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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## $Id:,v 1.12 2008/06/13 15:35:13 rivanov Exp $
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# pylint: disable=C0301
"""CDS Invenio Search Engine query parsers."""
__lastupdated__ = """$Date: 2008/06/13 15:35:13 $"""
__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.12 2008/06/13 15:35:13 rivanov Exp $"
from invenio.bibtask import write_message
# imports used in FieldExporter class
from invenio import search_engine
from invenio import bibrecord
from invenio import bibdocfile
import os
# imports used in perform_request_... methods
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG
from invenio import bibexport_method_fieldexporter_dblayer as fieldexporter_dblayer
from invenio import template
fieldexporter_templates = template.load('bibexport_method_fieldexporter')
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
def run_export_method(jobname):
"""Main function, reading params and running the task."""
write_message("bibexport_fieldexporter: job %s started." % jobname)
job = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job_by_name(jobname)
job_result = _run_job(job)
if job_result.STATUS_CODE_OK != job_result.get_status():
error_message = job_result.get_status_message()
write_message("Error during %s execution. Error message: %s" % (jobname, error_message) )
write_message("bibexport_fieldexporter: job %s started." % jobname)
def _run_job(job):
"""Execute a job and saves the results
@param job: Job object containing inforamtion about the job
@return: JobResult object containing informatoin about the result
of job execution
exporter = FieldExporter()
job_result = exporter.execute_job(job)
return job_result
class FieldExporter:
"""Provides mothods for exporting given fields from
records corresponding to a given search criteria.
It provides also methods for transforming the resulting
MARC XML into other formats.
def __init__(self):
"""Nothing to init"""
def _export_fields(self, search_criteria, output_fields):
"""Export fields that are among output_fields from
all the records that match the search criteria.
@param search_criteria: combination of search terms in Invenio
@param output_fields: list of fields that should remain in the records
@return: MARC XML with records containing only the fields that are
among output fields
records = self._get_records(search_criteria)
filtered_xml = self._filter_records_fields(records, output_fields)
return filtered_xml
def execute_query(self, query):
"""Executes a query and returns the result of execution.
@param query: Query object containing information about the query.
@return: QueryResult object containing the result.
search_criteria = query.get_search_criteria()
output_fields = query.get_output_fields()
xml_result = self._export_fields(search_criteria, output_fields)
query_result = fieldexporter_dblayer.QueryResult(query, xml_result)
return query_result
def execute_job(self, job):
"""Executes a job and returns the result of execution.
@param job: Job object containing information about the job.
@return: JobResult object containing the result.
job_result = fieldexporter_dblayer.JobResult(job)
job_queries = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job_queries(job.get_id())
for current_query in job_queries:
current_query_result = self.execute_query(current_query)
return job_result
def _get_records(self, search_criteria):
"""Creates MARC XML containing all the records corresponding
to a given search criteria.
@param search_criteria: combination of search terms in Invenio
@return: MARC XML containing all the records corresponding
to the search criteria"""
record_IDs = search_engine.perform_request_search(p = search_criteria)
records_XML = self._create_records_xml(record_IDs)
return records_XML
def _filter_records_fields(self, records_xml, output_fields):
"""Leaves in the records only fields that are necessary.
All the other fields are removed from the records.
@param records_xml: MARC XML containing all the information about the records
@param output_fields: list of fields that should remain in the records
@return: MARC XML with records containing only fields that are
in output_fields list.
# Add 001/970 to the output fields. 970 is necessary for system number
# extraction when exporting in aleph marc. When we add more formats,
# we can add it optionally only when exporting aleph marc.
records = bibrecord.create_records(records_xml)
output_records = []
for (record, status_code, list_of_errors) in records:
record = self._filter_fields(record, output_fields)
# do not return empty records
if not self._is_record_empty(record):
output_xml = bibrecord.print_recs(output_records)
return output_xml
def _is_record_empty(self, record):
"""Check if a record is empty.
We assume that record is empty if all the values of the
tags are empty lists or the record dictionary itself is empty.
@param record: record structure (@see: for details)
@return True if the record is empty
for value in record.values():
if len(value) > 0:
return False
return True
def _filter_fields(self, record, output_fields):
"""Removes from the record all the fields
that are not output_fields.
@param record: record structure (@see: for details)
@param output_fields: list of fields that should remain in the record
@return: record containing only fields among output_fields
# Tibor's new implementation:
for tag in record.keys():
if tag not in output_fields:
bibrecord.record_delete_fields(record, tag)
return record
# Rado's old implementation that leads to bibrecord-related
# bug, see <>:
record_keys = record.keys()
# Check if any of the tags, fields or subfields match
# any value in output_fields. In case of match we leave
# the element and its children in the record.
# If the element and all its children are not among the
# output fields, it is deleted
for tag in record_keys:
tag = tag.lower()
if tag not in output_fields:
for (subfields, ind1, ind2, value, field_number) in record[tag]:
current_field = tag + ind1.strip() + ind2.strip()
current_field = current_field.lower()
if current_field not in output_fields:
delete_parents = True
for (code, value) in subfields:
current_subfield = current_field + code
current_subfield = current_subfield.lower()
if current_subfield not in output_fields:
bibrecord.record_delete_subfield(record, tag, code, ind1, ind2)
delete_parents = False
if delete_parents:
bibrecord.record_delete_field(record, tag, ind1, ind2)
return record
def _create_records_xml(self, record_IDs):
"""Creates XML containing all the information
for the records with the given identifiers
@param record_IDs: list of identifiers of records
@return: MARC XML containing all the information about the records
output_xml = "<collection>"
for record_id in record_IDs:
record_xml = search_engine.print_record(recID = record_id, format = "xm")
output_xml += record_xml
output_xml += "</collection>"
return output_xml
def get_css():
"""Returns the CSS for field exporter pages."""
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_styles()
def get_navigation_menu(language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Returns HTML reresenting the navigation menu
of field exporter
@param language: language of the page
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_navigation_menu(language)
def perform_request_new_job(language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page for creation of a new job.
@param language: language of the page
job = fieldexporter_dblayer.Job()
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_edit_job(job, language = language)
def perform_request_edit_job(job_id, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page where the user can edit information
about a job.
@param job_id: identifier of the job that will be edited
@param user_id: identifier of the user
@param language: language of the page
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language)
job = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job(job_id)
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_edit_job(job, language = language)
def perform_request_save_job(job, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Saves a job.
@param job: Object containing information about the job
@param user_id: identifier of the user saving the job
@param language: language of the page
@return: identifier of the job
job_id = job.get_id()
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language)
return fieldexporter_dblayer.save_job(user_id, job)
def perform_request_delete_jobs(job_ids, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Deletes all the jobs which ids are given as a parameter.
@param job_ids: list with identifiers of jobs that have to be deleted
@param user_id: identifier of the user deleting the jobs
@param language: language of the page
for job_id in job_ids:
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language)
def perform_request_run_jobs(job_ids, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Runs all the jobs which ids are given as a parameter
@param job_ids: list with identifiers of jobs that have to be run
@param user_id: identifier of the user running the jobs
@param language: language of the page
for current_job_id in job_ids:
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, current_job_id, language)
current_job = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job(current_job_id)
def perform_request_jobs(user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page containing list of all
jobs of the current user
@param user_id: identifier of the user owning the jobs
@param language: language of the page
all_jobs = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_all_jobs(user_id)
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_display_jobs(jobs = all_jobs, language = language)
def perform_request_job_queries(job_id, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page containing list of all
all queries for a given job
@param job_id: identifier of the job containing the queries
@param user_id: identifier of the current user
@param language: language of the page
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language)
queries = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job_queries(job_id)
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_display_job_queries(job_queries = queries,
job_id = job_id,
language = language)
def perform_request_new_query(job_id, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page for creation of new query.
@param job_id: identifier of the job containing the query
@param user_id: identifier of user creating the query
@param language: language of the page
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language)
query = fieldexporter_dblayer.Query()
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_edit_query(query, job_id, language)
def perform_request_edit_query(query_id, job_id, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page where the user can edit information
about a job.
@param query_id: identifier of the query that will be edited
@param job_id: identifier of the job containing the query
@param user_id: identifier of the user editing the query
@param language: language of the page
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language)
_check_user_ownership_on_query(user_id, query_id, language)
query = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_query(query_id)
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_edit_query(query, job_id, language)
def perform_request_save_query(query, job_id, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Saves a query in database.
@param query: Query objectect containing the necessary informatoin
@param job_id: identifier of the job containing the query
@param user_id: identifier of the user saving the query
@param language: language of the page
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language)
_check_user_ownership_on_query(user_id, query.get_id(), language)
fieldexporter_dblayer.save_query(query, job_id)
def perform_request_delete_queries(query_ids, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Deletes all the queries which ids are given as a parameter.
@param query_ids: list with identifiers of queries that have to be deleted
@param user_id: identifier of the user deleting the queries
@param language: language of the page
for query_id in query_ids:
_check_user_ownership_on_query(user_id, query_id, language)
def perform_request_run_queries(query_ids, user_id, job_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page contining results from execution of given queries.
@param query_ids: list of query identifiers
@param user_id: identifier of the user running the queries
@param language: language of the page
exporter = FieldExporter()
_check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language)
job = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job(job_id)
job_result = fieldexporter_dblayer.JobResult(job)
queries_results = []
for current_id in query_ids:
_check_user_ownership_on_query(user_id, current_id, language)
current_query = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_query(current_id)
current_result = exporter.execute_query(current_query)
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_display_queries_results(job_result, language)
def perform_request_job_history(user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page containing information about the executed jobs.
@param user_id: identifier of the user owning the reuslts
@param language: language of the page
job_result_identifiers = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_all_job_result_ids(user_id = user_id)
job_results = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job_results(job_result_identifiers)
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_display_job_history(job_results, language)
def perform_request_job_results(job_result_id, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page with information about the results of a particular job.
@param job_result_id: identifier of the job result that should be displayed
@param user_id: identifier of the current user
@param language: language of the page
_check_user_ownership_on_job_result(user_id, job_result_id, language)
job_result = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job_result(job_result_id)
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_display_job_result_information(job_result, language)
def perform_request_download_job_result(req, job_result_id, output_format, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
Returns to the browser zip file containing the content of the job result
@param req: request as received from apache
@param job_result_id: identifier of the job result that should be displayed
@param user_id: identifier of the current user
@param language: language of the page
@param output_format: format for downloading the result
_check_user_ownership_on_job_result(user_id, job_result_id, language)
job_result = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job_result(job_result_id)
if output_format != fieldexporter_dblayer.Job.OUTPUT_FORMAT_MISSING:
download_file_name = ""
temp_zip_file_path = ""
temp_zip_file_path = fieldexporter_dblayer.create_temporary_zip_file_with_job_result(job_result)
bibdocfile.stream_file(req, temp_zip_file_path, download_file_name)
if os.path.exists(temp_zip_file_path):
def perform_request_display_job_result(job_result_id, output_format, user_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Displays a page with the results of a particular job.
@param job_result_id: identifier of the job result that should be displayed
@param user_id: identifier of the current user
@param language: language of the page
_check_user_ownership_on_job_result(user_id, job_result_id, language)
job_result = fieldexporter_dblayer.get_job_result(job_result_id)
if output_format != fieldexporter_dblayer.Job.OUTPUT_FORMAT_MISSING:
return fieldexporter_templates.tmpl_display_queries_results(job_result, language)
def _check_user_ownership_on_job(user_id, job_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Check if user owns a job. In case user is not the owner, exception is thrown.
@param user_id: identifier of the user
@param job_id: identifier of the job
@param language: language of the page
if fieldexporter_dblayer.Job.ID_MISSING == job_id:
if not fieldexporter_dblayer.is_user_owner_of_job(user_id, job_id):
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
error_message = _("You are not authorised to access this resource.")
raise AccessDeniedError(error_message)
def _check_user_ownership_on_job_result(user_id, job_result_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Check if user owns a job result. In case user is not the owner, exception is thrown.
@param user_id: identifier of the user
@param job_result_id: identifier of the job result
@param language: language of the page
if fieldexporter_dblayer.JobResult.ID_MISSING == job_result_id:
if not fieldexporter_dblayer.is_user_owner_of_job_result(user_id, job_result_id):
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
error_message = _("You are not authorised to access this resource.")
raise AccessDeniedError(error_message)
def _check_user_ownership_on_query(user_id, query_id, language = CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Check if user owns a job result. In case user is not the owner, exception is thrown.
@param user_id: identifier of the user
@param job_result_id: identifier of the job result
@param language: language of the page
if fieldexporter_dblayer.Query.ID_MISSING == query_id:
if not fieldexporter_dblayer.is_user_owner_of_query(user_id, query_id):
_ = gettext_set_language(language)
error_message = _("You are not authorised to access this resource.")
raise AccessDeniedError(error_message)
class AccessDeniedError(Exception):
"""Exception indicating an error during exportting for Google scholar."""
_error_message = ""
_inner_exception = None
def __init__(self, error_message, inner_exception = None):
"""Constructor of the exception"""
Exception.__init__(self, error_message, inner_exception)
self._error_message = error_message
self._inner_exception = inner_exception
def get_error_message(self):
"""Returns the error message that explains the reason for the exception"""
return self._error_message
def get_inner_exception(self):
"""Returns the inner exception that is the cause for the current exception"""
return self._inner_exception
def __str__(self):
"""Returns string representation"""
return self._error_message

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