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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""Fields and models configuration loader.
This module uses `pyparsing <>`_ to read
from thedifferent configuration files the field and model definitions.
Default extensions to both parsers could be added inside
import os
import six
from pyparsing import ParseException, FollowedBy, Suppress, OneOrMore, Word, \
LineEnd, ZeroOrMore, Optional, Literal, alphas, alphanums, \
originalTextFor, nestedExpr, quotedString, removeQuotes, lineEnd, \
empty, col, restOfLine, delimitedList, Each, Keyword, commaSeparatedList, \
from .errors import FieldParserException, ModelParserException
from .registry import fields_definitions, models_definitions, parsers
ParseException.defaultWhitespaceChars = (' \r\t')
COMMENT = (Literal("#") + restOfLine + LineEnd()).suppress()
IDENT = Word(alphanums + '_')
DICT_DEF = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('{', '}'))
LIST_DEF = originalTextFor(nestedExpr('[', ']'))
DICT_ACCESS = LIST_ACCESS = originalTextFor(IDENT + nestedExpr('[', ']'))
LIST_ACCESS ^ restOfLine
).setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0])
def indentedBlock(expr, indent_stack, indent=True):
"""Define space-delimited indentation blocks.
Helper method for defining space-delimited indentation blocks, such as
those used to define block statements in Python source code.
There is also a version in pyparsing but doesn't seem to be working fine
with JSONAlchemy cfg files.
def check_sub_indent(string, location, tokens):
"""Check the indentation."""
cur_col = col(location, string)
if cur_col > indent_stack[-1]:
raise ParseException(string, location, "not a subentry")
def check_unindent(string, location, tokens):
"""Check the 'undentation'."""
if location >= len(string):
cur_col = col(location, string)
if not(cur_col < indent_stack[-1] and cur_col <= indent_stack[-2]):
raise ParseException(string, location, "not an unindent")
def do_unindent():
indent = lineEnd.suppress() + empty + empty.copy()\
undent = FollowedBy(empty).setParseAction(check_unindent)
return indent + expr + undent
def _create_field_parser():
"""Create a parser that can handle field definitions.
BFN like grammar::
rule ::= [pid | extend | override]
json_id ["," aliases]":"
json_id ::= (letter|"_") (letter|digit|_)*
aliases ::= json_id ["," aliases]
pid ::= @persistent_identifier( level )
extend ::= @extend
override ::= @override
hidden ::= @hidden
body ::=(creator* | derived | calculated) (extensions)*
creator ::= [decorators] format "," tag "," expr
derived ::= [decorators] expr
calculated ::= [decorators] expr
To check the syntactics of the parser extensions or decorators please go to
indent_stack = [1]
# Independent/special decorators
persistent_identifier = (
Keyword('@persistent_identifier').suppress() + nestedExpr()
).setResultsName('pid').setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0][0]))
override = Keyword('@override').suppress()\
.setParseAction(lambda toks: True)
extend = Keyword('@extend').suppress()\
.setParseAction(lambda toks: True)
hidden = Keyword('@hidden').suppress()\
.setParseAction(lambda toks: True)
rule_decorators = (Optional(persistent_identifier) &
Optional(override) &
Optional(extend) &
# Field definition decorators
field_decorators = Each(
for p in parsers if issubclass(p.parser,
# Creator rules
creator_body = (
Optional(field_decorators).setResultsName('decorators') +
Word(alphas, alphanums + '_') +
Literal(',').suppress() +
quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes) +
Literal(',').suppress() +
).setParseAction(lambda toks: {
'source_format': toks[-3],
'source_tags': toks[-2].split(' '),
'function': compile(toks[-1].strip(), '', 'eval'),
'type': 'creator',
'decorators': toks.decorators.asDict()}
).setResultsName('creator_def', listAllMatches=True)
creator = (Keyword('creator:').suppress() +
indentedBlock(OneOrMore(creator_body), indent_stack))
# Derived and calculated rules
der_calc_body = (Optional(field_decorators).setResultsName('decorators') +
derived = (
Keyword('derived:').suppress() +
indentedBlock(der_calc_body, indent_stack)
).setParseAction(lambda toks: {
'source_format': 'derived',
'source_tags': None,
'function': compile(toks[-1].strip(), '', 'eval'),
'type': 'derived',
'decorators': toks.decorators.asDict()}).setResultsName('derived_def')
calculated = (
Keyword('calculated:').suppress() +
indentedBlock(der_calc_body, indent_stack)
).setParseAction(lambda toks: {
'source_format': 'calculated',
'source_tags': None,
'function': compile(toks[-1].strip(), '', 'eval'),
'type': 'calculated',
'decorators': toks.decorators.asDict()
rule_sections = [Optional(creator | derived | calculated), ]
for p in parsers
if issubclass(p.parser, FieldBaseExtensionParser)])
json_id = (IDENT +
Optional(Suppress(',') +
delimitedList(Word(alphanums + '_'))) +
.setParseAction(lambda toks: {'json_id': toks[0],
'aliases': toks[1:]})
rule = Group(Optional(rule_decorators) +
json_id +
indentedBlock(Each(rule_sections), indent_stack)
return OneOrMore(COMMENT.suppress() | rule)
def _create_model_parser():
Create a parser that can handle model definitions.
BFN like grammar::
Note: Unlike the field configuration files where you can specify more than
one field inside each file for the models only one definition is
allowed by file.
def build_dict_for_fields(tokens):
"""Build the dictionary wih the field definitions.
E.g. ``{'field_name': 'json_identifier'}``
dict_ = dict()
for token in tokens:
if len(token) == 1:
dict_[token[0]] = token[0]
dict_[token[1]] = token[0]
return dict_
indent_stack = [1]
field = Group(Word(alphanums + '_') +
Optional(Literal('=').suppress() + Word(alphanums + '_')))
fields = (Keyword('fields:').suppress() +
indentedBlock(ZeroOrMore(field), indent_stack)
bases = (Keyword('bases:').suppress() +
indentedBlock(commaSeparatedList, indent_stack)
sections = [fields, Optional(bases), ]
for p in parsers if issubclass(p.parser,
rules = Each(sections)
return ZeroOrMore(COMMENT) & rules
class FieldParser(object):
"""Field definitions parser."""
_field_definitions = {}
"""Dictionary containing all the rules needed to create and validate json
_legacy_field_matchings = {}
"""Dictionary containing matching between the legacy master format and the
current json"""
_field_extensions = None
"""Field only parser extensions"""
_decorator_before_extensions = None
"""Decorator before only parser extensions"""
_decorator_on_extensions = None
"""Decorator on only parser extensions"""
_decorator_after_extensions = None
"""Decorator after only parser extensions"""
def __init__(self, namespace):
#Autodiscover cfg files
self.files = list(fields_definitions(namespace))
self.__namespace = namespace
def field_extensions(cls):
"""Get the field parser extensions from the parser registry."""
if cls._field_extensions is None:
cls._field_extensions = dict(
(module.parser.__parsername__, module.parser)
for module in parsers
if issubclass(module.parser,
return cls._field_extensions
def decorator_before_extensions(cls):
if cls._decorator_before_extensions is None:
cls._decorator_before_extensions = dict(
(module.parser.__parsername__, module.parser)
for module in parsers
if issubclass(module.parser,
return cls._decorator_before_extensions
def decorator_on_extensions(cls):
if cls._decorator_on_extensions is None:
cls._decorator_on_extensions = dict(
(module.parser.__parsername__, module.parser)
for module in parsers
if issubclass(module.parser,
return cls._decorator_on_extensions
def decorator_after_extensions(cls):
if cls._decorator_after_extensions is None:
cls._decorator_after_extensions = dict(
(module.parser.__parsername__, module.parser)
for module in parsers
if issubclass(module.parser,
return cls._decorator_after_extensions
def field_definitions(cls, namespace):
Get all the field definitions from a given namespace.
If the namespace does not exist, it tries to create it first
if namespace not in cls._field_definitions:
return cls._field_definitions.get(namespace)
def field_definition_model_based(cls, field_name, model_name, namespace):
Get the real field definition based on the model name.
Based on a model name (and namespace) it gets the real field
new_model = ModelParser.resolve_models(model_name, namespace)
json_id = field_name
for j, f in six.iteritems(new_model['fields']):
if f == field_name:
json_id = j
return cls.field_definitions(namespace).get(json_id, None)
def legacy_field_matchings(cls, namespace):
Get all the legacy mappings for a given namespace.
If the namespace does not exist, it tries to create it first
:see: guess_legacy_field_names()
if namespace not in cls._legacy_field_matchings:
return cls._legacy_field_matchings.get(namespace)
def reparse(cls, namespace):
Reparse all the fields.
Invalidate the cached version of all the fields inside the given
namespace and parse them again.
cls._field_definitions[namespace] = {}
cls._legacy_field_matchings = {}
def _create(self):
Create the fields and legacy fields definitions from configuration.
Fills up _field_definitions and _legacy_field_matchings dictionary with
the rules defined inside the configuration files.
This method should not be used (unless you really know what your are
doing), use instead :meth:`reparse`
stand_by_rules = []
for field_file in self.files:
parser = _create_field_parser()
rules = parser.parseFile(field_file, parseAll=True)
except ParseException as e:
raise FieldParserException(
"Cannot parse file '%s',\n%s" % (field_file, str(e)))
for rule in rules:
if (rule.field['json_id'] in
and not rule.extend and not rule.override:
raise FieldParserException(
"Name error: '%s' field is duplicated '%s'"
% (rule.field['json_id'], field_file))
if (rule.field['json_id'] not in
and (rule.extend or rule.override):
for rule in stand_by_rules:
if rule.field['json_id'] not in \
raise FieldParserException(
"Name error: '%s' field is not defined but is "
"marked as 'extend' or 'override'"
% (rule.field['json_id'], ))
def _create_rule(self, rule):
Create the field and legacy definitions.
The result looks like this.
.. code-block:: json
{key: { override: True/False,
extend: True/False,
hidden: True/False,
aliases: [],
pid: num/None,
rules: {'master_format_1': [{rule1}, {rule2}, ...],
'master_format_2': [....],
'calculated': [....],
'derived': [...]}
.... extensions ....
Each of the rule (rule1, rule2, etc.) has the same content.
.. code-block:: json
{'source_format' : source_format/calculated/derived,
'source_tag' : source_tag/None,
'function' : python code to apply to the master value,
'decorators' : {}
json_id = rule.field['json_id']
# TODO: check if pyparsing can handle this!
all_type_def = []
if rule.creator_def:
if rule.calculated_def:
elif rule.derived_def:
rules = self.__class__._field_definitions[self.__namespace][json_id]\
.get('rules', {}) if rule.extend else dict()
for field_def in all_type_def:
self.__create_decorators_content(rule, field_def)
if field_def['source_format'] not in rules:
rules[field_def['source_format']] = list()
if 'json' not in rules:
rules['json'] = [{'source_format': 'json',
'source_tags': [json_id],
'function': compile('value', '', 'eval'),
'type': 'creator',
'decorators': {'before': {},
'on': {},
'after': {}
rule_dict = dict()
rule_dict['aliases'] = rule.field['aliases']
rule_dict['pid'] = if is not '' else None
rule_dict['override'] = rule.override if rule.override else False
rule_dict['extend'] = rule.extend if rule.extend else False
rule_dict['hidden'] = rule.hidden if rule.hidden else False
rule_dict['rules'] = rules
if rule.override:
elif rule.extend:
'hidden'] |= rule_dict['hidden']
'extend'] = True
self.__class__._field_definitions[self.__namespace][json_id] = \
def __resolve_parser_extensions(self, rule):
Apply the incoming rule for each extension.
For each of the extension available it tries to apply it in the
incoming rule
json_id = rule.field['json_id']
for name, parser in six.iteritems(self.__class__.field_extensions()):
if getattr(rule, name, None):
json_id][name] = parser.create_element(rule,
def __create_decorators_content(self, rule, field_def):
"""Extract from the rule all the possible decorators."""
decorators = {'before': {}, 'on': {}, 'after': {}}
for name, parser in six.iteritems(
if name in field_def['decorators']:
decorators['before'][name] = \
parser.create_element(rule, field_def,
for name, parser in six.iteritems(
if name in field_def['decorators']:
decorators['on'][name] = \
parser.create_element(rule, field_def,
for name, parser in six.iteritems(
if name in field_def['decorators']:
decorators['after'][name] = \
parser.create_element(rule, field_def,
field_def['decorators'] = decorators
class ModelParser(object):
"""Record model parser."""
_model_definitions = {}
"""Contain all the model definitions order by namespace."""
_parser_extensions = None
"""Model only parser extensions."""
def __init__(self, namespace):
"""Initialize the model parser with the given namespace."""
self.files = list(models_definitions(namespace))
self.__namespace = namespace
def parser_extensions(cls):
"""Get only the model parser extensions from the parser registry."""
if cls._parser_extensions is None:
cls._parser_extensions = \
dict((module.parser.__parsername__, module.parser)
for module in parsers
if issubclass(module.parser, ModelBaseExtensionParser))
return cls._parser_extensions
def model_definitions(cls, namespace):
Get all the model definitions given a namespace.
If the namespace does not exist, it tries to create it first.
if namespace not in cls._model_definitions:
return cls._model_definitions.get(namespace)
def resolve_models(cls, model_list, namespace):
Resolve all the field conflicts.
From a given list of model definitions resolves all the field conflicts
and returns a new model definition containing all the information from
the model list.
The field definitions are resolved from left-to-right.
:param model_list: It could be also a string, in which case the model
definition is returned as it is.
:return: Dictionary containing the union of the model definitions.
if model_list == '__default__':
return {
'fields': dict(
'bases': [],
if isinstance(model_list, six.string_types):
return cls.model_definitions(namespace)[model_list]
except KeyError:
return {
'fields': dict(
'bases': [],
new_model = {'fields': dict(), 'bases': list()}
for model in model_list:
if model == '__default__':
elif model not in cls.model_definitions(namespace):
model_def = cls.model_definitions(namespace).get(model, {})
new_model['fields'].update(model_def.get('fields', {}))
new_model['bases'].extend(model_def.get('bases', []))
for key, value in six.iteritems(model_def):
if key in ('fields', 'bases'):
new_model[key] = cls.parser_extensions()[key]\
.extend_model(new_model.get(key), value)
return new_model
def reparse(cls, namespace):
Invalidate the cached version of all the models.
It does it inside the given namespace and parse it again.
cls._model_definitions[namespace] = {}
def _create(self):
Fill up _model_definitions dictionary.
It uses what is written inside the `*.cfg` model descriptions
It also resolve inheritance at creation time and name matching for the
field names present inside the model file
The result looks like this:
.. code-block:: json
{'model': {'fields': {'name_for_fieldfield1': json_id1,
'name_for_field2': json_id2,
'name_for_fieldN': fieldN },
'bases: [(inherit_from_list), ...]
This method should not be used (unless you really know what your are
doing), use instead :meth:`reparse`
:raises: ModelParserException in case of missing model definition
(helpful if we use inheritance) or in case of unknown field
for model_file in self.files:
parser = _create_model_parser()
model_name = os.path.basename(model_file).split('.')[0]
if model_name in \
raise ModelParserException(
"Already defined model: %s" % (model_name,))
self.__class__._model_definitions[self.__namespace][model_name] = {
'fields': {},
'bases': [],
model_definition = parser.parseFile(model_file, parseAll=True)
except ParseException as e:
raise ModelParserException(
"Cannot parse file %s,\n%s" % (model_file, str(e)))
if not model_definition.fields:
raise ModelParserException("Field definition needed")
if any([json_id not in FieldParser.field_definitions(self.__namespace)
for json_id in model_definition.fields.values()]):
raise ModelParserException(
"At least one field is no find in the field "
"definitions for file '%s'" % (model_file))
'fields'] = model_definition.fields
'bases'] = model_definition.bases.asList() \
if model_definition.bases else []
self.__resolve_parser_extensions(model_name, model_definition)
def __resolve_inheritance(self):
"""Resolve the inheritance."""
def resolve_ext_inheritance(ext_name, model_definition):
for inherit_from in model_definition['bases']:
base_model = self.__class__.model_definitions(
model_definition[ext_name] = \
resolve_ext_inheritance(ext_name, base_model))
return model_definition.get(ext_name)
def resolve_field_inheritance(model_definition):
fields = {}
for inherit_from in model_definition['bases']:
base_model = self.__class__.model_definitions(
if fields:
inverted_fields = dict((v, k)
for k, v in six.iteritems(fields))
inverted_model_fields = dict((v, k) for k, v in six.iteritems(
fields = dict((v, k)
for k, v in six.iteritems(inverted_fields))
return fields
for model_definition in \
model_definition['fields'] = resolve_field_inheritance(
for name, model_ext in \
model_definition[name] = resolve_ext_inheritance(
name, model_definition)
def __resolve_parser_extensions(self, model_name, model_def):
"""Apply the incoming rule for each available extension."""
for name, parser in six.iteritems(self.__class__.parser_extensions()):
if name in model_def:
model_name][name] = parser.create_element(
model_def, self.__namespace)
def guess_legacy_field_names(fields, master_format, namespace):
Find the equivalent JSON field for the legacy field(s).
Using the legacy rules written in the config file (@legacy) tries to find
the equivalent json field for one or more legacy fields.
.. doctest::
>>> guess_legacy_fields(('100__a', '245'), 'marc', 'recordext')
{'100__a':['authors[0].full_name'], '245':['title']}
res = {}
if isinstance(fields, six.string_types):
fields = (fields, )
for field in fields:
res[field] = FieldParser.legacy_field_matchings(
namespace)[master_format].get(field, [])
except (KeyError, TypeError):
res[field] = []
return res
def get_producer_rules(field, code, namespace, model=['__default__']): # pylint: disable=W0102
Get all the producer rules related with the field and code.
From the field definitions gets all the producer rules related with the
field and the code (using also the namespace).
For each producer rule the first element are the 'preconditions' to apply
the rules and the second one are the actual rules.
.. doctest::
>>> get_producer_rules('_first_author', 'json_for_marc', 'recordext')
{'100__a': 'full_name',
'100__e': 'relator_name',
'100__h': 'CCID',
'100__i': 'INSPIRE_number',
'100__u': 'affiliation'})]
>>> get_producer_rules('title', 'json_for_marc', 'recordext')
[[((), {'245__a': 'title', '245__b': 'subtitle', '245__k': 'form'})]
return FieldParser.field_definition_model_based(
field, model, namespace).get('producer', {}).get(code, [])
except AttributeError:
raise KeyError(field)
class BaseExtensionParser(type): # pylint: disable=R0921
"""Metaclass for the configuration file extensions."""
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict_):
if not dict_.get('__parsername__'):
dict_['__parsername__'] = name.lower().replace('parser', '')
return super(BaseExtensionParser, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict_)
def parse_element(mcs, indent_stack):
Parse the element.
Using pyparsing defines a piece of the grammar to parse the
extension from configuration file
:return: pyparsing ParseElement
raise NotImplementedError()
def create_element(mcs, *args, **kwargs):
Create the element.
Once the extension is parsed defines the actions that have to be taken
to store inside the field_definitions the information needed or useful.
raise NotImplementedError()
def add_info_to_field(mcs, *args, **kwargs):
Define with information goes into the meta-metadata dictionary.
Defines which information goes inside the ``__meta_metadata__``
dictionary and how.
raise NotImplementedError()
def evaluate(mcs, *args, **kwargs):
Evaluate the field.
Once the extension information is added to the field, whenever it gets
accessed or modify this method is call for each of the extension set
in the metadata of this field.
raise NotImplementedError()
class FieldBaseExtensionParser(six.with_metaclass(BaseExtensionParser)): # pylint: disable=W0223,W0232,R0903,R0921
"""Base class for field parser extensions."""
def add_info_to_field(cls, json_id, info):
Create the content of ``extension_name``.
Should create the content of ``__meta_metadata__.json.extension_name``
raise NotImplementedError()
def evaluate(cls, json, field_name, action, args):
Evaluate the field.
Depending on the extension perform the actions that it defines using
the current value as parameter. (It could cause side effects on the
current json)
raise NotImplementedError()
class ModelBaseExtensionParser(six.with_metaclass(BaseExtensionParser)): # pylint: disable=W0223,W0232,R0903,R0921
"""Base class for model parser extensions."""
def inherit_model(cls, current_value, base_value):
Inherit the model from other.
When a model inherits from other (or several) it should resolve the
inheritance taking the current value and the base value from the
raise NotImplementedError()
def extend_model(cls, current_value, new_value):
Extend the model.
When a json object is using several models this method should provide
the logic to extend the content of the extensions.
:return: the content of model[extension]
raise NotImplementedError()
def add_info_to_field(cls, info):
Define with information goes into the model dictionary.
Defines which information goes inside the
``__meta_metadata__.__model__`` dictionary and how.
raise NotImplementedError()
def evaluate(cls, obj, args):
Get and modify the current object.
Gets the current object (typically a SmartJson object) and modifies it
accordingly with the extension nature.
raise NotImplementedError()
class DecoratorBaseExtensionParser(six.with_metaclass(BaseExtensionParser)): # pylint: disable=W0223,W0232,R0903
"""Base class for decorator parser extension."""
class DecoratorBeforeEvalBaseExtensionParser(DecoratorBaseExtensionParser): # pylint: disable=W0223,W0232,R0903,R0921
Base class for decorator parser extensions.
This ones will be evaluated *before* any operation on the value.
def evaluate(cls, reader, args):
"""Evaluate ``args`` and returns a boolean depending on them."""
raise NotImplementedError()
class DecoratorOnEvalBaseExtensionParser(DecoratorBaseExtensionParser): # pylint: disable=W0223,W0232,R0903,R0921
Base class for decorator parser extensions.
this ones will be evaluated *while* the rule gets evaluated with the input
value. (Therefore they have access to ``value``) This decorators are only
useful for ``creator`` definitions.
def evaluate(cls, value, namespace, args):
Evaluate ``args`` with the master value from the input.
:returns: a boolean depending on them.
raise NotImplementedError()
class DecoratorAfterEvalBaseExtensionParser(DecoratorBaseExtensionParser): # pylint: disable=W0223,W0232,R0903,R0921
Base class for decorator parser extensions.
This one will be evaluated *after* the rule gets evaluated and before
setting the value to the json.
def add_info_to_field(cls, json_id, info, args):
Add a field to the JSON so it can be evaluated.
When adding a new field to the json, if its definition uses the current
decorator it adds the needed content in a way that ``evaluate`` can
raise NotImplementedError()
def evaluate(cls, json, field_name, action, args):
Evaluate the actions depending on the decoratior.
Depending on the decorator performs the actions that it defines using
the current value as parameter. (It could cause side effects on the
current json).
raise NotImplementedError()

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