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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Functions useful for text wrapping (in a box) and indenting.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import sys
import re
import textwrap
import invenio.template
'__DEFAULT' : {
'horiz_sep' : '*',
'max_col' : 72,
'min_col' : 40,
'tab_str' : ' ',
'tab_num' : 0,
'border' : ('**', '*', '**', '** ', ' **', '**', '*', '**'),
'prefix' : '\n',
'suffix' : '\n',
'break_long' : False,
'force_horiz' : False,
'squared' : {
'horiz_sep' : '-',
'border' : ('+', '-', '+', '| ', ' |', '+', '-', '+')
'double_sharp' : {
'horiz_sep' : '#',
'border' : ('##', '#', '##', '## ', ' ##', '##', '#', '##')
'single_sharp' : {
'horiz_sep' : '#',
'border' : ('#', '#', '#', '# ', ' #', '#', '#', '#')
'single_star' : {
'border' : ('*', '*', '*', '* ', ' *', '*', '*', '*',)
'double_star' : {
'no_border' : {
'horiz_sep' : '',
'border' : ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
'prefix' : '',
'suffix' : ''
'conclusion' : {
'border' : ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''),
'prefix' : '',
'horiz_sep' : '-',
'force_horiz' : True,
'important' : {
'tab_num' : 1,
def indent_text(text,
tab_str=" ",
add tabs to each line of text
@param text: the text to indent
@param nb_tabs: number of tabs to add
@param tab_str: type of tab (could be, for example "\t", default: 2 spaces
@param linebreak_input: linebreak on input
@param linebreak_output: linebreak on output
@param wrap: wethever to apply smart text wrapping.
(by means of wrap_text_in_a_box)
@return: indented text as string
if not wrap:
lines = text.split(linebreak_input)
tabs = nb_tabs*tab_str
output = ""
for line in lines:
output += tabs + line + linebreak_output
return output
return wrap_text_in_a_box(body=text, style='no_border',
tab_str=tab_str, tab_num=nb_tabs)
_RE_BEGINNING_SPACES = re.compile(r'^\s*')
_RE_NEWLINES_CLEANER = re.compile(r'\n+')
_RE_LONELY_NEWLINES = re.compile(r'\b\n\b')
def wrap_text_in_a_box(body='', title='', style='double_star', **args):
"""Return a nicely formatted text box:
** title **
** body **
Indentation and newline are respected.
@param body: the main text
@param title: an optional title
@param style: the name of one of the style in CFG_WRAP_STYLES. By default
the double_star style is used.
You can further tune the desired style by setting various optional
@param horiz_sep: a string that is repeated in order to produce a
separator row between the title and the body (if needed)
@param max_col: the maximum number of coulmns used by the box
(including indentation)
@param min_col: the symmetrical minimum number of columns
@param tab_str: a string to represent indentation
@param tab_num: the number of leveles of indentations
@param border: a tuple of 8 element in the form
(tl, t, tr, l, r, bl, b, br) of strings that represent the
different corners and sides of the box
@param prefix: a prefix string added before the box
@param suffix: a suffix string added after the box
@param break_long: wethever to break long words in order to respect
@param force_horiz: True in order to print the horizontal line even when
there is no title
print wrap_text_in_a_box(title='prova',
body=' 123 prova.\n Vediamo come si indenta',
horiz_sep='-', style='no_border', max_col=20, tab_num=1)
123 prova.
Vediamo come
si indenta
def _wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long):
"""Wrap a single row"""
spaces = _RE_BEGINNING_SPACES.match(row).group()
row = row[len(spaces):]
spaces = spaces.expandtabs()
return textwrap.wrap(row, initial_indent=spaces,
subsequent_indent=spaces, width=max_col,
def _clean_newlines(text):
text = _RE_LONELY_NEWLINES.sub(' \n', text)
return _RE_NEWLINES_CLEANER.sub(lambda x:[:-1], text)
body = unicode(body, 'utf-8')
title = unicode(title, 'utf-8')
if CFG_WRAP_TEXT_IN_A_BOX_STYLES.has_key(style):
horiz_sep = astyle['horiz_sep']
border = astyle['border']
tab_str = astyle['tab_str'] * astyle['tab_num']
max_col = max(astyle['max_col'] \
- len(border[3]) - len(border[4]) - len(tab_str), 1)
min_col = astyle['min_col']
prefix = astyle['prefix']
suffix = astyle['suffix']
force_horiz = astyle['force_horiz']
break_long = astyle['break_long']
body = _clean_newlines(body)
tmp_rows = [_wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long)
for row in body.split('\n')]
body_rows = []
for rows in tmp_rows:
if rows:
body_rows += rows
if not ''.join(body_rows).strip():
# Concrete empty body
body_rows = []
title = _clean_newlines(title)
tmp_rows = [_wrap_row(row, max_col, break_long)
for row in title.split('\n')]
title_rows = []
for rows in tmp_rows:
if rows:
title_rows += rows
if not ''.join(title_rows).strip():
# Concrete empty title
title_rows = []
max_col = max([len(row) for row in body_rows + title_rows] + [min_col])
mid_top_border_len = max_col \
+ len(border[3]) + len(border[4]) - len(border[0]) - len(border[2])
mid_bottom_border_len = max_col \
+ len(border[3]) + len(border[4]) - len(border[5]) - len(border[7])
top_border = border[0] \
+ (border[1] * mid_top_border_len)[:mid_top_border_len] + border[2]
bottom_border = border[5] \
+ (border[6] * mid_bottom_border_len)[:mid_bottom_border_len] \
+ border[7]
horiz_line = border[3] + (horiz_sep * max_col)[:max_col] + border[4]
title_rows = [tab_str + border[3] + row
+ ' ' * (max_col - len(row)) + border[4] for row in title_rows]
body_rows = [tab_str + border[3] + row
+ ' ' * (max_col - len(row)) + border[4] for row in body_rows]
ret = []
if top_border:
ret += [tab_str + top_border]
ret += title_rows
if title_rows or force_horiz:
ret += [tab_str + horiz_line]
ret += body_rows
if bottom_border:
ret += [tab_str + bottom_border]
return (prefix + '\n'.join(ret) + suffix).encode('utf-8')
def wait_for_user(msg=""):
Print MSG and a confirmation prompt, waiting for user's
confirmation, unless silent '--yes-i-know' command line option was
used, in which case the function returns immediately without
printing anything.
if '--yes-i-know' in sys.argv:
print msg
answer = raw_input("Please confirm by typing 'Yes, I know!': ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
answer = ''
if answer != 'Yes, I know!':
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Aborted.\n")
def guess_minimum_encoding(text, charsets=('ascii', 'latin1', 'utf8')):
"""Try to guess the minimum charset that is able to represent the given
text using the provided charsets. text is supposed to be encoded in utf8.
Returns (encoded_text, charset) where charset is the first charset
in the sequence being able to encode text.
Returns (text_in_utf8, 'utf8') in case no charset is able to encode text.
@note: If the input text is not in strict UTF-8, then replace any
non-UTF-8 chars inside it.
text_in_unicode = text.decode('utf8', 'replace')
for charset in charsets:
return (text_in_unicode.encode(charset), charset)
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
return (text_in_unicode.encode('utf8'), 'utf8')
def encode_for_xml(text, wash=False, xml_version='1.0'):
"""Encodes special characters in a text so that it would be
@param text: text to encode
@return: an encoded text"""
text = text.replace('&', '&')
text = text.replace('<', '&lt;')
if wash:
text = wash_for_xml(text, xml_version='1.0')
return text
RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000009\U0000000A\U0000000D\U00000020-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]')
RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000001-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]')
except ValueError:
# oops, we are running on a narrow UTF/UCS Python build,
# so we have to limit the UTF/UCS char range:
RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000009\U0000000A\U0000000D\U00000020-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD]')
RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS = re.compile(u'[^\U00000001-\U0000D7FF\U0000E000-\U0000FFFD]')
def wash_for_xml(text, xml_version='1.0'):
Removes any character which is not in the range of allowed
characters for XML. The allowed characters depends on the version
of XML.
- XML 1.0:
- XML 1.1:
@param text: input string to wash.
@param xml_version: version of the XML for which we wash the
input. Value for this parameter can be '1.0' or '1.1'
if xml_version == '1.0':
return RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_0_CHARS.sub('', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8')
return RE_ALLOWED_XML_1_1_CHARS.sub('', unicode(text, 'utf-8')).encode('utf-8')
def wash_for_utf8(text, correct=True):
Removes all characters incorrect from the unicode point of view
@param text: input string to wash
cont = True
while cont:
except UnicodeDecodeError, e:
if correct:
text = text[:e.start] + text[e.end:]
raise e
except Exception, e:
raise e
cont = False
return text
def nice_size(size):
@param size: the size.
@type size: int
@return: a nicely printed size.
@rtype: string
websearch_templates = invenio.template.load('websearch')
unit = 'B'
if size > 1024:
size /= 1024.0
unit = 'KB'
if size > 1024:
size /= 1024.0
unit = 'MB'
if size > 1024:
size /= 1024.0
unit = 'GB'
return '%s %s' % (websearch_templates.tmpl_nice_number(size, max_ndigits_after_dot=2), unit)
def remove_line_breaks(text):
Remove line breaks from input, including unicode 'line
separator', 'paragraph separator', and 'next line' characters.
return unicode(text, 'utf-8').replace('\f', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '').replace(u'\xe2\x80\xa8', '').replace(u'\xe2\x80\xa9', '').replace(u'\xc2\x85', '').encode('utf-8')

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