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## $Id$
## Administrator interface for WebAccess
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""CDS Invenio Access Control FireRole."""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
__lastupdated__ = """$Date$"""
"""These functions are for realizing a firewall like role definition for extending
webaccess to connect user to roles using every infos about users.
from invenio.webgroup_dblayer import get_groups
from invenio.access_control_config import InvenioWebAccessFireroleError
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.access_control_config import CFG_ACC_EMPTY_ROLE_DEFINITION_SRC, \
from socket import gethostbyname
import re
import cPickle
from zlib import compress, decompress
def compile_role_definition(firerole_def_src):
""" Given a text in which every row contains a rule it returns the compiled
object definition.
Rules have the following syntax:
allow|deny [not] field {list of one or more (double)quoted string or regexp}
or allow|deny any
Every row may contain a # sign followed by a comment which are discarded.
Field could be any key contained in a user_info dictionary. If the key does
not exist in the dictionary, the rule is skipped.
The first rule which matches return.
line = 0
ret = []
default_allow_p = False
suggest_apache_p = False
if not firerole_def_src or not firerole_def_src.strip():
for row in firerole_def_src.split('\n'):
line += 1
row = row.strip()
if not row:
clean_row = _no_comment_re.sub('', row)
if clean_row:
g = _any_rule_re.match(clean_row)
if g:
default_allow_p ='command').lower() == 'allow'
g = _rule_re.match(clean_row)
if g:
allow_p ='command').lower() == 'allow'
not_p ='not') != None
field ='field').lower()
# Renaming groups to group and apache_groups to apache_group
for alias_item in _aliasTable:
if field in alias_item:
field = alias_item[0]
expressions ='expression')'more_expressions')
expressions_list = []
for expr in _expressions_re.finditer(expressions):
expr =
if expr[0] == '/':
expressions_list.append((True, re.compile(expr[1:-1], re.I)))
except Exception, msg:
raise InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, "Syntax error while compiling rule %s (line %s): %s is not a valid re because %s!" % (row, line, expr, msg)
if field == 'remote_ip' and '/' in expr[1:-1]:
expressions_list.append((False, _ip_matcher_builder(expr[1:-1])))
except Exception, msg:
raise InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, "Syntax error while compiling rule %s (line %s): %s is not a valid ip group because %s!" % (row, line, expr, msg)
expressions_list.append((False, expr[1:-1]))
expressions_list = tuple(expressions_list)
if field in ('apache_group', 'apache_user'):
suggest_apache_p = True
ret.append((allow_p, not_p, field, expressions_list))
raise InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, "Syntax error while compiling rule %s (line %s): not a valid rule!" % (row, line)
return (default_allow_p, suggest_apache_p, tuple(ret))
def repair_role_definitions():
""" Try to rebuild compiled serialized definitions from their respectives
sources. This is needed in case Python break back compatibility.
definitions = run_sql("SELECT id, firerole_def_src FROM accROLE")
for role_id, firerole_def_src in definitions:
run_sql("UPDATE accROLE SET firerole_def_ser=%s WHERE id=%s", (serialize(compile_role_definition(firerole_def_src)), role_id))
def store_role_definition(role_id, firerole_def_ser, firerole_def_src):
""" Store a compiled serialized definition and its source in the database
alongside the role to which it belong.
@param role_id the role_id
@param firerole_def_ser the serialized compiled definition
@param firerole_def_src the sources from which the definition was taken
run_sql("UPDATE accROLE SET firerole_def_ser=%s, firerole_def_src=%s WHERE id=%s", (firerole_def_ser, firerole_def_src, role_id))
def load_role_definition(role_id):
""" Load the definition corresponding to a role. If the compiled definition
is corrupted it try to repairs definitions from their sources and try again
to return the definition.
@param the role_id
@return a deserialized compiled role definition
res = run_sql("SELECT firerole_def_ser FROM accROLE WHERE id=%s", (role_id, ), 1)
if res:
return cPickle.loads(decompress(res[0][0]))
except Exception:
res = run_sql("SELECT firerole_def_ser FROM accROLE WHERE id=%s", (role_id, ), 1)
if res:
return cPickle.loads(decompress(res[0][0]))
return (False, ())
return (False, ())
def acc_firerole_suggest_apache_p(firerole_def_obj):
"""Return True if the given firerole definition suggest the authentication
through Apache."""
default_allow_p, suggest_apache_p, rules = firerole_def_obj
return suggest_apache_p
except Exception, msg:
raise InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, msg
def acc_firerole_check_user(user_info, firerole_def_obj):
""" Given a user_info dictionary, it matches the rules inside the deserializez
compiled definition in order to discover if the current user match the roles
corresponding to this definition.
@param user_info a dict produced by collect_user_info which contains every
info about a user
@param firerole_def_obj a compiled deserialized definition produced by
@return True if the user match the definition, False otherwise.
default_allow_p, suggest_apache_p, rules = firerole_def_obj
for (allow_p, not_p, field, expressions_list) in rules: # for every rule
group_p = field in ['group', 'apache_group'] # Is it related to group?
ip_p = field == 'remote_ip' # Is it related to Ips?
next_rule_p = False # Silly flag to break 2 for cycle
if not user_info.has_key(field):
for reg_p, expr in expressions_list: # For every element in the rule
if group_p: # Special case: groups
if reg_p: # When it is a regexp
for group in user_info[field]: # iterate over every group
if expr.match(group): # if it matches
if not_p: # if must not match
next_rule_p = True # let's skip to next rule
else: # Ok!
return allow_p
if next_rule_p:
break # I said: let's skip to next rule ;-)
elif expr.lower() in [group.lower() for group in user_info[field]]: # Simple expression then just check for expr in groups
if not_p: # If expr is in groups then if must not match
break # let's skip to next rule
else: # Ok!
return allow_p
elif reg_p: # Not a group, then easier. If it's a regexp
if expr.match(user_info[field]): # if it matches
if not_p: # If must not match
break # Let's skip to next rule
return allow_p # Ok!
elif ip_p and type(expr) == type(()): # If it's just a simple expression but an IP!
if _ipmatch(user_info['remote_ip'], expr): # Then if Ip matches
if not_p: # If must not match
break # let's skip to next rule
return allow_p # ok!
elif expr.lower() == user_info[field].lower(): # Finally the easiest one!!
if not_p: # ...
else: # ...
return allow_p # ...
if not_p and not next_rule_p: # Nothing has matched and we got not
return allow_p # Then the whole rule matched!
except Exception, msg:
raise InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, msg
return default_allow_p # By default we allow ;-) it'an OpenSource project
def serialize(firerole_def_src):
""" Serialize and compress a definition."""
if firerole_def_src:
return compress(cPickle.dumps(firerole_def_src, -1))
def deserialize(firerole_def_ser):
""" Deserialize and decompress a definition."""
if firerole_def_ser:
return cPickle.loads(decompress(firerole_def_ser))
return cPickle.loads(decompress(CFG_ACC_EMPTY_ROLE_DEFINITION_SER))
# Comment finder
_no_comment_re = re.compile(r'[\s]*(?<!\\)#.*')
# Rule dissecter
_rule_re = re.compile(r'(?P<command>allow|deny)[\s]+(?:(?P<not>not)[\s]+)?(?P<field>[\w]+)[\s]+(?P<expression>(?<!\\)\'.+?(?<!\\)\'|(?<!\\)\".+?(?<!\\)\"|(?<!\\)\/.+?(?<!\\)\/)(?P<more_expressions>([\s]*,[\s]*((?<!\\)\'.+?(?<!\\)\'|(?<!\\)\".+?(?<!\\)\"|(?<!\\)\/.+?(?<!\\)\/))*)(?:[\s]*(?<!\\).*)?', re.I)
_any_rule_re = re.compile(r'(?P<command>allow|deny)[\s]+(any|all)[\s]*', re.I)
# Sub expression finder
_expressions_re = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\'.+?(?<!\\)\'|(?<!\\)\".+?(?<!\\)\"|(?<!\\)\/.+?(?<!\\)\/')
def _mkip (ip):
""" Compute a numerical value for a dotted IP """
num = 0L
for i in map (int, ip.split ('.')): num = (num << 8) + i
return num
_full = 2L ** 32 - 1
_aliasTable = (('group', 'groups'), ('apache_group', 'apache_groups'))
def _ip_matcher_builder(group):
""" Compile a string "ip/bitmask" (i.e.
@param group a classical "ip/bitmask" string
@return a tuple containing the gip and mask in a binary version.
gip, gmk = group.split('/')
gip = _mkip(gip)
gmk = int(gmk)
mask = (_full - (2L ** (32 - gmk) - 1))
if not (gip & mask == gip):
raise InvenioWebAccessFireroleError, "Netmask does not match IP (%Lx %Lx)" % (gip, mask)
return (gip, mask)
def _ipmatch(ip, ip_matcher):
""" Check if an ip matches an ip_group.
@param ip the ip to check
@param ip_matcher a compiled ip_group produced by ip_matcher_builder
@return True if ip matches, False otherwise
return _mkip(ip) & ip_matcher[1] == ip_matcher[0]

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