first_line - only the drawing command of the first curve contains the word plot
file_source - data file source which containes coordinates
indexes - points out set number in data file source
title - title of the curve in the legend box
style - respresentation of the curve ex: linespoints, lines ...
line_type - color of the line
line_width - width of the line
point_type - optionnal parameter: if not mentionned it's a wide string.
Using in the case of style = linespoints to set point style"""
plot_text="""plot "%s" index %s:%s using 1:2 title "%s" with %s lt %s lw %s %s %s"""%(file_source,indexes[0],indexes[1],title,style,line_type,line_width,point_type,point_size)
plot_text=""", "%s" index %s:%s using 1:2 title "%s" with %s lt %s lw %s %s %s"""%(file_source,indexes[0],indexes[1],title,style,line_type,line_width,point_type,point_size)