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## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
from invenio.bibeditold_dblayer import get_name_tag, get_tag_name, \
marc_to_split_tag, split_tag_to_marc
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language
## Link of edit, move up and delete button:
btn_delete_url = CFG_SITE_URL + "/img/iconcross.gif"
btn_moveup_url = CFG_SITE_URL + "/img/arrow_up.gif"
btn_movedown_url = CFG_SITE_URL + "/img/arrow_down.gif"
btn_edit_url = CFG_SITE_URL + "/img/iconpen.gif"
bibediturl = "%s/admin/bibedit/" % CFG_SITE_URL
class Template:
def clean_value(self, value, format):
""" This function clean value for HTML interface and inverse. """
if format != "html":
value = value.replace('"', '"')
value = value.replace('<', '&lt;')
value = value.replace('>', '&gt;')
value = value.replace('&quot;', '"')
value = value.replace('&lt;', '<')
value = value.replace('&gt;', '>')
return value
def confirm(self, ln, message='', recid='', format_tag='', revid='', revdate=''):
""" Ask for confirmation of or confirm some critical action. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if message == 'delete':
return """ %(message)s
<div style="float:left;">
<form action="%(bibediturl)s/index?delete=%(recid)s" method="POST">
<div style="float:left;">
<form action="%(bibediturl)s/index?recid=%(recid)s&format_tag=%(format_tag)s" method="POST">
""" % {'message' : _("Do you really want to delete this record?"),
'bibediturl' : bibediturl,
'recid' : str(recid),
'input_ln' : self.input('hidden', ln, 'ln'),
'input_button_yes' : self.input('submit', _("Yes"), class_css='formbutton'),
'input_button_no' : self.input('submit', _("No"), class_css='formbutton'),
'format_tag' : format_tag}
if message == 'revert':
question = _('Do you really want to revert to revision %(revdate)s of record #%(recid)s?'
) % {'revdate': revdate,
'recid': recid}
warning_1 = _('The current version will be replaced with a copy of revision %(revdate)s'
) % {'revdate': revdate}
warning_2 = _('You will also lose any unsubmitted changes for this record!')
return """ %(question)s<br />
<b>%(warning_1)s</b><br />
<b>%(warning_2)s</b><br /><br />
<div style="float:left;">
<form action="%(bibediturl)s/history?recid=%(recid)s&revid=%(revid)s&action=confirm_revert" method="POST">
<div style="float:left;">
<form action="%(bibediturl)s/history?recid=%(recid)s&revid=%(revid)s&format_tag=%(format_tag)s" method="POST">
""" % {'question' : question,
'warning_1' : warning_1,
'warning_2' : warning_2,
'bibediturl' : bibediturl,
'revid' : revid,
'recid' : recid,
'input_ln' : self.input('hidden', ln, 'ln'),
'input_button_yes': self.input('submit', _("Yes"), class_css='formbutton'),
'input_button_no' : self.input('submit', _("No"), class_css='formbutton'),
'format_tag' : format_tag}
def input(self, type_input, value='', name='', maxlength='', size='', class_css='', style=''):
""" Return a input form. """
if value != '':
value = 'value="%s"' % str(value)
if name != '':
name = 'name="%s"' % str(name)
if maxlength != '':
maxlength = 'maxlength="%s"' % str(maxlength)
if size != '':
size = 'size="%s"' % str(size)
if class_css != '':
class_css = 'class="%s"' % str(class_css)
if style != '':
style = 'style="%s"' % str(style)
out = '<input type="%(type)s" %(name)s %(value)s %(size)s %(maxlength)s %(class_css)s %(style)s />'
out %= {'type' : type_input,
'value' : value,
'name' : name,
'maxlength' : maxlength,
'size' : size,
'class_css' : class_css,
'style' : style}
return out
def link(self, ln, text, url, dest, dict_args='', ancre=''):
""" Return a link. """
if dict_args == '':
link_args = ''
link_args = '?'
list_args = dict_args.items()
for arg in list_args:
link_args += "%(name)s=%(value)s&amp;" % {'name' : str(arg[0]),
'value' : str(arg[1])}
link_args += "ln=%s" % ln
if ancre != '':
ancre = '#' + ancre
return '<a href="%(url)s/%(dest)s%(args)s%(ancre)s">%(text)s</a>' % {'text' : text,
'url' : url,
'dest' : dest,
'args' : link_args,
'ancre' : ancre}
def record_choice_box(self, ln, msgid):
"""Return the 'main page' with the record selection box, and an optional message."""
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
result = ''
if msgid:
messages = (_('This record does not exist. Please try another record '
_('Cannot edit deleted record."'),
_('This record is currently being edited by another '
'user. Please try again later.'),
_('The record is locked because of unfinished upload '
'tasks. Please try again in a few minutes.'),
_('Your modifications have now been submitted. They will '
'be processed as soon as the task queue is empty.'),
_('The record will be deleted as soon as the task queue '
'is empty.'))
message = messages[msgid-1]
if msgid < 5:
result += """ <span class="errorbox">
""" % {'message' : message}
header = _("Edit another record")
result += '''%s<br /><br />
<h2>%s</h2>''' % (message, header)
input_button_history = '<input type="submit" name="view_history" value="View history" class="formbutton">'
result += """ <form name="selectForm" action="%(bibediturl)s/index" method="POST">
<span style="background-color: #ddd; padding: 5px;">
%(message)s: %(input_recid)s %(input_button_edit)s %(input_button_history)s
</form> """ % {'bibediturl' : bibediturl,
'message' : _("Please enter the ID of the record you want to edit"),
'input_ln' : self.input('hidden', ln, 'ln'),
'input_recid' : self.input('text' , '', 'recid'),
'input_button_edit' : self.input('submit', _("Edit"),
'input_button_history' : input_button_history}
return result
def subfields(self, ln, recid='', tag_subfield='', value='', tag_field='', format_tag='marc',
type_table='', num_value='', num_field='', len_subfields='', add=0):
""" This function return the content of subfield. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if add == 1 or add == 3:
print_tag_subfield = " $$ " + self.input('text', '', 'add_subcode', 1, 1)
if type_table != "record":
print_tag_subfield = " $$ " + self.input('text', tag_subfield,
'subcode%s' % str(num_value),
1, 1)
elif format_tag != 's':
print_tag_subfield = "$$%s" % tag_subfield
print_tag_subfield = "%s%s" % (tag_field[:-1], tag_subfield)
if get_name_tag(print_tag_subfield) != print_tag_subfield:
print_tag_subfield = get_name_tag(print_tag_subfield)
print_tag_subfield = "$$%s" % tag_subfield
value = self.clean_value(value, "record")
print_value = ''
print_old_value = ''
print_btn = ''
print_bgcolor = ''
print_old_subcode = ''
if type_table != "record" or add == 3:
if add == 1 or add == 3:
print_value = self.input('text', '', 'add_value', size="115%c" % '%')
print_old_subcode = self.input('hidden', tag_subfield, 'old_subcode%s' % str(num_value))
print_old_value = self.input('hidden', value, 'old_value%s' % str(num_value))
if len(value) < 75:
print_value = self.input('text', value, 'value%s' % str(num_value),
print_value = '<textarea name="value%(num_value)s" cols="70" rows="5" style="width:100%%;">%(value)s</textarea>'
print_value %= {'num_value' : str(num_value),
'value' : value}
if len_subfields > 1:
print_btn = "<td>%s</td>" \
%, '<img border="0" src="%s" alt="%s" />' % (btn_delete_url, _("Delete")),
bibediturl, 'edit',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'tag' : tag_field[:-1]+ tag_subfield,
'num_field' : num_field,
'format_tag' : format_tag,
'act_subfield' : 'delete', #delete
'num_subfield' : num_value})
if num_value > 0:
print_btn += "<td>%s</td>" \
%, '<img border="0" src="%s" alt="%s" />' % (btn_moveup_url, _("Move up")),
bibediturl, 'edit',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'tag' : tag_field[:-1]+ tag_subfield,
'num_field' : num_field,
'format_tag' : format_tag,
'act_subfield' : 'move_up', #move up
'num_subfield' : num_value})
print_btn += "<td> </td>"
if num_value < len_subfields-1:
print_btn += "<td>%s</td>" \
%, '<img border="0" src="%s" alt="%s" />' % (btn_movedown_url, _("Move down")),
bibediturl, 'edit',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'tag' : tag_field[:-1]+ tag_subfield,
'num_field' : num_field,
'format_tag' : format_tag,
'act_subfield' : 'move_down',
'num_subfield' : num_value})
print_value = value
print_bgcolor = " background: #FFF;"
return """ <td style="background: #F5F5F5" class="admintdright">
<td style="padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; %(print_bgcolor)s width:700px">
<span style="font-size:small;">
<td></td> """ % {'print_tag_subfield' : print_tag_subfield,
'print_old_subcode' : print_old_subcode,
'print_bgcolor' : print_bgcolor,
'print_value' : print_value,
'print_old_value' : print_old_value,
'print_btn' : print_btn}
def editor_table_header(self, ln, type_table, recid, tmp, format_tag='marc',
tag='', num_field=None, add=0, revisions=0):
""" Return the Header of table. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
(tag, ind1, ind2, junk) = marc_to_split_tag(tag)
tag = tag + ind1 + ind2 + "%"
if type_table != "record":
if add == 1:
print_input_add_form = self.input('hidden', 2, 'add')
print_input_add_form = ''
print_action_add_subfield = print_input_add_form + self.input('hidden', str(num_field), 'num_field')
print_action_edit_100 = print_input_add_form + self.input('hidden', str(num_field), 'num_field')
if add != 1:
link_add_subfields =, _("Add Subfield"), bibediturl, 'edit',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'tag' : tag[:3],
'num_field' : str(num_field),
'format_tag' : format_tag,
'add' : 1})
link_edit_100 = ""
print_action_edit_100 = ""
#tag[:3] == 100x is never true, of course. This functionality TBD
#and will be used in enrichment editing
if str(tag[:3]) == "100x": #FIXME
link_edit_100 =
ln, _("Edit institute"), bibediturl, 'edit',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'tag' : tag[:3],
'num_field' : str(num_field),
'format_tag' : format_tag,
'add' : 1})
print_action_edit_100 = """ %(field)s:
""" % {'field' : _("Field"),
'link_edit_100' : link_edit_100}
print_action_add_subfield = """ %(field)s:
""" % {'field' : _("Field"),
'link_add_subfields' : link_add_subfields}
if add == 1:
link_form = "edit"
link_form = "index"
formcontents = """ <form action="%(bibediturl)s/%(link_form)s" method="POST">
<div class="bibEditCellRight" style="font-weight: normal;">
""" % {'bibediturl' : bibediturl,
'input_recid' : self.input('hidden', recid, 'recid'),
'input_ln' : self.input('hidden', ln, 'ln'),
'link_form' : link_form,
'print_action_add_subfield' : print_action_add_subfield,
'print_action_edit_100' : print_action_edit_100}
result = formcontents
link_submit = ''
link_add_field =, _("Add Field"), bibediturl, 'index',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'tag' : tag[:3],
'format_tag' : format_tag,
'add' : 3}, 'add') + " | "
link_diplay_verbose =, _("Verbose"), bibediturl, 'index',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'format_tag' : 's'})
link_diplay_marc =, "MARC", bibediturl, 'index',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'format_tag' : 'marc'})
if tmp and add != 3:
link_submit =, _("Submit"), bibediturl, 'submit', {'recid' : str(recid)}) + " | "
if add == 3:
link_add_field = ''
result = ''
link_cancel =, _("Cancel"), bibediturl, 'index', {'cancel' : str(recid)})
link_delete =, _("Delete"), bibediturl, 'index', {'delete' : str(recid),
'confirm_delete' :1})
result = """ <div class="bibEditCellRight" style="font-weight: normal">
&nbsp;%(action)s: %(link_submit)s%(link_cancel)s
&nbsp;%(record)s: %(link_add_field)s%(link_delete)s
&nbsp;%(display)s: %(link_diplay_verbose)s | %(link_diplay_marc)s
</div> """ % {'action' : _("Action"),
'record' : _("Record"),
'display' : _("Display"),
'link_submit' : link_submit,
'link_add_field' : link_add_field,
'link_diplay_verbose' : link_diplay_verbose,
'link_diplay_marc' : link_diplay_marc,
'link_cancel' : link_cancel,
'link_delete' : link_delete}
history_link = ''
if revisions:
history_dest = 'history?ln=%s&recid=%s&format_tag=%s' % (
ln, recid, format_tag)
if revisions == 1:
history_link_text = _('(%s previous revision)') % revisions
history_link_text = _('(%s previous revisions)') % revisions
history_link =, history_link_text, bibediturl, history_dest)
return """ <table class="bibEditTable">
<th colspan="6">
%(record)s #%(recid)s %(history_link)s
</tr> """ % {'record' : _("Record"),
'recid' : str(recid),
'history_link': history_link,
'result' : result,
'num_field': self.input('hidden', str(num_field), 'num_field')}
def editor_table_value(self, ln, recid, tag, field, format_tag, type_table, add, form_add=0):
""" Return a field to print in table. """
if form_add == 0:
subfields = field[0]
num_field = field[4]
tag_field = split_tag_to_marc(tag, field[1], field[2])
if format_tag != 's':
print_tag_field = tag_field[:-1]
tag_field = tag_field[:-1] + '%'
if get_name_tag(tag_field) != tag_field:
print_tag_field = get_name_tag(tag_field)
print_tag_field = tag_field[:-1]
len_subfields = len(subfields)
if type_table == "record" and add != 3:
print_link_function = self.editor_link_function(ln, len_subfields, recid, tag, num_field, format_tag)
print_tag_form = ''
print_link_function = ''
if add == 1:
print_tag_form = self.input('hidden', get_tag_name(print_tag_field), 'tag')
print_tag_form = self.input('hidden', get_tag_name(print_tag_field), 'edit_tag')
if add == 1:
len_subfields += 1
type_table = "record"
result = """<td rowspan="%(len_subfields)s" class="bibEditCellTag">
""" % {'len_subfields' : len_subfields,
'print_tag_field' : print_tag_field,
'print_tag_form' : print_tag_form,
'subfield' : self.subfields(ln, recid,
subfields[0][0], subfields[0][1],
tag_field, format_tag, type_table,
0, num_field, len_subfields),
'print_link_function' : print_link_function}
except IndexError:
raise "FIXME: BibEdit does not seem to be able to edit records with controlfields."
if len_subfields != 1:
num_value = -1
for subfield in subfields:
num_value += 1
if num_value != 0:
result += """ <tr>
</tr> """ % self.subfields(ln, recid, subfield[0], subfield[1],
tag_field, format_tag,
type_table, num_value,
num_field, len_subfields)
if add == 1:
result += """ <tr>
</tr> """ % self.subfields(ln, add=add)
#click on "add field" link on the top of index page.
result = """ <td class="bibEditCellTag">
<form action="%(bibediturl)s/index" method="GET">
<a name="add">Tag</a>:
<input type="text" name="add_tag" maxlength="3" size="3" />
<input type="text" name="add_ind1" maxlength="1" size="1" />
<input type="text" name="add_ind2" maxlength="1" size="1" />
</td> """ % {'bibediturl' : bibediturl,
'input_recid' : self.input('hidden', recid, 'recid'),
'input_add' : self.input('hidden', 4, 'add'),
'input_ln' : self.input('hidden', ln, 'ln'),
'recid' : str(recid),
'ln' : ln}
result += "%s" % self.subfields(ln, add=add)
return """ <tr><td></td></tr>
</tr> """ % result
def editor_table_footer(self, ln, type_table, add=0, another=0):
""" Return a footer of table. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
dbutton = _("Done")
abutton = _("Add another subfield")
if type_table != "record" or add == 3:
#add a done button and 'add another subfield' button in the form
form = self.input('submit', dbutton, class_css='formbutton') + "<br/>"
if another:
form += self.input('submit', abutton, 'addanother', class_css='formbutton') + "<br>"
form += _("Tags and values should be filled before pressing Done or Add another subfield")
form += "</form>"
form = ''
return """ <tr>
<td align="right" colspan="6">
</table> """ % {'form' : form}
def editor_link_function(self, ln, len_subfields, recid, tag, num_field, format_tag):
""" Print button function to edit and delete information. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
btn_edit =, '<img style="border:0px" src="%s" alt="%s" />' % (btn_edit_url, _("Edit")),
bibediturl, 'edit',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'tag' : tag,
'num_field' : num_field,
'format_tag' : format_tag})
btn_delete =, '<img style="border: 0px" src="%s" alt="%s" />' % (btn_delete_url, _("Delete")),
bibediturl, 'index',
{'recid' : str(recid),
'delete_tag' : tag,
'num_field' : num_field,
'format_tag' : format_tag})
return """ <td rowspan="%(len_subfields)s" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;">
<td rowspan="%(len_subfields)s" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;">
""" % {'len_subfields' : len_subfields,
'btn_edit' : btn_edit,
'btn_delete' : btn_delete}
def editor_warning_temp_file(self, ln):
""" Return a warning message for user who use a tmp file. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return """ <span style="color: #000;
background: #fcc;
padding: 1px;
font-weight: bold;
border-spacing: 3px;
border: 2px solid #900;">
%(message1)s %(message2)s
""" % {'message1' : _("Your changes are TEMPORARY."),
'message2' : _("To save this record, please click on submit.")}
def history_container(self, part):
""" Display the bibedit history page container. """
if part == 'header':
out = '''
if part == 'footer':
out = '''
return out
def history_viewbox(self, ln, part, current=None, recid=None,
revid=None, revdate=None):
""" Display the bibedit history viewbox. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
if part == 'header':
title = _("Revision %(revdate)s"
) % {'revdate': revdate}
if current:
parant = _('current version')
text = _('revert to this revision')
dest = '''history?recid=%(recid)s&revid=%(revid)s&action=revert''' % {
'recid': recid,
'revid': revid}
parant =, text, bibediturl, dest)
out = '''
<div class="bibEditHistView">
<table class="bibEditTable">
<th colspan="4">
%s (%s)
</th>''' % (title, parant)
elif part == 'footer':
out = '''
<td align="right" colspan="6">
return out
def history_revision(self, ln, recid, format_tag, revision):
""" Display the content of a record in the bibedit history. """
out = ''
keys = revision.keys()
for tag in keys:
fields = revision.get(str(tag), "empty")
if fields != "empty":
for field in fields:
if field[0]: # Only display if has subfield(s)
out += self.history_table_value(ln, recid,
format_tag, tag, field)
return out
def history_table_value(self, ln, recid, format_tag, tag, field):
""" Return a field to print in table, like editor_table_value, but
without the edit and delete buttons."""
#FIXME: We should refactor to get a more generic printing of these fields.
type_table = 'record'
subfields = field[0]
num_field = field[4]
tag_field = split_tag_to_marc(tag, field[1], field[2])
print_tag_field = tag_field[:-1]
len_subfields = len(subfields)
result = """
<td rowspan="%(len_subfields)s" class="bibEditCellTag">
""" % {'len_subfields' : len_subfields,
'print_tag_field' : print_tag_field,
'subfield' : self.subfields(ln, recid,
subfields[0][0], subfields[0][1],
tag_field, format_tag, type_table,
0, num_field, len_subfields)}
except IndexError:
raise "FIXME: BibEdit does not seem to be able to edit records with controlfields."
if len_subfields != 1:
num_value = -1
for subfield in subfields:
num_value += 1
if num_value != 0:
result += """
</tr>""" % self.subfields(ln, recid, subfield[0], subfield[1],
tag_field, format_tag,
type_table, num_value,
num_field, len_subfields)
return """
</tr> """ % result
def history_comparebox(self, ln, revdate, revdate_cmp, comparison):
""" Display the bibedit history comparison box. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
title = '<b>%(comp)s</b><br />%(rev)s %(revdate)s<br />%(rev)s %(revdate_cmp)s' % {
'comp': _('Comparison of:'),
'rev': _('Revision'),
'revdate': revdate,
'revdate_cmp': revdate_cmp}
return '''
<div class="bibEditHistCompare">
</div>''' % (title, comparison)
def history_forms(self, ln, recid, revids, revdates, page_type, revid,
format_tag, revid_cmp=None):
""" Display the bibedit history option forms. """
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# Hidden input fields
input_ln = self.input('hidden', value=ln, name='ln')
input_recid = self.input('hidden', value=recid, name='recid')
input_format_tag = self.input('hidden', value=format_tag, name='format_tag')
input_compare = self.input('hidden', value='compare', name='action')
input_revert = self.input('hidden', value='revert', name='action')
# Buttons
edit_button = _("Edit current version")
view_button = _("View revision")
compare_button = _("Compare revisions")
revert_button = _("Revert to revision")
back_button = _("Back to BibEdit")
input_edit_submit = self.input('submit', edit_button, class_css='formbutton', style='width: 200px;')
input_view_submit = self.input('submit', view_button, class_css='formbutton', style='width: 200px; margin-top: 20px;')
input_compare_submit = self.input('submit', compare_button, class_css='formbutton', style='width: 200px; margin-top: 20px;')
input_revert_submit = self.input('submit', revert_button, class_css='formbutton', style='width: 200px; margin-top: 20px;')
input_back_submit = self.input('submit', back_button, class_css='formbutton', style='width: 200px; margin-top: 30px;')
# Option lists
optlist = self.history_select(revids, revdates)
optlist_revert = self.history_select(revids[1:], revdates[1:])
if page_type == 'view':
optlist_view = self.history_select(revids, revdates, revid)
optlist_view = optlist
if page_type == 'compare':
optlist_cmp1 = self.history_select(revids, revdates, revid)
optlist_cmp2 = self.history_select(revids, revdates, revid_cmp)
optlist_cmp1 = optlist_cmp2 = optlist
default_actionurl = bibediturl + '/history'
edit_form = self.history_form(CFG_SITE_URL + '/record/' + str(recid) +
'/edit/', input_edit_submit)
view_form = self.history_form(default_actionurl, input_view_submit,
('revid',), (optlist_view,), (input_ln, input_recid,
compare_form = self.history_form(default_actionurl, input_compare_submit,
('revid', 'revid_cmp'), (optlist_cmp1, optlist_cmp2), (input_ln,
input_recid, input_format_tag, input_compare))
revert_form = self.history_form(default_actionurl, input_revert_submit,
('revid',), (optlist_revert,), (input_ln, input_recid,
input_format_tag, input_revert))
back_form = self.history_form(CFG_SITE_URL + '/record/edit/', input_back_submit)
return '''
<div class="bibEditHistForm">
</div>''' % {
'edit_form': edit_form,
'view_form': view_form,
'compare_form': compare_form,
'revert_form': revert_form,
'back_form': back_form}
def history_form(self, actionurl, submit_button, select_names=None,
optlists=None, hidden_fields=None):
Display a bibedit history option form with specified parameters.
form = '<form action="%s" method="post">' % actionurl
button = '''<tr>
''' % submit_button
selects = ''
if select_names:
for i in range(len(select_names)):
selects += '''<tr>
<select style="width: 200px; margin-top: 5px;" name=%s>
''' % (select_names[i], optlists[i])
hiddens = ''
if hidden_fields:
for i in range(len(hidden_fields)):
hiddens += '''<tr>
''' % (hidden_fields[i])
return '''%(form)s
</form>''' % {
'form': form,
'button': button,
'selects': selects,
'hiddens': hiddens}
def history_select(self, revids, revdates, preselect=None):
""" Create bibedit history options. """
out = '''<option value=""></option>'''
for i in range(len(revids)):
if revids[i] == preselect:
out += '''
<option selected value="%(revid)s">%(revdate)s</option>''' % {
'revid': revids[i],
'revdate': revdates[i]}
out += '''
<option value="%(revid)s">%(revdate)s</option>''' % {
'revid': revids[i],
'revdate': revdates[i]}
return out

Event Timeline