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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
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# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""Formatter API."""
import zlib
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from invenio.ext.sqlalchemy import db
from invenio.modules.records.models import Record as Bibrec
from import Tag
from import convert_datetime_to_utc_string, strftime
from .models import Format, Formatname, Bibfmt
def get_creation_date(sysno, fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"):
Returns the creation date of the record 'sysno'.
:param sysno: the record ID for which we want to retrieve creation date
:param fmt: output format for the returned date
:return: creation date of the record
:rtype: string
return convert_datetime_to_utc_string(
Bibrec.query.get(sysno).creation_date, fmt)
except SQLAlchemyError:
return ""
def get_modification_date(sysno, fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"):
Returns the date of last modification for the record 'sysno'.
:param sysno: the record ID for which we want to retrieve modification date
:param fmt: output format for the returned date
:return: modification date of the record
:rtype: string
return convert_datetime_to_utc_string(
Bibrec.query.get(sysno).modification_date, fmt)
except SQLAlchemyError:
return ""
# XML Marc related functions
def get_tag_from_name(name):
Returns the marc code corresponding the given name
:param name: name for which we want to retrieve the tag
:return: a tag corresponding to X{name} or None if not found
return Tag.query.filter(
except SQLAlchemyError:
return None
def get_tags_from_name(name):
Returns the marc codes corresponding the given name,
ordered by value
:param name: name for which we want to retrieve the tags
:return: list of tags corresponding to X{name} or None if not found
return [tag.value for tag in
except SQLAlchemyError:
return None
def tag_exists_for_name(name):
Returns True if a tag exists for name in 'tag' table.
:param name: name for which we want to check if a tag exist
:return: True if a tag exist for X{name} or False
return (Tag.query.filter( > 0)
def get_name_from_tag(tag):
Returns the name corresponding to a marc code
:param tag: tag to consider
:return: a name corresponding to X{tag}
return Tag.query.filter(
except SQLAlchemyError:
return None
def name_exists_for_tag(tag):
Returns True if a name exists for tag in 'tag' table.
:param tag: tag for which we want to check if a name exist
:return: True if a name exist for X{tag} or False
return (Tag.query.filter( > 0)
def get_all_name_tag_mappings():
Return the list of mappings name<->tag from 'tag' table.
The returned object is a dict with name as key (if 2 names are the same
we will take the value of one of them, as we cannot make the difference
in format templates)
:return: a dict containing list of mapping in 'tag' table
result = dict()
for tag in Tag.query.all():
result[] = tag.value
return result
# Output formats related functions
def get_format_by_code(code):
Returns the output format object given by code in the database.
Output formats are located inside 'format' table
:param code: the code of an output format
:return: Format object with given ID. None if not found
f_code = code
if len(code) > 6:
f_code = code[:6]
return Format.query.filter(Format.code == f_code.lower()).one()
except SQLAlchemyError:
return None
def get_format_property(code, property_name, default_value=None):
Returns the value of a property of the output format given by code.
If code or property does not exist, return default_value
:param code: the code of the output format to get the value from
:param property_name: name of property to return
:param default_value: value to be returned if format not found
:return: output format property value
return getattr(get_format_by_code(code), property_name, default_value)
def set_format_property(code, property_name, value):
Sets the property of an output format, given by its code
If 'code' does not exist, create format
:param code: the code of the output format to update
:param property_name: name of property to set
:param value: value to assign
format = get_format_by_code(code)
if format is None:
format = Format()
setattr(format, property_name, value)
if(property == 'name'):
def get_output_format_id(code):
Returns the id of output format given by code in the database.
Output formats are located inside 'format' table
:param code: the code of an output format
:return: the id in the database of the output format. None if not found
return get_format_property(code, 'id', None)
def add_output_format(code, name="", description="",
content_type="text/html", visibility=1):
Add output format into format table.
If format with given code already exists, do nothing
:param code: the code of the new format
:param name: a new for the new format
:param description: a description for the new format
:param content_type: the content_type (if applicable)
of the new output format
:param visibility: if the output format is shown to users (1) or not (0)
:return: None
format = get_format_by_code(code)
if format is None:
format = Format()
format.code = code.lower()
format.description = description
format.content_type = content_type
format.visibility = visibility
def remove_output_format(code):
Removes the output format with 'code'
If code does not exist in database, do nothing
The function also removes all localized names in formatname table
:param code: the code of the output format to remove
:return: None
format = get_format_by_code(code)
if format is not None:
.filter(Formatname.id_format ==
def get_output_format_description(code):
Returns the description of the output format given by code
If code or description does not exist, return empty string
:param code: the code of the output format to get the description from
:return: output format description
return get_format_property(code, 'description', '')
def set_output_format_description(code, description):
Sets the description of an output format, given by its code
If 'code' does not exist, create format
:param code: the code of the output format to update
:param description: the new description
:return: None
set_format_property(code, 'description', description)
def get_output_format_visibility(code):
Returns the visibility of the output format, given by its code
If code does not exist, return 0
:param code: the code of an output format
:return: output format visibility (0 if not visible, 1 if visible
visibility = get_format_property(code, 'visibility', 0)
if visibility is not None and int(visibility) in range(0, 2):
return int(visibility)
return 0
def set_output_format_visibility(code, visibility):
Sets the visibility of an output format, given by its code
If 'code' does not exist, create format
:param code: the code of the output format to update
:param visibility: the new visibility (0: not visible, 1:visible)
:return: None
set_format_property(code, 'visibility', visibility)
def get_output_format_content_type(code):
Returns the content_type of the output format given by code
If code or content_type does not exist, return empty string
:param code: the code of the output format to get the description from
:return: output format content_type
return get_format_property(code, 'content_type', '') or ''
def set_output_format_content_type(code, content_type):
Sets the content_type of an output format, given by its code
If 'code' does not exist, create format
:param code: the code of the output format to update
:param content_type: the content type for the format
:return: None
set_format_property(code, 'content_type', content_type)
def set_output_format_name(code, name, lang="generic", type='ln'):
Sets the name of an output format given by code.
if 'type' different from 'ln' or 'sn', do nothing
if 'name' exceeds 256 chars, 'name' is truncated to first 256 chars.
if 'code' does not correspond to exisiting output format,
create format if "generic" is given as lang
The localized names of output formats are located in formatname table.
:param code: the code of an ouput format
:param type: either 'ln' (for long name) and 'sn' (for short name)
:param lang: the language in which the name is given
:param name: the name to give to the output format
:return: None
if type.lower() != "sn" and type.lower() != "ln":
format = get_format_by_code(code)
if format is None and lang == "generic" and type.lower() == "ln":
# Create output format inside table if it did not exist
# Happens when the output format was added not through web interface
format = Format()
if format is not None:
format.set_name(name, lang, type)
def change_output_format_code(old_code, new_code):
Change the code of an output format
:param old_code: the code of the output format to change
:param new_code: the new code
:return: None
set_format_property(old_code, 'code', new_code.lower())
def get_preformatted_record(recID, of, decompress=zlib.decompress):
Returns the preformatted record with id 'recID' and format 'of'
If corresponding record does not exist for given output format,
returns None
:param recID: the id of the record to fetch
:param of: the output format code
:param decompress: the method used to decompress
the preformatted record in database
:return: formatted record as String, or None if not exist
value = Bibfmt.query\
.filter(Bibfmt.id_bibrec == recID)\
.filter(Bibfmt.format == of)\
return str(decompress(value))
except SQLAlchemyError:
return None
# Decide whether to use DB slave:
# if of in ('xm', 'recstruct'):
# run_on_slave = False # for master formats, use DB master
# else:
# run_on_slave = True # for other formats, we can use DB slave
def get_preformatted_record_date(recID, of):
Returns the date of the last update of the cache for the considered
preformatted record in bibfmt
If corresponding record does not exist for given output format,
returns None
:param recID: the id of the record to fetch
:param of: the output format code
:return: the date of the last update of the cache, or None if not exist
last_updated = Bibfmt.query\
.filter(Bibfmt.id_bibrec == recID)\
.filter(Bibfmt.format == of)\
return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", last_updated)
except SQLAlchemyError:
return None

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