstReq, dLastReq, dAction, access, images, accessurl, confirm_send, auth_code, auth_message, authors, title, sysno, newrn):
Displays the categories from a doctype that the user can select
- 'ln' *string* - The language to display the interface in
- 'doctype' *string* - The doctype
- 'docname' *string* - The doctype name
- 'categ' *string* - the category
- 'rn' *string* - The document RN (id number)
- 'status' *string* - The status of the document
- 'dFirstReq' *string* - The date of the first approval request
- 'dLastReq' *string* - The date of the last approval request
- 'dAction' *string* - The date of the last action (approval or rejection)
- 'images' *string* - the path to the images
- 'accessurl' *string* - the URL of the publications
- 'confirm_send' *bool* - must display a confirmation message about sending approval email
- 'auth_code' *bool* - authorised to referee this document
- 'auth_message' *string* - ???
- 'authors' *string* - the authors of the submission
- 'title' *string* - the title of the submission
- 'sysno' *string* - the unique database id for the record
- 'newrn' *string* - the record number assigned to the submission
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if status == "waiting":
image = """<IMG SRC="%s/waiting_or.gif" ALT="" align="right">""" % images
elif status == "approved":
image = """<IMG SRC="%s/smchk_gr.gif" ALT="" align="right">""" % images
elif status == "rejected":
image = """<IMG SRC="%s/iconcross.gif" ALT="" align="right">""" % images
image = ""
out = """
<table class="searchbox" summary="">
<th class="portalboxheader">%(image)s %(rn)s</th>
<td class="portalboxbody">""" % {
'image' : image,
'rn' : rn,
if confirm_send:
out += """<I><strong class="headline">%(requestsent)s</strong></I><BR><BR>""" % {
'requestsent' : _("Your request has been sent to the referee!"),
out += """<FORM action="">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="RN" value="%(rn)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="categ" value="%(categ)s">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s">
<SMALL>""" % {
'rn' : rn,
'categ' : categ,
'doctype' : doctype,
if title != "unknown":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(title_text)s:</strong>%(title)s<BR><BR>""" % {
'title_text' : _("Title"),
'title' : title,
if authors != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(author_text)s:</strong>%(authors)s<BR><BR>""" % {
'author_text' : _("Author"),
'authors' : authors,
if sysno != "":
out += """<strong class="headline">%(more)s:</strong>
<A HREF="%(url)s?id=%(sysno)s">%(click)s</A>
""" % {
'more' : _("More information"),
'click' : _("click here"),
'url' : accessurl,
'sysno' : sysno,
if status == "waiting":
out += _("This Document is still <strong class=\"headline\">waiting for approval</strong>.") + "<BR><BR>" +\
_("It has first been sent to approval on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dFirstReq} + "<BR>"
if dLastReq == "0000-00-00 00:00:00":
out += _("Last approval e-mail was sent on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dFirstReq} + "<BR>"
out += _("Last approval e-mail was sent on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dLastReq} + "<BR>"
out += "<BR>" + _("You can send an approval request e-mail again by clicking the following button:") + "<BR>" +\
"""<INPUT class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="send" value="%(send)s" onClick="return confirm('%(warning)s')">""" % {
'send' : _("Send Again"),
'warning' : _("WARNING! An e-mail will be send to your referee if you confirm.")
if auth_code == 0:
out += "<BR>" + _("As a referee for this document, you may click this button to approve or reject it:") + "<BR>" +\
"""<INPUT class="adminbutton" type="submit" name="approval" value="%(approve)s" onClick="window.location='';return false;">""" % {
'approve' : _("Approve/Reject"),
'access' : access
if status == "approved":
out += _("This Document has been <strong class=\"headline\">approved</strong>.") + "<BR>" +\
_("Its approved reference is: <strong class=\"headline\">%(rn)s</strong>") % {'rn' : newrn} + "<BR><BR>" +\
_("It has first been sent to approval on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dFirstReq} + "<BR>"
if dLastReq == "0000-00-00 00:00:00":
out += _("Last approval e-mail was sent on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dFirstReq} + "<BR>"
out += _("Last approval e-mail was sent on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dLastReq} + "<BR>" +\
_("It has been approved on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dAction} + "<BR>"
if status == "rejected":
out += _("This Document has been <strong class=\"headline\">rejected</strong>.") + "<BR><BR>" +\
_("It has first been sent to approval on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dFirstReq} + "<BR>"
if dLastReq == "0000-00-00 00:00:00":
out += _("Last approval e-mail was sent on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dFirstReq} + "<BR>"
out += _("Last approval e-mail was sent on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dLastReq} + "<BR>"
out += _("It has been rejected on: <strong class=\"headline\">%(date)s</strong>") % {'date' : dAction} + "<BR>"
out += """ </SMALL></FORM>
return out

Event Timeline