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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
This module provides a command-line interface for BibAuthorID.
import getopt
import sys
import time
import os.path as osp
import bibauthorid_config as bconfig
import bibauthorid as engine
import bibauthorid_structs as dat
from bibauthorid_file_utils import populate_structs_from_files
from bibauthorid_file_utils import write_mem_cache_to_files
from bibauthorid_file_utils import make_directory
#log = bconfig.get_logger("bibauthor.cli")
def main():
"""Main function """
arguments = sys.argv
if len(arguments) <= 1:
bconfig.LOGGER.error("Please provide parameters!")
run_daemon = True
standalone_option = ("-S", "--standalone", "-j", "--job-dir")
for option in standalone_option:
for arg in arguments:
if arg.startswith(option):
run_daemon = False
if run_daemon:
daemon = None
import bibauthorid_daemon as daemon
except ImportError:
bconfig.LOGGER.error("Hmm...No Daemon process running.")
if daemon:
options = _read_options(arguments)
if options["job_dir"]:
job_dir = options["job_dir"]
if job_dir.endswith("/"):
job_dir = job_dir[0:-1]
log_name = osp.abspath(job_dir).split("/")
logfile = "%s/%s.log" % (job_dir, log_name[-1])
start = time.time()
bconfig.LOGGER.debug("| Loaded %s records."
result_path = "%s/results/" % (job_dir,)
if make_directory(result_path):
write_mem_cache_to_files(result_path, is_result=True)
bconfig.LOGGER.error("Cannot write to destination: "
"Cannot create directory")
end = time.time() - start
bconfig.LOGGER.log(25, "Finish! The computation finished in %.2fs"
% (end))
bconfig.LOGGER.error("Standalone mode without parameters "
"does not do anything helpful. Please"
"consult -h help message for usage")
def _display_help():
"""Prints the help message for this module."""
print """Usage: bibauthorid [OPTIONS]
Runs the author disambiguation and identity matching algorithm.
General options:
-h, --help Display this help and exit
-V, --version Output version information and exit
-v, --verbose=LEVEL Number between 1 and 50. The higher the number,
the higher the level of importance. Everything
below the number will be ignored. Equal and above
will be shovn. Debugging=10, Info=20, Bibauthorid
default log=25, Warnings=30, Errors=40]
-S, --standalone Switches on stand alone mode. This is required
for jobs that should run on a set of files rather
than on the database (e.g. this is needed on the
grid). Without this switch no standalone job will
start or perform.
Daemon mode options:
NOTE: Options -n, -a, -U, -G and -R are mutually exclusive (XOR)!
-n, --lastname=STRING Process only authors with this last name.
-a, --process-all The option for cleaning all authors.
-U, --update-universe Update bibauthorid universe. Find modified and
newly entered records and process all the authors
on these records.
-G, --prepare-grid Prepares a set of files that supply the
pre-clustered data needed for stand alone job to
run (e.g. needed on the grid). The behavior of
this export can be controlled with the
options -d (required), -p and -m (both optional).
-R, --load-grid-results Loads the results from the grid jobs
and writes them to the database. The behavior of
this import can be controlled with the
options -d (required).
--update-cache Updates caches to the newly introduced changes
(new and modified documents).
This should be called daily or better more then
once per day, to ensure the correct operation of
the frontend (and the backend).
--clean-cache Clean the cache from out of date contents
(deleted documents).
-d, --data-dir=DIRNAME Specifies the data directory, in which the data for
the grid preparation will be stored to or loaded
from. It requires the -G or -R switch.
-p, --prefix=STRING Specifies the prefix of the directories created
under the --data-dir directory. Optional.
Defaults to 'job'. It requires the -G switch.
-m, --max-records Specifies the number of records that
shall be stored per job package. Optional.
Defaults to 4000 and requires -G switch.
Standalone mode options:
-j, --job-dir=DIRECTORY Run the job on the files found under the path
specified here. Supplying a directory is mandatory.
The results of the process will be stored in a
sub directory of --job-dir named 'results'. These
results can be loaded into the db with the -R
option of this command line tool.
Examples (daemon mode):
- Process all records that hold an author with last name 'Ellis':
$ bibauthorid -u admin --lastname "Ellis"
- Process all records and regard all authors:
$ bibauthorid -u admin --process-all
- To update all information from newly entered and modified records:
$ bibauthorid -u admin -U
- Prepare job packages in folder 'gridfiles' with the sub directories
prefixed with 'task' and a maximum number of 2000 records per package:
$ bibauthorid -u admin --prepare-grid -d gridfiles -p task -m 2000
Examples (standalone mode):
- Process the job package stored in folder 'grid_data/job0'
$ bibauthorid -S --job-dir=grid_data/job0
def _display_version():
"""Display Bibauthorid version and exit."""
from invenio.config import CFG_VERSION
print "\nInvenio/%s bibauthorid v%s\n" % (CFG_VERSION, bconfig.VERSION)
except ImportError:
print "\nInvenio bibauthorid (standalone) v%s\n" % (bconfig.VERSION)
def _read_options(options_string):
"""Reads the options, test if the specified values are consistent and
populates the options dictionary."""
options = {
"lastname": "None,",
"do_all": False,
"output_limit": 20,
"prepare_grid": False,
"prefix": "job",
"data_dir": "data_dir",
"standalone": False,
"job_dir": False,
"max_records": 4000,
"load_grid_results": False,
"update": False,
"update_cache": False,
"clean_cache": False
short_flags = "n:v:i:d:p:j:m:USGRahV"
long_flags = ["lastname=", "verbose=", "recid=",
"process-all", "help", "version", "prepare-grid", "prefix=",
"data-dir=", "standalone", "job-dir=", "max-records=",
"load-grid-results", "update-universe", "update-cache", "clean-cache"]
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(options_string, short_flags, long_flags)
except getopt.GetoptError, err1:
print >> sys.stderr, "Parameter problem: %s" % err1
# 2 dictionaries containing the option linked to its destination in the
# options dictionary.
with_argument = {
"-n": "lastname",
"--lastname": "lastname",
"-d": "data_dir",
"--data-dir": "data_dir",
"-p": "prefix",
"--prefix": "prefix",
"-j": "job_dir",
"--job-dir": "job_dir",
"-m": "max_records",
"--max-records": "max_records"
without_argument = {
"-a": "do_all",
"--process-all": "do_all",
"-U": "update",
"--update-universe": "update",
"-G": "prepare_grid",
"--prepare-grid": "prepare_grid",
"-S": "standalone",
"--standalone": "standalone",
"-R": "load_grid_results",
"--load-grid-results": "load_grid_results",
"--update-cache" : "update_cache",
"--clean-cache" : "clean_cache"
for option, argument in opts:
if option in ("-h", "--help"):
elif option in ("-V", "--version"):
elif option in ("-v", "--verbose"):
bconfig.LOG_LEVEL = int(argument)
elif option in with_argument:
options[with_argument[option]] = argument
elif option in without_argument:
options[without_argument[option]] = True
# This shouldn't happen as gnu_getopt should already handle
# that case.
bconfig.LOGGER.error("option unrecognized -- %s" % option)
# Collect the text inputs.
options["text_files"] = args
return options
if __name__ == '__main__':

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