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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""BibRecord - XML MARC processing library for CDS Invenio.
For API, see create_record(), record_get_field_instances() and friends
in the source code of this file in the section entitled INTERFACE.
Note: Does not access the database, the input is MARCXML only."""
import re
import sys
import psyco
except ImportError:
if sys.hexversion < 0x2040000:
# pylint: disable-msg=W0622
from sets import Set as set
# pylint: enable-msg=W0622
from invenio.bibrecord_config import CFG_MARC21_DTD, \
InvenioBibRecordParserError, InvenioBibRecordFieldError
from invenio.config import CFG_BIBUPLOAD_EXTERNAL_OAIID_TAG
from invenio.textutils import encode_for_xml
# Some values used for the RXP parsing.
# Find out about the best usable parser:
import pyRXP
except ImportError:
import Ft.Xml.Domlette
except ImportError:
import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.parsers.expat
except ImportError:
def create_field(subfields=None, ind1=' ', ind2=' ', controlfield_value='',
Returns a field created with the provided elements. Global position is
set arbitrary to -1."""
if subfields is None:
subfields = []
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
field = (subfields, ind1, ind2, controlfield_value, global_position)
return field
def create_records(marcxml, verbose=CFG_BIBRECORD_DEFAULT_VERBOSE_LEVEL,
"""Creates a list of records from the marcxml description. Returns a
list of objects initiated by the function create_record(). Please
see that function's docstring."""
# Use the DOTALL flag to include newlines.
regex = re.compile('<record.*?>.*?</record>', re.DOTALL)
record_xmls = regex.findall(marcxml)
return [create_record(record_xml, verbose=verbose, correct=correct,
parser=parser) for record_xml in record_xmls]
def create_record(marcxml, verbose=CFG_BIBRECORD_DEFAULT_VERBOSE_LEVEL,
"""Creates a record object from the marcxml description.
Uses the best parser available in CFG_BIBRECORD_PARSERS_AVAILABLE or
the parser specified.
The returned object is a tuple (record, status_code, list_of_errors),
where status_code is 0 when there are errors, 1 when no errors.
The return record structure is as follows:
Record := {tag : [Field]}
Field := (Subfields, ind1, ind2, value)
Subfields := [(code, value)]
For example:
|record['001'] |record['909'] |record['520'] |
| | | |
[list of fields] [list of fields] [list of fields] ...
| ______|______________ |
|[0] |[0] |[1] | |[0]
___|_____ _____|___ ___|_____ ... ____|____
|Field 001| |Field 909| |Field 909| |Field 520|
--------- --------- --------- ---------
| _______________|_________________ | |
... |[0] |[1] |[2] | ... ...
| | | |
[list of subfields] 'C' '4'
| | |
('a', 'value') ('b', 'value for subfield b') ('a', 'value for another a')
@param marcxml: an XML string representation of the record to create
@param verbose: the level of verbosity: 0 (silent), 1-2 (warnings),
3(strict:stop when errors)
@param correct: 1 to enable correction of marcxml syntax. Else 0.
@return: a tuple (record, status_code, list_of_errors), where status
code is 0 where there are errors, 1 when no errors"""
# Select the appropriate parser.
parser = _select_parser(parser)
if parser == 'pyrxp':
rec = _create_record_rxp(marcxml, verbose, correct)
elif parser == '4suite':
rec = _create_record_4suite(marcxml)
elif parser == 'minidom':
rec = _create_record_minidom(marcxml)
except InvenioBibRecordParserError, ex1:
return (None, 0, str(ex1))
# _create_record = {
# 'pyrxp': _create_record_rxp,
# '4suite': _create_record_4suite,
# 'minidom': _create_record_minidom,
# }
# try:
# rec = _create_record[parser](marcxml, verbose)
# except InvenioBibRecordParserError, ex1:
# return (None, 0, str(ex1))
if sort_fields_by_indicators:
errs = []
if correct:
# Correct the structure of the record.
errs = _correct_record(rec)
return (rec, errs and 0 or 1, errs)
def record_get_field_instances(rec, tag="", ind1=" ", ind2=" "):
"""Returns the list of field instances for the specified tag and
indicators of the record (rec).
Returns empty list if not found.
If tag is empty string, returns all fields
Parameters (tag, ind1, ind2) can contain wildcard %.
@param rec: a record structure as returned by create_record()
@param tag: a 3 characters long string
@param ind1: a 1 character long string
@param ind2: a 1 character long string
@param code: a 1 character long string
@return: a list of field tuples (Subfields, ind1, ind2, value,
field_position_global) where subfields is list of (code, value)"""
if not tag:
return rec.items()
out = []
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
if '%' in tag:
# Wildcard in tag. Check all possible
for field_tag in rec:
if _tag_matches_pattern(field_tag, tag):
for possible_field_instance in rec[field_tag]:
if (ind1 in ('%', possible_field_instance[1]) and
ind2 in ('%', possible_field_instance[2])):
# Completely defined tag. Use dict
for possible_field_instance in rec.get(tag, []):
if (ind1 in ('%', possible_field_instance[1]) and
ind2 in ('%', possible_field_instance[2])):
return out
def record_add_field(rec, tag, ind1=' ', ind2=' ', controlfield_value='',
subfields=None, field_position_global=None, field_position_local=None):
Adds a new field into the record.
If field_position_global or field_position_local is specified then
this method will insert the new field at the desired position.
Otherwise a global field position will be computed in order to
insert the field at the best position (first we try to keep the
order of the tags and then we insert the field at the end of the
fields with the same tag).
If both field_position_global and field_position_local are present,
then field_position_local takes precedence.
@param rec: the record data structure
@param tag: the tag of the field to be added
@param ind1: the first indicator
@param ind2: the second indicator
@param controlfield_value: the value of the controlfield
@param subfields: the subfields (a list of tuples (code, value))
@param field_position_global: the global field position (record wise)
@param field_position_local: the local field position (tag wise)
@return: the global field position of the newly inserted field or -1 if the
operation failed
error = validate_record_field_positions_global(rec)
if error:
# FIXME one should write a message here
# Clean the parameters.
if subfields is None:
subfields = []
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
if controlfield_value and (ind1 != ' ' or ind2 != ' ' or subfields):
return -1
# Detect field number to be used for insertion:
# Dictionaries for uniqueness.
tag_field_positions_global = {}.fromkeys([field[4]
for field in rec.get(tag, [])])
all_field_positions_global = {}.fromkeys([field[4]
for fields in rec.values()
for field in fields])
if field_position_global is None and field_position_local is None:
# Let's determine the global field position of the new field.
if tag in rec:
field_position_global = max([field[4] for field in rec[tag]]) \
+ 1
except IndexError:
if tag_field_positions_global:
field_position_global = max(tag_field_positions_global) + 1
elif all_field_positions_global:
field_position_global = max(all_field_positions_global) + 1
field_position_global = 1
if tag in ('FMT', 'FFT'):
# Add the new tag to the end of the record.
if tag_field_positions_global:
field_position_global = max(tag_field_positions_global) + 1
elif all_field_positions_global:
field_position_global = max(all_field_positions_global) + 1
field_position_global = 1
# Insert the tag in an ordered way by selecting the
# right global field position.
immediate_lower_tag = '000'
for rec_tag in rec:
if (tag not in ('FMT', 'FFT') and
immediate_lower_tag < rec_tag < tag):
immediate_lower_tag = rec_tag
if immediate_lower_tag == '000':
field_position_global = 1
field_position_global = rec[immediate_lower_tag][-1][4] + 1
field_position_local = len(rec.get(tag, []))
_shift_field_positions_global(rec, field_position_global, 1)
elif field_position_local is not None:
if tag in rec:
if field_position_local >= len(rec[tag]):
field_position_global = rec[tag][-1][4] + 1
field_position_global = rec[tag][field_position_local][4]
_shift_field_positions_global(rec, field_position_global, 1)
if all_field_positions_global:
field_position_global = max(all_field_positions_global) + 1
# Empty record.
field_position_global = 1
elif field_position_global is not None:
# If the user chose an existing global field position, shift all the
# global field positions greater than the input global field position.
if tag not in rec:
if all_field_positions_global:
field_position_global = max(all_field_positions_global) + 1
field_position_global = 1
field_position_local = 0
elif field_position_global < min(tag_field_positions_global):
field_position_global = min(tag_field_positions_global)
_shift_field_positions_global(rec, min(tag_field_positions_global),
field_position_local = 0
elif field_position_global > max(tag_field_positions_global):
field_position_global = max(tag_field_positions_global) + 1
max(tag_field_positions_global) + 1, 1)
field_position_local = len(rec.get(tag, []))
if field_position_global in tag_field_positions_global:
_shift_field_positions_global(rec, field_position_global, 1)
field_position_local = 0
for position, field in enumerate(rec[tag]):
if field[4] == field_position_global + 1:
field_position_local = position
# Create the new field.
newfield = (subfields, ind1, ind2, str(controlfield_value),
rec.setdefault(tag, []).insert(field_position_local, newfield)
# Return new field number:
return field_position_global
def record_has_field(rec, tag):
Checks if the tag exists in the record.
@param rec: the record data structure
@param the: field
@return: a boolean
return tag in rec
def record_delete_field(rec, tag, ind1=' ', ind2=' ',
field_position_global=None, field_position_local=None):
If global field position is specified, deletes the field with the
corresponding global field position.
If field_position_local is specified, deletes the field with the
corresponding local field position and tag.
Else deletes all the fields matching tag and optionally ind1 and
If both field_position_global and field_position_local are present,
then field_position_local takes precedence.
@param rec: the record data structure
@param tag: the tag of the field to be deleted
@param ind1: the first indicator of the field to be deleted
@param ind2: the second indicator of the field to be deleted
@param field_position_global: the global field position (record wise)
@param field_position_local: the local field position (tag wise)
@return: the list of deleted fields
error = validate_record_field_positions_global(rec)
if error:
# FIXME one should write a message here.
if tag not in rec:
return False
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
deleted = []
newfields = []
if field_position_global is None and field_position_local is None:
# Remove all fields with tag 'tag'.
for field in rec[tag]:
if field[1] != ind1 or field[2] != ind2:
rec[tag] = newfields
elif field_position_global is not None:
# Remove the field with 'field_position_global'.
for field in rec[tag]:
if (field[1] != ind1 and field[2] != ind2 or
field[4] != field_position_global):
rec[tag] = newfields
elif field_position_local is not None:
# Remove the field with 'field_position_local'.
del rec[tag][field_position_local]
except IndexError:
return []
if not rec[tag]:
# Tag is now empty, remove it.
del rec[tag]
return deleted
def record_delete_fields(rec, tag, field_positions_local=None):
Delete all/some fields defined with MARC tag 'tag' and indicators
'ind1' and 'ind2' from record 'rec'. If 'field_position_global'
and 'field_position_local' is None, then delete all the field
instances. Otherwise delete only the field instance corresponding
to given 'field_position_global' or 'field_position_local'.
Returns True if fields were deleted, False otherwise.
if tag not in rec:
return []
new_fields, deleted_fields = [], []
for position, field in enumerate(rec.get(tag, [])):
if field_positions_local is None or position in field_positions_local:
if new_fields:
rec[tag] = new_fields
del rec[tag]
return deleted_fields
def record_add_fields(rec, tag, fields, field_position_local=None,
Adds the fields into the record at the required position. The
position is specified by the tag and the field_position_local in
the list of fields.
@param rec: a record structure @param tag: the tag of the fields
to be moved
@param field_position_local: the field_position_local to which the
field will be inserted. If not specified, appends the fields to
the tag.
@param a: list of fields to be added
@return: -1 if the operation failed, or the field_position_local
if it was successful
if field_position_local is None and field_position_global is None:
for field in fields:
record_add_field(rec, tag, ind1=field[1],
ind2=field[2], subfields=field[0],
for field in fields:
record_add_field(rec, tag, ind1=field[1], ind2=field[2],
subfields=field[0], controlfield_value=field[3],
return field_position_local
def record_move_fields(rec, tag, field_positions_local,
Moves some fields to the position specified by
@param rec: a record structure as returned by create_record()
@param tag: the tag of the fields to be moved
@param field_positions_local: the positions of the
fields to move
@param field_position_local: insert the field before that
field_position_local. If unspecified, appends the fields
@return: the field_position_local is the operation was successful
fields = record_delete_fields(rec, tag,
return record_add_fields(rec, tag, fields,
def record_delete_subfield(rec, tag, subfield_code, ind1=' ', ind2=' '):
"""Deletes all subfields with subfield_code in the record."""
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
for field in rec.get(tag, []):
if field[1] == ind1 and field[2] == ind2:
field[0] = [subfield for subfield in field[0]
if subfield_code != subfield[0]]
def record_get_field(rec, tag, field_position_global=None,
Returns the the matching field. One has to enter either a global
field position or a local field position.
@return: a list of subfield tuples (subfield code, value).
@rtype: list
if field_position_global is None and field_position_local is None:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("A field position is required to "
"complete this operation.")
elif field_position_global is not None and field_position_local is not None:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Only one field position is required "
"to complete this operation.")
elif field_position_global:
if not tag in rec:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No tag '%s' in record." % tag)
for field in rec[tag]:
if field[4] == field_position_global:
return field
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No field has the tag '%s' and the "
"global field position '%d'." % (tag, field_position_global))
return rec[tag][field_position_local]
except KeyError:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No tag '%s' in record." % tag)
except IndexError:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No field has the tag '%s' and "
"the local field position '%d'." % (tag, field_position_local))
def record_replace_field(rec, tag, new_field, field_position_global=None,
"""Replaces a field with a new field."""
if field_position_global is None and field_position_local is None:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("A field position is required to "
"complete this operation.")
elif field_position_global is not None and field_position_local is not None:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Only one field position is required "
"to complete this operation.")
elif field_position_global:
if not tag in rec:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No tag '%s' in record." % tag)
replaced = False
for position, field in enumerate(rec[tag]):
if field[4] == field_position_global:
rec[tag][position] = new_field
replaced = True
if not replaced:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No field has the tag '%s' and "
"the global field position '%d'." %
(tag, field_position_global))
rec[tag][field_position_local] = new_field
except KeyError:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No tag '%s' in record." % tag)
except IndexError:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No field has the tag '%s' and "
"the local field position '%d'." % (tag, field_position_local))
def record_get_subfields(rec, tag, field_position_global=None,
Returns the subfield of the matching field. One has to enter either a
global field position or a local field position.
@return: a list of subfield tuples (subfield code, value).
@rtype: list
field = record_get_field(rec, tag,
return field[0]
def record_delete_subfield_from(rec, tag, subfield_position,
field_position_global=None, field_position_local=None):
"""Delete subfield from position specified by tag, field number and
subfield position."""
subfields = record_get_subfields(rec, tag,
del subfields[subfield_position]
except IndexError:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("No subfield has the subfield "
"position '%s'." % subfield_position)
if not subfields:
if field_position_global is not None:
for position, field in enumerate(rec[tag]):
if field[4] == field_position_global:
del rec[tag][position]
del rec[tag][field_position_local]
if not rec[tag]:
del rec[tag]
def record_add_subfield_into(rec, tag, subfield_code, value,
subfield_position=None, field_position_global=None,
"""Add subfield into position specified by tag, field number and
optionally by subfield position."""
subfields = record_get_subfields(rec, tag,
if subfield_position is None:
subfields.append((subfield_code, value))
subfields.insert(subfield_position, (subfield_code, value))
def record_modify_controlfield(rec, tag, controlfield_value,
field_position_global=None, field_position_local=None):
"""Modify controlfield at position specified by tag and field number."""
field = record_get_field(rec, tag,
new_field = (field[0], field[1], field[2], controlfield_value, field[4])
record_replace_field(rec, tag, new_field,
def record_modify_subfield(rec, tag, subfield_code, value, subfield_position,
field_position_global=None, field_position_local=None):
"""Modify subfield at position specified by tag, field number and
subfield position."""
subfields = record_get_subfields(rec, tag,
subfields[subfield_position] = (subfield_code, value)
except IndexError:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("There is no subfield with position "
"'%d'." % subfield_position)
def record_move_subfield(rec, tag, subfield_position, new_subfield_position,
field_position_global=None, field_position_local=None):
"""Move subfield at position specified by tag, field number and
subfield position to new subfield position."""
subfields = record_get_subfields(rec, tag,
subfield = subfields.pop(subfield_position)
subfields.insert(new_subfield_position, subfield)
except IndexError:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("There is no subfield with position "
"'%d'." % subfield_position)
def record_get_field_value(rec, tag, ind1=" ", ind2=" ", code=""):
"""Returns first (string) value that matches specified field
(tag, ind1, ind2, code) of the record (rec).
Returns empty string if not found.
Parameters (tag, ind1, ind2, code) can contain wildcard %.
Difference between wildcard % and empty '':
- Empty char specifies that we are not interested in a field which
has one of the indicator(s)/subfield specified.
- Wildcard specifies that we are interested in getting the value
of the field whatever the indicator(s)/subfield is.
For e.g. consider the following record in MARC:
100C5 $$a val1
555AB $$a val2
555AB val3
555 $$a val4
555A val5
>> record_get_field_value(record, '555', 'A', '', '')
>> "val5"
>> record_get_field_value(record, '555', 'A', '%', '')
>> "val3"
>> record_get_field_value(record, '555', 'A', '%', '%')
>> "val2"
>> record_get_field_value(record, '555', 'A', 'B', '')
>> "val3"
>> record_get_field_value(record, '555', '', 'B', 'a')
>> ""
>> record_get_field_value(record, '555', '', '', 'a')
>> "val4"
>> record_get_field_value(record, '555', '', '', '')
>> ""
>> record_get_field_value(record, '%%%', '%', '%', '%')
>> "val1"
@param rec: a record structure as returned by create_record()
@param tag: a 3 characters long string
@param ind1: a 1 character long string
@param ind2: a 1 character long string
@param code: a 1 character long string
@return: string value (empty if nothing found)"""
# Note: the code is quite redundant for speed reasons (avoid calling
# functions or doing tests inside loops)
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
if '%' in tag:
# Wild card in tag. Must find all corresponding fields
if code == '':
# Code not specified.
for field_tag, fields in rec.items():
if _tag_matches_pattern(field_tag, tag):
for field in fields:
if ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]):
# Return matching field value if not empty
if field[3]:
return field[3]
elif code == '%':
# Code is wildcard. Take first subfield of first matching field
for field_tag, fields in rec.items():
if _tag_matches_pattern(field_tag, tag):
for field in fields:
if (ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2])
and field[0]):
return field[0][0][1]
# Code is specified. Take corresponding one
for field_tag, fields in rec.items():
if _tag_matches_pattern(field_tag, tag):
for field in fields:
if ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]):
for subfield in field[0]:
if subfield[0] == code:
return subfield[1]
# Tag is completely specified. Use tag as dict key
if tag in rec:
if code == '':
# Code not specified.
for field in rec[tag]:
if ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]):
# Return matching field value if not empty
# or return "" empty if not exist.
if field[3]:
return field[3]
elif code == '%':
# Code is wildcard. Take first subfield of first matching field
for field in rec[tag]:
if (ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]) and
return field[0][0][1]
# Code is specified. Take corresponding one
for field in rec[tag]:
if ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]):
for subfield in field[0]:
if subfield[0] == code:
return subfield[1]
# Nothing was found
return ""
def record_get_field_values(rec, tag, ind1=" ", ind2=" ", code=""):
"""Returns the list of (string) values for the specified field
(tag, ind1, ind2, code) of the record (rec).
Returns empty list if not found.
Parameters (tag, ind1, ind2, code) can contain wildcard %.
@param rec: a record structure as returned by create_record()
@param tag: a 3 characters long string
@param ind1: a 1 character long string
@param ind2: a 1 character long string
@param code: a 1 character long string
@return: a list of strings"""
tmp = []
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
if '%' in tag:
# Wild card in tag. Must find all corresponding tags and fields
tags = [k for k in rec if _tag_matches_pattern(k, tag)]
if code == '':
# Code not specified. Consider field value (without subfields)
for tag in tags:
for field in rec[tag]:
if (ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]) and
elif code == '%':
# Code is wildcard. Consider all subfields
for tag in tags:
for field in rec[tag]:
if ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]):
for subfield in field[0]:
# Code is specified. Consider all corresponding subfields
for tag in tags:
for field in rec[tag]:
if ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]):
for subfield in field[0]:
if subfield[0] == code:
# Tag is completely specified. Use tag as dict key
if rec and tag in rec:
if code == '':
# Code not specified. Consider field value (without subfields)
for field in rec[tag]:
if (ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]) and
elif code == '%':
# Code is wildcard. Consider all subfields
for field in rec[tag]:
if ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]):
for subfield in field[0]:
# Code is specified. Take corresponding one
for field in rec[tag]:
if ind1 in ('%', field[1]) and ind2 in ('%', field[2]):
for subfield in field[0]:
if subfield[0] == code:
# If tmp was not set, nothing was found
return tmp
def record_xml_output(rec, tags=None):
"""Generates the XML for record 'rec' and returns it as a string
@rec: record
@tags: list of tags to be printed"""
if tags is None:
tags = []
if isinstance(tags, str):
tags = [tags]
if tags and '001' not in tags:
# Add the missing controlfield.
marcxml = ['<record>']
# Add the tag 'tag' to each field in rec[tag]
fields = []
for tag in rec:
if not tags or tag in tags:
for field in rec[tag]:
fields.append((tag, field))
for field in fields:
marcxml.append(field_xml_output(field[1], field[0]))
return '\n'.join(marcxml)
def field_get_subfield_instances(field):
"""Returns the list of subfields associated with field 'field'"""
return field[0]
def field_get_subfield_values(field_instance, code):
"""Return subfield CODE values of the field instance FIELD."""
return [subfield_value
for subfield_code, subfield_value in field_instance[0]
if subfield_code == code]
def field_add_subfield(field, code, value):
"""Adds a subfield to field 'field'"""
field[0].append((code, value))
def record_order_fields(rec, fun="_order_by_ord"):
"""Orders field inside record 'rec' according to a function"""
def field_xml_output(field, tag):
"""Generates the XML for field 'field' and returns it as a string."""
marcxml = []
if field[3]:
marcxml.append(' <controlfield tag="%s">%s</controlfield>' %
(tag, encode_for_xml(field[3])))
marcxml.append(' <datafield tag="%s" ind1="%s" ind2="%s">' %
(tag, field[1], field[2]))
marcxml += [_subfield_xml_output(subfield) for subfield in field[0]]
marcxml.append(' </datafield>')
return '\n'.join(marcxml)
def record_extract_oai_id(record):
"""Returns the OAI ID of the record."""
values = record_get_field_values(record, tag, ind1, ind2, subfield)
oai_id_regex = re.compile("oai[a-zA-Z0-9/.:]+")
for value in [value.strip() for value in values]:
if oai_id_regex.match(value):
return value
return ""
def print_rec(rec, format=1, tags=None):
"""prints a record
format = 1 -- XML
format = 2 -- HTML (not implemented)
@tags: list of tags to be printed
if tags is None:
tags = []
if format == 1:
text = record_xml_output(rec, tags)
return ''
return text
def print_recs(listofrec, format=1, tags=None):
"""prints a list of records
format = 1 -- XML
format = 2 -- HTML (not implemented)
@tags: list of tags to be printed
if 'listofrec' is not a list it returns empty string
if tags is None:
tags = []
text = ""
if type(listofrec).__name__ !='list':
return ""
for rec in listofrec:
text = "%s\n%s" % (text, print_rec(rec, format, tags))
return text
def concat(alist):
"""Concats a list of lists"""
newl = []
for l in alist:
return newl
def print_errors(alist):
"""Creates a unique string with the strings in list, using '\n' as
a separator."""
text = ""
for l in alist:
text = '%s\n%s'% (text, l)
return text
def record_find_field(rec, tag, field, strict=False):
Returns the global and local positions of the first occurrence
of the field in a record.
@param rec: A record dictionary structure
@type rec: dictionary
@param tag: The tag of the field to search for
@type tag: string
@param field: A field tuple as returned by create_field()
@type field: tuple
@param strict: A boolean describing the search method. If strict
is False, then the order of the subfields doesn't
matter. Default search method is strict.
@type strict: boolean
@return: A tuple of (global_position, local_position) or a
tuple (None, None) if the field is not present.
@rtype: tuple
@raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError: If the provided field is invalid.
except InvenioBibRecordFieldError:
for local_position, field1 in enumerate(rec.get(tag, [])):
if _compare_fields(field, field1, strict):
return (field1[4], local_position)
return (None, None)
def record_strip_empty_fields(rec, tag=None):
Removes empty subfields and fields from the record. If 'tag' is None only
a specific tag of the record will be stripped, otherwise the whole record.
@param rec: A record dictionary structure
@type rec: dictionary
@param tag: The tag of the field to strip empty fields from
@type tag: string
# Check whole record
if tag is None:
tags = rec.keys()
for tag in tags:
record_strip_empty_fields(rec, tag)
# Check specific tag of the record
elif tag in rec:
# in case of a controlfield
if tag[:2] == '00':
if len(rec[tag]) == 0 or not rec[tag][0][3]:
del rec[tag]
#in case of a normal field
fields = []
for field in rec[tag]:
subfields = []
for subfield in field[0]:
# check if the subfield has been given a value
if subfield[1]:
if len(subfields) > 0:
new_field = create_field(subfields, field[1], field[2],
if len(fields) > 0:
rec[tag] = fields
del rec[tag]
def _compare_fields(field1, field2, strict=True):
Compares 2 fields. If strict is True, then the order of the
subfield will be taken care of, if not then the order of the
subfields doesn't matter.
@return: True if the field are equivalent, False otherwise.
if strict:
# Return a simple equal test on the field minus the position.
return field1[:4] == field2[:4]
if field1[1:4] != field2[1:4]:
# Different indicators or controlfield value.
return False
# Compare subfields in a loose way.
return set(field1[0]) == set(field2[0])
def _check_field_validity(field):
Checks if a field is well-formed.
@param field: A field tuple as returned by create_field()
@type field: tuple
@raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError: If the field is invalid.
if type(field) not in (list, tuple):
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Field of type '%s' should be either "
"a list or a tuple." % type(field))
if len(field) != 5:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Field of length '%d' should have 5 "
"elements." % len(field))
if type(field[0]) not in (list, tuple):
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Subfields of type '%s' should be "
"either a list or a tuple." % type(field[0]))
if type(field[1]) is not str:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Indicator 1 of type '%s' should be "
"a string." % type(field[1]))
if type(field[2]) is not str:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Indicator 2 of type '%s' should be "
"a string." % type(field[2]))
if type(field[3]) is not str:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Controlfield value of type '%s' "
"should be a string." % type(field[3]))
if type(field[4]) is not int:
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Global position of type '%s' should "
"be an int." % type(field[4]))
for subfield in field[0]:
if (type(subfield) not in (list, tuple) or
len(subfield) != 2 or
type(subfield[0]) is not str or
type(subfield[1]) is not str):
raise InvenioBibRecordFieldError("Subfields are malformed. "
"Should a list of tuples of 2 strings.")
def _shift_field_positions_global(record, start, delta=1):
"""Shifts all global field positions with global field positions
higher or equal to 'start' from the value 'delta'."""
if not delta:
for tag, fields in record.items():
newfields = []
for field in fields:
if field[4] < start:
# Increment the global field position by delta.
newfields.append(tuple(list(field[:4]) + [field[4] + delta]))
record[tag] = newfields
def _tag_matches_pattern(tag, pattern):
"""Returns true if MARC 'tag' matches a 'pattern'.
'pattern' is plain text, with % as wildcard
Both parameters must be 3 characters long strings.
For e.g.
>> _tag_matches_pattern("909", "909") -> True
>> _tag_matches_pattern("909", "9%9") -> True
>> _tag_matches_pattern("909", "9%8") -> False
@param tag: a 3 characters long string
@param pattern: a 3 characters long string
@return: False or True"""
for char1, char2 in zip(tag, pattern):
if char2 not in ('%', char1):
return False
return True
def validate_record_field_positions_global(record):
Checks if the global field positions in the record are valid ie no
duplicate global field positions and local field positions in the
list of fields are ascending.
@param record: the record data structure
@return: the first error found as a string or None if no error was found
all_fields = []
for tag, fields in record.items():
previous_field_position_global = -1
for field in fields:
if field[4] < previous_field_position_global:
return "Non ascending global field positions in tag '%s'." % tag
previous_field_position_global = field[4]
if field[4] in all_fields:
return ("Duplicate global field position '%d' in tag '%s'" %
(field[4], tag))
def _record_sort_by_indicators(record):
"""Sorts the fields inside the record by indicators."""
for tag, fields in record.items():
record[tag] = _fields_sort_by_indicators(fields)
def _fields_sort_by_indicators(fields):
"""Sorts a set of fields by their indicators. Returns a sorted list
with correct global field positions."""
field_dict = {}
field_positions_global = []
for field in fields:
field_dict.setdefault(field[1:3], []).append(field)
indicators = field_dict.keys()
field_list = []
for indicator in indicators:
for field in field_dict[indicator]:
field_list.append(field[:4] + (field_positions_global.pop(0),))
return field_list
def _select_parser(parser=None):
"""Selects the more relevant parser based on the parsers available
and on the parser desired by the user."""
# No parser is available. This is bad.
return None
if parser is None or parser not in AVAILABLE_PARSERS:
# Return the best available parser.
return parser
def _create_record_rxp(marcxml, verbose=CFG_BIBRECORD_DEFAULT_VERBOSE_LEVEL,
"""Creates a record object using the RXP parser.
If verbose>3 then the parser will be strict and will stop in case of
well-formedness errors or DTD errors.
If verbose=0, the parser will not give warnings.
If 0 < verbose <= 3, the parser will not give errors, but will warn
the user about possible mistakes
correct != 0 -> We will try to correct errors such as missing
correct = 0 -> there will not be any attempt to correct errors"""
if correct:
# Note that with pyRXP < 1.13 a memory leak has been found
# involving DTD parsing. So enable correction only if you have
# pyRXP 1.13 or greater.
marcxml = ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
'<!DOCTYPE collection SYSTEM "file://%s">\n'
'<collection>\n%s\n</collection>' % (CFG_MARC21_DTD, marcxml))
# Create the pyRXP parser.
pyrxp_parser = pyRXP.Parser(ErrorOnValidityErrors=0, ProcessDTD=1,
ErrorOnUnquotedAttributeValues=0, srcName='string input')
if verbose > 3:
pyrxp_parser.ErrorOnValidityErrors = 1
pyrxp_parser.ErrorOnUnquotedAttributeValues = 1
root = pyrxp_parser.parse(marcxml)
except pyRXP.error, ex1:
raise InvenioBibRecordParserError(str(ex1))
# If record is enclosed in a collection tag, extract it.
if root[TAG] == 'collection':
children = _get_children_by_tag_name_rxp(root, 'record')
if not children:
return {}
root = children[0]
record = {}
# This is needed because of the record_xml_output function, where we
# need to know the order of the fields.
field_position_global = 1
# Consider the control fields.
for controlfield in _get_children_by_tag_name_rxp(root, 'controlfield'):
value = ''.join([n for n in controlfield[CHILDREN]])
# Construct the field tuple.
field = ([], ' ', ' ', value, field_position_global)
record.setdefault(controlfield[ATTRS]['tag'], []).append(field)
field_position_global += 1
# Consider the data fields.
for datafield in _get_children_by_tag_name_rxp(root, 'datafield'):
subfields = []
for subfield in _get_children_by_tag_name_rxp(datafield, 'subfield'):
value = ''.join([n for n in subfield[CHILDREN]])
subfields.append((subfield[ATTRS].get('code', '!'), value))
# Create the field.
tag = datafield[ATTRS].get('tag', '!')
ind1 = datafield[ATTRS].get('ind1', '!')
ind2 = datafield[ATTRS].get('ind2', '!')
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
# Construct the field tuple.
field = (subfields, ind1, ind2, '', field_position_global)
record.setdefault(tag, []).append(field)
field_position_global += 1
return record
def _create_record_from_document(document):
"""Creates a record from the document (of type
xml.dom.minidom.Document or Ft.Xml.Domlette.Document)."""
root = None
for node in document.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE:
root = node
if root is None:
return {}
if root.tagName == 'collection':
children = _get_children_by_tag_name(root, 'record')
if not children:
return {}
root = children[0]
field_position_global = 1
record = {}
for controlfield in _get_children_by_tag_name(root, "controlfield"):
tag = controlfield.getAttributeNS(None, "tag").encode('utf-8')
text_nodes = controlfield.childNodes
value = ''.join([ for n in text_nodes]).encode("utf-8")
field = ([], " ", " ", value, field_position_global)
record.setdefault(tag, []).append(field)
field_position_global += 1
for datafield in _get_children_by_tag_name(root, "datafield"):
subfields = []
for subfield in _get_children_by_tag_name(datafield, "subfield"):
text_nodes = subfield.childNodes
value = ''.join([ for n in text_nodes]).encode("utf-8")
code = subfield.getAttributeNS(None, 'code').encode("utf-8")
subfields.append((code or '!', value))
tag = datafield.getAttributeNS(None, "tag").encode("utf-8") or '!'
ind1 = datafield.getAttributeNS(None, "ind1").encode("utf-8")
ind2 = datafield.getAttributeNS(None, "ind2").encode("utf-8")
ind1, ind2 = _wash_indicators(ind1, ind2)
field = (subfields, ind1, ind2, "", field_position_global)
record.setdefault(tag, []).append(field)
field_position_global += 1
return record
def _create_record_minidom(marcxml):
"""Creates a record using minidom."""
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(marcxml)
except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, ex1:
raise InvenioBibRecordParserError(str(ex1))
return _create_record_from_document(dom)
def _create_record_4suite(marcxml):
"""Creates a record using the 4suite parser."""
dom = Ft.Xml.Domlette.NonvalidatingReader.parseString(marcxml,
except Ft.Xml.ReaderException, ex1:
raise InvenioBibRecordParserError(ex1.message)
return _create_record_from_document(dom)
def _concat(alist):
"""Concats a list of lists"""
return [element for single_list in alist for element in single_list]
def _subfield_xml_output(subfield):
"""Generates the XML for a subfield object and return it as a string"""
return ' <subfield code="%s">%s</subfield>' % (subfield[0],
def _order_by_ord(field1, field2):
"""Function used to order the fields according to their ord value"""
return cmp(field1[1][4], field2[1][4])
def _get_children_by_tag_name(node, name):
"""Retrieves all children from node 'node' with name 'name' and
returns them as a list."""
return [child for child in node.childNodes if child.nodeName == name]
except TypeError:
return []
def _get_children_by_tag_name_rxp(node, name):
"""Retrieves all children from 'children' with tag name 'tag' and
returns them as a list.
children is a list returned by the RXP parser"""
return [child for child in node[CHILDREN] if child[TAG] == name]
except TypeError:
return []
def _wash_indicators(*indicators):
Washes the values of the indicators. An empty string or an
underscore is replaced by a blank space.
@param indicators: a series of indicators to be washed
@return: a list of washed indicators
return [indicator in ('', '_') and ' ' or indicator
for indicator in indicators]
def _correct_record(record):
Checks and corrects the structure of the record.
@param record: the record data structure
@return: a list of errors found
errors = []
for tag in record.keys():
upper_bound = '999'
n = len(tag)
if n > 3:
i = n - 3
while i > 0:
upper_bound = '%s%s' % ('0', upper_bound)
i -= 1
# Missing tag. Replace it with dummy tag '000'.
if tag == '!':
errors.append((1, '(field number(s): ' +
str([f[4] for f in record[tag]]) + ')'))
record['000'] = record.pop(tag)
tag = '000'
elif not ('001' <= tag <= upper_bound or tag in ('FMT', 'FFT')):
record['000'] = record.pop(tag)
tag = '000'
fields = []
for field in record[tag]:
# Datafield without any subfield.
if field[0] == [] and field[3] == '':
errors.append((8, '(field number: ' + str(field[4]) + ')'))
subfields = []
for subfield in field[0]:
if subfield[0] == '!':
errors.append((3, '(field number: ' + str(field[4]) + ')'))
newsub = ('', subfield[1])
newsub = subfield
if field[1] == '!':
errors.append((4, '(field number: ' + str(field[4]) + ')'))
ind1 = " "
ind1 = field[1]
if field[2] == '!':
errors.append((5, '(field number: ' + str(field[4]) + ')'))
ind2 = " "
ind2 = field[2]
fields.append((subfields, ind1, ind2, field[3], field[4]))
record[tag] = fields
return errors
def _warning(code):
"""It returns a warning message of code 'code'.
If code = (cd, str) it returns the warning message of code 'cd'
and appends str at the end"""
if isinstance(code, str):
return code
message = ''
if isinstance(code, tuple):
if isinstance(code[0], str):
message = code[1]
code = code[0]
return CFG_BIBRECORD_WARNING_MSGS.get(code, '') + message
def _warnings(alist):
"""Applies the function _warning() to every element in l."""
return [_warning(element) for element in alist]
def _compare_lists(list1, list2, custom_cmp):
"""Compares twolists using given comparing function
@param list1: first list to compare
@param list2: second list to compare
@param custom_cmp: a function taking two arguments (element of
list 1, element of list 2) and
@return: True or False depending if the values are the same"""
if len(list1) != len(list2):
return False
for element1, element2 in zip(list1, list2):
if not custom_cmp(element1, element2):
return False
return True

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