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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2012, 2014 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.import re
"""Provide the infrastructure to load/query search services."""
import re
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_LANG
from invenio.modules.knowledge.api import get_kb_mappings
from invenio.legacy.miscutil.data_cacher import DataCacher
from invenio.legacy.bibindex.engine_stemmer import stem
from invenio.legacy.dbquery import get_table_update_time
from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language
from invenio.legacy import template
from . import registry
The following scale is should be considered by services:
- 100: the service thinks it has found the only answer to the question.
No other service can find an answer, and no other service will be displayed.
- 90: The service thinks it has found the good answer, probably the one
expected by the user. However some other services with really good relevance
might still run.
- 80: The service thinks it has found a good answer
- 50: The service thinks the answer might be useful to the user in some cases
- 30: The service found some answer, which might help the user in some cases
- 20: The service found some answer, but it is unlikely that it will help the
- 10: The service could not give an answer to the question
- 0: The service could not understand the question
What is the max distance from the most relevant answer do we still display the
answer from a service? For eg, with
service returning a relevance of 80, we would still display a service relevant
at 50 or above, but not a service with a relevance below 50
"""Consider that a service is not relevant enough to be displayed."""
"""Max number of answers/services to display to the user."""
Maximum number of matching collections names to be displayed on the
search results page. All the rest of the collections will be hidden
by a "See more collections" link.
# Base class
class SearchService:
"""Abstract base class for search services.
New services should subclass this class, and:
- Override L{get_decription} to specify service description
- Override L{prepare_data_cache} to prepare some cache needed for answers
- Override L{timestamp_verifier} to indicate if cache must be refreshed
- Override L{answer} to return answer (score, html_string)
Services that inherits directly from this class are fully
responsible for displaying the output. See also
L{ListLinksService} and L{KnowledgeBaseService}
cache = None
def get_description(self, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Return service description.
:rtype: string
return ""
def prepare_data_cache(self):
"""Helper function to cache some data.
If you need to pre-process some data and fill a cache,
overrides this method and return the data to be cached. You
can invalidate this data by overridding method
L{timestamp_verifier} and retrieve the data from
return None
def timestamp_verifier(self):
"""Return the time at which your data was last updated.
If the value returned by the function is newer than the cache, the
cache will be invalidated.
:return: string-formatted time '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
return lambda x: 0
def answer(self, req, user_info, of, cc, colls_to_search, p, f,
search_units, ln):
"""Answer question given by context.
Returns (relevance, html_string) where relevance is integer
from 0 to 100 indicating how relevant to the question the
for details), and html_string being an HTML-formatted answer.
@rtype: tuple(int, string)
return (0, "")
def get_data_cache(self, recreate_cache_if_needed=True):
"""Return always up-to-date data from cache.
The returned value depends on the what has been stored with
:param recreate_cache_if_needed: if True, force refreshing data cache.
except Exception:
self.__class__.cache = DataCacher(self.prepare_data_cache,
if recreate_cache_if_needed:
return self.__class__.cache.cache
# List display service
class ListLinksService(SearchService):
Abstract class for services that displays an inline list of links
as answers.
In order to provide a service that returns a list of answers in a
standardized way, subclass this class and:
- Override L{get_decription} to specify service description
- Override L{prepare_data_cache} to prepare some cache needed for answers
- Override L{timestamp_verifier} to indicate if cache must be refreshed
- Override L{answer} to return answer (score, html_string)
- Override L{get_label} to specify service output label
Services that inherits this class can make use of
L{self.display_answer_helper} function to format the response in
L{answer} function.
See also L{KnowledgeBaseService}.
def get_label(self, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
Return label displayed next to the service responses.
@rtype: string
return ""
def display_answer_helper(self, labels_and_urls, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Display HTML to return an answer as HTML.
Use this function to process your list of response and return
an HTML-formatted string in your L{answer} function.
:param labels_and_urls: list of answers in the form (label, URL)
:param ln: the language in which is used to answer
:return: HTML-formatted string
websearch_templates = template.load('websearch')
label = self.get_label(ln=ln)
return websearch_templates.tmpl_print_service_list_links(
label, labels_and_urls, ln=ln)
# KnowledgeBase type service
class KnowledgeBaseService(ListLinksService):
"""Abstract class for Knowledge Base based services.
In order to provide a service that returns a list of answers in a
standardized way using a Knowledge Basee, subclass this class and:
- Override L{get_decription} to specify service description
- Override L{get_label} to specify service output label
- Override L{get_kbname} to specify knowledge base to consider
The answer is retrieved from the knowledge base defined by
L{get_kbname}, and must map a list of whitespace-separated
words to an answer in the form "label|url". See for eg. KB 'FAQ'.
def get_kbname(self):
"""Return name of the knowledge base to use for answering.
The knowedge base should be defined in BibKnowledge, and must
map a list of whitespace-separated words to an answer in the
form C{label|url}.
@rtype: string
return ""
def answer(self, req, user_info, of, cc, colls_to_search, p, f,
search_units, ln):
"""Answer question given by context, using knowledge base.
Return (relevance, html_string) where relevance is integer
from 0 to 100 indicating how relevant to the question the
for details), and html_string being a formatted answer.
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# words = [stem(unit[1], ln) for unit in search_units if unit[2] == '']
words = [stem(unit[1].lower(), CFG_SITE_LANG) for unit in search_units
if unit[2] == '']
cache = self.get_data_cache()
matching_values = {}
for word in words:
res = cache.get(word, [])
for keyword in res:
if keyword not in matching_values:
matching_values[keyword] = 1
matching_values[keyword] += 1
# order matching values per score
matching_values_sorted = sorted(matching_values.iteritems(),
key=lambda (k, v): (v, k),
if not matching_values_sorted:
return (0, '')
best_score = matching_values_sorted[0][1]
# Compute relevance. How many words from query did match
relevance = min(100, max(
0, (100 * float(best_score) / len(
[word for word in words if len(word) > 3]
)) - 10))
labels_and_links = [m.split("|", 1) for m in matching_values.keys()]
translated_labels_and_links = [(_(label), url)
for label, url in labels_and_links]
return (relevance, self.display_answer_helper(
translated_labels_and_links, ln))
def prepare_data_cache(self):
"""*Index* knowledge base and cache it."""
cache = {}
for mapping in get_kb_mappings(self.get_kbname()):
key = mapping['key']
value = mapping['value']
words = clean_and_split_words_and_stem(key, CFG_SITE_LANG,
for word in words:
if word not in cache:
cache[word] = []
if value not in cache[word]:
return cache
def timestamp_verifier(self):
"""Return the time at which the data was last updated.
If the value returned by the function is newer than the cache, the
cache will be invalidated.
:return: string-formatted time ``'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'``
# This is an approximation...
return get_table_update_time('knwKBRVAL')
re_split_words_pattern = re.compile('\s*')
re_non_alphanum_only = re.compile('\W')
def clean_and_split_words_and_stem(string, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, stem_p=True):
"""Split and stemp words in a string.
:param ln: language to consider for stemming
:param stem_p: if True, also stem the word according to ``ln``
:return: list of (stemmed) word.
alphanum_string = re_non_alphanum_only.sub(" ", string).lower()
words = re_split_words_pattern.split(alphanum_string)
if stem_p:
# lowering must be done after stemming
words = [stem(word, ln) for word in words]
return words
def get_answers(req, user_info, of, cc, colls_to_search, p, f, ln):
"""Return answers from all registered search services."""
if p:
from invenio.legacy.search_engine import create_basic_search_units
search_units = create_basic_search_units(req, p, f)
search_units = []
def search_service_answers():
for search_service in
yield search_service.answer(req, user_info, of, cc,
colls_to_search, p, f,
search_units, ln)
nb_answers = 0
best_relevance = None
for answer_relevance, answer_html in sorted(
search_service_answers(), reverse=True):
nb_answers += 1
if best_relevance is None:
best_relevance = answer_relevance
# The answer is not relevant enough
# We have reached the max number of service to display
if best_relevance - answer_relevance > \
# The service gave an answer that is way less good than previous
# ones.
yield answer_relevance, answer_html
if answer_relevance == \
# The service assumes it has given the definitive answer

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