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## $Id$
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""OAI interface for CDS Invenio written in Python compliant with OAI-PMH2.0"""
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import cPickle
import string
import os
import re
import urllib
import time
import md5
from invenio.config import \
cachedir, \
cdsname, \
supportemail, \
from invenio.oai_repository_config import *
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.search_engine import record_exists
from invenio.bibformat_dblayer import get_preformatted_record
verbs = {
"Identify" : [""],
"ListSets" : ["resumptionToken"],
"ListMetadataFormats" : ["resumptionToken"],
"ListRecords" : ["resumptionToken"],
"ListIdentifiers" : ["resumptionToken"],
"GetRecord" : [""]
params = {
"verb" : ["Identify","ListIdentifiers","ListSets","ListMetadataFormats","ListRecords","GetRecord"],
"metadataPrefix" : ["","oai_dc","marcxml"],
"from" :[""],
"set" :[""],
"identifier": [""]
def encode_for_xml(strxml):
"Encode special chars in string for XML-compliancy."
if strxml is None:
return strxml
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '&', '&')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '<', '&lt;')
return strxml
def escape_space(strxml):
"Encode special chars in string for URL-compliancy."
strxml = string.replace(strxml, ' ', '%20')
return strxml
def encode_for_url(strxml):
"Encode special chars in string for URL-compliancy."
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '%', '%25')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, ' ', '%20')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '?', '%3F')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '#', '%23')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '=', '%3D')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '&', '%26')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '/', '%2F')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, ':', '%3A')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, ';', '%3B')
strxml = string.replace(strxml, '+', '%2B')
return strxml
def oai_header(args, verb):
"Print OAI header"
out = ""
out = out + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "\n"
out = out + "<OAI-PMH xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"
out = out + " <responseDate>" + oaigetresponsedate() + "</responseDate>\n"
if verb:
out = out + " <request verb=\"%s\">%s</request>\n" % (verb, oaigetrequesturl(args))
out = out + " <%s>\n" % verb
out = out + " <request>%s</request>\n" % (oaigetrequesturl(args))
return out
def oai_footer(verb):
"Print OAI footer"
out = ""
if verb:
out = "%s </%s>\n" % (out, verb)
out = out + "</OAI-PMH>\n"
return out
def oai_error_header(args, verb):
"Print OAI header"
out = ""
### out = "Content-Type: text/xml\n\n"
out = out + "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + "\n"
out = out + "<OAI-PMH xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"
out = out + " <responseDate>" + oaigetresponsedate() + "</responseDate>\n"
out = out + " <request verb=\"%s\">%s</request>\n" % (verb, oaigetrequesturl(args))
return out
def oai_error_footer(verb):
"Print OAI footer"
out = verb
out = "</OAI-PMH>\n"
return out
def get_field(sysno, field):
"Gets list of field 'field' for the record with 'sysno' system number."
out = []
digit = field[0:2]
bibbx = "bib%sx" % digit
bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digit
query = "SELECT bx.value FROM %s AS bx, %s AS bibx WHERE bibx.id_bibrec='%s' AND AND bx.tag='%s'" % (bibbx, bibx, sysno, field)
res = run_sql(query)
for row in res:
return out
def utc_to_localtime(date):
"Convert UTC to localtime"
ldate = date.split("T")[0]
ltime = date.split("T")[1]
lhour = ltime.split(":")[0]
lminute = ltime.split(":")[1]
lsec = ltime.split(":")[2]
lyear = ldate.split("-")[0]
lmonth = ldate.split("-")[1]
lday = ldate.split("-")[2]
timetoconvert = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.mktime((string.atoi(lyear), string.atoi(lmonth), string.atoi(lday), string.atoi(lhour), string.atoi(lminute), string.atoi(lsec[:-1]), 0, 0, -1)) - time.timezone + (time.daylight)*3600))
return timetoconvert
def localtime_to_utc(date):
"Convert localtime to UTC"
ldate = date.split(" ")[0]
ltime = date.split(" ")[1]
lhour = ltime.split(":")[0]
lminute = ltime.split(":")[1]
lsec = ltime.split(":")[2]
lyear = ldate.split("-")[0]
lmonth = ldate.split("-")[1]
lday = ldate.split("-")[2]
timetoconvert = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(time.mktime((string.atoi(lyear), string.atoi(lmonth), string.atoi(lday), string.atoi(lhour), string.atoi(lminute), string.atoi(lsec), 0, 0, -1))))
return timetoconvert
def get_creation_date(sysno):
"Returns the creation date of the record 'sysno'."
out = ""
res = run_sql("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(creation_date, '%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s", (sysno,), 1)
if res[0][0]:
out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0])
return out
def get_modification_date(sysno):
"Returns the date of last modification for the record 'sysno'."
out = ""
res = run_sql("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(modification_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s') FROM bibrec WHERE id=%s", (sysno,), 1)
if res and res[0][0]:
out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0])
return out
def get_earliest_datestamp():
"Get earliest datestamp in the database"
out = ""
res = run_sql("SELECT MIN(DATE_FORMAT(creation_date,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%i:%%s')) FROM bibrec", (), 1)
if res[0][0]:
out = localtime_to_utc(res[0][0])
return out
def check_date(date, dtime="T00:00:00Z"):
"Check if the date has a correct format"
if(re.sub("[0123456789\-:TZ]", "", date) == ""):
if len(date) == 10:
date = date + dtime
if len(date) == 20:
date = utc_to_localtime(date)
date = ""
date = ""
return date
def print_record(sysno, format='marcxml', record_exists_result=None):
"""Prints record 'sysno' formatted according to 'format'.
- if record does not exist, return nothing.
- if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is
'transient' or 'deleted', then return only header, with status
- if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is 'no',
then return nothing.
Optional parameter 'record_exists_result' has the value of the result
of the record_exists(sysno) function (in order not to call that function
again if already done.)
out = ""
# sanity check:
if record_exists_result is not None:
_record_exists = record_exists_result
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno)
if not _record_exists:
if (format == "dc") or (format == "oai_dc"):
format = "xd"
# print record opening tags:
out = out + " <record>\n"
if _record_exists == -1: # Deleted?
if CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "persistent" or \
CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "transient":
out = out + " <header status=\"deleted\">\n"
out = out + " <header>\n"
for ident in get_field(sysno, CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD):
out = "%s <identifier>%s</identifier>\n" % (out, escape_space(ident))
out = "%s <datestamp>%s</datestamp>\n" % (out, get_modification_date(sysno))
for set in get_field(sysno, CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD):
out = "%s <setSpec>%s</setSpec>\n" % (out, set)
out = out + " </header>\n"
if _record_exists == -1: # Deleted?
out = out + " <metadata>\n"
if format == "marcxml":
formatted_record = get_preformatted_record(sysno, 'xm')
if formatted_record is not None:
## MARCXML is already preformatted. Adapt it if needed
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<record>", "<marc:record xmlns:marc=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" type=\"Bibliographic\">\n <marc:leader>00000coc 2200000uu 4500</marc:leader>")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<record xmlns=\"\">", "<marc:record xmlns:marc=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" type=\"Bibliographic\">\n <marc:leader>00000coc 2200000uu 4500</marc:leader>")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("</record", "</marc:record")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<controlfield", "<marc:controlfield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("</controlfield", "</marc:controlfield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<datafield", "<marc:datafield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("</datafield", "</marc:datafield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("<subfield", "<marc:subfield")
formatted_record = formatted_record.replace("</subfield", "</marc:subfield")
out += formatted_record
## MARCXML is not formatted in the database, so produce it.
out = out + " <marc:record xmlns:marc=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\" type=\"Bibliographic\">"
out = out + " <marc:leader>00000coc 2200000uu 4500</marc:leader>"
out = "%s <marc:controlfield tag=\"001\">%d</marc:controlfield>\n" % (out, int(sysno))
for digit1 in range(0, 10):
for digit2 in range(0, 10):
bibbx = "bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2)
bibx = "bibrec_bib%d%dx" % (digit1, digit2)
query = "SELECT b.tag,b.value,bb.field_number FROM %s AS b, %s AS bb "\
"WHERE bb.id_bibrec='%s' AND AND b.tag LIKE '%s%%' "\
"ORDER BY bb.field_number, b.tag ASC" % (bibbx, bibx, sysno, str(digit1)+str(digit2))
res = run_sql(query)
field_number_old = -999
field_old = ""
for row in res:
field, value, field_number = row[0], row[1], row[2]
ind1, ind2 = field[3], field[4]
if ind1 == "_":
ind1 = " "
if ind2 == "_":
ind2 = " "
# print field tag
if field_number != field_number_old or field[:-1] != field_old[:-1]:
if format == "marcxml":
if field_number_old != -999:
if field_old[0:2] == "00":
out = out + " </marc:controlfield>\n"
out = out + " </marc:datafield>\n"
if field[0:2] == "00":
out = "%s <marc:controlfield tag=\"%s\">\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field[0:3]))
out = "%s <marc:datafield tag=\"%s\" ind1=\"%s\" ind2=\"%s\">\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field[0:3]), encode_for_xml(ind1).lower(), encode_for_xml(ind2).lower())
field_number_old = field_number
field_old = field
# print subfield value
if format == "marcxml":
value = encode_for_xml(value)
if(field[0:2] == "00"):
out = "%s %s\n" % (out, value)
out = "%s <marc:subfield code=\"%s\">%s</marc:subfield>\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field[-1:]), value)
# fetch next subfield
# all fields/subfields printed in this run, so close the tag:
if (format == "marcxml") and field_number_old != -999:
if field_old[0:2] == "00":
out = out + " </marc:controlfield>\n"
out = out + " </marc:datafield>\n"
out = out + " </marc:record>\n"
elif format == "xd":
# XML Dublin Core format, possibly OAI -- select only some bibXXx fields:
out = out + " <oaidc:dc xmlns:dc=\"\" xmlns:oaidc=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n"
for field_ in get_field(sysno, "041__a"):
out = "%s <dc:language>%s</dc:language>\n" % (out, field_)
for field_ in get_field(sysno, "100__a"):
out = "%s <dc:creator>%s</dc:creator>\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field_))
# Generate additional authors in reverse order, to get correct order
authors = ""
for field_ in get_field(sysno, "700__a"):
authors = " <dc:creator>%s</dc:creator>\n%s" % (encode_for_xml(field_),
out += authors
for field_ in get_field(sysno, "245__a"):
out = "%s <dc:title>%s</dc:title>\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field_))
for field_ in get_field(sysno, "111__a"):
out = "%s <dc:title>%s</dc:title>\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field_))
for field_ in get_field(sysno, "65017a"):
out = "%s <dc:subject>%s</dc:subject>\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field_))
for field_ in get_field(sysno, "8564_u"):
out = "%s <dc:identifier>%s</dc:identifier>\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(escape_space(field_)))
for field_ in get_field(sysno, "520__a"):
out = "%s <dc:description>%s</dc:description>\n" % (out, encode_for_xml(field_))
date = get_creation_date(sysno)
out = "%s <dc:date>%s</dc:date>\n" % (out, date)
out = out + " </oaidc:dc>\n"
# print record closing tags:
out = out + " </metadata>\n"
out = out + " </record>\n"
return out
def oailistmetadataformats(args):
"Generates response to oailistmetadataformats verb."
arg = parse_args(args)
out = ""
flag = 1 # list or not depending on identifier
if arg['identifier'] != "":
flag = 0
sysno = oaigetsysno(arg['identifier'])
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno)
if _record_exists == 1 or \
(_record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY != "no"):
flag = 1
out = out + oai_error("idDoesNotExist","invalid record Identifier")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListMetadataFormats") + out + oai_error_footer("ListMetadataFormats")
return out
if flag:
out = out + " <metadataFormat>\n"
out = out + " <metadataPrefix>oai_dc</metadataPrefix>\n"
out = out + " <schema></schema>\n"
out = out + " <metadataNamespace></metadataNamespace>\n"
out = out + " </metadataFormat>\n"
out = out + " <metadataFormat>\n"
out = out + " <metadataPrefix>marcxml</metadataPrefix>\n"
out = out + " <schema></schema>\n"
out = out + " <metadataNamespace></metadataNamespace>\n"
out = out + " </metadataFormat>\n"
out = oai_header(args, "ListMetadataFormats") + out + oai_footer("ListMetadataFormats")
return out
def oailistrecords(args):
"Generates response to oailistrecords verb."
arg = parse_args(args)
out = ""
resumptionToken_printed = False
sysnos = []
sysno = []
# check if the resumptionToken did not expire
if arg['resumptionToken']:
filename = "%s/RTdata/%s" % (cachedir, arg['resumptionToken'])
if os.path.exists(filename) == 0:
out = oai_error("badResumptionToken", "ResumptionToken expired")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListRecords") + out + oai_error_footer("ListRecords")
return out
if arg['resumptionToken'] != "":
sysnos = oaicacheout(arg['resumptionToken'])
arg['metadataPrefix'] = sysnos.pop()
sysnos = oaigetsysnolist(arg['set'], arg['from'], arg['until'])
if len(sysnos) == 0: # noRecordsMatch error
out = out + oai_error("noRecordsMatch", "no records correspond to the request")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListRecords") + out + oai_error_footer("ListRecords")
return out
i = 0
for sysno_ in sysnos:
if sysno_:
if i >= CFG_OAI_LOAD: # cache or write?
if not resumptionToken_printed: # resumptionToken?
arg['resumptionToken'] = oaigenresumptionToken()
extdate = oaigetresponsedate(CFG_OAI_EXPIRE)
if extdate:
out = "%s <resumptionToken expirationDate=\"%s\">%s</resumptionToken>\n" % (out, extdate, arg['resumptionToken'])
out = "%s <resumptionToken>%s</resumptionToken>\n" % (out, arg['resumptionToken'])
resumptionToken_printed = True
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno_)
if not (_record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "no"):
#Produce output only if record exists and had to be printed
i = i + 1 # Increment limit only if record is returned
res = print_record(sysno_, arg['metadataPrefix'], _record_exists)
if res:
out += res
if i >= CFG_OAI_LOAD:
oaicachein(arg['resumptionToken'], sysno)
out = oai_header(args, "ListRecords") + out + oai_footer("ListRecords")
return out
def oailistsets(args):
"Lists available sets for OAI metadata harvesting."
out = ""
# note: no flow control in ListSets
sets = get_sets()
for set_ in sets:
out = out + " <set>\n"
out = "%s <setSpec>%s</setSpec>\n" % (out, set_[0])
out = "%s <setName>%s</setName>\n" % (out, set_[1])
if set_[2]:
out = "%s <setDescription>%s</setDescription>\n" % (out, set_[2])
out = out + " </set>\n"
out = oai_header(args, "ListSets") + out + oai_footer("ListSets")
return out
def oaigetrecord(args):
"""Returns record 'identifier' according to 'metadataPrefix' format for OAI metadata harvesting.
- if record does not exist, return oai_error 'idDoesNotExist'.
- if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is
'transient' or 'deleted', then return only header, with status
- if record has been deleted and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY is 'no',
then return oai_error 'idDoesNotExist'.
arg = parse_args(args)
out = ""
sysno = oaigetsysno(arg['identifier'])
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno)
if _record_exists == 1 or \
(_record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY != 'no'):
datestamp = get_modification_date(sysno)
out += print_record(sysno, arg['metadataPrefix'], _record_exists)
out = out + oai_error("idDoesNotExist", "invalid record Identifier")
out = oai_error_header(args, "GetRecord") + out + oai_error_footer("GetRecord")
return out
out = oai_header(args, "GetRecord") + out + oai_footer("GetRecord")
return out
def oailistidentifiers(args):
"Prints OAI response to the ListIdentifiers verb."
arg = parse_args(args)
out = ""
resumptionToken_printed = False
sysno = []
sysnos = []
if arg['resumptionToken']:
filename = "%s/RTdata/%s" % (cachedir, arg['resumptionToken'])
if os.path.exists(filename) == 0:
out = out + oai_error("badResumptionToken", "ResumptionToken expired")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListIdentifiers") + out + oai_error_footer("ListIdentifiers")
return out
if arg['resumptionToken']:
sysnos = oaicacheout(arg['resumptionToken'])
sysnos = oaigetsysnolist(arg['set'], arg['from'], arg['until'])
if len(sysnos) == 0: # noRecordsMatch error
out = out + oai_error("noRecordsMatch", "no records correspond to the request")
out = oai_error_header(args, "ListIdentifiers") + out + oai_error_footer("ListIdentifiers")
return out
i = 0
for sysno_ in sysnos:
if sysno_:
if i >= CFG_OAI_LOAD: # cache or write?
if not resumptionToken_printed: # resumptionToken?
arg['resumptionToken'] = oaigenresumptionToken()
extdate = oaigetresponsedate(CFG_OAI_EXPIRE)
if extdate:
out = "%s <resumptionToken expirationDate=\"%s\">%s</resumptionToken>\n" % (out, extdate, arg['resumptionToken'])
out = "%s <resumptionToken>%s</resumptionToken>\n" % (out, arg['resumptionToken'])
resumptionToken_printed = True
_record_exists = record_exists(sysno_)
if (not _record_exists == -1 and CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "no"):
i = i + 1 # Increment limit only if record is returned
for ident in get_field(sysno_, CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD):
if ident != '':
if _record_exists == -1: #Deleted?
if CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "persistent" \
or CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY == "transient":
out = out + " <header status=\"deleted\">\n"
# In that case, print nothing (do not go further)
out = out + " <header>\n"
out = "%s <identifier>%s</identifier>\n" % (out, escape_space(ident))
out = "%s <datestamp>%s</datestamp>\n" % (out, get_modification_date(oaigetsysno(ident)))
for set in get_field(sysno_, CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD):
out = "%s <setSpec>%s</setSpec>\n" % (out, set)
out = out + " </header>\n"
if i >= CFG_OAI_LOAD:
oaicacheclean() # clean cache from expired resumptionTokens
oaicachein(arg['resumptionToken'], sysno)
out = oai_header(args, "ListIdentifiers") + out + oai_footer("ListIdentifiers")
return out
def oaiidentify(args):
"Generates response to oaiidentify verb."
out = ""
repositoryname = " <repositoryName>" + cdsname + "</repositoryName>\n"
baseurl = " <baseURL>%s/oai2d/</baseURL>\n" % weburl
protocolversion = " <protocolVersion>2.0</protocolVersion>\n"
adminemail = " <adminEmail>%s</adminEmail>\n" % supportemail
earliestdst = " <earliestDatestamp>%s</earliestDatestamp>\n" % get_earliest_datestamp()
deletedrecord = " <deletedRecord>%s</deletedRecord>\n" % CFG_OAI_DELETED_POLICY
repositoryidentifier = "%s" % CFG_OAI_ID_PREFIX
sampleidentifier = CFG_OAI_SAMPLE_IDENTIFIER
identifydescription = CFG_OAI_IDENTIFY_DESCRIPTION + "\n"
out = out + repositoryname
out = out + baseurl
out = out + protocolversion
out = out + adminemail
out = out + earliestdst
out = out + deletedrecord
out = out + " <granularity>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ</granularity>\n"
# print " <compression></compression>\n"
out = oai_header(args, "Identify") + out + oai_footer("Identify")
return out
def oaigetrequesturl(args):
"Generates requesturl tag for OAI."
# re_amp = re.compile('&')
requesturl = weburl + "/" + "oai2d/"# + "?" + re_amp.sub("&amp;", args)
return requesturl
def oaigetresponsedate(delay=0):
"Generates responseDate tag for OAI."
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime(time.time() + delay))
def oai_error(code, msg):
"OAI error occured"
return "<error code=\"%s\">%s</error>\n" % (code, msg)
def oaigetsysno(identifier):
"Returns the first database BIB ID for the OAI identifier 'identifier', if it exists."
sysno = None
if identifier:
query = "SELECT DISTINCT(bb.id_bibrec) FROM bib%sx AS bx, bibrec_bib%sx AS bb WHERE bx.tag='%s' AND AND bx.value='%s'" % (CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2], CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2], CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD, identifier)
res = run_sql(query)
for row in res:
sysno = row[0]
return sysno
def oaigetsysnolist(set, fromdate, untildate):
"Returns list of system numbers for the OAI set 'set', modified from 'date_from' until 'date_until'."
out_dict = {} # dict to hold list of out sysnos as its keys
if set:
query = "SELECT DISTINCT bibx.id_bibrec FROM bib%sx AS bx LEFT JOIN bibrec_bib%sx AS bibx ON LEFT JOIN bibrec AS b ON WHERE bx.tag='%s' AND bx.value='%s'" % (CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2], CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2], CFG_OAI_SET_FIELD, set)
query = "SELECT DISTINCT bibx.id_bibrec FROM bib%sx AS bx LEFT JOIN bibrec_bib%sx AS bibx ON LEFT JOIN bibrec AS b ON WHERE bx.tag='%s'" % (CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2], CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD[0:2], CFG_OAI_ID_FIELD)
if untildate:
query = query + " AND b.modification_date <= '%s'" % untildate
if fromdate:
query = query + " AND b.modification_date >= '%s'" % fromdate
res = run_sql(query)
for row in res:
out_dict[row[0]] = 1
return out_dict.keys()
def oaigenresumptionToken():
"Generates unique ID for resumption token management."
def oaicachein(resumptionToken, sysnos):
"Stores or adds sysnos in cache. Input is a string of sysnos separated by commas."
filename = "%s/RTdata/%s" % (cachedir, resumptionToken)
fil = open(filename, "w")
cPickle.dump(sysnos, fil)
return 1
def oaicacheout(resumptionToken):
"Restores string of comma-separated system numbers from cache."
sysnos = []
filename = "%s/RTdata/%s" % (cachedir, resumptionToken)
if oaicachestatus(resumptionToken):
fil = open(filename, "r")
sysnos = cPickle.load(fil)
return 0
return sysnos
def oaicacheclean():
"Removes cached resumptionTokens older than specified"
directory = "%s/RTdata" % cachedir
files = os.listdir(directory)
for file_ in files:
filename = directory + "/" + file_
# cache entry expires when not modified during a specified period of time
if ((time.time() - os.path.getmtime(filename)) > CFG_OAI_EXPIRE):
return 1
def oaicachestatus(resumptionToken):
"Checks cache status. Returns 0 for empty, 1 for full."
filename = "%s/RTdata/%s" % (cachedir, resumptionToken)
if os.path.exists(filename):
if os.path.getsize(filename) > 0:
return 1
return 0
return 0
def get_sets():
"Returns list of sets."
out = {}
row = ['', '']
query = "SELECT setSpec,setName,setDescription FROM oaiARCHIVE"
res = run_sql(query)
for row in res:
row_bis = [row[0], row[1], row[2]]
out[row[0]] = row_bis
return out.values()
def parse_args(args=""):
"Parse input args"
out_args = {
"verb" : "",
"metadataPrefix" : "",
"from" : "",
"until" : "",
"set" : "",
"identifier" : "",
"resumptionToken" : ""
if args == "" or args is None:
list_of_arguments = args.split('&')
for item in list_of_arguments:
keyvalue = item.split('=')
if len(keyvalue) == 2:
if (out_args.has_key(keyvalue[0])):
if(out_args[keyvalue[0]] != ""):
out_args[keyvalue[0]] = "Error"
out_args[keyvalue[0]] = urllib.unquote(keyvalue[1])
out_args[keyvalue[0]] = urllib.unquote(keyvalue[1])
out_args['verb'] = ""
return out_args
def check_args(arguments):
"Check OAI arguments"
out_args = {
"verb" : "",
"metadataPrefix" : "",
"from" : "",
"until" : "",
"set" : "",
"identifier" : "",
"resumptionToken" : ""
out = ""
## principal argument required
if verbs.has_key(arguments['verb']):
out = out + oai_error("badVerb", "Illegal OAI verb")
## defined args
for param in arguments.keys():
if out_args.has_key(param):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "The request includes illegal arguments")
## unique args
for param in arguments.keys():
if (arguments[param] == "Error"):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "The request includes illegal arguments")
## resumptionToken exclusive
if ((arguments['from'] != "" or arguments['until'] != "" or arguments['metadataPrefix'] != "" or arguments['identifier'] != "" or arguments['set'] != "") and arguments['resumptionToken'] != ""):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "The request includes illegal arguments")
## datestamp formats
if arguments['from'] != "":
from_length = len(arguments['from'])
if check_date(arguments['from'], "T00:00:00Z") == "":
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Bad datestamp format in from")
from_length = 0
if arguments['until'] != "":
until_length = len(arguments['until'])
if check_date(arguments['until'], "T23:59:59Z") == "":
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Bad datestamp format in until")
until_length = 0
if from_length != 0:
if until_length != 0:
if from_length != until_length:
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Bad datestamp format")
if arguments['from'] != "" and arguments['until'] != "" and arguments['from'] > arguments['until']:
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Wrong date")
## Identify exclusive
if (arguments['verb'] =="Identify" and (arguments['metadataPrefix'] != "" or arguments['identifier'] != "" or arguments['set'] != "" or arguments['from'] != "" or arguments['until'] != "" or arguments['resumptionToken'] != "")):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "The request includes illegal arguments")
## parameters for GetRecord
if arguments['verb'] =="GetRecord" and arguments['identifier'] == "":
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Record identifier missing")
if arguments['verb'] =="GetRecord" and arguments['metadataPrefix'] == "":
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Missing metadataPrefix")
## parameters for ListRecords and ListIdentifiers
if (arguments['verb'] =="ListRecords" or arguments['verb'] =="ListIdentifiers") and (arguments['metadataPrefix'] == "" and arguments['resumptionToken'] == ""):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Missing metadataPrefix")
## Metadata prefix defined
if arguments.has_key('metadataPrefix'):
if ((arguments['metadataPrefix'] in params['metadataPrefix']) or (params['metadataPrefix'] == "")):
out = out + oai_error("badArgument", "Missing metadataPrefix")
return out
def oai_profile():
Runs a benchmark
if __name__ == "__main__":
import profile
import pstats'oai_profile()', "oai_profile")
p = pstats.Stats("oai_profile")

Event Timeline