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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""This is the main body of refextract. It is used to extract references from
fulltext PDF documents.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import sys, re
import os, getopt
from time import mktime, localtime, ctime
# make refextract runnable without requiring the full Invenio installation:
from invenio.refextract_config \
except ImportError:
CFG_REFEXTRACT_VERSION = "Invenio/%s refextract/%s" % ('standalone', 'standalone')
CFG_REFEXTRACT_KB_JOURNAL_TITLES = "%s/etc/refextract-journal-titles.kb" % '..'
CFG_REFEXTRACT_KB_REPORT_NUMBERS = "%s/etc/refextract-report-numbers.kb" % '..'
CFG_REFEXTRACT_KB_AUTHORS = "%s/etc/refextract-authors.kb" % '..'
CFG_REFEXTRACT_CTRL_FIELD_RECID = "001" ## control-field recid
CFG_REFEXTRACT_TAG_ID_REFERENCE = "999" ## ref field tag
CFG_REFEXTRACT_IND1_REFERENCE = "C" ## ref field ind1
CFG_REFEXTRACT_IND2_REFERENCE = "5" ## ref field ind2
CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MARKER = "o" ## ref marker subfield
CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MISC = "m" ## ref misc subfield
CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_REPORT_NUM = "r" ## ref reportnum subfield
CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_TITLE = "s" ## ref title subfield
CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_URL = "u" ## ref url subfield
CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_URL_DESCR = "z" ## ref url-text subfield
CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_AUTH = "h" ## ref author subfield
CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_DOI = "a" ## ref doi subfield
CFG_REFEXTRACT_XML_VERSION = u"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"""
CFG_REFEXTRACT_XML_COLLECTION_OPEN = u"""<collection xmlns="">"""
# make refextract runnable without requiring the full Invenio installation:
from invenio.config import CFG_PATH_GFILE, CFG_PATH_PDFTOTEXT
except ImportError:
# used as a directory for knowledge bases
from invenio.config import CFG_ETCDIR
except ImportError:
# make refextract runnable without requiring the full Invenio installation:
from invenio.textutils import encode_for_xml
except ImportError:
import string
def encode_for_xml(s):
"Encode special chars in string so that it would be XML-compliant."
s = string.replace(s, '&', '&amp;')
s = string.replace(s, '<', '&lt;')
return s
## Try to get the bibtask functions, necessary when running refextract
## as a bibsched task. They won't be needed for standalone execution of
## Refextract however.
from invenio.bibtask import write_message as \
from invenio.bibtask import task_update_progress as \
from invenio.bibtask import task_sleep_now_if_required as \
except ImportError:
## Holds command line settings
cli_opts = {}
## The minimum length of a reference's misc text to be deemed insignificant.
## when comparing misc text with semi-colon defined sub-references.
## Values higher than this value reflect meaningful misc text.
## Hence, upon finding a correct semi-colon, but having current misc text
## length less than this value (without other meaningful reference objects:
## report numbers, titles...) then no split will occur.
## (A higher value will increase splitting strictness. i.e. Fewer splits)
semi_colon_misc_text_sensitivity = 60
## The length of misc text between two adjacent authors which is
## deemed as insignificant. As such, when misc text of a length less
## than this value is found, then the latter author group is dumped into misc.
## (A higher value will increase splitting strictness. i.e. Fewer splits)
adjacent_auth_misc_separation = 10
## Help message, used by bibtask's 'task_init()' and 'usage()'
help_message = """
Refextract tries to extract the reference section from a full-text document.
Extracted reference lines are processed and any recognised citations are
marked up using MARC XML. Recognises author names, URL's, DOI's, and also
journal titles and report numbers as per the relevant knowledge bases. Results
are output to the standard output stream as default, or instead to an xml file.
Command options:
-h, --help Print this help
-V, --version Print version information
-v, --verbose Verbosity level (0=mute, 1=default info msg,
2=display reference section extraction analysis,
3=display reference line citation processing analysis,
9=max information)
-r, --output-raw-refs
Output raw references, as extracted from the document.
No MARC XML mark-up - just each extracted line, prefixed
by the recid of the document that it came from.
-a, --authors extract the authors of the document. Attempt to
return associations between authors and affiliations
whenever possible.
--first_author use the following regexp as the first author, helps for
author extraction, ignored otherwise
-l, --affiliations
extract affiliations from the document.
-x, --xmlfile Write the extracted references, in xml form, to a file
rather than standard output.
-d, --dictfile Write statistics about all matched title abbreviations
(i.e. LHS terms in the titles knowledge base) to a file.
-z, --raw-references, --raw_authors
Treat the input file as the search space. i.e. skip the
stage of trying to locate the reference/top section within a
document and instead move to the stage of recognition
and standardisation of citations within lines, and the
extraction of authors.
-p, --inspire Output journal standard reference form in the INSPIRE
recognised format: [series]volume,page.
-j, --kb-journal Manually specify the location of a journal title
knowledge-base file.
-n, --kb-report-number
Manually specify the location of a report number
knowledge-base file.
Standalone Refextract options:
-f, --fulltext A single pdf or text document (with appended record id)
from where to extract references. [id:path]
## Is refextract running standalone? (Default = yes)
running_independently = True
## Default write_message function will dump messages
## straight onto the specified stream
## If running as a bibtask, then write_message is overridden
## with a bibtask version, so messages are logged
def standalone_write_message(msg, stream=None, verbose=2):
""" Acts as the default method, in place of the bibtask defined
method when Refextract runs standalone. This will be overridden
when Refextract runs as a bibtask (it is scheduled to bibsched) allowing
for the messages to be written to the bibsched log instead.
@param msg: (string) The message to be written to stdout as default
@param stream: (stream) The stream object to be used instead of stdout
@param verbose: (integer) The minimum verbosity level when to write this
## cli_opts is a global variable
if (not cli_opts.has_key('verbosity')) or cli_opts['verbosity'] >= verbose:
if not stream:
stream = sys.stdout
elif stream not in (sys.stderr, sys.stdout):
sys.stderr.write('W: Bad stream.')
stream = sys.stdout
def standalone_task_update_progress(msg):
""" Acts as the default method, in place of the bibtask defined
method when Refextract runs standalone. This will be overridden
when Refextract runs as a bibtask (it is scheduled to bibsched) allowing
for the progress column of this task to be updated.
@param msg: (string) The message to write to stdout by default."""
write_message('--- '+msg)
def standalone_task_sleep_now_if_required(can_stop_too=False):
""" Acts as the default method, in place of the bibtask defined
method when Refextract runs standalone. This will be overridden
when Refextract runs as a bibtask (it is scheduled to bibsched) allowing
for the Refextract job to sleep between extracting documents."""
return can_stop_too
## Set in begin_extraction, depending on whether Refextract is running
## as standalone, or as a bibsched task
## Default functions apply to running in standalone mode
write_message = standalone_write_message
task_update_progress = standalone_task_update_progress
task_sleep_now_if_required = standalone_task_sleep_now_if_required
def halt(err=StandardError, msg="", exit_code=1):
""" Stop extraction, and deal with the error in the appropriate
manner, based on whether Refextract is running in standalone or
bibsched mode.
@param err: (exception) The exception raised from an error, if any
@param msg: (string) The brief error message, either displayed
on the bibsched interface, or written to stderr.
@param exit_code: (integer) Either 0 or 1, depending on the cause
of the halting. This is only used when running standalone."""
## If refextract is running independently, exit.
## 'running_independently' is a global variable
if running_independently:
if msg:
write_message(msg, stream=sys.stderr, verbose=0)
## Else, raise an exception so Bibsched will flag this task.
if msg:
## Update the status of refextract inside the Bibsched UI
raise err(msg)
def massage_arxiv_reportnumber(report_number):
"""arXiv report numbers need some massaging
to change from arXiv-1234-2233(v8) to arXiv.1234.2233(v8)
and from arXiv1234-2233(v8) to arXiv.1234.2233(v8)
## in coming report_number should start with arXiv
if report_number.find('arXiv') != 0 :
return report_number
words = report_number.split('-')
if len(words) == 3: ## case of arXiv-yymm-nnnn (vn)
words.pop(0) ## discard leading arXiv
report_number = 'arXiv:' + '.'.join(words).lower()
elif len(words) == 2: ## case of arXivyymm-nnnn (vn)
report_number = 'arXiv:' + words[0][5:] + '.' + words[1].lower()
return report_number
def get_subfield_content(line,subfield_code):
""" Given a line (subfield element) and a xml code attribute for a subfield element,
return the contents of the subfield element.
content = line.split('<subfield code="'+subfield_code+'">')[1]
content = content.split('</subfield>')[0]
return content
def compress_subfields(out, subfield_code):
For each datafield, compress multiple subfields of type 'subfield_code' into a single one
e.g. for MISC text, change xml format from:
<datafield tag="999" ind1="C" ind2="5">
<subfield code="o">1.</subfield>
<subfield code="m">J. Dukelsky, S. Pittel and G. Sierra</subfield>
<subfield code="s">Rev. Mod. Phys. 76 (2004) 643</subfield>
<subfield code="m">and this is some more misc text</subfield>
<datafield tag="999" ind1="C" ind2="5">
<subfield code="o">2.</subfield>
<subfield code="m">J. von Delft and D.C. Ralph,</subfield>
<subfield code="s">Phys. Rep. 345 (2001) 61</subfield>
<datafield tag="999" ind1="C" ind2="5">
<subfield code="o">1.</subfield>
<subfield code="m">J. Dukelsky, S. Pittel and G. Sierra and this is some more misc text</subfield>
<subfield code="s">Rev. Mod. Phys. 76 (2004) 643</subfield>
<datafield tag="999" ind1="C" ind2="5">
<subfield code="o">2.</subfield>
<subfield code="m">J. von Delft and D.C. Ralph,</subfield>
<subfield code="s">Phys. Rep. 345 (2001) 61</subfield>
in_lines = out.split('\n')
## hold the subfield compressed version of the xml, line by line
## Used to indicate when the selected subfield has already been reached inside a particular datafield
position = 0
## Where the concatenated misc text is held before appended at the end
content_text = ""
## Components of the misc subfield elements
subfield_start = " <subfield code=\"%s\">" % subfield_code
subfield_end = "</subfield>"
for line in in_lines:
## If reached the end of the datafield
if line.find('</datafield>') != -1:
if len(content_text) > 0:
## Insert the concatenated misc contents back where it was first encountered
## (dont RIGHTstrip semi-colons, as these may be needed for &amp; or &lt;)
new_rec_lines[position] = new_rec_lines[position] + content_text.strip(" ,.").lstrip(" ;")+subfield_end
content_text = ""
position = 0
## Found subfield in question, concatenate subfield contents for this single datafield
elif line.find(subfield_start.strip()) != -1:
if position == 0:
## Save the position of this found subfield
## for later insertion into the same place
position = len(new_rec_lines) - 1
new_text = get_subfield_content(line,subfield_code)
if (len(content_text) > 0) and (len(new_text)) > 0:
## Append spaces between merged text, if needed
if (content_text[-1]+new_text[0]).find(" ") == -1:
new_text = " "+new_text
content_text += new_text
## Create the readable file from the list of lines.
new_out = ''
for rec in new_rec_lines:
rec = rec.rstrip()
if rec:
new_out += rec + '\n'
return new_out
def restrict_m_subfields(reference_lines):
"""Remove complete datafields which hold ONLY a single 'm' subfield,
AND where the misc content is too short or too long to be of use.
Min and max lengths derived by inspection of actual data. """
min_length = 4
max_length = 1024
m_tag=re.compile('\<subfield code=\"m\"\>(.*?)\<\/subfield\>')
filter_list = []
m_restricted = 0
for i in range(len(reference_lines)): ## set up initial filter
for i in range(len(reference_lines)):
if (i - 2) >= 0 and (i + 1) < len(reference_lines):
if reference_lines[i + 1].find('</datafield>') != -1 and \
reference_lines[i - 1].find('<subfield code="o">') != -1 and \
reference_lines[i - 2].find('<datafield') != -1:
## If both of these are true then its a solitary "m" tag
mlength= len([i]).group(1))
if mlength < min_length or mlength > max_length:
filter_list[i-2] = filter_list[i-1] = filter_list[i] = filter_list[i+1] = 0
m_restricted += 1
new_reference_lines = []
for i in range(len(reference_lines)):
if filter_list[i]:
return m_restricted,new_reference_lines
def filter_processed_lines(out):
""" apply filters to reference lines found - to remove junk"""
processed_lines = out.split('\n')
## Remove too long and too short m tags
(m_restricted, ref_lines) = restrict_m_subfields(processed_lines)
if m_restricted:
a_tag=re.compile('\<subfield code=\"a\"\>(.*?)\<\/subfield\>')
for i in range(len(ref_lines)):
## Checks to see that the datafield has the attribute ind2="6",
## Before looking to see if the subfield code attribute is 'a'
if ref_lines[i].find('<datafield tag="999" ind1="C" ind2="6">') != -1 and (len(ref_lines)-1) > i:
## For each line in this datafield element, try to find the subfield whose code attribute is 'a'
while ref_lines[i].find('</datafield>') != -1 and (len(ref_lines)-1) > i:
## <subfield code="a">Invenio/X.XX.X refextract/X.XX.X-timestamp-err-repnum-title-URL-misc
if[i]): ## remake the "a" tag for new numbe of "m" tags
data =[i]).group(1)
words1 = data.split()
words2 = words1[-1].split('-')
old_m = int(words2[-1])
words2[-1] = str(old_m - m_restricted)
data1 = '-'.join(words2)
words1[-1] = data1
new_data = ' '.join(words1)
ref_lines[i] = ' <subfield code="a">' + new_data + '</subfield>'
new_out = ''
len_filtered = 0
for rec in ref_lines:
rec = rec.rstrip()
if rec:
new_out += rec + '\n'
len_filtered += 1
if len(processed_lines) != len_filtered:
write_message("-----Filter results: unfiltered section line length is %d and filtered length is %d\n" \
% (len(processed_lines),len_filtered), verbose=2)
return new_out
def get_url_repair_patterns():
"""Initialise and return a list of precompiled regexp patterns that
are used to try to re-assemble URLs that have been broken during
a document's conversion to plain-text.
@return: (list) of compiled re regexp patterns used for finding
various broken URLs.
file_types_list = []
file_types_list.append(r'h\s*?t\s*?m') ## htm
file_types_list.append(r'h\s*?t\s*?m\s*?l') ## html
file_types_list.append(r't\s*?x\s*?t') ## txt
file_types_list.append(r'p\s*?h\s*?p') ## php
file_types_list.append(r'a\s*?s\s*?p\s*?') ## asp
file_types_list.append(r'j\s*?s\s*?p') ## jsp
file_types_list.append(r'p\s*?y') ## py (python)
file_types_list.append(r'p\s*?l') ## pl (perl)
file_types_list.append(r'x\s*?m\s*?l') ## xml
file_types_list.append(r'j\s*?p\s*?g') ## jpg
file_types_list.append(r'g\s*?i\s*?f') ## gif
file_types_list.append(r'm\s*?o\s*?v') ## mov
file_types_list.append(r's\s*?w\s*?f') ## swf
file_types_list.append(r'p\s*?d\s*?f') ## pdf
file_types_list.append(r'p\s*?s') ## ps
file_types_list.append(r'd\s*?o\s*?c') ## doc
file_types_list.append(r't\s*?e\s*?x') ## tex
file_types_list.append(r's\s*?h\s*?t\s*?m\s*?l') ## shtml
pattern_list = []
pattern_list.append(re.compile(r'(h\s*t\s*t\s*p\s*\:\s*\/\s*\/)', \
pattern_list.append(re.compile(r'(f\s*t\s*p\s*\:\s*\/\s*\/\s*)', \
pattern_list.append(re.compile(r'((http|ftp):\/\/\s*[\w\d])', \
pattern_list.append(re.compile(r'((http|ftp):\/\/([\w\d\s\._\-])+?\s*\/)', \
pattern_list.append(re.compile(r'((http|ftp):\/\/([\w\d\_\.\-])+\/(([\w\d\_\s\.\-])+?\/)+)', \
p_url = \
re.compile(r'((http|ftp):\/\/([\w\d\_\.\-])+\/(([\w\d\_\s\.\-])+?\/)*([\w\d\_\s\-]+\.\s?[\w\d]+))', \
## some possible endings for URLs:
for x in file_types_list:
p_url = \
r'((http|ftp):\/\/([\w\d\_\.\-])+\/(([\w\d\_\.\-])+?\/)*([\w\d\_\-]+\.' + x + u'))', \
## if url last thing in line, and only 10 letters max, concat them
p_url = \
r'((http|ftp):\/\/([\w\d\_\.\-])+\/(([\w\d\_\.\-])+?\/)*\s*?([\w\d\_\.\-]\s?){1,10}\s*)$', \
return pattern_list
def get_bad_char_replacements():
"""When a document is converted to plain-text from PDF,
certain characters may result in the plain-text, that are
either unwanted, or broken. These characters need to be corrected
or removed. Examples are, certain control characters that would
be illegal in XML and must be removed; TeX ligatures (etc); broken
accents such as umlauts on letters that must be corrected.
This function returns a dictionary of (unwanted) characters to look
for and the characters that should be used to replace them.
@return: (dictionary) - { seek -> replace, } or charsacters to
replace in plain-text.
replacements = {
## Control characters not allowed in XML:
u'\u2028' : u"",
u'\u2029' : u"",
u'\u202A' : u"",
u'\u202B' : u"",
u'\u202C' : u"",
u'\u202D' : u"",
u'\u202E' : u"",
u'\u206A' : u"",
u'\u206B' : u"",
u'\u206C' : u"",
u'\u206D' : u"",
u'\u206E' : u"",
u'\u206F' : u"",
u'\uFFF9' : u"",
u'\uFFFA' : u"",
u'\uFFFB' : u"",
u'\uFFFC' : u"",
u'\uFEFF' : u"",
## Remove the result of an bad UTF-8 character
u'\uFFFF' : u"",
## Language Tag Code Points:
u"\U000E0000" : u"",
u"\U000E0001" : u"",
u"\U000E0002" : u"",
u"\U000E0003" : u"",
u"\U000E0004" : u"",
u"\U000E0005" : u"",
u"\U000E0006" : u"",
u"\U000E0007" : u"",
u"\U000E0008" : u"",
u"\U000E0009" : u"",
u"\U000E000A" : u"",
u"\U000E000B" : u"",
u"\U000E000C" : u"",
u"\U000E000D" : u"",
u"\U000E000E" : u"",
u"\U000E000F" : u"",
u"\U000E0010" : u"",
u"\U000E0011" : u"",
u"\U000E0012" : u"",
u"\U000E0013" : u"",
u"\U000E0014" : u"",
u"\U000E0015" : u"",
u"\U000E0016" : u"",
u"\U000E0017" : u"",
u"\U000E0018" : u"",
u"\U000E0019" : u"",
u"\U000E001A" : u"",
u"\U000E001B" : u"",
u"\U000E001C" : u"",
u"\U000E001D" : u"",
u"\U000E001E" : u"",
u"\U000E001F" : u"",
u"\U000E0020" : u"",
u"\U000E0021" : u"",
u"\U000E0022" : u"",
u"\U000E0023" : u"",
u"\U000E0024" : u"",
u"\U000E0025" : u"",
u"\U000E0026" : u"",
u"\U000E0027" : u"",
u"\U000E0028" : u"",
u"\U000E0029" : u"",
u"\U000E002A" : u"",
u"\U000E002B" : u"",
u"\U000E002C" : u"",
u"\U000E002D" : u"",
u"\U000E002E" : u"",
u"\U000E002F" : u"",
u"\U000E0030" : u"",
u"\U000E0031" : u"",
u"\U000E0032" : u"",
u"\U000E0033" : u"",
u"\U000E0034" : u"",
u"\U000E0035" : u"",
u"\U000E0036" : u"",
u"\U000E0037" : u"",
u"\U000E0038" : u"",
u"\U000E0039" : u"",
u"\U000E003A" : u"",
u"\U000E003B" : u"",
u"\U000E003C" : u"",
u"\U000E003D" : u"",
u"\U000E003E" : u"",
u"\U000E003F" : u"",
u"\U000E0040" : u"",
u"\U000E0041" : u"",
u"\U000E0042" : u"",
u"\U000E0043" : u"",
u"\U000E0044" : u"",
u"\U000E0045" : u"",
u"\U000E0046" : u"",
u"\U000E0047" : u"",
u"\U000E0048" : u"",
u"\U000E0049" : u"",
u"\U000E004A" : u"",
u"\U000E004B" : u"",
u"\U000E004C" : u"",
u"\U000E004D" : u"",
u"\U000E004E" : u"",
u"\U000E004F" : u"",
u"\U000E0050" : u"",
u"\U000E0051" : u"",
u"\U000E0052" : u"",
u"\U000E0053" : u"",
u"\U000E0054" : u"",
u"\U000E0055" : u"",
u"\U000E0056" : u"",
u"\U000E0057" : u"",
u"\U000E0058" : u"",
u"\U000E0059" : u"",
u"\U000E005A" : u"",
u"\U000E005B" : u"",
u"\U000E005C" : u"",
u"\U000E005D" : u"",
u"\U000E005E" : u"",
u"\U000E005F" : u"",
u"\U000E0060" : u"",
u"\U000E0061" : u"",
u"\U000E0062" : u"",
u"\U000E0063" : u"",
u"\U000E0064" : u"",
u"\U000E0065" : u"",
u"\U000E0066" : u"",
u"\U000E0067" : u"",
u"\U000E0068" : u"",
u"\U000E0069" : u"",
u"\U000E006A" : u"",
u"\U000E006B" : u"",
u"\U000E006C" : u"",
u"\U000E006D" : u"",
u"\U000E006E" : u"",
u"\U000E006F" : u"",
u"\U000E0070" : u"",
u"\U000E0071" : u"",
u"\U000E0072" : u"",
u"\U000E0073" : u"",
u"\U000E0074" : u"",
u"\U000E0075" : u"",
u"\U000E0076" : u"",
u"\U000E0077" : u"",
u"\U000E0078" : u"",
u"\U000E0079" : u"",
u"\U000E007A" : u"",
u"\U000E007B" : u"",
u"\U000E007C" : u"",
u"\U000E007D" : u"",
u"\U000E007E" : u"",
u"\U000E007F" : u"",
## Musical Notation Scoping
u"\U0001D173" : u"",
u"\U0001D174" : u"",
u"\U0001D175" : u"",
u"\U0001D176" : u"",
u"\U0001D177" : u"",
u"\U0001D178" : u"",
u"\U0001D179" : u"",
u"\U0001D17A" : u"",
u'\u0001' : u"", ## START OF HEADING
u'\u0002' : u"",
u'\u0003' : u"",
u'\u0004' : u"", ## END OF TRANSMISSION
## ENQ and ACK
u'\u0005' : u"",
u'\u0006' : u"",
u'\u0007' : u"", # BELL
u'\u0008' : u"", # BACKSPACE
u'\u000E' : u"",
u'\u000F' : u"",
## Other controls:
u'\u0010' : u"", ## DATA LINK ESCAPE
u'\u0011' : u"", ## DEVICE CONTROL ONE
u'\u0012' : u"", ## DEVICE CONTROL TWO
u'\u0013' : u"", ## DEVICE CONTROL THREE
u'\u0014' : u"", ## DEVICE CONTROL FOUR
u'\u0015' : u"", ## NEGATIVE ACK
u'\u0016' : u"", ## SYNCRONOUS IDLE
u'\u0017' : u"", ## END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK
u'\u0018' : u"", ## CANCEL
u'\u0019' : u"", ## END OF MEDIUM
u'\u001A' : u"", ## SUBSTITUTE
u'\u001B' : u"", ## ESCAPE
u'\u001C' : u"", ## INFORMATION SEPARATOR FOUR (file separator)
u'\u001D' : u"", ## INFORMATION SEPARATOR THREE (group separator)
u'\u001E' : u"", ## INFORMATION SEPARATOR TWO (record separator)
u'\u001F' : u"", ## INFORMATION SEPARATOR ONE (unit separator)
## \r -> remove it
u'\r' : u"",
## Strange parantheses - change for normal:
u'\x1c' : u'(',
u'\x1d' : u')',
## Some ff from tex:
u'\u0013\u0010' : u'\u00ED',
u'\x0b' : u'ff',
## fi from tex:
u'\x0c' : u'fi',
## ligatures from TeX:
u'\ufb00' : u'ff',
u'\ufb01' : u'fi',
u'\ufb02' : u'fl',
u'\ufb03' : u'ffi',
u'\ufb04' : u'ffl',
## Superscripts from TeX
u'\u2212' : u'-',
u'\u2013' : u'-',
## Word style speech marks:
u'\u201d' : u'"',
u'\u201c' : u'"',
## pdftotext has problems with umlaut and prints it as diaeresis
## followed by a letter:correct it
## (Optional space between char and letter - fixes broken
## line examples)
u'\u00A8 a' : u'\u00E4',
u'\u00A8 e' : u'\u00EB',
u'\u00A8 i' : u'\u00EF',
u'\u00A8 o' : u'\u00F6',
u'\u00A8 u' : u'\u00FC',
u'\u00A8 y' : u'\u00FF',
u'\u00A8 A' : u'\u00C4',
u'\u00A8 E' : u'\u00CB',
u'\u00A8 I' : u'\u00CF',
u'\u00A8 O' : u'\u00D6',
u'\u00A8 U' : u'\u00DC',
u'\u00A8 Y' : u'\u0178',
u'\xA8a' : u'\u00E4',
u'\xA8e' : u'\u00EB',
u'\xA8i' : u'\u00EF',
u'\xA8o' : u'\u00F6',
u'\xA8u' : u'\u00FC',
u'\xA8y' : u'\u00FF',
u'\xA8A' : u'\u00C4',
u'\xA8E' : u'\u00CB',
u'\xA8I' : u'\u00CF',
u'\xA8O' : u'\u00D6',
u'\xA8U' : u'\u00DC',
u'\xA8Y' : u'\u0178',
## More umlaut mess to correct:
u'\x7fa' : u'\u00E4',
u'\x7fe' : u'\u00EB',
u'\x7fi' : u'\u00EF',
u'\x7fo' : u'\u00F6',
u'\x7fu' : u'\u00FC',
u'\x7fy' : u'\u00FF',
u'\x7fA' : u'\u00C4',
u'\x7fE' : u'\u00CB',
u'\x7fI' : u'\u00CF',
u'\x7fO' : u'\u00D6',
u'\x7fU' : u'\u00DC',
u'\x7fY' : u'\u0178',
u'\x7f a' : u'\u00E4',
u'\x7f e' : u'\u00EB',
u'\x7f i' : u'\u00EF',
u'\x7f o' : u'\u00F6',
u'\x7f u' : u'\u00FC',
u'\x7f y' : u'\u00FF',
u'\x7f A' : u'\u00C4',
u'\x7f E' : u'\u00CB',
u'\x7f I' : u'\u00CF',
u'\x7f O' : u'\u00D6',
u'\x7f U' : u'\u00DC',
u'\x7f Y' : u'\u0178',
## pdftotext: fix accute accent:
u'\x13a' : u'\u00E1',
u'\x13e' : u'\u00E9',
u'\x13i' : u'\u00ED',
u'\x13o' : u'\u00F3',
u'\x13u' : u'\u00FA',
u'\x13y' : u'\u00FD',
u'\x13A' : u'\u00C1',
u'\x13E' : u'\u00C9',
u'\x13I' : u'\u00CD',
u'\x13ı' : u'\u00ED', ## Lower case turkish 'i' (dotless i)
u'\x13O' : u'\u00D3',
u'\x13U' : u'\u00DA',
u'\x13Y' : u'\u00DD',
u'\x13 a' : u'\u00E1',
u'\x13 e' : u'\u00E9',
u'\x13 i' : u'\u00ED',
u'\x13 o' : u'\u00F3',
u'\x13 u' : u'\u00FA',
u'\x13 y' : u'\u00FD',
u'\x13 A' : u'\u00C1',
u'\x13 E' : u'\u00C9',
u'\x13 I' : u'\u00CD',
u'\x13 ı' : u'\u00ED',
u'\x13 O' : u'\u00D3',
u'\x13 U' : u'\u00DA',
u'\x13 Y' : u'\u00DD',
u'\u00B4 a' : u'\u00E1',
u'\u00B4 e' : u'\u00E9',
u'\u00B4 i' : u'\u00ED',
u'\u00B4 o' : u'\u00F3',
u'\u00B4 u' : u'\u00FA',
u'\u00B4 y' : u'\u00FD',
u'\u00B4 A' : u'\u00C1',
u'\u00B4 E' : u'\u00C9',
u'\u00B4 I' : u'\u00CD',
u'\u00B4 ı' : u'\u00ED',
u'\u00B4 O' : u'\u00D3',
u'\u00B4 U' : u'\u00DA',
u'\u00B4 Y' : u'\u00DD',
u'\u00B4a' : u'\u00E1',
u'\u00B4e' : u'\u00E9',
u'\u00B4i' : u'\u00ED',
u'\u00B4o' : u'\u00F3',
u'\u00B4u' : u'\u00FA',
u'\u00B4y' : u'\u00FD',
u'\u00B4A' : u'\u00C1',
u'\u00B4E' : u'\u00C9',
u'\u00B4I' : u'\u00CD',
u'\u00B4ı' : u'\u00ED',
u'\u00B4O' : u'\u00D3',
u'\u00B4U' : u'\u00DA',
u'\u00B4Y' : u'\u00DD',
## pdftotext: fix grave accent:
u'\u0060 a' : u'\u00E0',
u'\u0060 e' : u'\u00E8',
u'\u0060 i' : u'\u00EC',
u'\u0060 o' : u'\u00F2',
u'\u0060 u' : u'\u00F9',
u'\u0060 A' : u'\u00C0',
u'\u0060 E' : u'\u00C8',
u'\u0060 I' : u'\u00CC',
u'\u0060 O' : u'\u00D2',
u'\u0060 U' : u'\u00D9',
u'\u0060a' : u'\u00E0',
u'\u0060e' : u'\u00E8',
u'\u0060i' : u'\u00EC',
u'\u0060o' : u'\u00F2',
u'\u0060u' : u'\u00F9',
u'\u0060A' : u'\u00C0',
u'\u0060E' : u'\u00C8',
u'\u0060I' : u'\u00CC',
u'\u0060O' : u'\u00D2',
u'\u0060U' : u'\u00D9',
## \02C7 : caron
u'\u02C7C' : u'\u010C',
u'\u02C7c' : u'\u010D',
u'\u02C7S' : u'\u0160',
u'\u02C7s' : u'\u0161',
u'\u02C7Z' : u'\u017D',
u'\u02C7z' : u'\u017E',
## \027 : aa (a with ring above)
u'\u02DAa' : u'\u00E5',
u'\u02DAA' : u'\u00C5',
## \030 : cedilla
u'\u0327c' : u'\u00E7',
u'\u0327C' : u'\u00C7',
## \02DC : tilde
u'\u02DCn' : u'\u00F1',
u'\u02DCN' : u'\u00D1',
u'\u02DCo' : u'\u00F5',
u'\u02DCO' : u'\u00D5',
u'\u02DCa' : u'\u00E3',
u'\u02DCA' : u'\u00C3',
u'\u02DCs' : u'\u0303s', ## Combining tilde with 's'
return replacements
## precompile some often-used regexp for speed reasons:
re_regexp_character_class = re.compile(r'\[[^\]]+\]', re.UNICODE)
re_space_comma = re.compile(r'\s,', re.UNICODE)
re_space_semicolon = re.compile(r'\s;', re.UNICODE)
re_space_period = re.compile(r'\s\.', re.UNICODE)
re_colon_space_colon = re.compile(r':\s:', re.UNICODE)
re_comma_space_colon = re.compile(r',\s:', re.UNICODE)
re_space_closing_square_bracket = re.compile(r'\s\]', re.UNICODE)
re_opening_square_bracket_space = re.compile(r'\[\s', re.UNICODE)
re_hyphens = re.compile(\
r'(\\255|\u02D7|\u0335|\u0336|\u2212|\u002D|\uFE63|\uFF0D)', re.UNICODE)
re_multiple_hyphens = re.compile(r'-{2,}', re.UNICODE)
re_multiple_space = re.compile(r'\s{2,}', re.UNICODE)
re_group_captured_multiple_space = re.compile(r'(\s{2,})', re.UNICODE)
re_colon_not_followed_by_numeration_tag = \
re.compile(r':(?!\s*<cds)', re.UNICODE|re.I)
## In certain papers, " bf " appears just before the volume of a
## cited item. It is believed that this is a mistyped TeX command for
## making the volume "bold" in the paper.
## The line may look something like this after numeration has been recognised:
## M. Bauer, B. Stech, M. Wirbel, Z. Phys. bf C : <cds.VOL>34</cds.VOL>
## <cds.YR>(1987)</cds.YR> <cds.PG>103</cds.PG>
## The " bf " stops the title from being correctly linked with its series
## and/or numeration and thus breaks the citation.
## The pattern below is used to identify this situation and remove the
## " bf" component:
re_identify_bf_before_vol = \
re.compile(r' bf ((\w )?: \<cds\.VOL\>)', \
## Patterns used for creating institutional preprint report-number
## recognition patterns (used by function "institute_num_pattern_to_regex"):
## Recognise any character that isn't a->z, A->Z, 0->9, /, [, ], ' ', '"':
re_report_num_chars_to_escape = \
re.compile(r'([^\]A-Za-z0-9\/\[ "])', re.UNICODE)
## Replace "hello" with hello:
re_extract_quoted_text = (re.compile(r'\"([^"]+)\"', re.UNICODE), r'\g<1>',)
## Replace / [abcd ]/ with /( [abcd])?/ :
re_extract_char_class = (re.compile(r' \[([^\]]+) \]', re.UNICODE), \
r'( [\g<1>])?')
## URL recognition:
## Stand-alone URL (e.g. )
re_raw_url = \
re.compile(r'((https?|s?ftp):\/\/([\w\d\_\.\-])+(:\d{1,5})?(\/\~([\w\d\_\.\-])+)?(\/([\w\d\_\.\-\?\=])+)*(\/([\w\d\_\-]+\.\w{1,6})?)?)', \
## HTML marked-up URL (e.g. <a href="">
## CERN Document Server Software Consortium</a> )
re_html_tagged_url = \
re.compile(r'(\<a\s+href\s*=\s*([\'"])?(((https?|s?ftp):\/\/)?([\w\d\_\.\-])+(:\d{1,5})?(\/\~([\w\d\_\.\-])+)?(\/([\w\d\_\.\-\?\=])+)*(\/([\w\d\_\-]+\.\w{1,6})?)?)([\'"])?\>([^\<]+)\<\/a\>)', \
## Numeration recognition pattern - used to identify numeration
## associated with a title when marking the title up into MARC XML:
## UPDATED: volume numbers can be two numbers with a hyphen in between!
re_recognised_numeration_for_title_plus_series = \
re.compile(r'^(\s*\.?,?\s*(?P<series>(?:[A-H]|I{1,3}V?|VI{0,3}))?\s*:?\s\<cds\.VOL\>(?P<vol>(?:\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+)))\<\/cds\.VOL> \<cds\.YR\>\((?P<yr>(?:[1-2]\d\d\d))\)\<\/cds\.YR\> \<cds\.PG\>(?P<pg>(?:[RL]?\d+[c]?))\<\/cds\.PG\>)', re.UNICODE)
## Another numeration pattern. This one is designed to match marked-up
## numeration that is essentially an IBID, but without the word "IBID". E.g.:
## <cds.TITLE>J. Phys. A</cds.TITLE> : <cds.VOL>31</cds.VOL>
## <cds.YR>(1998)</cds.YR> <cds.PG>2391</cds.PG>; : <cds.VOL>32</cds.VOL>
## <cds.YR>(1999)</cds.YR> <cds.PG>6119</cds.PG>.
re_numeration_no_ibid_txt = \
^((\s*;\s*|\s+and\s+)(?P<series>(?:[A-H]|I{1,3}V?|VI{0,3}))?\s*:?\s ## Leading ; : or " and :", and a possible series letter
\<cds\.VOL\>(?P<vol>\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\<\/cds\.VOL>\s ## Volume
\<cds\.YR\>\((?P<yr>[12]\d{3})\)\<\/cds\.YR\>\s ## year
\<cds\.PG\>(?P<pg>[RL]?\d+[c]?)\<\/cds\.PG\>) ## page
re_title_followed_by_series_markup_tags = \
re.compile(r'(\<cds.TITLE(?P<ibid>ibid)?\>([^\<]+)\<\/cds.TITLE(?:ibid)?\>\s*.?\s*\<cds\.SER\>([A-H]|(I{1,3}V?|VI{0,3}))\<\/cds\.SER\>)', re.UNICODE)
re_title_followed_by_implied_series = \
re.compile(r'(\<cds.TITLE(?P<ibid>ibid)?\>([^\<]+)\<\/cds.TITLE(?:ibid)?\>\s*.?\s*([A-H]|(I{1,3}V?|VI{0,3}))\s+:)', re.UNICODE)
re_punctuation = re.compile(r'[\.\,\;\'\(\)\-]', re.UNICODE)
## The following pattern is used to recognise "citation items" that have been
## identified in the line, when building a MARC XML representation of the line:
re_tagged_citation = re.compile(r"""
\<cds\. ## open tag: <cds.
((?:TITLE(?P<ibid>ibid)?) ## a TITLE tag
|VOL ## or a VOL tag
|YR ## or a YR tag
|PG ## or a PG tag
|SER ## or a SER tag
|URL ## or a URL tag
|DOI ## or a DOI tag
|AUTH(stnd|etal|incl)) ## or an AUTH tag
(\s\/)? ## optional /
\> ## closing of tag (>)
""", \
re_tagged_author_aff_line = re.compile(r"""
\<cds\. ## open tag: <cds.
((AUTHstnd) ## an Author tag
|(AFF)) ## or an Affiliation tag
(\s\/)? ## optional /
\> ## closing of tag (>)
""", \
## is there pre-recognised numeration-tagging within a
## few characters of the start if this part of the line?
re_tagged_numeration_near_line_start = \
re.compile(r'^.{0,4}?<CDS (VOL|SER)>', re.UNICODE)
re_ibid = \
re.compile(r'(-|\b)?((?:(?:IBID(?!EM))|(?:IBIDEM))\.?(\s([A-H]|(I{1,3}V?|VI{0,3})|[1-3]))?)\s?:', \
re_matched_ibid = re.compile(r'(?:(?:IBID(?!EM))|(?:IBIDEM))(?:[\.,]{0,2}\s*|\s+)([A-H]|(I{1,3}V?|VI{0,3})|[1-3])?', \
re_series_from_numeration = re.compile(r'^\.?,?\s+([A-H]|(I{1,3}V?|VI{0,3}))\s+:\s+', \
## Obtain the series character from the standardised title text
## Only used when no series letter is obtained from numeration matching
re_series_from_title = re.compile(r"""
(?(open_bracket)\s*\))$ ## Only match the ending bracket if the opening bracket was found""", \
## After having processed a line for titles, it may be possible to find more
## numeration with the aid of the recognised titles. The following 2 patterns
## are used for this:
re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn1 = (re.compile(r"""
\(?([12]\d{3})([A-Za-z]?)\)?,?\s* ## Year
(<cds\.TITLE>(\.|[^<])*<\/cds\.TITLE>) ## Recognised, tagged title
(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+)) ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
\-? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode('\\g<3> : <cds.VOL>\\g<6></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<1>)</cds.YR> ' \
re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn2 = (re.compile(r"""
\(?([12]\d{3})([A-Za-z]?)\)?,?\s* ## Year
(<cds\.TITLE>(\.|[^<])*<\/cds\.TITLE>) ## Recognised, tagged title
(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+)) ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
\s?([A-H])\s? ## Series
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
\-? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode('\\g<3> <cds.SER>\\g<7></cds.SER> : ' \
'<cds.VOL>\\g<6></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<1>)</cds.YR> ' \
## precompile some regexps used to search for and standardize
## numeration patterns in a line for the first time:
## Delete the colon and expressions such as Serie, vol, V. inside the pattern
## <serie : volume> E.g. Replace the string """Series A, Vol 4""" with """A 4"""
re_strip_series_and_volume_labels = (re.compile(r'(Serie\s|\bS\.?\s)?([A-H])\s?[:,]\s?(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(\d+)', re.UNICODE),
unicode('\\g<2> \\g<4>'))
## This pattern is not compiled, but rather included in
## the other numeration paterns:
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle = \
## the 4 main numeration patterns:
## Pattern 0 (was pattern 3): <x, vol, page, year>
re_numeration_vol_nucphys_page_yr = (re.compile(r"""
(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(?<!(?:\/|\d))(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\s? ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
""" + \
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle + \
r"""[,;:\s]?[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]?,?\s? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
\(?(1\d\d\d|20\d\d)\)? ## Year
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' : <cds.VOL>\\g<2></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<4>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<3></cds.PG> '))
re_numeration_nucphys_vol_page_yr = (re.compile(r"""
""" + \
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle + \
([Vv]o?l?\.?|[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(?<!(?:\/|\d))(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\s? ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]?,?\s? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
\(?(1\d\d\d|20\d\d)\)? ## Year
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' : <cds.VOL>\\g<2></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<4>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<3></cds.PG> '))
## Pattern 1: <x, vol, year, page>
## <v, [FS]?, y, p>
re_numeration_vol_nucphys_yr_page = (re.compile(r"""
(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(?<!(?:\/|\d))(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\s? ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
""" + \
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle + \
\((1\d\d\d|20\d\d)\),?\s? ## Year
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' : <cds.VOL>\\g<2></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<3>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<4></cds.PG> '))
## <[FS]?, v, y, p>
re_numeration_nucphys_vol_yr_page = (re.compile(r"""
""" + \
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle + \
([Vv]o?l?\.?|[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(?<!(?:\/|\d))(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\s? ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
\((1\d\d\d|20\d\d)\),?\s? ## Year
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' : <cds.VOL>\\g<2></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<3>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<4></cds.PG> '))
## Pattern 2: <vol, serie, year, page>
## <v, s, [FS]?, y, p>
re_numeration_vol_series_nucphys_yr_page = (re.compile(r"""
(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(?<!(?:\/|\d))(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\s? ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
([A-H])\s? ## The series
""" + \
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle + \
r"""[,;:\s]?\((1\d\d\d|2-\d\d)\),?\s? ## Year
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' \\g<3> : ' \
'<cds.VOL>\\g<2></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<4>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<5></cds.PG> '))
## <v, [FS]?, s, y, p
re_numeration_vol_nucphys_series_yr_page = (re.compile(r"""
(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(?<!(?:\/|\d))(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\s? ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
""" + \
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle + \
r"""[,;:\s]?([A-H])\s? ## The series
\((1\d\d\d|20\d\d)\),?\s? ## Year
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' \\g<3> : ' \
'<cds.VOL>\\g<2></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<4>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<5></cds.PG> '))
## Pattern 4: <vol, serie, page, year>
## <v, s, [FS]?, p, y>
re_numeration_vol_series_nucphys_page_yr = (re.compile(r"""
(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(?<!(?:\/|\d))(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\s? ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
([A-H])[,:\s]\s? ## The series
""" + \
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle + \
r"""[,;:\s]?[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]?, ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
?\s?\(?(1\d\d\d|20\d\d)\)? ## Year
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' \\g<3> : ' \
'<cds.VOL>\\g<2></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<5>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<4></cds.PG> '))
## <v, [FS]?, s, p, y>
re_numeration_vol_nucphys_series_page_yr = (re.compile(r"""
(\b[Vv]o?l?\.?|\b[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(?<!(?:\/|\d))(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))\s? ## The volume (optional "vol"/"no")
""" + \
_sre_non_compiled_pattern_nucphysb_subtitle + \
r"""[,;:\s]?([A-H])[,:\s]\s? ## The series
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
,?\s?\(?(1\d\d\d|20\d\d)\)? ## Year
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' \\g<3> : ' \
'<cds.VOL>\\g<2></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<5>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<4></cds.PG> '))
## Pattern 5: <year, vol, page>
re_numeration_yr_vol_page = (re.compile(r"""
(\b|\()(1\d\d\d|20\d\d)\)?(,\s?|\s) ## The year (optional brackets)
([Vv]o?l?\.?|[Nn]o\.?)?\s?(\d+|(?:\d+\-\d+))[,:\s]\s? ## The Volume (optional 'vol.' word
[pP]?[p]?\.?\s? ## Starting page num: optional Pp.
([RL]?\d+[c]?) ## 1st part of pagenum(optional R/L)
(?:\-|\255)? ## optional separatr between pagenums
[RL]?\d{0,6}[c]? ## optional 2nd component of pagenum
## preceeded by optional R/L,followed
## by optional c
""", re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE), \
unicode(' : <cds.VOL>\\g<5></cds.VOL> ' \
'<cds.YR>(\\g<2>)</cds.YR> ' \
'<cds.PG>\\g<6></cds.PG> '))
## Pattern used to locate references of a doi inside a citation
## This pattern matches both url (http) and 'doi:' or 'DOI' formats
re_doi = (re.compile("""
((\(?[Dd][Oo][Ii](\s)*\)?:?(\s)*) #'doi:' or 'doi' or '(doi)' (upper or lower case)
|(https?:\/\/dx\.doi\.org\/))? #or '' (neither has to be present)
(10\. #10. (mandatory for DOI's)
\d{4} #[0-9] x4
\/ #/
[\w\-_;\(\)\/\.]+ #any character
[\w\-_;\(\)\/]) #any character excluding a full stop
""", re.VERBOSE))
def get_author_affiliation_numeration_str(punct=None):
"""The numeration which can be applied to author names. Numeration
is sometimes found next to authors of papers.
@return: (string), which can be compiled into a regex; identifies
numeration next to an author name.
##FIXME cater for start or end numeration (ie two puncs)
## Number to look for, either general or specific
re_number = '(?:\d\d?)'
re_chained_numbers = "(?:(?:[,;]\s*%s\.?\s*))*" % re_number
## Punctuation surrounding the number, either general or specific again
if punct is None:
re_punct = "(?:[\{\(\[]?)"
re_punct = re.escape(punct)
## Generic number finder (MUST NOT INCLUDE NAMED GROUPS!!!)
numeration_str = """
(?:\s*(%(punct)s)\s* ## Left numeration punctuation
(%(num)s\s* ## Core numeration item, either specific or generic
%(num_chain)s ## Extra numeration, either generic or empty
(?:(%(punct)s)) ## Right numeration punctuation
)""" % {'num' : re_number,
'num_chain' : re_chained_numbers,
'punct' : re_punct}
return numeration_str
def get_single_and_extra_author_pattern():
"""Generates a simple, one-hit-only, author name pattern, matching just one author
name, but ALSO INCLUDING author names generated from the knowledge base. The author
patterns are the same ones used inside the main 'author group' pattern generator.
This function is used not for reference extraction, but for author extraction.
@return: (string) the union of the built-in author pattern, with the kb defined
return get_single_author_pattern()+"|"+make_extra_author_regex_str()
def get_single_author_pattern():
"""Generates a simple, one-hit-only, author name pattern, matching just one author
name in either of the 'S I' or 'I S' formats. The author patterns are the same
ones used inside the main 'author group' pattern generator. This function is used
not for reference extraction, but for author extraction. Numeration is appended
to author patterns by default.
@return (string): Just the author name pattern designed to identify single author names
in both SI and IS formats. (NO 'et al', editors, 'and'... matching)
@return: (string) the union of 'initial surname' and 'surname initial'
return "(?:"+get_initial_surname_author_pattern(incl_numeration=True)+"|"+\
def get_initial_surname_author_pattern(incl_numeration=False):
"""Return a standard author, with a maximum of 6 initials, and a surname.
The author pattern returned will match 'Initials Surname' formats only.
The Initials MUST be uppercase, and MUST have at least a dot, hypen or apostrophe between them.
@param incl_numeration: (boolean) Return an author pattern with optional numeration after authors.
@return (string): The 'Initials Surname' author pattern."""
append_num_re = ""
## Possible inclusion of superscript numeration at the end of author names
## Will match the empty string
if incl_numeration:
append_num_re = get_author_affiliation_numeration_str()+'?'
return u"""
(?<![Vv]olume\s)(?:[A-Z]((\.)|(\’)|(\-[A-Z]?[\s\.\,\’])) ## Initials (1-6) (EACH MUST PRECEED A DOT, APOS. or HYPHEN) (cannot follow 'Volume\s')
(?:[A-Za-z]\w{1,2}(?:(?:[\-’'`´]\s?)|(?:\s))){0,2} ## The surname prefix: 1 or 2, 2-3 character prefixes before the surname (e.g. 'van','de')
[A-Z]\w+[\-’'`´]?\w* ## The surname, which must start with an upper case character (single hyphen allowed)
%(numeration)s ## A possible number to appear after an author name, used for author extraction
(?:(?:[,\.\;]\s*)|([,\.]?\s+)|($)) ## A comma, dot or space between authors (or an end of line marker)
)""" % {'numeration' : append_num_re}
def get_surname_initial_author_pattern(incl_numeration=False):
"""The author name of the form: 'surname initial(s)'
This is sometimes the represention of the first author found inside an author group.
This author pattern is only used to find a maximum of ONE author inside an author group.
Authors of this form MUST have either a comma after the initials, or an 'and',
which denotes the presence of other authors in the author group.
@param incl_numeration: (boolean) Return an author pattern with optional numeration after authors.
@return (string): The 'Surname Initials' author pattern."""
append_num_re = ""
## Possible inclusion of superscript numeration at the end of author names
if incl_numeration:
append_num_re = get_author_affiliation_numeration_str()+'?'
return u"""
## The optional surname prefix:
## 1 or 2, 2-3 character prefixes before the surname (e.g. 'van','de')
[A-Z]\w+[\-’'`´]?\w* ## The surname, which must start with an upper case character (single hyphen allowed)
(?:(?:\.?\s)|(?:\.\s?)) ## The space between the surname and its initials
(?<!Volume\s)(?:[A-Z](?:(\.)|(\’)|(\-[A-Z]?[\s\.\,\’])) ## Initials (1-6) (EACH MUST PRECEED A DOT, APOS. or HYPHEN) (cannot follow 'Volume\s')
%(numeration)s ## A possible number to appear after an author name, used for author extraction
## Either a comma or an 'and' MUST be present ... OR an end of line marker
## (maybe some space's between authors)
## Uses positive lookahead assertion
)""" % {'numeration' : append_num_re}
def make_auth_regex_str(etal, initial_surname_author=None, surname_initial_author=None):
Returns a regular expression to be used to identify groups of author names in a citation.
This method contains patterns for default authors, so no arguments are needed for the
most reliable form of matching.
The returned author pattern is capable of:
1. Identifying single authors, with at least one initial, of the form:
'Initial. [surname prefix...] Surname'
2. Identifying multiple authors, each with at least one initial, of the form:
'Initial. [surname prefix...] Surname, [and] [Initial. [surname prefix...] Surname ... ]'
***(Note that a full stop, hyphen or apostrophe after each initial is
absolutely vital in identifying authors for both of these above methods.
Initials must also be uppercase.)***
3. Capture 'et al' statements at the end of author groups (allows for authors with et al
to be processed differently from 'standard' authors)
4. Identifying a single author surname name positioned before the phrase 'et al',
with no initials: 'Surname et al'
5. Identifying two author surname name positioned before the phrase 'et al',
with no initials, but separated by 'and' or '&': 'Surname [and|&] Surname et al'
6. Identifying authors of the form:
'Surname Initials, Initials Surname [Initials Surname]...'. Some authors choose
to represent the most important cited author (in a list of authors) by listing first
their surname, and then their initials. Since this form has little distinguishing
characteristics which could be used to create a reliable a pattern, at least one
standard author must be present after it in order to improve the accuracy.
7. Capture editor notation, of which can take many forms e.g.
'eds. editors. edited by. etc.'. Authors captured in this way can be treated as
'editor groups', and hence processed differently if needed from standard authors
@param etal: (string) The regular expression used to identify 'etal' notation
@param author: (string) An optional argument, which replaces the default author
regex used to identify author groups (initials, surnames... etc)
@return: (string) The full author group identification regex, which will:
- detect groups of authors in a range of formats, e.g.:
C. Hayward, V van Edwards, M. J. Woodbridge, and L. Kelloggs et al.,
- detect whether the author group has been marked up as editors of the doc.
(therefore they will NOT be marked up as authors) e.g.:
ed. C Hayward | (ed) V van Edwards | ed by, M. J. Woodbridge and V van Edwards
| L. Kelloggs (editors) | M. Jackson (eds.) | ...
-detect a maximum of two surnames only if the surname(s) is followed by 'et al'
(must be separated by 'and' if there are two), e.g.:
Amaldi et al., | Hayward and Yellow et al.,
if not initial_surname_author:
initial_surname_author = get_initial_surname_author_pattern()
if not surname_initial_author:
surname_initial_author = get_surname_initial_author_pattern()
## Pattern used to locate a GROUP of author names in a reference
## The format of an author can take many forms:
## J. Bloggs, W.-H. Smith, D. De Samuel, G.L. Bayetian, C. Hayward et al.,
## (the use of 'et. al' is a giveaway that the preceeding
## text was indeed an author name)
## This will also match authors which seem to be labeled as editors (with the phrase 'ed.')
## In which case, the author will be thrown away later on.
## The regex returned has around 100 named groups already (max), so any new groups must be
## started using '?:'
return r"""
(^|\s+|\() ## Must be the start of the line, or a space (or an opening bracket in very few cases)
(?P<es> ## Look for editor notation before the author
((([Ee][Dd]s?|[Ee]dited|[Ee]ditors?)((\.\s?)|(\.?\s))) ## 'eds?. ' | 'ed ' | 'ed.'
|(([Ee][Dd]s?|[Ee]dited|[Ee]ditions?)((\.\s?)|(\.?\s))by(\s|([:,]\s))) ## 'eds?. by, ' | 'ed. by: ' | 'ed by ' | 'ed. by '| 'ed by: '
|(\(\s?([Ee][Dd]s?|[Ee]dited|[Ee]ditors?)((\.\s?)|(\.?\s))?\))) ## '( eds?. )' | '(ed.)' | '(ed )' | '( ed )' | '(ed)'
## **** (1) , one or two surnames which MUST end with 'et al' (e.g. Amaldi et al.,)
(?:(?:[Aa][Nn][Dd]|\&)\s+) ## Maybe 'and' or '&' tied with another name
%(etal)s\s* ## et al, MUST BE PRESENT however, for this author form
## **** (2) , The standard author form.. (e.g. J. Bloggs)
## This author form can either start with a normal 'initial surname' author,
## or it can begin with a single 'surname initial' author
(?:(?P<sur_initial_auth>%(s_i_author)s)|(?:%(i_s_author)s)) ## The first author in the 'author group'
(?(sur_initial_auth) ## If an author of the form 'surname initial(s)' was found, require
(?:(?:[Aa][Nn][Dd]|\&)\s+)? ## that at least one standard author follows it.
(?:%(i_s_author)s)* ## Then 0 or more standard author names
(?:(?:[Aa][Nn][Dd]|\&)\s+) ## Maybe 'and' or '&' tied with another name
## 'et al' need not be present for either of 'initial surname' or 'surname initial'
## authors
)# End of all author name patterns
(?P<ee> ## Look for editor notation after the author group...
((([Ee][Dd]s?|[Ee]dited|[Ee]ditors?)(([\.\,]{0,2}\s)|([\.\,]{1,2}((\s)|($))?))) ## 'eds?.' | 'ed. ' | 'ed '
|(\(([Ee][Dd]s?|[Ee]dited|[Ee]ditors?)([\.\,]{1,2}((\s)|($))?)?\))) ## '(eds?.)' | '(ed. )' | '(ed)'
\)? ## A possible closing bracket to finish the author group
""" % { 'etal' : etal,
'i_s_author' : initial_surname_author,
's_i_author' : surname_initial_author }
## Finding an et. al, before author names indicates a bad match!!!
## I.e. could be a title match... ignore it
etal_matches = (' et al.,',' et. al.,',' et. al.',',',' et al.',' et al')
## Standard et al ('and others') pattern for author recognition
re_etal = u"""[Ee][Tt](?:(?:(?:,|\.)\s*)|(?:(?:,|\.)?\s+))[Aa][Ll][,\.]?[,\.]?"""
## The pattern used to identify authors inside references
re_auth = (re.compile(make_auth_regex_str(re_etal), re.VERBOSE|re.UNICODE))
## Used as a weak mechanism to classify possible authors above identified affiliations
## (start) Firstname SurnamePrefix Surname (end)
re_ambig_auth = re.compile(u"^\s*[A-Z][^\s_<>0-9]+\s+([^\s_<>0-9]{1,3}\.?\s+)?[A-Z][^\s_<>0-9]+\s*$", \
## Obtain the compiled expression which includes the proper author numeration
## (The pattern used to identify authors of papers)
## This pattern will match groups of authors, from the start of the line
re_auth_with_number = (re.compile(make_auth_regex_str(re_etal, \
get_initial_surname_author_pattern(incl_numeration=True), \
get_surname_initial_author_pattern(incl_numeration=True)), \
## Used to obtain authors chained by connectives across multiple lines
re_comma_or_and_at_start = re.compile("^(,|((,\s*)?[Aa][Nn][Dd]|&))\s", re.UNICODE)
## Given an Auth hit, some misc text, and then another Auth hit straight after,
## (OR a bad_and was found)
## check the entire misc text to see if is 'looks' like an author group, which didn't match
## as a normal author. In which case, append it to the single author group.
## PLEASE use this pattern only against space stripped text.
## IF a bad_and was found (from above).. do using this pattern
## ELIF an auth-misc-auth combo was hit, do re.match using this pattern
re_weaker_author = """
(?:([A-Z]((\.\s?)|(\.?\s+)|(\-))){1,5} ## look closely for initials, and less closely at the last name.
## End of line MUST match, since the next string is definitely a portion of an author group (append '$')
re_auth_near_miss = (re.compile(make_auth_regex_str(re_etal,"("+re_weaker_author+")+$"),re.VERBOSE|re.UNICODE))
def make_extra_author_regex_str():
""" From the authors knowledge-base, construct a single regex holding the or'd possibilities of patterns
which should be included in $h subfields. The word 'Collaboration' is also converted to 'Coll', and
used in finding matches. Letter case is not considered during the search.
@return: (string) The single pattern built from each line in the author knowledge base.
def add_to_auth_list(s):
""" Strip the line, replace spaces with '\s' and append 'the' to the start
and 's' to the end. Add the prepared line to the list of extra kb authors."""
s = "(?:the\s)?" + s.strip().replace(' ','\s') + "s?"
## Build the 'or'd regular expression of the author lines in the author knowledge base
auths = []
fh = open(fpath, "r")
except IOError:
## problem opening KB for reading, or problem while reading from it:
emsg = """Error: Could not build knowledge base containing """ \
"""author patterns - failed """ \
"""to read from KB %(kb)s.\n""" \
% { 'kb' : fpath }
write_message(emsg, sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=IOError, msg="Error: Unable to open author kb '%s'" % fpath, exit_code=1)
for line_num, rawline in enumerate(fh):
rawline = rawline.decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeError:
write_message("*** Unicode problems in %s for line %s\n" \
% (fpath, str(line_num)), sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=UnicodeError, \
msg="Error: Unable to parse author kb (line: %s)" % str(line_num), exit_code=1)
if (len(rawline.strip()) > 0) and (rawline.strip()[0] != '#'):
## Shorten collaboration to 'coll'
if rawline.lower().endswith('collaboration\n'):
coll_version = rawline[:rawline.lower().find('collaboration\n')]+"coll[\.\,]"
add_to_auth_list(coll_version.strip().replace(' ','\s')+"s?")
author_match_re = ""
if len(auths) > 0:
for a in auths:
author_match_re = author_match_re + "(?:"+a+")|"
author_match_re = "(?:(?:[\(\"]?(?P<extra_auth>"+author_match_re[:-1] + ")[\)\"]?[\,\.]?\s?(?:and\s)?)+)"
return author_match_re
## Finding an et. al, before author names indicates a bad match!!!
## I.e. could be a title match... ignore it
etal_matches = (' et al.,',' et. al.,',' et. al.',',',' et al.',' et al')
## Standard et al ('and others') pattern for author recognition
re_etal = u"""[Ee][Tt](?:(?:(?:,|\.)\s*)|(?:(?:,|\.)?\s+))[Aa][Ll][,\.]?[,\.]?"""
## The pattern used to identify authors inside references
re_auth = (re.compile(make_auth_regex_str(re_etal),re.VERBOSE|re.UNICODE))
## Given an Auth hit, some misc text, and then another Auth hit straight after,
## (OR a bad_and was found)
## check the entire misc text to see if is 'looks' like an author group, which didn't match
## as a normal author. In which case, append it to the single author group.
## PLEASE use this pattern only against space stripped text.
## IF a bad_and was found (from above).. do using this pattern
## ELIF an auth-misc-auth combo was hit, do re.match using this pattern
re_weaker_author = """
(?:([A-Z]((\.\s?)|(\.?\s+)|(\-))){1,5} ## look closely for initials, and less closely at the last name.
## End of line MUST match, since the next string is definitely a portion of an author group (append '$')
re_auth_near_miss = (re.compile(make_auth_regex_str(re_etal,"("+re_weaker_author+")+$"),re.VERBOSE|re.UNICODE))
## Targets single author names
re_single_author_pattern = re.compile(get_single_and_extra_author_pattern(), re.VERBOSE)
## Create the regular expression used to find user-specified 'extra' authors
## (letter case is not concidered when matching)
re_extra_auth = re.compile(make_extra_author_regex_str(), re.IGNORECASE)
## The different forms of arXiv notation
re_arxiv_notation = re.compile("""
""", re.VERBOSE)
## Targets single author names
re_single_author_pattern_with_numeration = re.compile(get_single_and_extra_author_pattern(), re.VERBOSE)
re_author_tag = \
re.compile(r"^\s*((prepared|(?P<editor>edited)|written)\sby|authors?)\s*[,:;]?", \
# et. al. before J. /// means J is a journal
## a list of patterns used to try to repair broken URLs within reference lines:
re_list_url_repair_patterns = get_url_repair_patterns()
## a dictionary of undesirable characters and their replacements:
undesirable_char_replacements = get_bad_char_replacements()
## General initiation tasks:
def get_recids_and_filepaths(args):
"""from a list of arguments in the form "recid:filepath"
(["1:filepath", "2:filepath", [...]])
split each string into 2 parts: the record ID and the filepath.
@param args: a list of strings
@param args: a list of strings
@return: a list of tuples: [(recid, filepath)]
jobs = []
for x in args:
## Cater for arxiv notation, which includes a colon. e.g. 1010:/opt/examples/arxiv:23923.pdf
items = x.split(":", 1)
if len(items) != 2:
write_message(u"W: Recid:filepath argument invalid. Skipping.\n", \
sys.stderr, verbose=0)
jobs.append((items[0], items[1]))
return jobs
## components relating to the standardisation and
## recognition of citations in reference lines:
def repair_broken_urls(line):
"""Attempt to repair broken URLs in a line of text.
(E.g.: remove spaces from the middle of a URL; something like
@param line: (string) the line in which to check for broken URLs.
@return: (string) the line after any broken URLs have been repaired.
def _chop_spaces_in_url_match(m):
"""Suppresses spaces in a matched URL.
return" ", "")
for ptn in re_list_url_repair_patterns:
line = ptn.sub(_chop_spaces_in_url_match, line)
return line
def replace_undesirable_characters(line):
"""Replace certain bad characters in a text line.
@param line: (string) the text line in which bad characters are to
be replaced.
@return: (string) the text line after the bad characters have been
bad_chars = undesirable_char_replacements.keys()
for bad_char in bad_chars:
line = line.replace(bad_char, \
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return line
def remove_and_record_multiple_spaces_in_line(line):
"""For a given string, locate all ocurrences of multiple spaces
together in the line, record the number of spaces found at each
position, and replace them with a single space.
@param line: (string) the text line to be processed for multiple
@return: (tuple) countaining a dictionary and a string. The
dictionary contains information about the number of spaces removed
at given positions in the line. For example, if 3 spaces were
removed from the line at index '22', the dictionary would be set
as follows: { 22 : 3 }
The string that is also returned in this tuple is the line after
multiple-space ocurrences have replaced with single spaces.
removed_spaces = {}
## get a collection of match objects for all instances of
## multiple-spaces found in the line:
multispace_matches = re_group_captured_multiple_space.finditer(line)
## record the number of spaces found at each match position:
for multispace in multispace_matches:
removed_spaces[multispace.start()] = (multispace.end() \
- multispace.start() - 1)
## now remove the multiple-spaces from the line, replacing with a
## single space at each position:
line = re_group_captured_multiple_space.sub(u' ', line)
return (removed_spaces, line)
def wash_line(line):
"""Wash a text line of certain punctuation errors, replacing them with
more correct alternatives. E.g.: the string 'Yes , I like python.'
will be transformed into 'Yes, I like python.'
@param line: (string) the line to be washed.
@return: (string) the washed line.
line = re_space_comma.sub(',', line)
line = re_space_semicolon.sub(';', line)
line = re_space_period.sub('.', line)
line = re_colon_space_colon.sub(':', line)
line = re_comma_space_colon.sub(':', line)
line = re_space_closing_square_bracket.sub(']', line)
line = re_opening_square_bracket_space.sub('[', line)
line = re_hyphens.sub('-', line)
line = re_colon_not_followed_by_numeration_tag.sub(' ', line)
line = re_multiple_space.sub(' ', line)
return line
def order_reportnum_patterns_bylen(numeration_patterns):
"""Given a list of user-defined patterns for recognising the numeration
styles of an institute's preprint references, for each pattern,
strip out character classes and record the length of the pattern.
Then add the length and the original pattern (in a tuple) into a new
list for these patterns and return this list.
@param numeration_patterns: (list) of strings, whereby each string is
a numeration pattern.
@return: (list) of tuples, where each tuple contains a pattern and
its length.
def _compfunc_bylen(a, b):
"""Compares regexp patterns by the length of the pattern-text.
if a[0] < b[0]:
return 1
elif a[0] == b[0]:
return 0
return -1
pattern_list = []
for pattern in numeration_patterns:
base_pattern = re_regexp_character_class.sub('1', pattern)
pattern_list.append((len(base_pattern), pattern))
return pattern_list
def create_institute_numeration_group_regexp_pattern(patterns):
"""Using a list of regexp patterns for recognising numeration patterns
for institute preprint references, ordered by length - longest to
shortest - create a grouped 'OR' or of these patterns, ready to be
used in a bigger regexp.
@param patterns: (list) of strings. All of the numeration regexp
patterns for recognising an institute's preprint reference styles.
@return: (string) a grouped 'OR' regexp pattern of the numeration
patterns. E.g.:
(?P<num>[12]\d{3} \d\d\d|\d\d \d\d\d|[A-Za-z] \d\d\d)
grouped_numeration_pattern = u""
if len(patterns) > 0:
grouped_numeration_pattern = u"(?P<numn>"
for pattern in patterns:
grouped_numeration_pattern += \
institute_num_pattern_to_regex(pattern[1]) + u"|"
grouped_numeration_pattern = \
grouped_numeration_pattern[0:len(grouped_numeration_pattern) - 1]
grouped_numeration_pattern += u")"
return grouped_numeration_pattern
def institute_num_pattern_to_regex(pattern):
"""Given a numeration pattern from the institutes preprint report
numbers KB, convert it to turn it into a regexp string for
recognising such patterns in a reference line.
\ -> \\
9 -> \d
a -> [A-Za-z]
v -> [Vv] # Tony for arXiv vN
mm -> (0[1-9]|1[0-2])
yy -> \d{2}
yyyy -> [12]\d{3}
/ -> \/
s -> \s*?
@param pattern: (string) a user-defined preprint reference numeration
@return: (string) the regexp for recognising the pattern.
simple_replacements = [ ('9', r'\d'),
('a', r'[A-Za-z]'),
('v', r'[Vv]'),
('mm', r'(0[1-9]|1[0-2])'),
('yyyy', r'[12]\d{3}'),
('yy', r'\d\d'),
('s', r'\s*?'),
(r'/', r'\/')
## first, escape certain characters that could be sensitive to a regexp:
pattern = re_report_num_chars_to_escape.sub(r'\\\g<1>', pattern)
## now loop through and carry out the simple replacements:
for repl in simple_replacements:
pattern = pattern.replace(repl[0], repl[1])
## now replace a couple of regexp-like paterns:
## quoted string with non-quoted version ("hello" with hello);
## Replace / [abcd ]/ with /( [abcd])?/ :
pattern = re_extract_quoted_text[0].sub(re_extract_quoted_text[1], \
pattern = re_extract_char_class[0].sub(re_extract_char_class[1], \
## the pattern has been transformed
return pattern
def build_reportnum_knowledge_base(fpath):
"""Given the path to a knowledge base file containing the details
of institutes and the patterns that their preprint report
numbering schemes take, create a dictionary of regexp search
patterns to recognise these preprint references in reference
lines, and a dictionary of replacements for non-standard preprint
categories in these references.
The knowledge base file should consist only of lines that take one
of the following 3 formats:
#####Institute Name####
(the name of the institute to which the preprint reference patterns
belong, e.g. '#####LANL#####', surrounded by 5 # on either side.)
(numeration patterns for an institute's preprints, surrounded by
< and >.)
seek-term --- replace-term
(i.e. a seek phrase on the left hand side, a replace phrase on the
right hand side, with the two phrases being separated by 3 hyphens.)
ASTRO PH ---astro-ph
The left-hand side term is a non-standard version of the preprint
reference category; the right-hand side term is the standard version.
If the KB file cannot be read from, or an unexpected line is
encountered in the KB, an error message is output to standard error
and execution is halted with an error-code 0.
@param fpath: (string) the path to the knowledge base file.
@return: (tuple) containing 2 dictionaries. The first contains regexp
search patterns used to identify preprint references in a line. This
dictionary is keyed by a tuple containing the line number of the
pattern in the KB and the non-standard category string.
E.g.: (3, 'ASTRO PH').
The second dictionary contains the standardised category string,
and is keyed by the non-standard category string. E.g.: 'astro-ph'.
def _add_institute_preprint_patterns(preprint_classifications,
"""For a list of preprint category strings and preprint numeration
patterns for a given institute, create the regexp patterns for
each of the preprint types. Add the regexp patterns to the
dictionary of search patterns
(preprint_reference_search_regexp_patterns), keyed by the line
number of the institute in the KB, and the preprint category
search string. Also add the standardised preprint category string
to another dictionary, keyed by the line number of its position
in the KB and its non-standardised version.
@param preprint_classifications: (list) of tuples whereby each tuple
contains a preprint category search string and the line number of
the name of institute to which it belongs in the KB.
E.g.: (45, 'ASTRO PH').
@param preprint_numeration_ptns: (list) of preprint reference
numeration search patterns (strings)
@param preprint_reference_search_regexp_patterns: (dictionary) of
regexp patterns used to search in document lines.
@param standardised_preprint_reference_categories: (dictionary)
containing the standardised strings for preprint reference
categories. (E.g. 'astro-ph'.)
@param kb_line_num: (integer) - the line number int the KB at
which a given institute name was found.
@return: None
if len(preprint_classifications) > 0 and \
len(preprint_numeration_ptns) > 0:
## the previous institute had both numeration styles and categories
## for preprint references.
## build regexps and add them for this institute:
## First, order the numeration styles by line-length, and build a
## grouped regexp for recognising numeration:
ordered_patterns = \
## create a grouped regexp for numeration part of
## preprint reference:
numeration_regexp = \
## for each "classification" part of preprint references, create a
## complete regex:
## will be in the style "(categ)-(numatn1|numatn2|numatn3|...)"
for classification in preprint_classifications:
search_pattern_str = r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\.\-]((?P<categ>' \
+ classification[0] + u')' \
+ numeration_regexp + r')'
re_search_pattern = re.compile(search_pattern_str, \
preprint_reference_search_regexp_patterns[(kb_line_num, \
classification[0])] =\
standardised_preprint_reference_categories[(kb_line_num, \
classification[0])] =\
preprint_reference_search_regexp_patterns = {} ## a dictionary of patterns
## used to recognise
## categories of preprints
## as used by various
## institutes
standardised_preprint_reference_categories = {} ## dictionary of
## standardised category
## strings for preprint cats
current_institute_preprint_classifications = [] ## list of tuples containing
## preprint categories in
## their raw & standardised
## forms, as read from KB
current_institute_numerations = [] ## list of preprint
## numeration patterns, as
## read from the KB
## pattern to recognise an institute name line in the KB
re_institute_name = re.compile(r'^\#{5}\s*(.+)\s*\#{5}$', re.UNICODE)
## pattern to recognise an institute preprint categ line in the KB
re_preprint_classification = \
re.compile(r'^\s*(\w.*?)\s*---\s*(\w.*?)\s*$', re.UNICODE)
## pattern to recognise a preprint numeration-style line in KB
re_numeration_pattern = re.compile(r'^\<(.+)\>$', re.UNICODE)
kb_line_num = 0 ## when making the dictionary of patterns, which is
## keyed by the category search string, this counter
## will ensure that patterns in the dictionary are not
## overwritten if 2 institutes have the same category
## styles.
fh = open(fpath, "r")
for rawline in fh:
kb_line_num += 1
rawline = rawline.decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeError:
write_message("*** Unicode problems in %s for line %s\n" \
% (fpath, str(kb_line_num)), sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=UnicodeError, \
msg="Error: Unable to parse report number kb (line: %s)" % str(kb_line_num), \
m_institute_name =
if m_institute_name is not None:
## This KB line is the name of an institute
## append the last institute's pattern list to the list of
## institutes:
## Now start a new dictionary to contain the search patterns
## for this institute:
current_institute_preprint_classifications = []
current_institute_numerations = []
## move on to the next line
m_preprint_classification = \
if m_preprint_classification is not None:
## This KB line contains a preprint classification for
## the current institute
current_institute_preprint_classifications.append((, \
except (AttributeError, NameError):
## didn't match this line correctly - skip it
## move on to the next line
m_numeration_pattern =
if m_numeration_pattern is not None:
## This KB line contains a preprint item numeration pattern
## for the current institute
except (AttributeError, NameError):
## didn't match the numeration pattern correctly - skip it
except IOError:
## problem opening KB for reading, or problem while reading from it:
emsg = """Error: Could not build knowledge base containing """ \
"""institute preprint referencing patterns - failed """ \
"""to read from KB %(kb)s.\n""" \
% { 'kb' : fpath }
write_message(emsg, sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=IOError, msg="Error: Unable to open report number kb '%s'" % fpath, exit_code=1)
## return the preprint reference patterns and the replacement strings
## for non-standard categ-strings:
return (preprint_reference_search_regexp_patterns, \
def build_titles_knowledge_base(fpath):
"""Given the path to a knowledge base file, read in the contents
of that file into a dictionary of search->replace word phrases.
The search phrases are compiled into a regex pattern object.
The knowledge base file should consist only of lines that take
the following format:
seek-term --- replace-term
(i.e. a seek phrase on the left hand side, a replace phrase on
the right hand side, with the two phrases being separated by 3
hyphens.) E.g.:
The left-hand side term is a non-standard version of the title,
whereas the right-hand side term is the standard version.
If the KB file cannot be read from, or an unexpected line is
encountered in the KB, an error
message is output to standard error and execution is halted with
an error-code 0.
@param fpath: (string) the path to the knowledge base file.
@return: (tuple) containing a list and a dictionary. The list
contains compiled regex patterns used as search terms and will
be used to force searching order to match that of the knowledge
The dictionary contains the search->replace terms. The keys of
the dictionary are the compiled regex word phrases used for
searching in the reference lines; The values in the dictionary are
the replace terms for matches.
## Private function used for sorting titles by string-length:
def _cmp_bystrlen_reverse(a, b):
"""A private "cmp" function to be used by the "sort" function of a
list when ordering the titles found in a knowledge base by string-
@param a: (string)
@param b: (string)
@return: (integer) - 0 if len(a) == len(b); 1 if len(a) < len(b);
-1 if len(a) > len(b);
if len(a) > len(b):
return -1
elif len(a) < len(b):
return 1
return 0
## Initialise vars:
## dictionary of search and replace phrases from KB:
kb = {}
standardised_titles = {}
seek_phrases = []
## A dictionary of "replacement terms" (RHS) to be inserted into KB as
## "seek terms" later, if they were not already explicitly added
## by the KB:
repl_terms = {}
## Pattern to recognise a correct knowledge base line:
p_kb_line = re.compile('^\s*(?P<seek>[^\s].*?)\s*---\s*(?P<repl>[^\s].*?)\s*$', \
fh = open(fpath, "r")
count = 0
for rawline in fh:
if rawline.find('\\') != -1:
count += 1
## Test line to ensure that it is a correctly formatted
## knowledge base line:
rawline = rawline.decode("utf-8").rstrip("\n")
except UnicodeError:
write_message("*** Unicode problems in %s for line %s\n" \
% (fpath, str(count)), sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=UnicodeError, msg="Error: Unable to parse journal kb (line: %s)" % str(count), \
## Extract the seek->replace terms from this KB line:
m_kb_line =
if m_kb_line is not None:
## good KB line
## Add the 'replacement term' into the dictionary of
## replacement terms:
repl_terms['repl')] = None
## Get the "seek term":
seek_phrase ='seek')
if len(seek_phrase) > 1:
## add the phrase from the KB if the 'seek' phrase is longer
## than 1 character:
## compile the seek phrase into a pattern:
seek_ptn = re.compile(r'(?<!\/)\b(' + \
re.escape(seek_phrase) + \
r')[^A-Z0-9]', re.UNICODE)
if not kb.has_key(seek_phrase):
kb[seek_phrase] = seek_ptn
standardised_titles[seek_phrase] = \'repl')
## KB line was not correctly formatted - die with error
emsg = """Error: Could not build list of journal titles\n""" \
"""- KB %(kb)s has errors.\n""" \
"""- Mapping: %(mapping)s\n""" \
% { 'kb' : fpath , 'mapping' : rawline}
write_message(emsg, sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(msg="Error: Unformatted journal kb exp '%s'" % rawline, exit_code=1)
## Now, for every 'replacement term' found in the KB, if it is
## not already in the KB as a "search term", add it:
for repl_term in repl_terms.keys():
raw_repl_phrase = repl_term.upper()
raw_repl_phrase = re_punctuation.sub(u' ', raw_repl_phrase)
raw_repl_phrase = \
re_group_captured_multiple_space.sub(u' ', \
raw_repl_phrase = raw_repl_phrase.strip()
if not kb.has_key(raw_repl_phrase):
## The replace-phrase was not in the KB as a seek phrase
## It should be added.
seek_ptn = re.compile(r'(?<!\/)\b(' + \
re.escape(raw_repl_phrase) + \
r')[^A-Z0-9]', re.UNICODE)
kb[raw_repl_phrase] = seek_ptn
standardised_titles[raw_repl_phrase] = \
## Sort the titles by string length (long - short)
except IOError:
## problem opening KB for reading, or problem while reading from it:
emsg = """Error: Could not build list of journal titles - failed """ \
"""to read from KB %(kb)s.\n""" \
% { 'kb' : fpath }
write_message(emsg, sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=IOError, msg="Error: Unable to open journal kb '%s'" % fpath, exit_code=1)
## return the raw knowledge base:
return (kb, standardised_titles, seek_phrases)
def get_affiliation_canonical_value(proposed_affil):
"""Given a proposed affiliation, look for a canonical form in the
affils knowledge base
@param proposed_affil the possible affiliation name to be looked for
@return canonical form returns none if no key matches
from invenio.bibformat_dblayer import get_kb_mapping_value
except ImportError:
def get_kb_mapping_value(kb_name, key):
""" if we have no kb, just accept affiliations as they are"""
return None #default
def standardize_and_markup_numeration_of_citations_in_line(line):
"""Given a reference line, attempt to locate instances of citation
'numeration' in the line.
Upon finding some numeration, re-arrange it into a standard
order, and mark it up with tags.
Will process numeration in the following order:
Delete the colon and expressions such as Serie, vol, V.
inside the pattern <serie : volume>
E.g.: Replace the string 'Series A, Vol 4' with 'A 4'
Then, the 4 main numeration patterns:
Pattern 0 (was pattern 3): <x, vol, page, year>
<v, [FS]?, p, y>
<[FS]?, v, p, y>
Pattern 1: <x, vol, year, page>
<v, [FS]?, y, p>
<[FS]?, v, y, p>
Pattern 2: <vol, serie, year, page>
<v, s, [FS]?, y, p>
<v, [FS]?, s, y, p
Pattern 4: <vol, serie, page, year>
<v, s, [FS]?, p, y>
<v, [FS]?, s, p, y>
@param line: (string) the reference line.
@return: (string) the reference line after numeration has been checked
and possibly recognized/marked-up.
line = re_strip_series_and_volume_labels[0].sub(re_strip_series_and_volume_labels[1], line)
line = re_numeration_vol_nucphys_page_yr[0].sub(re_numeration_vol_nucphys_page_yr[1], line)
line = re_numeration_nucphys_vol_page_yr[0].sub(re_numeration_nucphys_vol_page_yr[1], line)
line = re_numeration_vol_nucphys_yr_page[0].sub(re_numeration_vol_nucphys_yr_page[1], line)
line = re_numeration_nucphys_vol_yr_page[0].sub(re_numeration_nucphys_vol_yr_page[1], line)
line = re_numeration_vol_series_nucphys_yr_page[0].sub(re_numeration_vol_series_nucphys_yr_page[1], line)
line = re_numeration_vol_nucphys_series_yr_page[0].sub(re_numeration_vol_nucphys_series_yr_page[1], line)
line = re_numeration_vol_series_nucphys_page_yr[0].sub(re_numeration_vol_series_nucphys_page_yr[1], line)
line = re_numeration_vol_nucphys_series_page_yr[0].sub(re_numeration_vol_nucphys_series_page_yr[1], line)
line = re_numeration_yr_vol_page[0].sub(re_numeration_yr_vol_page[1], \
return line
def identify_preprint_report_numbers(line,
"""Attempt to identify all preprint report numbers in a reference
Report numbers will be identified, their information (location
in line, length in line, and standardised replacement version)
will be recorded, and they will be replaced in the working-line
by underscores.
@param line: (string) - the working reference line.
@param preprint_repnum_search_kb: (dictionary) - contains the
regexp patterns used to identify preprint report numbers.
@param preprint_repnum_standardised_categs: (dictionary) -
contains the standardised 'category' of a given preprint report
@return: (tuple) - 3 elements:
* a dictionary containing the lengths in the line of the
matched preprint report numbers, keyed by the index at
which each match was found in the line.
* a dictionary containing the replacement strings (standardised
versions) of preprint report numbers that were matched in
the line.
* a string, that is the new version of the working reference
line, in which any matched preprint report numbers have been
replaced by underscores.
Returned tuple is therefore in the following order:
(matched-reportnum-lengths, matched-reportnum-replacements,
def _by_len(a, b):
"""Comparison function used to sort a list by the length of the
strings in each element of the list.
if len(a[1]) < len(b[1]):
return 1
elif len(a[1]) == len(b[1]):
return 0
return -1
repnum_matches_matchlen = {} ## info about lengths of report numbers
## matched at given locations in line
repnum_matches_repl_str = {} ## standardised report numbers matched
## at given locations in line
preprint_repnum_categs = preprint_repnum_standardised_categs.keys()
## try to match preprint report numbers in the line:
for categ in preprint_repnum_categs:
## search for all instances of the current report
## numbering style in the line:
repnum_matches_iter = preprint_repnum_search_kb[categ].finditer(line)
## for each matched report number of this style:
for repnum_match in repnum_matches_iter:
## Get the matched text for the numeration part of the
## preprint report number:
numeration_match ='numn')
## clean/standardise this numeration text:
numeration_match = numeration_match.replace(" ", "-")
numeration_match = re_multiple_hyphens.sub("-", numeration_match)
numeration_match = numeration_match.replace("/-", "/")
numeration_match = numeration_match.replace("-/", "/")
numeration_match = numeration_match.replace("-/-", "/")
## replace the found preprint report number in the
## string with underscores (this will replace chars in the lower-cased line):
line = line[0:repnum_match.start(1)] \
+ "_"*len( + line[repnum_match.end(1):]
## record the information about the matched preprint report number:
## total length in the line of the matched preprint report number:
repnum_matches_matchlen[repnum_match.start(1)] = \
## standardised replacement for the matched preprint report number:
repnum_matches_repl_str[repnum_match.start(1)] = \
preprint_repnum_standardised_categs[categ] \
+ numeration_match
## return recorded information about matched report numbers, along with
## the newly changed working line:
return (repnum_matches_matchlen, repnum_matches_repl_str, line)
def limit_m_tags(xml_file, length_limit):
"""Limit size of miscellaneous tags"""
temp_xml_file = xml_file + '.temp'
ofilehdl = open(xml_file, 'r')
except IOError:
write_message("***%s\n\n" % xml_file, verbose=0)
halt(err=IOError, msg="Error: Unable to read from '%s'" % xml_file, \
nfilehdl = open(temp_xml_file, 'w')
except IOError:
write_message("***%s\n\n" % temp_xml_file, verbose=0)
halt(err=IOError, msg="Error: Unable to write to '%s'" % temp_xml_file, \
for line in ofilehdl:
line_dec = line.decode("utf-8")
start_ind = line_dec.find('<subfield code="m">')
if start_ind != -1:
## This line is an "m" line:
last_ind = line_dec.find('</subfield>')
if last_ind != -1:
## This line contains the end-tag for the "m" section
leng = last_ind-start_ind - 19
if leng > length_limit:
## want to truncate on a blank to avoid problems..
end = start_ind + 19 + length_limit
for lett in range(end - 1, last_ind):
xx = line_dec[lett:lett+1]
if xx == ' ':
end += 1
middle = line_dec[start_ind+19:end-1]
line_dec = start_ind * ' ' + '<subfield code="m">' + \
middle + ' !Data truncated! ' + '</subfield>\n'
nfilehdl.write("%s" % line_dec.encode("utf-8"))
## copy back to original file name
os.rename(temp_xml_file, xml_file)
def identify_and_tag_URLs(line):
"""Given a reference line, identify URLs in the line, record the
information about them, and replace them with a "<cds.URL />" tag.
URLs are identified in 2 forms:
+ Raw:
+ HTML marked-up: <a href="">CERN Document
Server Software Consortium</a>
These URLs are considered to have 2 components: The URL itself
(url string); and the URL description. The description is effectively
the text used for the created Hyperlink when the URL is marked-up
in HTML. When an HTML marked-up URL has been recognised, the text
between the anchor tags is therefore taken as the URL description.
In the case of a raw URL recognition, however, the URL itself will
also be used as the URL description.
For example, in the following reference line:
[1] See <a href="">CERN Document Server
Software Consortium</a>.
...the URL string will be "" and the URL
description will be
"CERN Document Server Software Consortium".
The line returned from this function will be:
[1] See <cds.URL />
In the following line, however:
[1] See http // for more details.
...the URL string will be "" and the URL
description will also be "".
The line returned will be:
[1] See <cds.URL /> for more details.
@param line: (string) the reference line in which to search for URLs.
@return: (tuple) - containing 2 items:
+ the line after URLs have been recognised and removed;
+ a list of 2-item tuples where each tuple represents a recognised URL
and its description:
[(url, url-description), (url, url-description), ... ]
@Exceptions raised:
+ an IndexError if there is a problem with the number of URLs
recognised (this should not happen.)
## Take a copy of the line:
line_pre_url_check = line
## Dictionaries to record details of matched URLs:
found_url_full_matchlen = {}
found_url_urlstring = {}
found_url_urldescr = {}
## List to contain details of all matched URLs:
identified_urls = []
## Attempt to identify and tag all HTML-MARKED-UP URLs in the line:
m_tagged_url_iter = re_html_tagged_url.finditer(line)
for m_tagged_url in m_tagged_url_iter:
startposn = m_tagged_url.start() ## start position of matched URL
endposn = m_tagged_url.end() ## end position of matched URL
matchlen = len( ## total length of URL match
found_url_full_matchlen[startposn] = matchlen
found_url_urlstring[startposn] =
found_url_urldescr[startposn] =
## temporarily replace the URL match with underscores so that
## it won't be re-found
line = line[0:startposn] + u"_"*matchlen + line[endposn:]
## Attempt to identify and tag all RAW (i.e. not
## HTML-marked-up) URLs in the line:
m_raw_url_iter = re_raw_url.finditer(line)
for m_raw_url in m_raw_url_iter:
startposn = m_raw_url.start() ## start position of matched URL
endposn = m_raw_url.end() ## end position of matched URL
matchlen = len( ## total length of URL match
matched_url =
if len(matched_url) > 0 and matched_url[-1] in (".", ","):
## Strip the full-stop or comma from the end of the url:
matched_url = matched_url[:-1]
found_url_full_matchlen[startposn] = matchlen
found_url_urlstring[startposn] = matched_url
found_url_urldescr[startposn] = matched_url
## temporarily replace the URL match with underscores
## so that it won't be re-found
line = line[0:startposn] + u"_"*matchlen + line[endposn:]
## Now that all URLs have been identified, insert them
## back into the line, tagged:
found_url_positions = found_url_urlstring.keys()
for url_position in found_url_positions:
line = line[0:url_position] + "<cds.URL />" \
+ line[url_position + found_url_full_matchlen[url_position]:]
## The line has been rebuilt. Now record the information about the
## matched URLs:
found_url_positions = found_url_urlstring.keys()
for url_position in found_url_positions:
identified_urls.append((found_url_urlstring[url_position], \
if len(identified_urls) != len(found_url_positions):
## Somehow the number of URLs found doesn't match the number of
## URLs recorded in "identified_urls". Raise an IndexError.
msg = """Error: The number of URLs found in the reference line """ \
"""does not match the number of URLs recorded in the """ \
"""list of identified URLs!\nLine pre-URL checking: %s\n""" \
"""Line post-URL checking: %s\n""" \
% (line_pre_url_check, line)
write_message(msg, sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=IndexError, exit_code=1)
## return the line containing the tagged URLs:
return (line, identified_urls)
def identify_and_tag_DOI(line):
"""takes a single citation line and attempts to locate any DOI references.
DOI references are recognised in both http (url) format and also the
standard DOI notation (DOI: ...)
@param line: (string) the reference line in which to search for DOI's.
@return: the tagged line and a list of DOI strings (if any)
## Used to hold the DOI strings in the citation line
doi_strings = []
## Run the DOI pattern on the line, returning the re.match objects
matched_doi = re_doi.finditer(line)
## For each match found in the line
for match in matched_doi:
## Store the start and end position
start = match.start()
end = match.end()
## Get the actual DOI string (remove the url part of the doi string)
doi_phrase =
## Replace the entire matched doi with a tag
line = line[0:start]+"<cds.DOI />"+line[end:]
## Add the single DOI string to the list of DOI strings
return (line, doi_strings)
def identify_and_tag_authors(line):
"""Given a reference, look for a group of author names,
place tags around the author group, return the newly tagged line.
def identify_and_tag_extra_authors(line):
"""Given a line where Authors have been tagged, and all other tags and content has
been replaced with underscores, go through and try to identify extra items of data
which should be placed into 'h' subfields.
Later on, these tagged pieces of information will be merged into the content of the
most recently found author. This is separated from the author tagging procedure since
separate tags can be used, which won't influence the reference splitting heuristics
(used when looking at mulitple <AUTH> tags in a line).
if re_extra_auth:
extra_authors = re_extra_auth.finditer(line)
positions = []
for match in extra_authors:
positions.append({ 'start' : match.start(),
'end' : match.end(),
'author' :'extra_auth')})
for p in positions:
line = line[:p['start']] + "<cds.AUTHincl>" \
+ p['author'].strip(".,:;- []") + CFG_REFEXTRACT_MARKER_CLOSING_AUTHOR_INCL + line[p['end']:]
return line
output_line = line
tmp_line = line
## Firstly, go through and change ALL TAGS and their contents to underscores
## author content can be checked for underscores later on
tag_start = tmp_line.find("<cds.")
url_start = tmp_line.find("<cds.URL />")
doi_start = tmp_line.find("<cds.DOI />")
while tag_start != -1:
if (tag_start == url_start) or (tag_start == doi_start):
tag_end = tag_start + len("<cds.XXX />")
line = line[:tag_start]+"_"*(tag_end - tag_start)+line[tag_end:]
tmp_line = "_"*len(tmp_line[:tag_end]) + tmp_line[tag_end:]
url_start = tmp_line.find("<cds.URL />")
doi_start = tmp_line.find("<cds.DOI />")
tag_start = tmp_line.find("<cds.",tag_end)
tag_start_length = (tmp_line.find(">",tag_start) + 1) - tag_start
final_length = (tmp_line.find(">",tmp_line.find("</cds.",tag_start+tag_start_length)) + 1) - tag_start
tag_end = tag_start+final_length
## Replace title tags, and the title itself with underscores (this line is used to find authors)
line = line[:tag_start]+("_"*final_length)+line[tag_end:]
## Place underscores in the wake of the search
tmp_line = "_"*len(tmp_line[:tag_end]) + tmp_line[tag_end:]
tag_start = tmp_line.find("<cds.",tag_end)
## Find as many author groups (collections of author names) as possible from the 'title-hidden' line
matched_authors = re_auth.finditer(line)
## If there is at least one matched author group
if matched_authors:
matched_positions = []
preceeding_text_string = line
preceeding_text_start = 0
for auth_no, match in enumerate(matched_authors):
## Only if there are no underscores or closing arrows found in the matched author group
## This must be checked for here, as it cannot be applied to the re without clashing with
## other Unicode characters
if line[match.start():match.end()].find("_") == -1:
## Has the group with name 'et' (for 'et al') been found in the pattern?
## Has the group with name 'es' (for ed. before the author) been found in the pattern?
## Has the group with name 'ee' (for ed. after the author) been found in the pattern?
matched_positions.append({ 'start' : match.start(),
'end' : match.end(),
'etal' :'et') or'et2'),
'ed_start' :'es'),
'ed_end' :'ee'),
'multi_auth' :'multi_auth'),
'multi_surs' :'multi_surs'),
'text_before' : preceeding_text_string[preceeding_text_start:match.start()],
'auth_no' : auth_no,
## Save the end of the match, from where to snip the misc text found before an author match
preceeding_text_start = match.end()
## Work backwards to avoid index problems when adding AUTH tags
for m in matched_positions:
dump_in_misc = False
start = m['start']
end = m['end']
## Check the text before the current match to see if it has a bad 'et al'
lower_text_before = m['text_before'].strip().lower()
for e in etal_matches:
if lower_text_before.endswith(e):
## If so, this author match is likely to be a bad match on a missed title
dump_in_misc = True
## An AND found here likely indicates a missed author before this text
## Thus, triggers weaker author searching, within the previous misc text
## (Check the text before the current match to see if it has a bad 'and')
## A bad 'and' will only be denoted as such if there exists only one author after it
## and the author group is legit (not to be dumped in misc)
if not dump_in_misc and not (m['multi_auth'] or m['multi_surs']) \
and (lower_text_before.endswith(' and')):
## Search using a weaker author pattern to try and find the missed author(s) (cut away the end 'and')
weaker_match = re_auth_near_miss.match(m['text_before'])
if weaker_match and not ('es') or'ee')):
## Change the start of the author group to include this new author group
start = start - (len(m['text_before']) - weaker_match.start())
## Still no match, do not add tags for this author match.. dump it into misc
dump_in_misc = True
add_to_misc = ""
## If a semi-colon was found at the end of this author group, keep it in misc
## so that it can be looked at for splitting heurisitics
if (len(output_line) > m['end']):
if output_line[m['end']].strip(" ,.") == ';':
add_to_misc = ';'
## ONLY wrap author data with tags IF there is no evidence that it is an
## ed. author. (i.e. The author is not referred to as an editor)
## Does this author group string have 'et al.'?
if m['etal'] and not(m['ed_start'] or m['ed_end'] or dump_in_misc):
## Insert the etal tag...
## Replace the found 'et al' phrase with the standardised version
tmp_stnd_etal_line = re.sub(re_etal, 'et al', output_line[start:end].strip(".,:;- []()"), re.IGNORECASE)
output_line = output_line[:start] + "<cds.AUTHetal>" \
+ tmp_stnd_etal_line \
+ CFG_REFEXTRACT_MARKER_CLOSING_AUTHOR_ETAL + add_to_misc + output_line[end:]
elif not(m['ed_start'] or m['ed_end'] or dump_in_misc):
## Insert the std (standard) tag
output_line = output_line[:start] + "<cds.AUTHstnd>" \
+ output_line[start:end].strip(".,:;- []()") \
+ CFG_REFEXTRACT_MARKER_CLOSING_AUTHOR_STND + add_to_misc + output_line[end:]
## Apply the 'include in $h' method to author groups marked as editors
elif (m['ed_start'] or m['ed_end']):
if m['multi_auth']:
ed_notation = " (eds.)"
ed_notation = " (ed.)"
## remove any characters which denote this author group to be editors, just take the
## author names, and append '(ed.)'
output_line = output_line[:start] + "<cds.AUTHincl>" \
+ m['author_names'].strip(".,:;- []()") \
+ ed_notation + CFG_REFEXTRACT_MARKER_CLOSING_AUTHOR_INCL + add_to_misc + output_line[end:]
## Now that authors have been tagged, search for the extra information which should be included in $h
## Tag for this datafield, merge into one $h subfield later on
output_line = identify_and_tag_extra_authors(output_line)
return output_line
def identify_periodical_titles(line,
"""Attempt to identify all periodical titles in a reference line.
Titles will be identified, their information (location in line,
length in line, and non-standardised version) will be recorded,
and they will be replaced in the working line by underscores.
@param line: (string) - the working reference line.
@param periodical_title_search_kb: (dictionary) - contains the
regexp patterns used to search for a non-standard TITLE in the
working reference line. Keyed by the TITLE string itself.
@param periodical_title_search_keys: (list) - contains the non-
standard periodical TITLEs to be searched for in the line. This
list of titles has already been ordered and is used to force
the order of searching.
@return: (tuple) containing 4 elements:
+ (dictionary) - the lengths of all titles
matched at each given index
within the line.
+ (dictionary) - the text actually matched for
each title at each given
index within the line.
+ (string) - the working line, with the
titles removed from it and
replaced by underscores.
+ (dictionary) - the totals for each bad-title
found in the line.
title_matches_matchlen = {} ## info about lengths of periodical titles
## matched at given locations in the line
title_matches_matchtext = {} ## the text matched at the given line
## location (i.e. the title itself)
titles_count = {} ## sum totals of each 'bad title found in
## line.
## Begin searching:
for title in periodical_title_search_keys:
## search for all instances of the current periodical title
## in the line:
title_matches_iter = periodical_title_search_kb[title].finditer(line)
## for each matched periodical title:
for title_match in title_matches_iter:
if not titles_count.has_key(title):
## Add this title into the titles_count dictionary:
titles_count[title] = 1
## Add 1 to the count for the given title:
titles_count[title] += 1
## record the details of this title match:
## record the match length:
title_matches_matchlen[title_match.start()] = \
len( - 1
## record the matched non-standard version of the title:
title_matches_matchtext[title_match.start()] = title
## replace the matched title text in the line it n * '_',
## where n is the length of the matched title:
line = u"".join((line[0:title_match.start(1)],
## return recorded information about matched periodical titles,
## along with the newly changed working line:
return (title_matches_matchlen, title_matches_matchtext, line, titles_count)
def identify_ibids(line):
"""Find IBIDs within the line, record their position and length,
and replace them with underscores.
@param line: (string) the working reference line
@return: (tuple) containing 2 dictionaries and a string:
Dictionary 1: matched IBID lengths (Key: position of IBID
in line; Value: length of matched IBID)
Dictionary 2: matched IBID text: (Key: position of IBID in
line; Value: matched IBID text)
String: working line with matched IBIDs removed
ibid_match_len = {}
ibid_match_txt = {}
ibid_matches_iter = re_ibid.finditer(line)
## Record details of each matched ibid:
for m_ibid in ibid_matches_iter:
ibid_match_len[m_ibid.start()] = len(
ibid_match_txt[m_ibid.start()] =
## Replace matched text in line with underscores:
line = line[0:m_ibid.start(2)] + "_"*len( + \
return (ibid_match_len, ibid_match_txt, line)
def get_replacement_types(titles, reportnumbers):
"""Given the indices of the titles and reportnumbers that have been
recognised within a reference line, create a dictionary keyed by
the replacement position in the line, where the value for each
key is a string describing the type of item replaced at that
position in the line.
The description strings are:
'title' - indicating that the replacement is a
periodical title
'reportnumber' - indicating that the replacement is a
preprint report number.
@param titles: (list) of locations in the string at which
periodical titles were found.
@param reportnumbers: (list) of locations in the string at which
reportnumbers were found.
@return: (dictionary) of replacement types at various locations
within the string.
rep_types = {}
for item_idx in titles:
rep_types[item_idx] = "title"
for item_idx in reportnumbers:
rep_types[item_idx] = "reportnumber"
return rep_types
def account_for_stripped_whitespace(spaces_keys,
"""To build a processed (MARC XML) reference line in which the
recognised citations such as standardised periodical TITLEs and
REPORT-NUMBERs have been marked up, it is necessary to read from
the reference line BEFORE all punctuation was stripped and it was
made into upper-case. The indices of the cited items in this
'original line', however, will be different to those in the
'working-line', in which punctuation and multiple-spaces were
stripped out. For example, the following reading-line:
[26] E. Witten and S.-T. Yau, hep-th/9910245.
...becomes (after punctuation and multiple white-space stripping):
[26] E WITTEN AND S T YAU HEP TH/9910245
It can be seen that the report-number citation (hep-th/9910245) is
at a different index in the two strings. When refextract searches
for this citation, it uses the 2nd string (i.e. that which is
capitalised and has no punctuation). When it builds the MARC XML
representation of the reference line, however, it needs to read from
the first string. It must therefore consider the whitespace,
punctuation, etc that has been removed, in order to get the correct
index for the cited item. This function accounts for the stripped
characters before a given TITLE or REPORT-NUMBER index.
@param spaces_keys: (list) - the indices at which spaces were
removed from the reference line.
@param removed_spaces: (dictionary) - keyed by the indices at which
spaces were removed from the line, the values are the number of
spaces actually removed from that position.
So, for example, "3 spaces were removed from position 25 in
the line."
@param replacement_types: (dictionary) - at each 'replacement_index'
in the line, the of replacement to make (title or reportnumber).
@param len_reportnums: (dictionary) - the lengths of the REPORT-
NUMBERs matched at the various indices in the line.
@param len_titles: (dictionary) - the lengths of the various
TITLEs matched at the various indices in the line.
@param replacement_index: (integer) - the index in the working line
of the identified TITLE or REPORT-NUMBER citation.
@return: (tuple) containing 2 elements:
+ the true replacement index of a replacement in
the reading line;
+ any extras to add into the replacement index;
extras = 0
true_replacement_index = replacement_index
spare_replacement_index = replacement_index
for space in spaces_keys:
if space < true_replacement_index:
## There were spaces stripped before the current replacement
## Add the number of spaces removed from this location to the
## current replacement index:
true_replacement_index += removed_spaces[space]
spare_replacement_index += removed_spaces[space]
elif (space >= spare_replacement_index) and \
(replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"title") and \
(space < (spare_replacement_index + \
## A periodical title is being replaced. Account for multi-spaces
## that may have been stripped from the title before its
## recognition:
spare_replacement_index += removed_spaces[space]
extras += removed_spaces[space]
elif (space >= spare_replacement_index) and \
(replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"reportnumber") and \
(space < (spare_replacement_index + \
## An institutional preprint report-number is being replaced.
## Account for multi-spaces that may have been stripped from it
## before its recognition:
spare_replacement_index += removed_spaces[space]
extras += removed_spaces[space]
## return the new values for replacement indices with stripped
## whitespace accounted for:
return (true_replacement_index, extras)
def create_marc_xml_reference_line(line_marker,
"""After the phase of identifying and tagging citation instances
in a reference line, this function is called to go through the
line and the collected information about the recognised citations,
and to transform the line into a string of MARC XML in which the
recognised citations are grouped under various datafields and
subfields, depending upon their type.
@param line_marker: (string) - this is the marker for this
reference line (e.g. [1]).
@param working_line: (string) - this is the line before the
punctuation was stripped. At this stage, it has not been
capitalised, and neither TITLES nor REPORT NUMBERS have been
stripped from it. However, any recognised numeration and/or URLs
have been tagged with <cds.YYYY> tags.
The working_line could, for example, look something like this:
[1] CDS <cds.URL description="http //">
http //</cds.URL>.
@param found_title_len: (dictionary) - the lengths of the title
citations that have been recognised in the line. Keyed by the index
within the line of each match.
@param found_title_matchtext: (dictionary) - The text that was found
for each matched title citation in the line. Keyed by the index within
the line of each match.
@param pprint_repnum_len: (dictionary) - the lengths of the matched
institutional preprint report number citations found within the line.
Keyed by the index within the line of each match.
@param pprint_repnum_matchtext: (dictionary) - The matched text for each
matched institutional report number. Keyed by the index within the line
of each match.
@param identified_dois (list) - The list of dois inside the citation
@identified_urls: (list) - contains 2-cell tuples, each of which
represents an idenitfied URL and its description string.
The list takes the order in which the URLs were identified in the line
(i.e. first-found, second-found, etc).
@param removed_spaces: (dictionary) - The number of spaces removed from
the various positions in the line. Keyed by the index of the position
within the line at which the spaces were removed.
@param standardised_titles: (dictionary) - The standardised journal
titles, keyed by the non-standard version of those titles.
@return: (tuple) of 5 components:
( string -> a MARC XML-ized reference line.
integer -> number of fields of miscellaneous text marked-up
for the line.
integer -> number of title citations marked-up for the line.
integer -> number of institutional report-number citations
marked-up for the line.
integer -> number of URL citations marked-up for the record.
integer -> number of DOI's found for the record
integer -> number of author groups found
if len(found_title_len) + len(pprint_repnum_len) == 0:
## no TITLE or REPORT-NUMBER citations were found within this line,
## use the raw line: (This 'raw' line could still be tagged with
## recognised URLs or numeration.)
tagged_line = working_line
## TITLE and/or REPORT-NUMBER citations were found in this line,
## build a new version of the working-line in which the standard
## versions of the REPORT-NUMBERs and TITLEs are tagged:
startpos = 0 ## First cell of the reference line...
previous_match = {} ## previously matched TITLE within line (used
## for replacement of IBIDs.
replacement_types = {}
title_keys = found_title_matchtext.keys()
pprint_keys = pprint_repnum_matchtext.keys()
spaces_keys = removed_spaces.keys()
replacement_types = get_replacement_types(title_keys, pprint_keys)
replacement_locations = replacement_types.keys()
tagged_line = u"" ## This is to be the new 'working-line'. It will
## contain the tagged TITLEs and REPORT-NUMBERs,
## as well as any previously tagged URLs and
## numeration components.
## begin:
for replacement_index in replacement_locations:
## first, factor in any stripped spaces before this 'replacement'
(true_replacement_index, extras) = \
if replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"title":
## Add a tagged periodical TITLE into the line:
(rebuilt_chunk, startpos, previous_match) = \
tagged_line += rebuilt_chunk
elif replacement_types[replacement_index] == u"reportnumber":
## Add a tagged institutional preprint REPORT-NUMBER
## into the line:
(rebuilt_chunk, startpos) = \
tagged_line += rebuilt_chunk
## add the remainder of the original working-line into the rebuilt line:
tagged_line += working_line[startpos:]
## use the recently marked-up title information to identify any
## numeration that escaped the last pass:
tagged_line = _re_identify_numeration(tagged_line)
## remove any series tags that are next to title tags, putting
## series information into the title tags:
## Only do this if the user doesn't want the Inspire journal title output format
## otherwise, the series letters are handled elsewhere in the xml conversion process
#if not cli_opts['inspire']:
# tagged_line = move_tagged_series_into_tagged_title(tagged_line)
tagged_line = wash_line(tagged_line)
## Before moving onto creating the XML string... try to find any authors in the line
## Found authors are immediately placed into tags (after Titles and Repnum's have been found)
tagged_line = identify_and_tag_authors(tagged_line)
## Now, from the tagged line, create a MARC XML string,
## marking up any recognised citations:
(xml_line, \
count_misc, \
count_title, \
count_reportnum, \
count_url, \
count_doi, \
count_auth_group) = \
convert_processed_reference_line_to_marc_xml(line_marker, \
tagged_line.replace('\n',''), \
identified_dois, \
return (xml_line, count_misc, count_title, \
count_reportnum, count_url, count_doi, count_auth_group)
def convert_unusable_tag_to_misc(line,
"""Function to remove an unwanted, tagged, citation item from a reference
line. The tagged item itself is put into the miscellaneous text variable;
the data up to the closing tag is then trimmed from the beginning of the
working line. For example, the following working line:
Example, AN. Testing software; <cds.YR>(2001)</cds.YR>, CERN, Geneva.
...would be trimmed down to:
, CERN, Geneva.
...And the Miscellaneous text taken from the start of the line would be:
Example, AN. Testing software; (2001)
...(assuming that the details of <cds.YR> and </cds.YR> were passed to
the function).
@param line: (string) - the reference line.
@param misc_text: (string) - the variable containing the miscellaneous
text recorded so far.
@param tag_match_end: (integer) - the index of the end of the opening tag
in the line.
@param closing_tag: (string) - the closing tag to look for in the line
(e.g. </cds.YR>).
@return: (tuple) - containing misc_text (string) and line (string)
## extract the tagged information:
idx_closing_tag = line.find(closing_tag, tag_match_end)
## Sanity check - did we find a closing tag?
if idx_closing_tag == -1:
## no closing tag found - strip the opening tag and move past this
## recognised item as it is unusable:
line = line[tag_match_end:]
## closing tag was found
misc_text += line[tag_match_end:idx_closing_tag]
## now trim the matched item and its tags from the start of the line:
line = line[idx_closing_tag+len(closing_tag):]
return (misc_text, line)
def is_in_line_elements(element_type,line_elements):
""" Checks the list of current elements in the line for the given element type """
for i, element in enumerate(line_elements):
if element['type'] == element_type:
return (True, line_elements[i])
return False
def check_author_for_ibid(line_elements,author):
""" Given a list of elements for an *entire* reference line, and the current
author element to be used for ibids, check to see if that author element needs
to be inserted into this line, depending on the presence of ibids and whether
or not there is already an author paired with an ibid.
Also, if no ibids are present in the line, see if the author element needs
to be updated, depending on the presence of a normal title and a corresponding
author group.
@param line_elements: List of line elements for the entire processed reference
@param author: The current parent author element to be used with an ibid
@return: (tuple) - containing a possible new author subfield, and the parent
author element to be used for future ibids (if any)
## Upon splitting, check for ibids in the previous line,
## If an appropriate author was found, pair it with this ibid.
## (i.e., an author has not been explicitly paired with this ibid already
## and an author exists with the parent title to which this ibid refers)
if (is_in_line_elements("TITLE",line_elements)):
## Get the title element for this line
title_element = is_in_line_elements("TITLE",line_elements)[1]
if (author != None) and (not is_in_line_elements("AUTH",line_elements)) \
and (title_element['is_ibid']):
## Return the author subfield which needs to be appended for an ibid in the line
## No need to reset the author to be used for ibids, since this line holds an ibid
return """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-auth)s">%(authors)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'authors' : author['auth_txt'].strip('()'),
'sf-code-ref-auth' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_AUTH,
}, author
## Set the author for to be used for ibids, when a standard title is present in this line,
## as well as an author
if (not title_element['is_ibid']) and (is_in_line_elements("AUTH",line_elements)):
## Set the author to be used for ibids, in the event that a subsequent ibid is found
## this author element will be repeated.
## This author is only used when an ibid is in a line
## and there is no other author found in the line.
author = is_in_line_elements("AUTH",line_elements)[1]
## If there is no author associated with this head title, clear the author to be used for ibids
elif (not title_element['is_ibid']):
author = None
## If an author does not need to be replicated for an ibid, append nothing to the xml line
return "", author
def append_datafield_element(line_marker, citation_structure, line_elements, author, xml_line):
""" Finish the current datafield element and start a new one, with a new
marker subfield.
@param line_marker: (string) The line marker which will be the sole
content of the newly created marker subfield. This will always be the
first subfield to be created for a new datafield element.
@return new_datafield: (string) The string holding the relevant
datafield and subfield tags.
## Add an author, if one must be added for ibid's, before splitting this line
## Also, if a standard title and an author are both present, save the author for future use
new_datafield, author = check_author_for_ibid(line_elements,author)
xml_line += new_datafield
## Start the new datafield
xml_line += """
<datafield tag="%(df-tag-ref)s" ind1="%(df-ind1-ref)s" ind2="%(df-ind2-ref)s">
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-marker)s">%(marker-val)s</subfield>""" \
'sf-code-ref-marker' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MARKER,
'marker-val' : encode_for_xml(line_marker)
## add the past elements for end previous citation to the citation_structure list
## (citation_structure is a reference to the initial citation_structure list found in the calling method)
## Clear the elements in the referenced list of elements
del line_elements[0:len(line_elements)]
return xml_line, author
def start_auth_aff_datafield_element(first_author):
""" Construct the first line of the XML datafield element,
with the relevant datafield tag (depending on if it's
the first author-aff pair or not).
@param first_author: (boolean) Use the HEAD author tag
or the TAIL author tag.
@return: (string) The starting datafield line with the
appropriate tag.
## First author/affiliation? (use $100)
if first_author:
## use $700
new_datafield = """ <datafield tag="%(df-tag-auth)s" ind1=" " ind2=" ">""" \
% { 'df-tag-auth' : auth_tag,
return new_datafield
def start_datafield_element(line_marker):
""" Start a brand new datafield element with a marker subfield.
@param line_marker: (string) The line marker which will be the sole
content of the newly created marker subfield. This will always be the
first subfield to be created for a new datafield element.
@return: (string) The string holding the relevant datafield and
subfield tags.
marker_subfield = """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-marker)s">%(marker-val)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-marker' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MARKER,
'marker-val' : encode_for_xml(line_marker)
new_datafield = """ <datafield tag="%(df-tag-ref)s" ind1="%(df-ind1-ref)s" ind2="%(df-ind2-ref)s">%(marker-subfield)s""" \
'marker-subfield' : marker_subfield
return new_datafield
def split_on_semi_colon(misc_txt, line_elements, elements_processed, total_elements):
""" Given some misc text, see if there are any semi-colons which may indiciate that
a reference line is in fact two separate citations.
@param misc_txt: (string) The misc_txt to look for semi-colons within.
@param line_elements: (list) The list of single upper-case chars which
represent an element of a reference which has been processed.
@param elements_processed: (integer) The number of elements which have been
*looked at* for this entire reference line, regardless of splits
@param total_elements: (integer) The total number of elements which
have been identified in the *entire* reference line
@return: (string) Dipicting where the semi-colon was found in relation to the
rest of the misc_txt. False if a semi-colon was not found, or one was found
relating to an escaped piece of text.
## If there has already been meaningful information found in the reference
## and there are still elements to be processed beyond the element relating to
## this misc_txt
if (((is_in_line_elements("TITLE",line_elements)) or (is_in_line_elements("REPORTNUMBER",line_elements))) or \
(len(misc_txt) >= semi_colon_misc_text_sensitivity)) and \
(elements_processed < (total_elements)):
if (len(misc_txt) >= 4) and \
((misc_txt[-5:] == '&amp;') or (misc_txt[-4:] == '&lt;')):
## This is a semi-colon which does not indicate a new citation
return ""
## If a semi-colon is at the end, make sure to append preceeding misc_txt to
## the current datafield element
if misc_txt.strip(" .,")[-1] == ";":
return "after"
## Else, make sure to append the misc_txt to the *newly created datafield element*
elif misc_txt.strip(" .,")[0] == ";":
return "before"
return ""
def dump_or_split_author(misc_txt,line_elements):
Given the list of current elements, and misc text, try to decide how to use this
author for splitting heuristics, and see if it is useful. Returning 'dump' indicates
put this author into misc text, since it had been identified as bad. 'split'
indicates split the line and place this author into the fresh datafield. The empty string
indicates add this author as normal to the current xml datafield.
A line will be split using author information in two situations:
1. When there already exists a previous author group in the same line
2. If the only item in the current line is a title, with no misc text
In both situations, the newly found author element is placed into the newly created
This method heavily assumes that the first author group found in a single citation is the
most reliable (In accordance with the IEEE standard, which states that authors should
be written at the beginning of a citation, in the overwhelming majority of cases).
@param misc_txt: (string) The misc text for this reference line
@param line_elements: (list) The list of elements found for this current line
@return: (string) The action to take to deal with this author.
## If an author has already been found in this reference line
if is_in_line_elements("AUTH",line_elements):
## If this author group is directly after another author group,
## with minimal misc text between, then this author group is very likely to be wrong.
if (line_elements[-1]['type'] == "AUTH") \
and (len(misc_txt) < adjacent_auth_misc_separation):
return "dump"
## Else, trigger a new reference line
return "split"
## In cases where an author is directly after an alone title (ibid or normal, with no misc),
## Trigger a new reference line
if (is_in_line_elements("TITLE",line_elements)) and (len(line_elements) == 1) \
and (len(misc_txt) == 0):
return "split"
return ""
def build_formatted_xml_author_affiliation_line(author_elements, first_author):
""" Given a single line, of either:
1. auth
2. auth, aff
3. aff
Mark up into an xml form. No splitting heuristics are required, since all
authors and associated affiliations will form single lines.
@param author_elements: (list) The type of the item (affiliation or author)
and the items content (the author or affiliation string)
@param first_author: (boolean) Whether or not this is the first author-aff
pair to mark up, for this document. This will influence the datafield tag used
(100 or 700)
@return: (string) The XML version of the passed in author-aff elements.
## Begin the datafield element (no line marker)
xml_line = start_auth_aff_datafield_element(first_author)
line_elements = []
citation_structure = []
elements_processed = 0
for element in author_elements:
if element['type'] == "AUTH":
## Add the author subfield with the author text
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-auth)s">%(content)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'content' : encode_for_xml(element['content']).strip('()'),
elif element['type'] == "AFF":
## Add the affiliation subfield with the affiliation text
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-auth)s">%(content)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'content' : encode_for_xml(element['content']).strip('()'),
## Close the ending datafield element
xml_line += """
return xml_line
def build_formatted_xml_citation(citation_elements, line_marker):
""" Create the MARC-XML string of the found reference information which was taken
from a tagged reference line.
@param citation_elements: (list) an ordered list of dictionary elements,
with each element corresponding to a found piece of information from a reference line.
@param line_marker: (string) The line marker for this single reference line (e.g. [19])
@return xml_line: (string) The MARC-XML representation of the list of reference elements
## Begin the datafield element
xml_line = start_datafield_element(line_marker)
## This will hold the ordering of tags which have been appended to the xml line
## This list will be used to control the desisions involving the creation of new citation lines
## (in the event of a new set of authors being recognised, or strange title ordering...)
line_elements = []
## This is a list which will hold the current 'over-view' of a single reference line,
## as a list of lists, where each list corresponds to the contents of a datafield element
## in the xml mark-up
citation_structure = []
auth_for_ibid = None
elements_processed = 0
for element in citation_elements:
## Before going onto checking 'what' the next element is, handle misc text and semi-colons
## Multiple misc text subfields will be compressed later
## This will also be the only part of the code that deals with MISC tag_typed elements
if len(element['misc_txt'].strip(" .,")) > 0:
lower_stripped_misc = element['misc_txt'].lower().strip(".,:;- []")
## If misc text is ultimately just a semi-colon, don't add it as a new subfield
## But still use it to dictate whether a new citation is created
if ((element['misc_txt'].strip(" .,") == ";") or \
((len(re.sub(re_arxiv_notation,"",lower_stripped_misc)) == 0) and \
(element['type'] == 'REPORTNUMBER'))):
misc_txt = False
misc_txt = element['misc_txt']
## Now.. if the MISC text is simply a single semi-colon,
## AND at least a title or a report number has also been identified..
## Mark up as a new citation
## (this is done before the 'author choice' is made, as it's more reliable)
## (an author choice will not create a new citation if a correct semi-colon is found)
## It is important to note that Author tagging helps the accurate detection
## a dual citation when looking for semi-colons (by reducing the length of misc text)
split_sc = split_on_semi_colon(element['misc_txt'],\
## Ignore semi-colon splitting heuristics, if the current item is a known ibid.
#if element['type'] == 'TITLE' and element['is_ibid']:
# split_sc = ""
if split_sc == "after":
if misc_txt:
## Append the misc subfield, before any of semi-colons (if any),
## only if there is are other elements to be processed after this current element
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-misc)s">%(misc-val)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-misc' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MISC,
'misc-val' : encode_for_xml(misc_txt),
## THEN set as a new citation line
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
elif split_sc == "before":
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
if misc_txt:
## THEN append the misc text found AFTER the semi-colon (if any)
## Append the misc subfield, before any of semi-colons
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-misc)s">%(misc-val)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-misc' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MISC,
'misc-val' : encode_for_xml(misc_txt),
elif misc_txt:
## Just append the misc subfield anyway
## In the case of:
## no semi-colon branch, or this is the last element to be processed, and it is not just a semi-colon
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-misc)s">%(misc-val)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-misc' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MISC,
'misc-val' : encode_for_xml(misc_txt),
## Now handle the type dependent actions
if element['type'] == "TITLE":
## If a report number has been marked up, and there's misc text before this title and the last tag
if is_in_line_elements("REPORTNUMBER",line_elements) and \
(len(re.sub(re_arxiv_notation,"",(element['misc_txt'].lower().strip(".,:;- []")))) > 0):
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
elif is_in_line_elements("TITLE",line_elements):
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
## Select the journal title output format
if cli_opts['inspire']:
## ADD to current datafield
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-title)s">%(title)s,%(volume)s,%(page)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-title' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_TITLE,
'title' : encode_for_xml(element['title']),
'volume' : encode_for_xml(element['volume']),
'page' : encode_for_xml(element['page']),
## ADD to current datafield
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-title)s">%(title)s %(volume)s (%(year)s) %(page)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-title' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_TITLE,
'title' : encode_for_xml(element['title']),
'volume' : encode_for_xml(element['volume']),
'year' : encode_for_xml(element['year']),
'page' : encode_for_xml(element['page']),
## Now, if there are any extra (numeration based) IBID's after this title
if len(element['extra_ibids']) > 0:
## At least one IBID is present, these are to be outputted each into their own datafield
for IBID in element['extra_ibids']:
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
if cli_opts['inspire']:
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-title)s">%(title)s,%(volume)s,%(page)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-title' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_TITLE,
'title' : encode_for_xml(IBID['title']),
'volume' : encode_for_xml(IBID['volume']),
'page' : encode_for_xml(IBID['page']),
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-title)s">%(title)s %(volume)s (%(year)s) %(page)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-title' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_TITLE,
'title' : encode_for_xml(IBID['title']),
'volume' : encode_for_xml(IBID['volume']),
'year' : encode_for_xml(IBID['year']),
'page' : encode_for_xml(IBID['page']),
## Add a Title element to the past elements list, since we last found an IBID
elif element['type'] == "REPORTNUMBER":
report_number = element['report_num']
## If a report number has been marked up, and there's misc text before this title and the last tag
if is_in_line_elements("TITLE",line_elements) and \
(len(re.sub(re_arxiv_notation,"",(element['misc_txt'].lower().strip(".,:;- []")))) > 0):
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
elif is_in_line_elements("REPORTNUMBER",line_elements):
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
if report_number.lower().find('arxiv') == 0:
report_number = massage_arxiv_reportnumber(report_number)
## ADD to current datafield
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-report-num)s">%(report-number)s</subfield>""" \
% {'sf-code-ref-report-num' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_REPORT_NUM,
'report-number' : encode_for_xml(report_number)
elif element['type'] == "URL":
if element['url_string'] == element['url_desc']:
## Build the datafield for the URL segment of the reference line:
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-url)s">%(url)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-url' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_URL,
'url' : encode_for_xml(element['url_string'])
## Else, in the case that the url string and the description differ in some way, include them both
## Build the datafield for the URL segment of the reference line:
xml_line = """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-url)s">%(url)s</subfield>
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-url-desc)s">%(url-desc)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-url' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_URL,
'sf-code-ref-url-desc' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_URL_DESCR,
'url' : encode_for_xml(element['url_string']),
'url-desc' : encode_for_xml(element['url_desc'])
elif element['type'] == "DOI":
## Split on hitting another DOI in the same line
if is_in_line_elements("DOI",line_elements):
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-doi)s">%(doi-val)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-doi' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_DOI,
'doi-val' : encode_for_xml(element['doi_string'])
elif element['type'] == "AUTH":
if element['auth_type'] != 'incl':
auth_choice = dump_or_split_author(element['misc_txt'], line_elements)
if auth_choice == "dump":
## This author is no good, place it into misc text
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-misc)s">%(auth-txt)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'sf-code-ref-misc' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MISC,
'auth-txt' : encode_for_xml(element['auth_txt']).strip('()'),
## Either the author denotes a new citation, or it is the first in this reference
if auth_choice == "split":
## This author triggered the creation of a new datafield
if element['auth_type'] == 'etal' or element['auth_type'] == 'stnd':
## %%%%% Set as NEW citation line %%%%%
(xml_line, auth_for_ibid) = append_datafield_element(line_marker,
## Add the author subfield with the author text
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-auth)s">%(authors)s</subfield>""" \
% { 'authors' : encode_for_xml(element['auth_txt']).strip('()'),
'sf-code-ref-auth' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_AUTH,
elif element['auth_type'] == 'incl':
## Always include the matched author from the knowledge base into the datafield,
## No splitting heuristics are used here. It is purely so that it can be included
## with any previously found authors for this datafield.
xml_line += """
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-auth)s">(%(authors)s)</subfield>""" \
% { 'authors' : encode_for_xml(element['auth_txt']),
'sf-code-ref-auth' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_AUTH,
## The number of elements processed
## Append the author, if needed for an ibid, for the last element in the entire line
## Don't bother setting the author to be used for ibids, since the line is finished
xml_line += check_author_for_ibid(line_elements,auth_for_ibid)[0]
## Close the ending datafield element
xml_line += """
return xml_line
def convert_processed_auth_aff_line_to_marc_xml(line, first_author):
""" Given a line holding either tagged authors, affiliations or both, convert it to its
MARC-XML representation.
@param line: (string) The tagged author-affiliation line. The line may hold a
single author, an author and an affiliation, or an affiliation.
@return xml_line: (string) the MARC-XML representation of the tagged author/aff line
@return count_*: (integer) the number of * (pieces of info) found in the author/aff line.
count_auth = count_aff = 0
xml_line = ""
processed_line = line
cur_misc_txt = u""
tag_match =
# contains a list of dictionary entries of previously cited items
author_elements = []
# the last tag element found when working from left-to-right across the line
identified_author_element = None
while tag_match is not None:
## While there are tags inside this reference line...
tag_match_start = tag_match.start()
tag_match_end = tag_match.end()
tag_type =
cur_misc_txt += processed_line[0:tag_match_start]
if tag_type.find("AUTH") != -1:
## This tag is an identified Author:
## extract the author from the line:
idx_closing_tag_nearest = processed_line.find(\
if idx_closing_tag_nearest == -1:
## no closing </cds.AUTH****> tag found - strip the opening tag
## and move past it
processed_line = processed_line[tag_match_end:]
identified_citation_element = None
auth_txt = processed_line[tag_match_end:idx_closing_tag_nearest]
## Now move past the ending tag in the line:
processed_line = processed_line[idx_closing_tag_nearest + \
#SAVE the current misc text
identified_author_element = { 'type' : "AUTH",
'content' : "%s" % auth_txt,
## Increment the stats counters:
count_auth += 1
cur_misc_txt = u""
elif tag_type.find("AFF") != -1:
## This tag is an identified affiliation:
## extract the affiliation from the line:
idx_closing_tag_nearest = processed_line.find(\
if idx_closing_tag_nearest == -1:
## no closing </cds.AFF> tag found - strip the opening tag
## and move past it
processed_line = processed_line[tag_match_end:]
identified_citation_element = None
aff_txt = processed_line[tag_match_end:idx_closing_tag_nearest]
## Now move past the ending tag in the line:
processed_line = processed_line[idx_closing_tag_nearest + \
#SAVE the current misc text
identified_author_element = { 'type' : "AFF",
'content' : "%s" % aff_txt,
## Increment the stats counters:
count_aff += 1
cur_misc_txt = u""
if identified_author_element != None:
## Append the found tagged data and current misc text
identified_author_element = None
## Look for the next tag in the processed line:
tag_match =
## Now, run the method which will take as input:
## 1. A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary is a author or an
## affiliation.
xml_line = build_formatted_xml_author_affiliation_line(author_elements, first_author)
## return the reference-line as MARC XML:
return (xml_line, count_auth, count_aff)
def convert_processed_reference_line_to_marc_xml(line_marker,
""" Given a single tagged reference line, convert it to its MARC-XML representation.
Try to find all tags and extract their contents and their types into corresponding
dictionary elements. Append each dictionary tag representation onto a list, which
is given to 'build_formatted_xml_citation()' where the correct xml output will be generated.
This method is dumb, with very few heuristics. It simply looks for tags, and makes dictionaries
from the data it finds in a tagged reference line.
@param line_marker: (string) The line marker for this single reference line (e.g. [19])
@param line: (string) The tagged reference line.
@param identified_dois: (list) a list of dois which were found in this line. The ordering of
dois corresponds to the ordering of tags in the line, reading from left to right.
@param identified_urls: (list) a list of urls which were found in this line. The ordering of
urls corresponds to the ordering of tags in the line, reading from left to right.
@return xml_line: (string) the MARC-XML representation of the tagged reference line
@return count_*: (integer) the number of * (pieces of info) found in the reference line.
count_misc = count_title = count_reportnum = count_url = count_doi = count_auth_group = 0
xml_line = ""
processed_line = line
cur_misc_txt = u""
tag_match =
# contains a list of dictionary entries of previously cited items
citation_elements = []
# the last tag element found when working from left-to-right across the line
identified_citation_element = None
while tag_match is not None:
## While there are tags inside this reference line...
tag_match_start = tag_match.start()
tag_match_end = tag_match.end()
tag_type =
cur_misc_txt += processed_line[0:tag_match_start]
## Catches both standard titles, and ibid's
if tag_type.find("TITLE") != -1:
## This tag is an identified journal TITLE. It should be followed
## by VOLUME, YEAR and PAGE tags.
## See if the found title has been tagged as an ibid: <cds.TITLEibid>
is_ibid = True
idx_closing_tag = processed_line.find(CFG_REFEXTRACT_MARKER_CLOSING_TITLE_IBID, \
is_ibid = False
## extract the title from the line:
idx_closing_tag = processed_line.find(CFG_REFEXTRACT_MARKER_CLOSING_TITLE, \
if idx_closing_tag == -1:
## no closing TITLE tag found - get rid of the solitary tag
processed_line = processed_line[tag_match_end:]
identified_citation_element = None
## Closing tag was found:
## The title text to be used in the marked-up citation:
title_text = processed_line[tag_match_end:idx_closing_tag]
## Now trim this matched title and its tags from the start of the line:
processed_line = processed_line[idx_closing_tag+closing_tag_length:]
numeration_match = re_recognised_numeration_for_title_plus_series.match(processed_line)
if numeration_match is not None:
## recognised numeration immediately after the title - extract it:
reference_volume ='vol')
reference_year ='yr')
reference_page ='pg')
## This is used on two accounts:
## 1. To get the series char from the title, if no series was found with the numeration
## 2. To always remove any series character from the title match text
series_from_title =
if cli_opts['inspire']:
reference_volume ='series') + reference_volume
reference_volume ='series') + " " + reference_volume
elif series_from_title and
if cli_opts['inspire']:
reference_volume = + reference_volume
reference_volume = + " " + reference_volume
title_text =
## Skip past the matched numeration in the working line:
processed_line = processed_line[numeration_match.end():]
## 'id_ibid' saves whether THIS TITLE is an ibid or not. (True or False)
## 'extra_ibids' are there to hold ibid's without the word 'ibid', which
## come directly after this title
## i.e., they are recognised using title numeration instead of ibid notation
identified_citation_element = { 'type' : "TITLE",
'misc_txt' : cur_misc_txt,
'title' : title_text,
'volume' : reference_volume,
'year' : reference_year,
'page' : reference_page,
'is_ibid' : is_ibid,
'extra_ibids': []
count_title += 1
cur_misc_txt = u""
## Try to find IBID's after this title, on top of previously found titles that were
## denoted with the word 'IBID'. (i.e. look for IBID's without the word 'IBID' by
## looking at extra numeration after this title)
numeration_match = re_numeration_no_ibid_txt.match(processed_line)
while numeration_match is not None:
reference_volume ='vol')
reference_year ='yr')
reference_page ='pg')
if cli_opts['inspire']:
reference_volume ='series') + reference_volume
reference_volume ='series') + " " + reference_volume
elif series_from_title and
if cli_opts['inspire']:
reference_volume = + reference_volume
reference_volume = + " " + reference_volume
## Also remove the series char from the ibid title
title_text_for_ibid =
## Skip past the matched numeration in the working line:
processed_line = processed_line[numeration_match.end():]
## Takes the just found title text
{ 'type' : "TITLE",
'misc_txt' : "",
'title' : title_text_for_ibid,
'volume' : reference_volume,
'year' : reference_year,
'page' : reference_page,
## Increment the stats counters:
count_title += 1
title_text = ""
reference_volume = ""
reference_year = ""
reference_page = ""
numeration_match = re_numeration_no_ibid_txt.match(processed_line)
## No numeration was recognised after the title. Add the title into a MISC item instead:
cur_misc_txt += "%s" % title_text
identified_citation_element = None
elif tag_type == "REPORTNUMBER":
## This tag is an identified institutional report number:
## extract the institutional report-number from the line:
idx_closing_tag = processed_line.find(CFG_REFEXTRACT_MARKER_CLOSING_REPORT_NUM, tag_match_end)
## Sanity check - did we find a closing report-number tag?
if idx_closing_tag == -1:
## no closing </cds.REPORTNUMBER> tag found - strip the opening tag and move past this
## recognised reportnumber as it is unreliable:
processed_line = processed_line[tag_match_end:]
identified_citation_element = None
## closing tag was found
report_num = processed_line[tag_match_end:idx_closing_tag]
## now trim this matched institutional report-number and its tags from the start of the line:
processed_line = processed_line[idx_closing_tag+len(CFG_REFEXTRACT_MARKER_CLOSING_REPORT_NUM):]
identified_citation_element = { 'type' : "REPORTNUMBER",
'misc_txt' : "%s" % cur_misc_txt,
'report_num' : "%s" % report_num,
count_reportnum += 1
cur_misc_txt = u""
elif tag_type == "URL":
## This tag is an identified URL:
## From the "identified_urls" list, get this URL and its
## description string:
url_string = identified_urls[0][0]
url_desc = identified_urls[0][1]
## Now move past this "<cds.URL />"tag in the line:
processed_line = processed_line[tag_match_end:]
## Delete the information for this URL from the start of the list
## of identified URLs:
identified_urls[0:1] = []
## Save the current misc text
identified_citation_element = { 'type' : "URL",
'misc_txt' : "%s" % cur_misc_txt,
'url_string' : "%s" % url_string,
'url_desc' : "%s" % url_desc
count_url += 1
cur_misc_txt = u""
elif tag_type == "DOI":
## This tag is an identified DOI:
## From the "identified_dois" list, get this DOI and its
## description string:
doi_string = identified_dois[0]
## Now move past this "<cds.CDS />"tag in the line:
processed_line = processed_line[tag_match_end:]
# Remove DOI from the list of DOI strings
identified_dois[0:1] = []
#SAVE the current misc text
identified_citation_element = { 'type' : "DOI",
'misc_txt' : "%s" % cur_misc_txt,
'doi_string' : "%s" % doi_string
## Increment the stats counters:
count_doi += 1
cur_misc_txt = u""
elif tag_type.find("AUTH") != -1:
## This tag is an identified Author:
auth_type = ""
## extract the title from the line:
if tag_type.find("stnd") != -1:
auth_type = "stnd"
idx_closing_tag_nearest = processed_line.find(\
elif tag_type.find("etal") != -1:
auth_type = "etal"
idx_closing_tag_nearest = processed_line.find(\
elif tag_type.find("incl") != -1:
auth_type = "incl"
idx_closing_tag_nearest = processed_line.find(\
if idx_closing_tag_nearest == -1:
## no closing </cds.AUTH****> tag found - strip the opening tag
## and move past it
processed_line = processed_line[tag_match_end:]
identified_citation_element = None
auth_txt = processed_line[tag_match_end:idx_closing_tag_nearest]
## Now move past the ending tag in the line:
processed_line = processed_line[idx_closing_tag_nearest+len("</cds.AUTHxxxx>"):]
#SAVE the current misc text
identified_citation_element = { 'type' : "AUTH",
'misc_txt' : "%s" % cur_misc_txt,
'auth_txt' : "%s" % auth_txt,
'auth_type' : "%s" % auth_type
## Increment the stats counters:
count_auth_group += 1
cur_misc_txt = u""
## These following tags may be found separately;
## They are usually found when a "TITLE" tag is hit (ONLY immediately afterwards, however)
## Sitting by themselves means they do not have an associated TITLE tag, and should be MISC
elif tag_type == "SER":
## This tag is a SERIES tag; Since it was not preceeded by a TITLE
## tag, it is useless - strip the tag and put it into miscellaneous:
(cur_misc_txt, processed_line) = \
convert_unusable_tag_to_misc(processed_line, cur_misc_txt, \
tag_match_end, \
identified_citation_element = None
elif tag_type == "VOL":
## This tag is a VOLUME tag; Since it was not preceeded by a TITLE
## tag, it is useless - strip the tag and put it into miscellaneous:
(cur_misc_txt, processed_line) = \
convert_unusable_tag_to_misc(processed_line, cur_misc_txt, \
tag_match_end, \
identified_citation_element = None
elif tag_type == "YR":
## This tag is a YEAR tag; Since it's not preceeded by TITLE and
## VOLUME tags, it is useless - strip the tag and put the contents
## into miscellaneous:
(cur_misc_txt, processed_line) = \
convert_unusable_tag_to_misc(processed_line, cur_misc_txt, \
tag_match_end, \
identified_citation_element = None
elif tag_type == "PG":
## This tag is a PAGE tag; Since it's not preceeded by TITLE,
## VOLUME and YEAR tags, it is useless - strip the tag and put the
## contents into miscellaneous:
(cur_misc_txt, processed_line) = \
convert_unusable_tag_to_misc(processed_line, cur_misc_txt, \
tag_match_end, \
identified_citation_element = None
if identified_citation_element != None:
## Append the found tagged data and current misc text
identified_citation_element = None
## Look for the next tag in the processed line:
tag_match =
## place any remaining miscellaneous text into the
## appropriate MARC XML fields:
cur_misc_txt += processed_line
## This MISC element will hold the entire citation in the event
## that no tags were found.
if len(cur_misc_txt.strip(" .;,")) > 0:
## Increment the stats counters:
count_misc += 1
identified_citation_element = { 'type' : "MISC",
'misc_txt' : "%s" % cur_misc_txt,
## Now, run the method which will take as input:
## 1. A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary is a piece
## of citation information corresponding to a tag in the citation.
## 2. The line marker for this entire citation line (mulitple citation
## 'finds' inside a single citation will use the same marker value)
## The resulting xml line will be a properly marked up form of the
## citation. It will take into account authors to try and split up
## references which should be read as two SEPARATE ones.
xml_line = build_formatted_xml_citation(citation_elements,line_marker)
## return the reference-line as MARC XML:
return (xml_line, count_misc, count_title, count_reportnum, count_url, count_doi, count_auth_group)
def _re_identify_numeration(line):
"""Look for other numeration in line.
## First, attempt to use marked-up titles
line = re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn1[0].sub(re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn1[1], line)
line = re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn2[0].sub(re_correct_numeration_2nd_try_ptn2[1], line)
return line
def add_tagged_report_number(reading_line,
"""In rebuilding the line, add an identified institutional REPORT-NUMBER
(standardised and tagged) into the line.
@param reading_line: (string) The reference line before capitalization
was performed, and before REPORT-NUMBERs and TITLEs were stipped out.
@param len_reportnum: (integer) the length of the matched REPORT-NUMBER.
@param reportnum: (string) the replacement text for the matched
@param startpos: (integer) the pointer to the next position in the
reading-line from which to start rebuilding.
@param true_replacement_index: (integer) the replacement index of the
matched REPORT-NUMBER in the reading-line, with stripped punctuation
and whitespace accounted for.
@param extras: (integer) extras to be added into the replacement index.
@return: (tuple) containing a string (the rebuilt line segment) and an
integer (the next 'startpos' in the reading-line).
rebuilt_line = u"" ## The segment of the line that's being rebuilt to
## include the tagged & standardised REPORT-NUMBER
## Fill rebuilt_line with the contents of the reading_line up to the point
## of the institutional REPORT-NUMBER. However, stop 1 character before the
## replacement index of this REPORT-NUMBER to allow for removal of braces,
## if necessary:
if (true_replacement_index - startpos - 1) >= 0:
rebuilt_line += reading_line[startpos:true_replacement_index - 1]
rebuilt_line += reading_line[startpos:true_replacement_index]
## check to see whether the REPORT-NUMBER was enclosed within brackets;
## drop them if so:
if reading_line[true_replacement_index - 1] not in (u"[", u"("):
## no braces enclosing the REPORT-NUMBER:
rebuilt_line += reading_line[true_replacement_index - 1]
## Add the tagged REPORT-NUMBER into the rebuilt-line segment:
rebuilt_line += u"<cds.REPORTNUMBER>%(reportnum)s</cds.REPORTNUMBER>" \
% { 'reportnum' : reportnum }
## move the pointer in the reading-line past the current match:
startpos = true_replacement_index + len_reportnum + extras
## Move past closing brace for report number (if there was one):
if reading_line[startpos] in (u"]", u")"):
startpos += 1
except IndexError:
## moved past end of line - ignore
## return the rebuilt-line segment and the pointer to the next position in
## the reading-line from which to start rebuilding up to the next match:
return (rebuilt_line, startpos)
def add_tagged_title_in_place_of_IBID(previous_match,
"""In rebuilding the line, if the matched TITLE was actually an IBID, this
function will replace it with the previously matched TITLE, and add it
into the line, tagged. It will even handle the series letter, if it
differs. For example, if the previous match is "Nucl. Phys. B", and
the ibid is "IBID A", the title inserted into the line will be
"Nucl. Phys. A". Otherwise, if the IBID had no series letter, it will
simply be replaced by "Nucl. Phys. B" (i.e. the previous match.)
@param previous_match: (string) - the previously matched TITLE.
@param ibid_series: (string) - the series of the IBID (if any).
@return: (tuple) containing a string (the rebuilt line segment) and an
other string (the newly updated previous-match).
IBID_start_tag = " <cds.TITLEibid>"
rebuilt_line = u""
if ibid_series != "":
## This IBID has a series letter. If the previously matched TITLE also
## had a series letter and that series letter differs to the one
## carried by this IBID, the series letter stored in the previous-match
## must be updated to that of this IBID
## (i.e. Keep the series letter paired directly with the IBID):
if previous_match['series'] is not None:
## Previous match had a series:
if previous_match['series'] != ibid_series:
## Previous match and this IBID do not have the same series
previous_match['series'] = ibid_series
rebuilt_line += IBID_start_tag + "%(previous-match)s" \
% { 'previous-match' : previous_match['title'] } + \
" : " + previous_match['series']
## Previous match had no recognised series but the IBID did. Add a
## the series letter to the end of the previous match.
previous_match['series'] = ibid_series
rebuilt_line += IBID_start_tag + "%(previous-match)s" \
% { 'previous-match' : previous_match['title'] } + \
" : " + previous_match['series']
if previous_match['series'] is not None:
## Both the previous match & this IBID have the same series
rebuilt_line += IBID_start_tag + "%(previous-match)s" \
% { 'previous-match' : previous_match['title'] } + \
" : " + previous_match['series']
## This IBID has no series letter. If a previous series is present append it.
rebuilt_line += IBID_start_tag + "%(previous-match)s" \
% { 'previous-match' : previous_match['title'] } + \
return (rebuilt_line, previous_match)
def add_tagged_title(reading_line,
"""In rebuilding the line, add an identified periodical TITLE (standardised
and tagged) into the line.
@param reading_line: (string) The reference line before capitalization
was performed, and before REPORT-NUMBERs and TITLEs were stripped out.
@param len_title: (integer) the length of the matched TITLE.
@param matched_title: (string) the matched TITLE text.
@param previous_match: (string) the previous periodical TITLE citation to
have been matched in the current reference line. It is used when
replacing an IBID instance in the line.
@param startpos: (integer) the pointer to the next position in the
reading-line from which to start rebuilding.
@param true_replacement_index: (integer) the replacement index of the
matched TITLE in the reading-line, with stripped punctuation and
whitespace accounted for.
@param extras: (integer) extras to be added into the replacement index.
@param standardised_titles: (dictionary) the standardised versions of
periodical titles, keyed by their various non-standard versions.
@return: (tuple) containing a string (the rebuilt line segment), an
integer (the next 'startpos' in the reading-line), and an other string
(the newly updated previous-match).
## Fill 'rebuilt_line' (the segment of the line that is being rebuilt to
## include the tagged and standardised periodical TITLE) with the contents
## of the reading-line, up to the point of the matched TITLE:
rebuilt_line = reading_line[startpos:true_replacement_index]
## Test to see whether a title or an "IBID" was matched:
if matched_title.upper().find("IBID") != -1:
## This is an IBID
## Try to replace the IBID with a title:
if len(previous_match) > 1:
## A title has already been replaced in this line - IBID can be
## replaced meaninfully First, try to get the series number/letter
## of this IBID:
m_ibid =
series =
except IndexError:
series = u""
if series is None:
series = u""
## Replace this IBID with the previous title match, if possible:
(replaced_ibid_segment, previous_match) = \
add_tagged_title_in_place_of_IBID(previous_match, series)
rebuilt_line += replaced_ibid_segment
## Update start position for next segment of original line:
startpos = true_replacement_index + len_title + extras
## Skip past any punctuation at the end of the replacement that was
## just made:
if reading_line[startpos] in (".", ":", ";", "-"):
startpos += 1
except IndexError:
## The match was at the very end of the line
## no previous title-replacements in this line - IBID refers to
## something unknown and cannot be replaced:
rebuilt_line += \
reading_line[true_replacement_index:true_replacement_index \
+ len_title + extras]
startpos = true_replacement_index + len_title + extras
## This is a normal title, not an IBID
rebuilt_line += "<cds.TITLE>%(title)s</cds.TITLE>" \
% { 'title' : standardised_titles[matched_title] }
previous_title = standardised_titles[matched_title]
startpos = true_replacement_index + len_title + extras
## Try to get the series of this just added title, by dynamically finding it
## from the text after the title tag (rather than from the kb)
## Ideally, the series will be found with the numeration after the title
## but will also check the ending of the title text if this match fails.
previous_series_from_numeration =[startpos:])
previous_series_from_title =
## First, try to obtain the series from the identified numeration
if previous_series_from_numeration:
previous_match = {'title':previous_title,
## If it isn't found, try to get it from the standardised title
## BUT ONLY if the numeration matched!
elif previous_series_from_title and
previous_match = {'title',
previous_match = {'title':previous_title,'series':None}
## Skip past any punctuation at the end of the replacement that was
## just made:
if reading_line[startpos] in (".", ":", ";", "-"):
startpos += 1
except IndexError:
## The match was at the very end of the line
if reading_line[startpos] == ")":
startpos += 1
except IndexError:
## The match was at the very end of the line
## return the rebuilt line-segment, the position (of the reading line) from
## which the next part of the rebuilt line should be started, and the newly
## updated previous match.
return (rebuilt_line, startpos, previous_match)
def remove_reference_line_marker(line):
"""Trim a reference line's 'marker' from the beginning of the line.
@param line: (string) - the reference line.
@return: (tuple) containing two strings:
+ The reference line's marker (or if there was not one,
a 'space' character.
+ The reference line with it's marker removed from the
## Get patterns to identify reference-line marker patterns:
marker_patterns = get_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns()
line = line.lstrip()
marker_match = \
if marker_match is not None:
## found a marker:
marker_val ='mark')
## trim the marker from the start of the line:
line = line[marker_match.end():].lstrip()
marker_val = u" "
return (marker_val, line)
def create_marc_xml_reference_section(ref_sect,
"""Passed a complete reference section, process each line and attempt to
## identify and standardise individual citations within the line.
@param ref_sect: (list) of strings - each string in the list is a
reference line.
@param preprint_repnum_search_kb: (dictionary) - keyed by a tuple
containing the line-number of the pattern in the KB and the non-standard
category string. E.g.: (3, 'ASTRO PH'). Value is regexp pattern used to
search for that report-number.
@param preprint_repnum_standardised_categs: (dictionary) - keyed by non-
standard version of institutional report number, value is the
standardised version of that report number.
@param periodical_title_search_kb: (dictionary) - keyed by non-standard
title to search for, value is the compiled regexp pattern used to
search for that title.
@param standardised_periodical_titles: (dictionary) - keyed by non-
standard title to search for, value is the standardised version of that
@param periodical_title_search_keys: (list) - ordered list of non-
standard titles to search for.
@return: (tuple) of 6 components:
( list -> of strings, each string is a MARC XML-ized reference
integer -> number of fields of miscellaneous text found for the
integer -> number of title citations found for the record.
integer -> number of institutional report-number citations found
for the record.
integer -> number of URL citations found for the record.
integer -> number of DOI's found
integer -> number of author groups found
dictionary -> The totals for each 'bad title' found in the reference
## a list to contain the processed reference lines:
xml_ref_sectn = []
## counters for extraction stats:
count_misc = count_title = count_reportnum = count_url = count_doi = count_auth_group = 0
## A dictionary to contain the total count of each 'bad title' found
## in the entire reference section:
record_titles_count = {}
## process references line-by-line:
for ref_line in ref_sect:
## initialise some variables:
## dictionaries to record information about, and coordinates of,
## matched IBID items:
found_ibids_len = {}
found_ibids_matchtext = {}
## dictionaries to record information about, and coordinates of,
## matched journal title items:
found_title_len = {}
found_title_matchtext = {}
## dictionaries to record information about, and the coordinates of,
## matched preprint report number items
found_pprint_repnum_matchlens = {} ## lengths of given matches of
## preprint report numbers
found_pprint_repnum_replstr = {} ## standardised replacement
## strings for preprint report
## numbers to be substituted into
## a line
## Strip the 'marker' (e.g. [1]) from this reference line:
(line_marker, working_line1) = \
## Find DOI sections in citation
(working_line1, identified_dois) = identify_and_tag_DOI(working_line1)
## Identify and replace URLs in the line:
(working_line1, identified_urls) = identify_and_tag_URLs(working_line1)
## take a copy of the line as a first working line, clean it of bad
## accents, and correct puncutation, etc:
working_line1 = wash_line(working_line1)
## Identify and standardise numeration in the line:
working_line1 = \
## Now that numeration has been marked-up, check for and remove any
## ocurrences of " bf ":
working_line1 = re_identify_bf_before_vol.sub(r" \1", working_line1)
## Clean the line once more:
working_line1 = wash_line(working_line1)
## Transform the line to upper-case, now making a new working line:
working_line2 = working_line1.upper()
## Strip punctuation from the line:
working_line2 = re_punctuation.sub(u' ', working_line2)
## Remove multiple spaces from the line, recording
## information about their coordinates:
(removed_spaces, working_line2) = \
## Identify and record coordinates of institute preprint report numbers:
(found_pprint_repnum_matchlens, \
found_pprint_repnum_replstr, \
working_line2) = \
## Identify and record coordinates of non-standard journal titles:
(found_title_len, \
found_title_matchtext, \
working_line2, \
line_titles_count) = \
## Add the count of 'bad titles' found in this line to the total
## for the reference section:
record_titles_count = sum_2_dictionaries(record_titles_count, \
## Attempt to identify, record and replace any IBIDs in the line:
if (working_line2.upper().find(u"IBID") != -1):
## there is at least one IBID in the line - try to
## identify its meaning:
(found_ibids_len, \
found_ibids_matchtext, \
working_line2) = identify_ibids(working_line2)
## now update the dictionary of matched title lengths with the
## matched IBID(s) lengths information:
## Using the recorded information, create a MARC XML representation
## of the rebuilt line:
## At the same time, get stats of citations found in the reference line
## (titles, urls, etc):
(xml_line, this_count_misc, this_count_title, this_count_reportnum, \
this_count_url, this_count_doi, this_count_auth_group) = \
count_misc += this_count_misc
count_title += this_count_title
count_reportnum += this_count_reportnum
count_url += this_count_url
count_doi += this_count_doi
count_auth_group += this_count_auth_group
## Append the rebuilt line details to the list of
## MARC XML reference lines:
## Return the list of processed reference lines:
return (xml_ref_sectn, count_misc, count_title, count_reportnum, \
count_url, count_doi, count_auth_group, record_titles_count)
## Tasks related to extraction of reference section from full-text:
## ----> 1. Removing page-breaks, headers and footers before
## searching for reference section:
def strip_headers_footers_pagebreaks(docbody,
"""Remove page-break lines, header lines, and footer lines from the
@param docbody: (list) of strings, whereby each string in the list is a
line in the document.
@param page_break_posns: (list) of integers, whereby each integer
represents the index in docbody at which a page-break is found.
@param num_head_lines: (int) the number of header lines each page in the
document has.
@param num_foot_lines: (int) the number of footer lines each page in the
document has.
@return: (list) of strings - the document body after the headers,
footers, and page-break lines have been stripped from the list.
num_breaks = (len(page_break_posns))
page_lens = []
for x in xrange(0, num_breaks):
if x < num_breaks - 1:
page_lens.append(page_break_posns[x + 1] - page_break_posns[x])
if (len(page_lens) > 0) and \
(num_head_lines + num_foot_lines + 1 < page_lens[0]):
## Safe to chop hdrs & ftrs
first = 1
for i in xrange(0, len(page_break_posns)):
## Unless this is the last page break, chop headers
if not first:
for dummy in xrange(1, num_head_lines + 1):
docbody[page_break_posns[i] \
+ 1:page_break_posns[i] + 2] = []
first = 0
## Chop page break itself
docbody[page_break_posns[i]:page_break_posns[i] + 1] = []
## Chop footers (unless this is the first page break)
if i != len(page_break_posns) - 1:
for dummy in xrange(1, num_foot_lines + 1):
docbody[page_break_posns[i] \
- num_foot_lines:page_break_posns[i] \
- num_foot_lines + 1] = []
return docbody
def check_boundary_lines_similar(l_1, l_2):
"""Compare two lists to see if their elements are roughly the same.
@param l_1: (list) of strings.
@param l_2: (list) of strings.
@return: (int) 1/0.
num_matches = 0
if (type(l_1) != list) or (type(l_2) != list) or (len(l_1) != len(l_2)):
## these 'boundaries' are not similar
return 0
num_elements = len(l_1)
for i in xrange(0, num_elements):
if l_1[i].isdigit() and l_2[i].isdigit():
## both lines are integers
num_matches = num_matches + 1
l1_str = l_1[i].lower()
l2_str = l_2[i].lower()
if (l1_str[0] == l2_str[0]) and \
(l1_str[len(l1_str) - 1] == l2_str[len(l2_str) - 1]):
num_matches = num_matches + 1
if (len(l_1) == 0) or (float(num_matches) / float(len(l_1)) < 0.9):
return 0
return 1
def get_number_header_lines(docbody, page_break_posns):
"""Try to guess the number of header lines each page of a document has.
The positions of the page breaks in the document are used to try to guess
the number of header lines.
@param docbody: (list) of strings - each string being a line in the
@param page_break_posns: (list) of integers - each integer is the
position of a page break in the document.
@return: (int) the number of lines that make up the header of each page.
remaining_breaks = (len(page_break_posns) - 1)
num_header_lines = empty_line = 0
## pattern to search for a word in a line:
p_wordSearch = re.compile(unicode(r'([A-Za-z0-9-]+)'), re.UNICODE)
if remaining_breaks > 2:
if remaining_breaks > 3:
# Only check odd page headers
next_head = 2
# Check headers on each page
next_head = 1
keep_checking = 1
while keep_checking:
cur_break = 1
if docbody[(page_break_posns[cur_break] \
+ num_header_lines + 1)].isspace():
## this is a blank line
empty_line = 1
if (page_break_posns[cur_break] + num_header_lines + 1) \
== (page_break_posns[(cur_break + 1)]):
## Have reached next page-break: document has no
## body - only head/footers!
keep_checking = 0
grps_headLineWords = \
p_wordSearch.findall(docbody[(page_break_posns[cur_break] \
+ num_header_lines + 1)])
cur_break = cur_break + next_head
while (cur_break < remaining_breaks) and keep_checking:
grps_thisLineWords = \
p_wordSearch.findall(docbody[(page_break_posns[cur_break] \
+ num_header_lines + 1)])
if empty_line:
if len(grps_thisLineWords) != 0:
## This line should be empty, but isn't
keep_checking = 0
if (len(grps_thisLineWords) == 0) or \
(len(grps_headLineWords) != len(grps_thisLineWords)):
## Not same num 'words' as equivilent line
## in 1st header:
keep_checking = 0
keep_checking = \
check_boundary_lines_similar(grps_headLineWords, \
## Update cur_break for nxt line to check
cur_break = cur_break + next_head
if keep_checking:
## Line is a header line: check next
num_header_lines = num_header_lines + 1
empty_line = 0
return num_header_lines
def get_number_footer_lines(docbody, page_break_posns):
"""Try to guess the number of footer lines each page of a document has.
The positions of the page breaks in the document are used to try to guess
the number of footer lines.
@param docbody: (list) of strings - each string being a line in the
@param page_break_posns: (list) of integers - each integer is the
position of a page break in the document.
@return: (int) the number of lines that make up the footer of each page.
num_breaks = (len(page_break_posns))
num_footer_lines = 0
empty_line = 0
keep_checking = 1
p_wordSearch = re.compile(unicode(r'([A-Za-z0-9-]+)'), re.UNICODE)
if num_breaks > 2:
while keep_checking:
cur_break = 1
if page_break_posns[cur_break] - num_footer_lines - 1 < 0 or \
page_break_posns[cur_break] - num_footer_lines - 1 > \
len(docbody) - 1:
## Be sure that the docbody list boundary wasn't overstepped:
if docbody[(page_break_posns[cur_break] \
- num_footer_lines - 1)].isspace():
empty_line = 1
grps_headLineWords = \
p_wordSearch.findall(docbody[(page_break_posns[cur_break] \
- num_footer_lines - 1)])
cur_break = cur_break + 1
while (cur_break < num_breaks) and keep_checking:
grps_thisLineWords = \
p_wordSearch.findall(docbody[(page_break_posns[cur_break] \
- num_footer_lines - 1)])
if empty_line:
if len(grps_thisLineWords) != 0:
## this line should be empty, but isn't
keep_checking = 0
if (len(grps_thisLineWords) == 0) or \
(len(grps_headLineWords) != len(grps_thisLineWords)):
## Not same num 'words' as equivilent line
## in 1st footer:
keep_checking = 0
keep_checking = \
check_boundary_lines_similar(grps_headLineWords, \
## Update cur_break for nxt line to check
cur_break = cur_break + 1
if keep_checking:
## Line is a footer line: check next
num_footer_lines = num_footer_lines + 1
empty_line = 0
return num_footer_lines
def get_page_break_positions(docbody):
"""Locate page breaks in the list of document lines and create a list
positions in the document body list.
@param docbody: (list) of strings - each string is a line in the
@return: (list) of integer positions, whereby each integer represents the
position (in the document body) of a page-break.
page_break_posns = []
p_break = re.compile(unicode(r'^\s*?\f\s*?$'), re.UNICODE)
num_document_lines = len(docbody)
for i in xrange(num_document_lines):
if p_break.match(docbody[i]) != None:
return page_break_posns
def document_contains_text(docbody):
"""Test whether document contains text, or is just full of worthless
@param docbody: (list) of strings - each string being a line of the
document's body
@return: (integer) 1 if non-whitespace found in document; 0 if only
whitespace found in document.
found_non_space = 0
for line in docbody:
if not line.isspace():
## found a non-whitespace character in this line
found_non_space = 1
return found_non_space
def remove_page_boundary_lines(docbody):
"""Try to locate page breaks, headers and footers within a document body,
and remove the array cells at which they are found.
@param docbody: (list) of strings, each string being a line in the
document's body.
@return: (list) of strings. The document body, hopefully with page-
breaks, headers and footers removed. Each string in the list once more
represents a line in the document.
number_head_lines = number_foot_lines = 0
## Make sure document not just full of whitespace:
if not document_contains_text(docbody):
## document contains only whitespace - cannot safely
## strip headers/footers
return docbody
## Get list of index posns of pagebreaks in document:
page_break_posns = get_page_break_positions(docbody)
## Get num lines making up each header if poss:
number_head_lines = get_number_header_lines(docbody, page_break_posns)
## Get num lines making up each footer if poss:
number_foot_lines = get_number_footer_lines(docbody, page_break_posns)
## Remove pagebreaks,headers,footers:
docbody = strip_headers_footers_pagebreaks(docbody, \
page_break_posns, \
number_head_lines, \
return docbody
## ----> 2. Finding reference section in full-text:
def _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(word):
"""Add the regex special characters (\s*?) to allow optional spaces between
the characters in a word.
@param word: (string) the word to be inserted into a regex pattern.
@return: string: the regex pattern for that word with optional spaces
between all of its characters.
new_word = u""
for ch in word:
if ch.isspace():
new_word += ch
new_word += ch + unicode(r'\s*')
return new_word
def get_reference_section_title_patterns():
"""Return a list of compiled regex patterns used to search for the title of
a reference section in a full-text document.
@return: (list) of compiled regex patterns.
patterns = []
titles = [ u'references',
u'citations' ]
sect_marker = unicode(r'^\s*?([\[\-\{\(])?\s*?((\w|\d){1,5}([\.\-\,](\w|\d){1,5})?\s*?[\.\-\}\)\]]\s*?)?(?P<title>')
line_end = unicode(r'(\s+?s\s*?e\s*?c\s*?t\s*?i\s*?o\s*?n\s*?)?)')
line_end += unicode(r'($|\s*?[\[\{\(\<]\s*?[1a-z]\s*?[\}\)\>\]]|\:)')
for t in titles:
if len(t) > 0:
## don't append empty titles:
t_ptn = re.compile(sect_marker + \
_create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(t) + \
line_end, re.I|re.UNICODE)
## allow e.g. 'N References' to be found where N is an integer
sect_marker1 = unicode(r'^(\d){1,3}\s*(?P<title>')
t_ptn = re.compile(sect_marker1 + \
_create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'references') + \
line_end, re.I|re.UNICODE)
return patterns
def get_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns(prefix=u''):
"""Return a list of compiled regex patterns used to search for the marker
of a reference line in a full-text document.
@param prefix: (string) the possible prefix to a reference line
@return: (list) of compiled regex patterns.
compiled_ptns = []
title = u""
if type(prefix) in (str, unicode):
title = prefix
g_name = unicode(r'(?P<mark>')
g_close = u')'
space = unicode(r'\s*?')
patterns = \
[ space + title + g_name + unicode(r'\[\s*?(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\]') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'\[\s*?[a-zA-Z]+\s?(\d{1,4}[A-Za-z]?)?\s*?\]') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'\{\s*?(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\}') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'\<\s*?(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\>') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'\(\s*?(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\)') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\.') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\]') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\}') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\)') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'(?P<marknum>\d+)\s*?\>') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'\[\s*?\]') + g_close,
space + title + g_name + unicode(r'\*') + g_close ]
for p in patterns:
compiled_ptns.append(re.compile(p, re.I|re.UNICODE))
return compiled_ptns
def get_first_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns_via_brackets():
"""Return a list of compiled regex patterns used to search for the first
reference line in a full-text document.
The line is considered to start with either: [1] or {1}
@return: (list) of compiled regex patterns.
compiled_patterns = []
g_name = unicode(r'(?P<mark>')
g_close = u')'
patterns = \
[ g_name + unicode(r'(?P<left>\[)\s*?(?P<num>\d+)\s*?(?P<right>\])') \
+ g_close,
g_name + unicode(r'(?P<left>\{)\s*?(?P<num>\d+)\s*?(?P<right>\})') \
+ g_close ]
for p in patterns:
compiled_patterns.append(re.compile(p, re.I|re.UNICODE))
return compiled_patterns
def get_first_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns_via_dots():
"""Return a list of compiled regex patterns used to search for the first
reference line in a full-text document.
The line is considered to start with : 1. or 2. or 3. etc
@return: (list) of compiled regex patterns.
compiled_patterns = []
g_name = unicode(r'(?P<mark>')
g_close = u')'
patterns = \
[ g_name + unicode(r'(?P<left>)\s*?(?P<num>\d+)\s*?(?P<right>\.)') \
+ g_close]
for p in patterns:
compiled_patterns.append(re.compile(p, re.I|re.UNICODE))
return compiled_patterns
def get_first_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns_via_numbers():
"""Return a list of compiled regex patterns used to search for the first
reference line in a full-text document.
The line is considered to start with : 1 or 2 etc (just a number)
@return: (list) of compiled regex patterns.
compiled_patterns = []
g_name = unicode(r'(?P<mark>')
g_close = u')'
patterns = \
[ g_name + unicode(r'(?P<left>)\s*?(?P<num>\d+)\s*?(?P<right>)') \
+ g_close]
for p in patterns:
compiled_patterns.append(re.compile(p, re.I|re.UNICODE))
return compiled_patterns
def get_post_reference_section_title_patterns():
"""Return a list of compiled regex patterns used to search for the title
of the section after the reference section in a full-text document.
@return: (list) of compiled regex patterns.
compiled_patterns = []
thead = unicode(r'^\s*?([\{\(\<\[]?\s*?(\w|\d)\s*?[\)\}\>\.\-\]]?\s*?)?')
ttail = unicode(r'(\s*?\:\s*?)?')
numatn = unicode(r'(\d+|\w\b|i{1,3}v?|vi{0,3})[\.\,]?\b')
## Section titles:
patterns = [ thead + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'appendix') + ttail,
thead + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'appendices') + ttail,
thead + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'acknowledgement') + unicode(r's?') + ttail,
thead + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'table') + unicode(r'\w?s?\d?') + ttail,
thead + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'figure') + unicode(r's?') + ttail,
thead + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'annex') + unicode(r's?') + ttail,
thead + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'discussion') + unicode(r's?') + ttail,
thead + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'remercie') + unicode(r's?') + ttail,
## Figure nums:
r'^\s*?' + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'figure') + numatn,
r'^\s*?' + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'fig') + unicode(r'\.\s*?') + numatn,
r'^\s*?' + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'fig') + unicode(r'\.?\s*?\d\w?\b'),
## tables:
r'^\s*?' + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'table') + numatn,
r'^\s*?' + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'tab') + unicode(r'\.\s*?') + numatn,
r'^\s*?' + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'tab') + unicode(r'\.?\s*?\d\w?\b') ]
for p in patterns:
compiled_patterns.append(re.compile(p, re.I|re.UNICODE))
return compiled_patterns
def get_post_reference_section_keyword_patterns():
"""Return a list of compiled regex patterns used to search for various
keywords that can often be found after, and therefore suggest the end of,
a reference section in a full-text document.
@return: (list) of compiled regex patterns.
compiled_patterns = []
patterns = [ unicode(r'(') + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'prepared') + \
unicode(r'|') + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'created') + \
unicode(r'AAS\s+?LATEX\s+?') + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'macros') + u'v',
unicode(r'^\s*?') + _create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'This paper has been produced using'),
unicode(r'^\s*?') + \
_create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters(u'This article was processed by the author using Springer-Verlag') + \
u' LATEX' ]
for p in patterns:
compiled_patterns.append(re.compile(p, re.I|re.UNICODE))
return compiled_patterns
def perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(line, patterns):
"""Given a list of COMPILED regex patters, perform the "re.match" operation
on the line for every pattern.
Break from searching at the first match, returning the match object.
In the case that no patterns match, the None type will be returned.
@param line: (unicode string) to be searched in.
@param patterns: (list) of compiled regex patterns to search "line"
@return: (None or an re.match object), depending upon whether one of
the patterns matched within line or not.
if type(patterns) not in (list, tuple):
raise TypeError()
if type(line) not in (str, unicode):
raise TypeError()
m = None
for ptn in patterns:
m = ptn.match(line)
if m is not None:
return m
def perform_regex_search_upon_line_with_pattern_list(line, patterns):
"""Given a list of COMPILED regex patters, perform the ""
operation on the line for every pattern. Break from searching at the
first match, returning the match object. In the case that no patterns
match, the None type will be returned.
@param line: (unicode string) to be searched in.
@param patterns: (list) of compiled regex patterns to search "line" with.
@return: (None or an re.match object), depending upon whether one of the
patterns matched within line or not.
if type(patterns) not in (list, tuple):
raise TypeError()
if type(line) not in (str, unicode):
raise TypeError()
m = None
for ptn in patterns:
m =
if m is not None:
return m
re_aff_email = re.compile(r"^.*?@.*?$")
def get_post_author_section_keyword_patterns():
""" Return a list of compiled regex's based on keywords used as an indication of the
end of a possible author section on the title page of a document.
@return: (List of compiled keywords which denote a possible end of author
keywords = ['abstract', 'acknowledgements', 'introduction', 'intro', 'overview',
'contents', 'content', 'context', 'table of contents', 'table',
'objectives', 'page', 'preface', 'summary', 'copyright', 'keywords',
'figure', 'fig']
ptns = map(_create_regex_pattern_add_optional_spaces_to_word_characters, keywords)
## Add an optional chapter numeration (1., 1.1, i, A..) to the start of each pattern
ptns = ['\s*([ai1]\s*\.?\s*[1]?\s*\.?\s*)?'+x for x in ptns]
## Page number 1 ... must force a 'page' match, sometimes numeration is broken
## Number one at the start of a possible chapter
compiled_patterns = []
for p in ptns:
compiled_patterns.append(re.compile(p, re.I | re.UNICODE))
return compiled_patterns
re_aff_num = re.compile(r"(^[\d]+[A-Z])")
re_aff_name = re.compile(r"(univ|institut|laborator)", re.I)
re_aff_univ = re.compile(r"univ[a-z]+\s+(of)?\s+([a-z\s\-]+)|([a-z\s\-]+)\s+(?!univ[a-z]+\sof)univ[a-z]+", re.I)
re_splitting_comma = re.compile(",[^\d]", re.UNICODE)
def arrange_possible_authors(line, delimiter=None):
"""Break a line according to a delimiter. Replace 'and' phrases
with the delimiter before splitting.
@param line: (string) The line containing possible authors.
@param delimiter: (char) A delimiter found when rearranging
numeration around characters. This rearranging took place
prior to this, and was used to partially repair pdftotext issues.
@return: (list) Broken up line.
if not delimiter:
delimiter = ","
## Replace and's with delimiter (comma as standard)
delimited_line = re.sub(r"(^\s*|\s)([Aa][Nn][Dd]|&)\s", delimiter, line)
## Split by delimiter
possible_authors = delimited_line.split(delimiter)
## Remove empty stuff
possible_authors = filter(lambda x: x.strip(), possible_authors)
return possible_authors
def gather_affiliated_authors_by_numeration(lines, aff_positions, number_to_find):
""" Use the found affiliation to try and help with author extraction.
Using affiliation positions, and the number to find, look for authors above
the affiliations, by comparing the numeration found adjacent to authors.
An extraction procedure tends to spend the majority of its time inside this
function, if the number of numerated, affiliated authors is high.
@param lines: (list) The search space.
@param aff_positions: (list) Positions of already found affiliations.
@param number_to_find: (int) The number to find against authors.
@return: (tuple) of two lists, one holding numerated author matches,
and the other holding authors which resided on a line holding a numerated
author, and were split using some common, found delimiter.
def has_number(possible_auth, number_to_find):
"""Does this possible author have the numeration I want?"""
(auth_nums, auth_num_match) = obtain_author_affiliation_numeration_list(possible_auth)
return number_to_find in auth_nums
def remove_excess_numeration(author_match):
"""See function signature."""
return re.sub("^\d+|\d+$", "", author_match)
## Holds numerated authors.
numerated_authors = []
all_split_authors = []
## Make a copy of the list of above lines [must be a copy due to pop()]
lines_to_check = lines[:]
while lines_to_check:
line = lines_to_check.pop().strip()
popped_position = len(lines_to_check)
if aff_positions and (popped_position in aff_positions):
## Shift numeration around delimiters if needed
##FIXME shouldnt have to do this again here.. was done earlier for finding std authors
(shifted_line, num_delimiter) = realign_shifted_line_numeration_around_commas(line)
## Split according to delimiter (default is comma)
possible_authors = arrange_possible_authors(shifted_line, num_delimiter)
## Make a list of ok authors found in the split line, for this affiliation
numerated_authors.extend(filter(lambda a: has_number(a, number_to_find), possible_authors))
## So, on this line, a numerated author was found. So,
## make sure to save the rest of the split authors in this line.
if numerated_authors:
return (map(remove_excess_numeration, numerated_authors), \
map(remove_excess_numeration, all_split_authors))
def initiate_affiliated_author_search(affiliations, top_lines, aff_positions):
"""Using obtained affiliation details, try to find authors, using primarily the
numeration-associated method (pairing numerated authors with numerated affiliations,
and as a fall-back, the 'lines-above' affiliation.
@param affiliations: (dictionary) Already collected affiliations, with their possible
numeration too.
@param top_lines: (list) The top lines (search space) of the document
@param aff_positions: (list) A numeric list of positions where known affiliations
exist (ignores these lines; prevents returning an affiliation as a possible author)
@return: (tuple) affiliation data, and loose authors (all authors found)
## Used to validate a set of words found above an affiliation
## This is used when no authors have been found for a paper, but an affiliation has
## Will try to match a single ambiguous author, such as "William J. Smith"
tried_numeration = []
## Holds all split items in a line where numerated authors were found!
loose_authors = []
for cur_aff in affiliations:
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 2:
sys.stdout.write("---Finding affiliated authors for %s...\n" % cur_aff['line'].encode("UTF-8").strip())
## Using numerated affiliations
if cur_aff['aff_nums']:
numerated_authors = []
for num in cur_aff['aff_nums']:
if not num in tried_numeration:
## For this single, new, affiliation numeration val
## use it to find authors, using:
## 1. Lines above the affiliation
## 2. The already identified affiliation positions
## 3. The affiliation number, for authors, to look for
(numerated_authors_single_num, all_split_authors) = \
gather_affiliated_authors_by_numeration(top_lines, \
aff_positions, \
## Save all split authors, if at least one numerated author was found!
## Otherwise, this is just an empty addition
## Substantially reliable
cur_aff['author_data'] = {'authors' : numerated_authors,
'strength' : 1}
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 7:
sys.stdout.write("----Found %d strong affiliated authors.\n" % len(numerated_authors))
## Using (line-above) NON-numerated affiliations to look for authors
## This method is far less accurate than using numeration, but nonetheless
## correct in a wide variety of situations.
## Get the next non-empty line above the affiliation
position_above = cur_aff['position']-1
while (position_above >= assumed_top_section_start) and \
(position_above >= 0) and \
(not top_lines[position_above].strip()):
position_above -= 1
## The position above is a line which is another affiliation
##i.e. no 'non-blank' possible author line inbetween
if position_above in aff_positions:
position_above = -1
## If a valid line (not empty & not another affiliation) was found above the affiliation
if position_above >= 0:
lines_above = [top_lines[position_above]]
## For each line, look for an 'and' start and collect them up
while[position_above]) and \
(not position_above in aff_positions):
except IndexError:
position_above -= 1
collected_line_above_authors = []
## For each 'possible author' line above the affiliation
## Build a list of weakly-matched authors
for line_above in lines_above:
## Insert commas over 'and's and split using commas
split_line_above = arrange_possible_authors(line_above)
## If the list of comma separated line elements in the above line
## is longer than 1 (i.e. it has commas separating components)
if len(split_line_above) > 1:
## This makes for a more reliable match (comma separated line above aff)
strength_for_this_line_above = 1
## This match isnt so reliable
strength_for_this_line_above = 0
collected_line_above_authors = filter(lambda a:, split_line_above)
## Far less reliable than the numerated version
cur_aff['author_data'] = {'authors' : collected_line_above_authors,
'strength' : strength_for_this_line_above,}
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 7:
sys.stdout.write("----Found %d weak affiliated authors.\n" % len(collected_line_above_authors))
return (affiliations, loose_authors)
def build_start_end_numeration_str(predefined_punct=None):
"""Pieces together the leading and trailing numeration strings,
for affiliations and authors.
@param predefined_number: (int) punctuation which surrounds numeration.
(e.g. brackets)
@return: (regex) The regex which will match both starting and ending
numeration on a line, with any additional punctuation included."""
## It is important that the regex matches the number AND something else relevant on the line
numeration_str = "^"+get_author_affiliation_numeration_str(predefined_punct)+r"[^\d](?:(?:.*?)[^\d\s\.,\:;\-\[\]\(\)\*\\](?:.*?))" \
+"|"+r"(?:(?:.*?)[^\s\.,\:;\-\[\]\(\)\*\\](?:.*?))[^\d]"+get_author_affiliation_numeration_str(predefined_punct) \
return numeration_str
def obtain_author_affiliation_numeration_list(line, punct=None):
"""Extract the leading or trailing numeration from the line.
@param line: (string) a line of text (possibly holding an affiliation)
@param punct: (string) the punctuation known to surround numeration
elements. (makes the search more strict)
@return: (list) stripped and raw integer numeration"""
## List of integer numeration associated with this author/affiliation
i_stripped_nums = []
## Given a line with an affiliation, see if numeration is on the line
re_numeration = \
re.compile(build_start_end_numeration_str(punct), re.UNICODE|re.VERBOSE)
num_match =, line.strip())
## Numeration exists for this affiliation
if num_match:
## Get the start/end number match (or string of separated numbers)!
str_num = or
## Split if multiple numbers
if ";" in str_num:
stripped_nums = str_num.split(";")
elif "," in str_num:
stripped_nums = str_num.split(",")
stripped_nums = [str_num]
## Attempt to convert each numeration value to an integer
i_stripped_nums = map(lambda n: int(n.strip()), stripped_nums)
except ValueError:
## num_match is used to obtain punctuation around the numeration
return (i_stripped_nums, num_match)
def replace_affiliation_names(line):
""" Standardise some affiliations. Convert some
domain specific HEP names to a standard form.
This will very likely be moved out into a kb soon.
@param line: (string) Line from the document holding a
possibly unstandardised affiliation.
@return: the line holding now standardised affiliations
## Removes numeration, 'the'/'and', and replace titles
line = line.strip()
line = re.sub(term, repl, line)
line = re.sub(r"\s[tT][hH][eE]\s", " ", line)
line = re.sub(r"\s[aA][nN][dD]\s", " ", line)
return line
def reduce_affiliation_names(line):
""" Standardise some affiliations. This will remove numeration,
and will convert university names into a standard format.
@param line: (string) Line from the document holding a
possibly unstandardised affiliation.
@return: the line holding now standardised formats of affiliations
## Kill numeration
line = re.sub(r"[0-9]","",line)
## Format the found affiliation
univ_name =
if univ_name:
## Get the University name
line = ( or + " U."
## Check and set an institution
if line.find(inst) != -1:
line = inst
return line
def extract_numerated_affiliations(num_data, num_find, missing):
""" Collect numerated affiliations, using a section of the document, and
the number which to search for. The punctuation surrounding any numeration (the
first number found) (if any) is used to improve the strictness of the search.
@param num_position: (int) position in section from where to look
for numerated affiliations
@param num_section: (list) section holding numerated affiliations
@param num_find: (int) number to find, paired with affiliations
@param num_punct: (string) punctuation around affiliation numeration (if any)
@return: (list) of dictionary elements corresponding to the position,
content and numeration data of an affiliation.
affs = []
if num_data['position'] < len(num_data['top']):
## First line, holding first affiliation with the number 1
line = num_data['top'][num_data['position']].strip()
## A number has been found before this iteration
## Use previous number, and previous punctuation!
(aff_nums, specific_num_match) = obtain_author_affiliation_numeration_list(line, num_data['punc'])
if num_find in aff_nums:
## Attempt to get numeration for this affiliation
num_find = num_find + 1
except ValueError:
sys.stderr.write("Error: Unable to obtain integer affiliation numeration.")
## Save the punctuation surrounding the numeration
affs.append({'position' : num_data['position'],
'line' : reduce_affiliation_names(line),
'aff_nums' : aff_nums,
'author_data' : None})
elif num_find in missing:
## Get the next non missing number and use that
while num_find in missing:
num_find += 1
## Increment position and remove top line
num_data['position'] += 1
## Do until end of docbody section (num_section)
affs.extend(extract_numerated_affiliations(num_data, \
num_find, \
return affs
## Numeration at the start of the line
re_start_numeration = re.compile("^%s$" % get_author_affiliation_numeration_str(), \
def realign_numeration(toplines):
""" Create a duplicate document body, but with starting numeration
replicated on the next line. This is to do with the reparation
of numeration across multiple lines, from the pdftottext conversion.
Both of these docbody's are later checked, and the one which makes
sense in terms of numeration positioning is used from then onwards.
Essentially means that the conversion of pdf to text is less likely
to hinder numeration searching.
@param docbody: (list) List of lines of the entire input document.
@return: (list) The list of lines of the entire input document,
with any start-line numeration shifted accordingly.
toplines_alternate = toplines[:]
## Get the positions of all single '1's
## These positions will denote the start of each realignment process
starting_numeration = []
for position, line in enumerate(toplines):
num_match =
if num_match:
i_num = int(
if i_num == 1:
## If this number found is
except ValueError:
numeration_swaps = 0
## Now, using the positions of the '1's, go forward and locate
## subsequent numeration, and replicate on the following line if need be
missing_nums = []
for start in starting_numeration:
alignment_error = 0
num = 1
for position, line in enumerate(toplines[start:]):
num_match =
if num_match:
## Sanity check, make sure the match is an integer
i_num = int(
except ValueError:
## Hit a number which is not expected, and is not just 2 ahead
if (i_num != num) and ((i_num < num) or ((i_num - num) > \
## Skipping can occur, but only whilst the number is within the allowable gap
## When there exists an acceptable missed number, for whatever reason
if (i_num > num) and ((i_num - num) <= CFG_REFEXTRACT_AFFILIATION_NUMERATION_ALLOWABLE_GAP):
## Append all the missing numbers between the gap
missing_num = num
while missing_num != i_num:
missing_num += 1
num += (i_num - num)
## Otherwise, if this number found is equal to the incremented number
toplines_alternate[start+position] = "\n"
except IndexError:
alignment_error = 3
lookahead = start+position
## Now place the number on the next NON-EMPTY line
while not alignment_error:
lookahead += 1
line_ahead = toplines_alternate[lookahead].strip()
int_val_line = int(line_ahead)
except ValueError:
## ValueError is good
if line_ahead:
toplines_alternate[lookahead] = \ + line_ahead
## Increment the next number to look for
num += 1
numeration_swaps += 1
except IndexError:
alignment_error = 4
## A line following a found lone number is also a number
## To dangerous to continue.
alignment_error = 5
if alignment_error:
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 1:
sys.stdout.write("---Warning: Realign numeration problem #%d.\n" % alignment_error)
## Scrap the alternate version
toplines_alternate = toplines
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 8:
sys.stdout.write("---realign numeration made %d changes.\n" % numeration_swaps)
return (toplines_alternate, missing_nums)
def find_affiliations(lines, start, end=None, use_to_find_authors=False):
""" Given a possible author section, attempt to retrieve any affliations.
@param lines: (list) The entire document body as a list of lines.
@param start: (int) The start position, from where to start finding
@param end: (int) The boundary position: Stop searching here.
@param use_to_find_authors: (boolean) whether or not the affiliations found
within this function should be used to support the identification of authors.
(This will be True in the case when '--authors' is selected, and no authors
have been found using the specific author regular expression during the first
@return (tuple): Affilations and the possibly improved author section.
def get_smaller(x, y):
if x < y:
return x
return y
affiliations = []
numerated_aff_data = {'position' : None,
'punc' : None,
'top' : None,}
if not start:
start = 0
## If a keyword was found, then use it to limit the search space
if end:
top_lines_orig = lines[start:end]
top_lines_orig = lines[start:]
## Get an alternative version of the top section, of the same length
## but with some alone numeration replicated on the next line!
(top_lines_alt, missing_nums) = realign_numeration(top_lines_orig)
for position in range(len(top_lines_orig)):
## Standardise some affiliations
line = replace_affiliation_names(top_lines_orig[position].strip())
line_alt = replace_affiliation_names(top_lines_alt[position].strip())
## If a previous numeration value was found in the previous iteration
## check for the increment of this value on this line
if or
## Check numeration in line from original & realigned docbodies
(aff_nums, num_match) = obtain_author_affiliation_numeration_list(line)
(aff_nums_alt, num_match_alt) = obtain_author_affiliation_numeration_list(line_alt)
## Set the information to the correct top_section, depending on
## if the numeration was found split across lines or not.
if aff_nums or not aff_nums_alt:
top_version_for_line = top_lines_orig
top_version_for_line = top_lines_alt
aff_nums = aff_nums_alt
num_match = num_match_alt
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Affiliation match on line: %s\n" % \
## Aff number '1' numeration found, save position and punctuation
if aff_nums and num_match and (1 in aff_nums):
## Set the top version to use, depending on how this initial aff was found
numerated_aff_data = {'position' : position,
'top' : top_version_for_line,
'punc' :,}
## So, an AFFILIATION KEYWORD was found on this line, but this is not a '1'!
## Move up lines to get the starting affiliation position, using NUMERATION
elif aff_nums and num_match:
## Get the smallest affiliation number, and minus 1 from it
find_num = reduce(lambda x, y: get_smaller(x, y), aff_nums) - 1
reversed_position = position - 1
## Attempt to go back and find the start of this numeration section
## Get numeration for this line
while (reversed_position >= 0) and (numerated_aff_data['position'] is None):
## Check numeration in the numeration-realigned docbody
(rev_aff_nums, rev_num_match) = \
## Check for numeration n, n = 1
if find_num == 1 and (find_num in rev_aff_nums):
## Set the top version to use, depending on how this initial aff was found
numerated_aff_data = {'position' : reversed_position,
'top' : top_version_for_line,
'punc' :,}
## Check for numeration n, 1 < n < last found
elif find_num in rev_aff_nums:
find_num = find_num - 1
## Move position up one line
reversed_position = reversed_position - 1
if not numerated_aff_data['position']:
## Could not find start. Abort everything.
## No numeration -- append affiliation normally
affiliations.append({'position' : position,
'line' : reduce_affiliation_names(line),
'aff_nums' : None,
'author_data' : None,})
## Stop searching if a starting numerated affiliation has been found
if numerated_aff_data['position'] is not None:
starting_aff_position = None
## Collect all numerated affiliations, using the starting affiliation
## Missing numeration was detected during the realignment process
if numerated_aff_data['position'] is not None:
## Need to save this, since finding numerated affs will change it
starting_aff_position = numerated_aff_data['position']
affiliations = extract_numerated_affiliations(numerated_aff_data, \
1, \
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---The collection of numerated affiliations returned %d affiliations.\n" % len(affiliations))
loose_authors = []
## Get affiliated authors, if specified
if use_to_find_authors:
top_to_use_to_find_authors = numerated_aff_data['top'] or top_lines_orig
## If numerated affiliations are being used, only look at the lines above
## the first numerated affiliation
if numerated_aff_data['position']:
top_to_use_to_find_authors = top_to_use_to_find_authors[:starting_aff_position]
aff_positions = [aff['position'] for aff in affiliations]
## Look for authors associated with obtained affiliations
(affiliations, loose_authors) = initiate_affiliated_author_search(affiliations, \
top_to_use_to_find_authors, \
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---The collection of affiliated authors returned authors for %d affiliations.\n" % \
len([x['author_data']['authors'] for x in affiliations if (x['author_data'] and x['author_data']['authors'])]))
## Remove undesirable characters
for tmp_aff in affiliations:
tmp_aff['line'] = replace_undesirable_characters( \
reduce_affiliation_names(tmp_aff['line']).strip(".,:;- []()*\\"))
return (affiliations, loose_authors)
def collect_tagged_authors(top_section, position, first_line=None, \
orig_blank_lines=None, cur_blank_lines=None):
"""Recursively try to obtain authors after an 'author tag' has been
@param top_section: (list) Lines corresponding to the document's top section
@param position: (integer) Current position in the top_section
@param first_line: (string) An optional, over-riding line to be processed on the
first iteration
@param orig_blank_lines: (integer) The static gap width, calculated when finding the
first non-empty line, before collecting subsequent lines. The blank line count is
reset to this value for each tagged author collected.
@param cur_blank_lines: (integer) An optional, blank line count, which is calculated
after traversing lines after a tag, before iterating. This is then used to find possible
subsequent authors.
@return: list holding the list of collected tagged authors,
and the position of the last author line
def leading_comma(line):
return line.rstrip().endswith(",")
line_parts = []
if position < len(top_section):
if first_line:
line = first_line.strip()
line = top_section[position].strip()
if orig_blank_lines and not cur_blank_lines:
dec_blank_lines = orig_blank_lines - 1
elif cur_blank_lines:
dec_blank_lines = cur_blank_lines - 1
dec_blank_lines = orig_blank_lines
comma_subd_line = re.sub(r"\s([Aa][Nn][Dd]|&)\s", ", ", line)
line_has_leading_comma = leading_comma(comma_subd_line)
line_parts = comma_subd_line.split(",")
#FIXME possibly generate a pattern from the tagged author match, to be used to verify other authors! (pattern from FIRST match)
## Check to see if this line starts with an 'and'
## or a comma, or has an author form. In either case it's likely
## that more author names preceed it.
author_match =
if line_has_leading_comma or author_match:
if line_has_leading_comma:
## Reset and reuse the blank line count (comma found at the end of the line)
dec_blank_lines = orig_blank_lines
## Do not consider any more blank lines when searching
dec_blank_lines = 0
(position, more_line_parts) = collect_tagged_authors(top_section, \
position+1, \
first_line=None, \
orig_blank_lines=orig_blank_lines, \
## Extend the parts found on this line, with the parts found
## in previous iterations. (going backwards)
## Or if it is known that there exists blank lines between tagged authors,
## and this line has a leading comma (evidence for more authors somewhere),
## or is blank then continue to look for authors, until the gap width
## (blank line count) is reached
elif cur_blank_lines > 0 and ((not line) or line_has_leading_comma):
(position, more_line_parts) = collect_tagged_authors(top_section, \
position+1, \
first_line=None, \
orig_blank_lines=orig_blank_lines, \
## Nothing gets added from this line, just pass the line to the next iteration
line_parts = more_line_parts
return (position, line_parts)
re_misaligned_numeration_around_comma = re.compile("(.*?)(?P<delim>[,;])\s*(\d{1,3})")
def realign_shifted_line_numeration_around_commas(line):
## First see how many swap substitutions will take place, before-hand.
swaps = [x for x in re_misaligned_numeration_around_comma.finditer(line)]
delimiter = None
if len(swaps) >= 1:
## Get the first matches' delimiter, which can be reused to split a line later.
delimiter = swaps[0].group("delim")
## Do the swapping.
line = re_misaligned_numeration_around_comma.sub(r"\g<1>\g<3>,", line).strip(",")
return (line, delimiter)
## Used in the event that no keyword is found (max length of top section)
assumed_top_section_length = 300
## Used to force the validity of found keywords
## (Valid if they appear after this position)
assumed_top_section_start = 1
## Was extract_authors_from_fulltext
def extract_top_document_information_from_fulltext(docbody, first_author=None):
""" Given a list of lines from a document body, obtain author/affiliation
information of the document. This is done via the examination of the top
section of the document, via similar regex's used to identify authors in
references, and also author tags and the use of affiliation information.
Tagged authors always have the highest level of precedence when deciding
which group of authors to output for this document. In general,
affiliated authors have a higher precedence level than standard authors,
however, this can change depending on the method used to identify
the affiliated authors, and whether or not the affiliated authors is a
smaller subset of the standard author list.
The number of lines which will constitute the search-space, is
identified through two configuration values, and more importantly, by
using usual 'start-of-document-body' keyword (abstract, introduction etc..)
Author identification is completed by running through three, partially-
separated steps:
1. Obtain authors which are explicitly tagged as such
2. Collect up standard-authors, using the re_auth comprehensive regex.
3. Attempt to collect authors using affiliation matches.
3.1 Lean on numerated affiliations to allow for the accurate extraction
of paired numerated authors.
3.2 Look at the lines above affiliations, and check for possible authors.
@param docbody: (list) List of lines corresponding to the entire text version
of the input document.
@param first_author: (string) An optional first author from where to start
@return: (tuple) The top document information, holding affiliations
and the chosen set of author names. Also holds two status values.
def check_for_end_of_author_section_match_keywords(docbody):
""" Given a lowercase, stripped line from the start of a document, try to find a match the
line exactly for a keyword. A match should indicate the end of the author section.
@param line: The line to be checked for ending section keywords.
@return (match object): The match object returned when a keyword match is found.
found_ending_keyword = None
found_author_tag = None
ending_keyword_ptns = get_post_author_section_keyword_patterns()
for position, line in enumerate(docbody):
## Find top section ending keywords
## Must exceed the first 3 lines
keyword_hit = perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(line, ending_keyword_ptns)
if keyword_hit and not found_ending_keyword and (position > 3):
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 7:
sys.stdout.write("---Ending keyword match: %s, position: %d\n" % \
(, position))
found_ending_keyword = position
## Look for author tags
author_tag_hit =
if author_tag_hit and not found_author_tag:
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 7:
sys.stdout.write("---Author tag match: %s, position: %d\n" % \
(, position))
found_author_tag = position
## Only in the top X lines
if (found_ending_keyword and found_author_tag) \
or position >= assumed_top_section_length:
return (found_ending_keyword, found_author_tag)
## Example docbody
#docbody = ['Some title', 'Some date', 'Chris Hayward, Tim Smith, Joe Harris', 'University of Bath', '', 'Abstract']
#docbody = ['Some title', 'Some date', \
# 'Authors:', 'Chris Hayward,', '', 'Tim Smith,', '', 'Joe Harris', 'University of Bath', '', 'Abstract']
affiliations = []
## Always find the position of the start of the reference section.
## Strip from document body.
refs_start = get_reference_section_beginning(docbody)
## Strip references. This will prevent analysing this section for authors.
if refs_start:
docbody = docbody[:refs_start['start_line']]
## Default return values
status = how_found_start = 0
## end-of-top-section-keyword position, if any
(pre_ending_keyword, pre_author_tag) = check_for_end_of_author_section_match_keywords(docbody)
if pre_ending_keyword:
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Using top section keyword as a delimiter.\n")
top_section = docbody[:pre_ending_keyword]
elif len(docbody) < assumed_top_section_length:
## Half total length
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Using entire document body as top section.\n")
top_section = docbody
## First N lines
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Using first %d lines as top section.\n" % \
top_section = docbody[:assumed_top_section_length]
tagged_author_information = []
just_tagged_authors = []
first_author_tag_position = None
## METHOD 1 -------------- Look for tagged authors.
for position in range(len(top_section)):
line = top_section[position]
## 'Prepared/edited/written by:', or 'authors:'
## We know there's a tag, save this position
first_author_tag_position = last_tagged_author_position = position
## Remove the tag, and check content
detagged_line = re_author_tag.sub('', line, 1).strip()
if detagged_line:
## From this point, go on and collect tagged authors
(last_tagged_author_position, tagged_authors) = \
collect_tagged_authors(top_section, \
position, \
## So, in this situation, there is nothing following the
## author tag on the same line, but a tag is present, meaning
## that authors are below the tag somewhere!
## Get the next non-empty line, and look at that.
position_find = position + 1
tagged_authors = None
## From this point
while (position_find < len(top_section)) and (not tagged_authors):
## Hit a non-blank line after a tag, start searching recursively from here
if top_section[position_find].strip() != '':
gap_width = position_find - position
(last_tagged_author_position, tagged_authors) = \
collect_tagged_authors(top_section, \
position_find, \
## Save the position of the last author line
position_find += 1
if tagged_authors:
tagged_author_information = [{'authors' : tagged_authors,
'affiliation' : None,}]
just_tagged_authors = tagged_authors
## Break with whatever was collected from the author tag.
## METHOD 2 -------------- look for standard authors (basic pattern)
## Look for standard (initials surname, or surname initials) authors.
## This is done before affiliation-assisted author-search is initiated
## since the positions can be used to improve affiliation detection.
first_standard_author_position = None
standard_authors = []
standard_author_matches = []
## Either original, or shifted, using numeration
top_section_version = None
for position in range(len(top_section)):
## An author tag was found, delay the search until the tag position is reached
if first_author_tag_position and (position < first_author_tag_position):
line = top_section[position]
(shifted_line, numeration_delimiter) = \
## Look for authors (with or without numeration) on the original line
## and on the augmented line (with numeration shifted)
author_matches = \
[x for x in re_single_author_pattern_with_numeration.finditer(line)]
author_matches_alt = \
[y for y in re_single_author_pattern_with_numeration.finditer(shifted_line)]
if author_matches or author_matches_alt:
if not first_standard_author_position:
first_standard_author_position = position
last_standard_author_position = position
if author_matches and author_matches_alt:
## Save the list of matching authors in a list
if len(author_matches) <= len(author_matches_alt):
use_line = "alt"
elif author_matches_alt:
use_line = "alt"
if use_line == "alt":
which_line = re.sub("\s([Aa][Nn][Dd]|&)\s", ",", shifted_line.strip())
standard_author_matches = author_matches_alt
which_line = re.sub("\s([Aa][Nn][Dd]|&)\s", ",", line.strip())
standard_author_matches = author_matches
new_standard_authors = [ for x in standard_author_matches]
## Split the line based on a common delimiter,
## If at least two authors were matched on this line
if len(standard_author_matches) >= 2:
first_matched_auth = standard_author_matches[0].group(0)
second_matched_auth = standard_author_matches[1].group(0)
delimiter = None
## Take either the delimiter from two author matches
## or from the result of swapping numeration eariler.
## Use this information to split a line, thus maximising the author count.
if first_matched_auth.strip()[-1] == second_matched_auth.strip()[-1]:
delimiter = first_matched_auth.strip()[-1]
elif numeration_delimiter:
delimiter = numeration_delimiter
if delimiter:
split_authors = [n for n in which_line.split(delimiter) if n.strip(", ")]
## Take the authors obtained from splitting the line
if len(split_authors) >= len(new_standard_authors):
new_standard_authors = split_authors
except IndexError:
## Standard author strings
## By this point, we've managed to try and get tagged authors, as well
## as anything in the top section that looks like an author using the standard
## author pattern.
## METHOD 3 -------------- Look for authors using affiliations
## and handle the assembly of standard authors too
affiliation_associated_affiliated_authors = []
affiliation_associated_standard_authors = []
just_standard_authors = []
just_affiliated_authors = []
## Now, attempt to obtain authors using affiliation positions.
## A tagged author position is considered the best starting point.
## Otherwise start from the top of the section.
## Always attempt to find authors too.
(affiliations, loose_authors) = find_affiliations(top_section, \
start=first_author_tag_position, \
if affiliations is not None:
## Attempt to pair together standard authors with identified affiliations.
## If the number of affiliation is equal to the number of author lines
if len(affiliations) == len(standard_authors):
## Increase strength for this (when len(aff)=len(auth))?
for x in range(len(standard_authors)):
## Associate authors with affiliations
affiliation_associated_standard_authors.append({'authors' : standard_authors[x],
'affiliation' : affiliations[x]['line']})
## Now assemble affiliated authors, with their affiliations
for aff in affiliations:
## Append any affiliation supported authors, but only if authors exist.
if aff['author_data']:
author_list_for_affiliation = aff['author_data']['authors']
affiliated_author_strength = aff['author_data']['strength']
affiliation_associated_affiliated_authors.append( \
{'authors' : [auth for auth in author_list_for_affiliation if auth not in just_affiliated_authors],
'affiliation' : aff['line'],
'strength' : affiliated_author_strength,})
just_affiliated_authors.extend([auth for auth in author_list_for_affiliation])
## In the event that standard authors were not paired with affiliations
## then just make a list of dictionaries of authors without affiliations
if standard_authors and not affiliation_associated_standard_authors:
for s in standard_authors:
affiliation_associated_standard_authors.append({'authors' : s,
'affiliation' : None,})
## Print the extracted author counts
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Author counts for each extraction type:\n")
sys.stdout.write("----1. Tagged, count %d.\n" % \
(len([l for l in just_tagged_authors if l.strip()])))
sys.stdout.write("----2. Standard, count %d.\n" % \
(len([k for k in just_standard_authors if k.strip()])))
sys.stdout.write("----3. Affiliated, count %d.\n" % \
(len([j for j in just_affiliated_authors if j.strip()])))
## Print the physical author matches
if cli_opts['verbosity'] == 9:
sys.stdout.write("---Author extraction type contents:\n")
sys.stdout.write("----1. Tagged authors:\n%s\n" % \
sys.stdout.write("----2. Standard authors:\n%s\n" % \
sys.stdout.write("----3. Affiliated authors:\n%s\n" % \
[x['authors'] for x in affiliation_associated_affiliated_authors])
## Given three lists of authors, which have been extracted using
## three different methods decide which list to return as the most
## reliable representation of this paper's authors (if any)
(final_authors, chosen_type) = choose_author_method(tagged_author_information, \
affiliation_associated_standard_authors, \
affiliation_associated_affiliated_authors, \
just_tagged_authors, \
just_standard_authors, \
## Display the results of choosing the set of authors
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 8:
sys.stdout.write("---Chosen author-type: %d\n" % chosen_type)
sys.stdout.write("\n********************\nExtracted top data:\n" % final_authors)
sys.stdout.write(" Authors:\n\t%s\n" % final_authors)
sys.stdout.write(" Affiliations:\n\t%s\n********************\n\n" % affiliations)
document_information = {'authors' : final_authors,
'affiliations' : affiliations}
return (document_information, status, chosen_type)
def mark_up_affiliation(affiliation):
""" Tags a string, with the affiliation tags.
def process_aff(a):
"""Remove unacceptable end characters."""
a = replace_undesirable_characters(a).strip(".,:;- []()*\\")
return a
processed_aff = process_aff(affiliation)
tagged_aff = ""
if processed_aff:
tagged_aff = "%s%s%s" % ("<cds.AFF>", \
processed_aff, \
return tagged_aff
def mark_up_affiliations(affiliations):
""" Tag a set of lines as affiliations. Note the first
affiliation too.
@param affiliations: (list) Strings which should be marked up
as affiliations.
@return: (list) of tuples. Holding a boolean, as to whether or not
this affiliation or author is the first one in the list.
tagged_affiliations = []
is_first_aff = True
for a in affiliations:
marked_up_aff = mark_up_affiliation(a)
if marked_up_aff:
tagged_affiliations.append((is_first_aff, marked_up_aff))
if is_first_aff:
is_first_aff = False
return tagged_affiliations
def mark_up_authors_with_affiliations(final_authors):
""" Prepare authors and any possible associated affiliations
into marked-up (tagged) lines according to identified authors.
@param final_authors: (list) Holding dictionary items
holding lists of authors with their optional affiliation.
@return: (list) A list of lines, holding marked-up authors
and their affiliations.
## Pair authors and affiliations together, in the event that
## affiliated supported authors were found!
tagged_authors = []
def process_authors(a):
## Also remove numeration
a = re.sub('\d+', '', a)
a = replace_undesirable_characters(a).strip(".,:;- []()*\\")
return a
is_first_author = True
for aff_auth_dict in final_authors:
for authors in aff_auth_dict['authors']:
## Otherwise the closing element tag dissappears (!?)
if authors:
if not aff_auth_dict['affiliation']:
aff_for_authors = ""
## Use the affiliation tags to tag this affiliation
aff_for_authors = mark_up_affiliation(aff_auth_dict['affiliation'])
## Tag authors, and any of their associated affiliations
tagged_authors.append((is_first_author, "%s%s%s%s" % ("<cds.AUTHstnd>", \
process_authors(authors), \
if is_first_author:
is_first_author = False
return tagged_authors
def choose_author_method(tagged_info, std_info, aff_info, \
tagged_authors, std_authors, aff_authors):
"""Decide which list of authors to treat as the most accurate and
reliable list of authors for a document. This is accomplished
primarily through set operations of the author values, and the methods
by which they were extracted.
@param tagged_info: (dict) Affiliation and author information for authors
obtained using explicit in-document author notation (tags).
@param std_info: (dict) Affiliation and author information for authors
obtained using the comphrehensive author pattern.
@param aff_info: (dict) Affiliation and author information for authors
obtained using two types of affiliation-context (numeration, and positioning).
@param tagged_authors: (list) List of purely tagged authors.
@param std_authors: (list) List of purely standard-matched authors.
@param aff_authors: (list) List of purely affiliated authors.
@return: (tuple) Affiliation and author information which is deemed to be
the most accurate for the document, and the type used --
(standard [2] or affiliated [3]).
## Immediately discard non-sets of authors (hold duplicate entries)
if len(tagged_authors) != len(set(tagged_authors)):
sys.stdout.write("Warning: tagged authors list has duplicates.\n")
tagged_info = []
if len(std_authors) != len(set(std_authors)):
sys.stdout.write("Warning: standard authors list has duplicates.\n")
std_info = []
if len(aff_authors) != len(set(aff_authors)):
sys.stdout.write("Warning: affiliated authors list has duplicates.\n")
aff_info = []
tagged_authors = map(lambda x: x.strip(" ,"), tagged_authors)
std_authors = map(lambda y: y.strip(" ,"), std_authors)
aff_authors = map(lambda z: z.strip(" ,"), aff_authors)
## False if there is a 'weak' affiliation-supported author match
## AND none of them are found in the list of standard authors
weak_affiliated_authors = False
## True if 'weak' affiliated authors are present, and at least one of
## those authors has, as a subset, an author from the standard author list
author_match_with_standard_authors = False
## If standard authors and affiliated authors exist
## Otherwise there's no point in deciding which to take
if std_authors and aff_authors:
## Is there a 'line-above' author line?
weak_affiliated_authors = filter(lambda tmp_aff: \
((tmp_aff['strength'] is 0) and tmp_aff['authors']), aff_info)
for f in aff_info:
if (f['strength'] is 0) and f['authors']:
## Given that there exists at least one 'line above' set of authors
## See if any of these so-called weak authors also exist in the
## set of standard authors (even as substrings)
for auth in f['authors']:
## If there exists a standard author which is a substring
## of at least one affiliated author
author_match_with_standard_authors = filter(lambda tmp_std: \
auth.find(tmp_std), std_authors)
## Do not place precedence on the standard authors
if author_match_with_standard_authors:
## Do not give precedence to standard authors when there exists
## a line-above author in the list of standard authors
if author_match_with_standard_authors:
weak_affiliated_authors = False
aff_authors_is_a_subset_of_std_authors = False
if set(aff_authors).difference(std_authors) and set(aff_authors).issubset(std_authors):
## Is the set of affiliated authors a subset of standard authors
## And do they differ?!
aff_authors_is_a_subset_of_std_authors = True
## The situations where std_info has precendence over aff_info
## 1. There exists at least one 'line above affiliation' (weakly) found author
## 2. Affiliated authors are a subset of standard authors
## 3. Standard authors double the number of affiliated authors
standard_over_affiliated = weak_affiliated_authors or \
aff_authors_is_a_subset_of_std_authors or \
((len(aff_authors) * 2) < len(std_authors))
if not (tagged_authors or std_authors or aff_authors):
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Unable to find any authors.\n")
return ([], 0)
elif tagged_authors:
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Choosing tagged authors.\n")
return (tagged_info, 1)
## Make the choice, with the appropriate precedence
elif standard_over_affiliated:
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Choosing standard over affiliated authors.\n")
if std_info:
return (std_info, 2)
return (aff_info, 3)
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write("---Choosing affiliated over standard authors.\n")
if aff_info:
return (aff_info, 3)
return (std_info, 2)
def find_reference_section(docbody):
"""Search in document body for its reference section. More precisely, find
the first line of the reference section. Effectively, the function starts
at the end of a document and works backwards, line-by-line, looking for
the title of a reference section. It stops when (if) it finds something
that it considers to be the first line of a reference section.
@param docbody: (list) of strings - the full document body.
@return: (dictionary) :
{ 'start_line' : (integer) - index in docbody of 1st reference line,
'title_string' : (string) - title of the reference section.
'marker' : (string) - the marker of the first reference line,
'marker_pattern' : (string) - regexp string used to find the marker,
'title_marker_same_line' : (integer) - flag to indicate whether the
reference section title was on the same
line as the first reference line's
marker or not. 1 if it was; 0 if not.
Much of this information is used by later functions to rebuild
a reference section.
-- OR --
(None) - when the reference section could not be found.
ref_start_line = ref_title = ref_line_marker = ref_line_marker_ptn = None
title_marker_same_line = found_part = None
if len(docbody) > 0:
title_patterns = get_reference_section_title_patterns()
marker_patterns = get_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns()
p_num = re.compile(unicode(r'(\d+)'))
## Try to find refs section title:
x = len(docbody) - 1
found_title = 0
while x >= 0 and not found_title:
title_match = \
perform_regex_search_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[x], \
if title_match is not None:
temp_ref_start_line = x
temp_title ='title')
# Need to escape to avoid problems like 'References['
temp_title = re.escape(temp_title)
mk_with_title_ptns = \
mk_with_title_match = \
if mk_with_title_match is not None:
mk ='mark')
mk_ptn =
m_num =
if m_num is not None and int( == 1:
# Mark found.
found_title = 1
ref_title = temp_title
ref_line_marker = mk
ref_line_marker_ptn = mk_ptn
ref_start_line = temp_ref_start_line
title_marker_same_line = 1
found_part = 1
ref_start_line = temp_ref_start_line
ref_line_marker = mk
ref_line_marker_ptn = mk_ptn
ref_title = temp_title
title_marker_same_line = 1
y = x + 1
## Move past blank lines
while docbody[y].isspace() and y < len(docbody):
y = y + 1
## Is this line numerated like a reference line?
mark_match = perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[y], marker_patterns)
if mark_match is not None:
## Ref line found. What is it?
title_marker_same_line = None
mark ='mark')
mk_ptn =
m_num =
if m_num is not None and int( == 1:
# 1st ref truly found
ref_start_line = temp_ref_start_line
ref_line_marker = mark
ref_line_marker_ptn = mk_ptn
ref_title = temp_title
found_title = 1
elif m_num is not None and m_num.groups(0) != 1:
found_part = 1
ref_start_line = temp_ref_start_line
ref_line_marker = mark
ref_line_marker_ptn = mk_ptn
ref_title = temp_title
if found_part:
found_title = 1
found_part = 1
ref_start_line = temp_ref_start_line
ref_title = temp_title
ref_line_marker = mark
ref_line_marker_ptn = mk_ptn
## No numeration
if found_part:
found_title = 1
found_part = 1
ref_start_line = temp_ref_start_line
ref_title = temp_title
except IndexError:
## References section title was on last line for some
## reason. Ignore
x = x - 1
if ref_start_line is not None:
## return dictionary containing details of reference section:
ref_sectn_details = { 'start_line' : ref_start_line,
'title_string' : ref_title,
'marker' : ref_line_marker,
'marker_pattern' : ref_line_marker_ptn,
'title_marker_same_line' : \
(title_marker_same_line is not None and 1) or (0)
ref_sectn_details = None
return ref_sectn_details
def find_reference_section_no_title_via_brackets(docbody):
"""This function would generally be used when it was not possible to locate
the start of a document's reference section by means of its title.
Instead, this function will look for reference lines that have numeric
markers of the format [1], [2], etc.
@param docbody: (list) of strings -each string is a line in the document.
@return: (dictionary) :
{ 'start_line' : (integer) - index in docbody of 1st reference line,
'title_string' : (None) - title of the reference section
(None since no title),
'marker' : (string) - the marker of the first reference line,
'marker_pattern' : (string) - the regexp string used to find the
'title_marker_same_line' : (integer) 0 - to signal title not on same
line as marker.
Much of this information is used by later functions to rebuild
a reference section.
-- OR --
(None) - when the reference section could not be found.
ref_start_line = ref_line_marker = None
if len(docbody) > 0:
marker_patterns = get_first_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns_via_brackets()
## try to find first reference line in the reference section:
x = len(docbody) - 1
found_ref_sect = 0
while x >= 0 and not found_ref_sect:
mark_match = \
perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[x], \
if mark_match is not None and int('num')) == 1:
## Get marker recognition pattern:
mk_ptn =
## Look for [2] in next 10 lines:
next_test_lines = 10
y = x + 1
temp_found = 0
while y < len(docbody) and y < x + next_test_lines and not temp_found:
mark_match2 = perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[y], marker_patterns)
if (mark_match2 is not None) and \
(int('num')) == 2) and \
('left') == \'left')) and \
('right') == \'right')):
## Found next reference line:
temp_found = 1
elif y == len(docbody) - 1:
temp_found = 1
y = y + 1
if temp_found:
found_ref_sect = 1
ref_start_line = x
ref_line_marker ='mark')
ref_line_marker_ptn = mk_ptn
x = x - 1
if ref_start_line is not None:
ref_sectn_details = { 'start_line' : ref_start_line,
'title_string' : None,
'marker' : ref_line_marker,
'marker_pattern' : ref_line_marker_ptn,
'title_marker_same_line' : 0
## didn't manage to find the reference section
ref_sectn_details = None
return ref_sectn_details
def find_reference_section_no_title_via_dots(docbody):
"""This function would generally be used when it was not possible to locate
the start of a document's reference section by means of its title.
Instead, this function will look for reference lines that have numeric
markers of the format [1], [2], etc.
@param docbody: (list) of strings -each string is a line in the document.
@return: (dictionary) :
{ 'start_line' : (integer) - index in docbody of 1st reference line,
'title_string' : (None) - title of the reference section
(None since no title),
'marker' : (string) - the marker of the first reference line,
'marker_pattern' : (string) - the regexp string used to find the
'title_marker_same_line' : (integer) 0 - to signal title not on same
line as marker.
Much of this information is used by later functions to rebuild
a reference section.
-- OR --
(None) - when the reference section could not be found.
ref_start_line = ref_line_marker = None
if len(docbody) > 0:
marker_patterns = get_first_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns_via_dots()
## try to find first reference line in the reference section:
x = len(docbody) - 1
found_ref_sect = 0
while x >= 0 and not found_ref_sect:
mark_match = \
perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[x], \
if mark_match is not None and int('num')) == 1:
## Get marker recognition pattern:
mk_ptn =
## Look for [2] in next 10 lines:
next_test_lines = 10
y = x + 1
temp_found = 0
while y < len(docbody) and y < x + next_test_lines and not temp_found:
mark_match2 = perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[y], marker_patterns)
if (mark_match2 is not None) and \
(int('num')) == 2) and \
('left') == \'left')) and \
('right') == \'right')):
## Found next reference line:
temp_found = 1
elif y == len(docbody) - 1:
temp_found = 1
y = y + 1
if temp_found:
found_ref_sect = 1
ref_start_line = x
ref_line_marker ='mark')
ref_line_marker_ptn = mk_ptn
x = x - 1
if ref_start_line is not None:
ref_sectn_details = { 'start_line' : ref_start_line,
'title_string' : None,
'marker' : ref_line_marker,
'marker_pattern' : ref_line_marker_ptn,
'title_marker_same_line' : 0
## didn't manage to find the reference section
ref_sectn_details = None
return ref_sectn_details
def find_reference_section_no_title_via_numbers(docbody):
"""This function would generally be used when it was not possible to locate
the start of a document's reference section by means of its title.
Instead, this function will look for reference lines that have numeric
markers of the format [1], [2], etc.
@param docbody: (list) of strings -each string is a line in the document.
@return: (dictionary) :
{ 'start_line' : (integer) - index in docbody of 1st reference line,
'title_string' : (None) - title of the reference section
(None since no title),
'marker' : (string) - the marker of the first reference line,
'marker_pattern' : (string) - the regexp string used to find the
'title_marker_same_line' : (integer) 0 - to signal title not on same
line as marker.
Much of this information is used by later functions to rebuild
a reference section.
-- OR --
(None) - when the reference section could not be found.
ref_start_line = ref_line_marker = None
if len(docbody) > 0:
marker_patterns = get_first_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns_via_numbers()
## try to find first reference line in the reference section:
x = len(docbody) - 1
found_ref_sect = 0
while x >= 0 and not found_ref_sect:
mark_match = \
perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[x], \
if mark_match is None:
elif mark_match is not None and int('num')) == 1:
## Get marker recognition pattern:
mk_ptn =
## Look for [2] in next 10 lines:
next_test_lines = 10
y = x + 1
temp_found = 0
while y < len(docbody) and y < x + next_test_lines and not temp_found:
mark_match2 = perform_regex_match_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[y], marker_patterns)
if (mark_match2 is not None) and \
(int('num')) == 2) and \
('left') == \'left')) and \
('right') == \'right')):
## Found next reference line:
temp_found = 1
elif y == len(docbody) - 1:
temp_found = 1
y = y + 1
if temp_found:
found_ref_sect = 1
ref_start_line = x
ref_line_marker ='mark')
ref_line_marker_ptn = mk_ptn
x = x - 1
if ref_start_line is not None:
ref_sectn_details = { 'start_line' : ref_start_line,
'title_string' : None,
'marker' : ref_line_marker,
'marker_pattern' : ref_line_marker_ptn,
'title_marker_same_line' : 0
## didn't manage to find the reference section
ref_sectn_details = None
return ref_sectn_details
def find_end_of_reference_section(docbody,
"""Given that the start of a document's reference section has already been
recognised, this function is tasked with finding the line-number in the
document of the last line of the reference section.
@param docbody: (list) of strings - the entire plain-text document body.
@param ref_start_line: (integer) - the index in docbody of the first line
of the reference section.
@param ref_line_marker: (string) - the line marker of the first reference
@param ref_line_marker_ptn: (string) - the pattern used to search for a
reference line marker.
@return: (integer) - index in docbody of the last reference line
-- OR --
(None) - if ref_start_line was invalid.
section_ended = 0
x = ref_start_line
if (type(x) is not int) or (x < 0) or \
(x > len(docbody)) or (len(docbody)<1):
## The provided 'first line' of the reference section was invalid.
## Either it was out of bounds in the document body, or it was not a
## valid integer.
## Can't safely find end of refs with this info - quit.
return None
## Get patterns for testing line:
t_patterns = get_post_reference_section_title_patterns()
kw_patterns = get_post_reference_section_keyword_patterns()
if None not in (ref_line_marker, ref_line_marker_ptn):
mk_patterns = [re.compile(ref_line_marker_ptn, re.I|re.UNICODE)]
mk_patterns = get_reference_line_numeration_marker_patterns()
while ( x < len(docbody)) and (not section_ended):
## look for a likely section title that would follow a reference section:
end_match = perform_regex_search_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[x], t_patterns)
if end_match is None:
## didn't match a section title - try looking for keywords that
## suggest the end of a reference section:
end_match = perform_regex_search_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[x], kw_patterns)
if end_match is not None:
## Is it really the end of the reference section? Check within the next
## 5 lines for other reference numeration markers:
y = x + 1
line_found = 0
while (y < x + 6) and ( y < len(docbody)) and (not line_found):
num_match = perform_regex_search_upon_line_with_pattern_list(docbody[y], mk_patterns)
if num_match is not None and not
line_found = 1
y = y + 1
if not line_found:
## No ref line found-end section
section_ended = 1
if not section_ended:
## Does this & the next 5 lines simply contain numbers? If yes, it's
## probably the axis scale of a graph in a fig. End refs section
digit_test_str = docbody[x].replace(" ", "").\
replace(".", "").\
replace("-", "").\
replace("+", "").\
replace(u"\u00D7", "").\
replace(u"\u2212", "").\
if len(digit_test_str) > 10 and digit_test_str.isdigit():
## The line contains only digits and is longer than 10 chars:
y = x + 1
digit_lines = 4
num_digit_lines = 1
while(y < x + digit_lines) and (y < len(docbody)):
digit_test_str = docbody[y].replace(" ", "").\
replace(".", "").\
replace("-", "").\
replace("+", "").\
replace(u"\u00D7", "").\
replace(u"\u2212", "").\
if len(digit_test_str) > 10 and digit_test_str.isdigit():
num_digit_lines += 1
elif len(digit_test_str) == 0:
## This is a blank line. Don't count it, to accommodate
## documents that are double-line spaced:
digit_lines += 1
y = y + 1
if num_digit_lines == digit_lines:
section_ended = 1
x = x + 1
return x - 1
## ----> 3. Found reference section - now take out lines and rebuild them:
def test_for_blank_lines_separating_reference_lines(ref_sect):
"""Test to see if reference lines are separated by blank lines so that
these can be used to rebuild reference lines.
@param ref_sect: (list) of strings - the reference section.
@return: (int) 0 if blank lines do not separate reference lines; 1 if
they do.
num_blanks = 0 ## Number of blank lines found between non-blanks
num_lines = 0 ## Number of reference lines separated by blanks
blank_line_separators = 0 ## Flag to indicate whether blanks lines separate
## ref lines
multi_nonblanks_found = 0 ## Flag to indicate whether multiple nonblank
## lines are found together (used because
## if line is dbl-spaced, it isnt a blank that
## separates refs & can't be relied upon)
x = 0
max_line = len(ref_sect)
while x < max_line:
if not ref_sect[x].isspace():
## not an empty line:
num_lines += 1
x = x + 1 ## Move past line
while x < len(ref_sect) and not ref_sect[x].isspace():
multi_nonblanks_found = 1
x = x + 1
x = x - 1
## empty line
num_blanks += 1
x = x + 1
while x < len(ref_sect) and ref_sect[x].isspace():
x = x + 1
if x == len(ref_sect):
## Blanks at end doc: dont count
num_blanks -= 1
x = x - 1
x = x + 1
## Now from the number of blank lines & the number of text lines, if
## num_lines > 3, & num_blanks = num_lines, or num_blanks = num_lines - 1,
## then we have blank line separators between reference lines
if (num_lines > 3) and ((num_blanks == num_lines) or \
(num_blanks == num_lines - 1)) and \
blank_line_separators = 1
return blank_line_separators
def remove_leading_garbage_lines_from_reference_section(ref_sectn):
"""Sometimes, the first lines of the extracted references are completely
blank or email addresses. These must be removed as they are not
@param ref_sectn: (list) of strings - the reference section lines
@return: (list) of strings - the reference section without leading
blank lines or email addresses.
p_email = re.compile(unicode(r'^\s*e\-?mail'), re.UNICODE)
while (len(ref_sectn) > 0) and (ref_sectn[0].isspace() or \
p_email.match(ref_sectn[0]) is not None):
ref_sectn[0:1] = []
return ref_sectn
def correct_rebuilt_lines(rebuilt_lines, p_refmarker):
"""Try to correct any cases where a reference line has been incorrectly
split based upon a wrong numeration marker. That is to say, given the
following situation:
[1] Smith, J blah blah
[2] Brown, N blah blah see reference
[56] for more info [3] Wills, A blah blah
The first part of the 3rd line clearly belongs with line 2. This function
will try to fix this situation, to have the following situation:
[1] Smith, J blah blah
[2] Brown, N blah blah see reference [56] for more info
[3] Wills, A blah blah
If it cannot correctly guess the correct break-point in such a line, it
will give up and the original list of reference lines will be returned.
@param rebuilt_lines: (list) the rebuilt reference lines
@param p_refmarker: (compiled regex pattern object) the pattern used to
match regex line numeration markers. **MUST HAVE A GROUP 'marknum' to
encapsulate the mark number!** (e.g. r'\[(?P<marknum>\d+)\]')
@return: (list) of strings. If necessary, the corrected reference lines.
Else the orginal 'rebuilt' lines.
fixed = []
m = p_refmarker.match(rebuilt_lines[0])
last_marknum = int("marknum"))
if last_marknum != 1:
## Even the first mark isnt 1 - probaby too dangerous to
## try to repair
return rebuilt_lines
except (IndexError, AttributeError, ValueError):
## Sometihng went wrong. Either no references, not a numbered line
## marker (int() failed), or no reference line marker (NoneType was
## passed). In any case, unable to test for correct reference line
## numberring - just return the lines as they were.
return rebuilt_lines
## Loop through each line in "rebuilt_lines" and test the mark at the
## beginning.
## If current-line-mark = previous-line-mark + 1, the line will be taken to
## be correct and appended to the list of fixed-lines. If not, then the loop
## will attempt to test whether the current line marker is actually part of
## the previous line by looking in the current line for another marker
## that has the numeric value of previous-marker + 1. If found, that marker
## will be taken as the true marker for the line and the leader of the line
## (up to the point of this marker) will be appended to the previous line.
## E.g.:
## [1] Smith, J blah blah
## [2] Brown, N blah blah see reference
## [56] for more info [3] Wills, A blah blah
## ...
## ...will be transformed into:
## [1] Smith, J blah blah
## [2] Brown, N blah blah see reference [56] for more info
## [3] Wills, A blah blah
## ...
## first line is correct, to put it into fixed:
for x in xrange(1, len(rebuilt_lines)):
m = p_refmarker.match(rebuilt_lines[x])
## Get the number of this line:
curline_mark_num ="marknum")
except AttributeError:
## This line does not have a line marker at the start.
## Add this line to the end of the previous line.
fixed[len(fixed) - 1] += rebuilt_lines[x]
if int(curline_mark_num) == last_marknum + 1:
## The marker number for this reference line is correct.
## Append it to the 'fixed' lines and move on.
last_marknum += 1
elif len(rebuilt_lines[x][m.end():].strip()) == 0:
## This line consists of a marker-number only - it is not a
## correct marker. Append it to the last line.
fixed[len(fixed) - 1] += rebuilt_lines[x]
## This marker != previous-marker + 1.
## May have taken some of the last line into this line.
## Can we find the next marker in this line?
## Test for this situation:
## [54] for more info [3] Wills, A blah blah
current_line = rebuilt_lines[x]
m_next_mark =[m.end():])
while m_next_mark is not None:
## Another "line marker" is present in this line.
## Test it to see if it is equal to the previous
## 'real' marker + 1:
if int("marknum")) == \
last_marknum + 1:
## This seems to be the marker for the next line.
## Test to see that the marker is followed by
## something meaningful (a letter at least.)
## I.e. We want to fix this:
## [54] for more info [3] Wills, A blah blah
## but we don't want to fix this:
## [54] for more info or even reference [3]
## as that would be unsafe.
m_test_nxt_mark_not_eol = \ \
+ '\s*[A-Za-z]', current_line)
if m_test_nxt_mark_not_eol is not None:
## move this section back to its real line:
## get the segment of line (before the marker,
## which holds a marker that isn't supposed to
## be next) to be moved back to the previous line
## where it belongs, (append a newline to it too):
movesect = \
current_line[0:m_test_nxt_mark_not_eol.start()] \
+ "\n"
## Now get the previous line into a variable
## (without its newline at the end):
previous_line = fixed[len(fixed) - 1].rstrip("\n")
## Now append the section which is to be moved to the
## previous line. Check the last character
## of the previous line. If it's a space, then just
## directly append this new section. Else, append a
## space then this new section.
if previous_line[len(previous_line)-1] not in (u' ',u'-'):
movesect = ' ' + movesect
previous_line += movesect
fixed[len(fixed) - 1] = previous_line
## Now append the remainder of the current line to
## the list of fixed lines, and move on to the
## next line:
last_marknum += 1
## The next 'marker' in this line was not followed
## by text. Take from the beginning of this line, to
## the end of this marker, and append it to the end
## of the previous line:
previous_line = fixed[len(fixed) - 1].rstrip("\n")
movesect = current_line[0:m_next_mark.end()] + "\n"
## Append the section to be moved to the previous
## line variable.
## Check the last character of the previous line.
## If it's a space, then just directly append this
## new section. Else, append a space then this new
## section.
if previous_line[len(previous_line)-1] not in (u' ',u'-'):
movesect = ' ' + movesect
previous_line += movesect
fixed[len(fixed) - 1] = previous_line
## Should be blank?
current_line = current_line[m_next_mark.end():]
## This 'marker' is false - its value is not equal to
## the previous marker + 1
previous_line = fixed[len(fixed) - 1].rstrip("\n")
movesect = current_line[0:m_next_mark.end()] + "\n"
## Now append the section to be moved to the previous
## line variable.
## Check the last character of the previous line. If
## it's a space, then just directly append this new
## section. Else, append a space then this new section.
if previous_line[len(previous_line)-1] not in (u' ',u'-'):
movesect = ' ' + movesect
previous_line += movesect
fixed[len(fixed) - 1] = previous_line
current_line = current_line[m_next_mark.end():]
## Get next match:
m_next_mark =
## If there was still some of the "current line" left,
## append it to the previous line:
if len(current_line.strip()) > 0:
previous_line = fixed[len(fixed) - 1].rstrip("\n")
movesect = current_line
## Now append the section to be moved to the previous line
## variable.
## Check the last character of the previous line. If it's a
## space, then just directly append this new section. Else,
## append a space then this new section.
if previous_line[len(previous_line)-1] not in (u' ',u'-'):
movesect = ' ' + movesect
previous_line += movesect
fixed[len(fixed) - 1] = previous_line
return fixed
def wash_and_repair_reference_line(line):
"""Wash a reference line of undesirable characters (such as poorly-encoded
letters, etc), and repair any errors (such as broken URLs) if possible.
@param line: (string) the reference line to be washed/repaired.
@return: (string) the washed reference line.
## repair URLs in line:
line = repair_broken_urls(line)
## Replace various undesirable characters with their alternatives:
line = replace_undesirable_characters(line)
## remove instances of multiple spaces from line, replacing with a
## single space:
line = re_multiple_space.sub(u' ', line)
return line
def rebuild_author_lines(author_lines, author_pattern):
"""Given the lines that we think make up the author section reset
everything so that each author is on one line
def found_author(matchobj):
""" given an author in the match obj, pushes it on the stack of lines
## Append author and remove undesirable unicode characters for this author list
return ' '
authors = []
## Kill the new line characters in the author lines
author_string = ' '.join([x.strip() for x in author_lines])
author_pattern.sub(found_author, author_string)
return authors
def rebuild_reference_lines(ref_sectn, ref_line_marker_ptn):
"""Given a reference section, rebuild the reference lines. After translation
from PDF to text, reference lines are often broken. This is because
pdftotext doesn't know what is a wrapped-line and what is a genuine new
line. As a result, the following 2 reference lines:
[1] See for more details.
[2] Example, AN: private communication (1996).
...could be broken into the following 4 lines during translation from PDF
to plaintext:
[1] See fo
r more details.
[2] Example, AN: private communica
tion (1996).
Such a situation could lead to a citation being separated across 'lines',
meaning that it wouldn't be correctly recognised.
This function tries to rebuild the reference lines. It uses the pattern
used to recognise a reference line's numeration marker to indicate the
start of a line. If no reference line numeration was recognised, it will
simply join all lines together into one large reference line.
@param ref_sectn: (list) of strings. The (potentially broken) reference
@param ref_line_marker_ptn: (string) - the pattern used to recognise a
reference line's numeration marker.
@return: (list) of strings - the rebuilt reference section. Each string
in the list represents a complete reference line.
## initialise some vars:
rebuilt_references = []
working_line = u''
len_ref_sectn = len(ref_sectn)
if ref_line_marker_ptn is None or \
type(ref_line_marker_ptn) not in (str, unicode):
if test_for_blank_lines_separating_reference_lines(ref_sectn):
## Use blank lines to separate ref lines
ref_line_marker_ptn = unicode(r'^\s*$')
## No ref line dividers: unmatchable pattern
ref_line_marker_ptn = unicode(r'^A$^A$$')
p_ref_line_marker = re.compile(ref_line_marker_ptn, re.I|re.UNICODE)
## Work backwards, starting from the last 'broken' reference line
## Append each fixed reference line to rebuilt_references
for x in xrange(len_ref_sectn - 1, -1, -1):
current_string = ref_sectn[x].strip()
## Try to find the marker for the reference line
m_ref_line_marker = p_ref_line_marker.match(current_string)
if m_ref_line_marker is not None:
## Reference line marker found! : Append this reference to the
## list of fixed references and reset the working_line to 'blank'
if current_string != '':
## If it's not a blank line to separate refs .
if current_string[len(current_string) - 1] in (u'-', u' '):
## space or hyphenated word at the end of the
## line - don't add in a space
working_line = current_string + working_line
## no space or hyphenated word at the end of this
## line - add in a space
working_line = current_string + u' ' + working_line
## Append current working line to the refs list
working_line = working_line.rstrip()
working_line = wash_and_repair_reference_line(working_line)
working_line = u''
if current_string != u'':
## Continuation of line
if current_string[len(current_string) - 1] in (u'-', u' '):
## space or hyphenated word at the end of the
## line - don't add in a space
working_line = current_string + working_line
## no space or hyphenated word at the end of this
## line - add in a space
working_line = current_string + u' ' + working_line
if working_line != u'':
## Append last line
working_line = working_line.rstrip()
working_line = wash_and_repair_reference_line(working_line)
## a list of reference lines has been built backwards - reverse it:
## Make sure mulitple markers within references are correctly
## in place (compare current marker num with current marker num +1)
rebuilt_references = correct_rebuilt_lines(rebuilt_references, \
## For each properly formated reference line, try to identify cases
## where there is more than one citation in a single line. This is
## done by looking for semi-colons, which could be used to
## separate references
return rebuilt_references
def get_lines(docbody,
"""from a reference section a document extract the relevant lines, not
including the various markers.
@param start_line index of docbody on which sect starts
@param end_line index of docbody on which sect ends
@param title a string that signifies the beginning
@param marker_ptn pattern that ids start of a line
@param title_marker_same_line integer tells whether title and
marker are on same line
@return: (list) of strings. Each string is a reference line, extracted
from the document. """
start_idx = start_line
if title_marker_same_line:
## Title on same line as 1st ref- take title out!
title_start = docbody[start_idx].find(title)
if title_start != -1:
docbody[start_idx] = docbody[start_idx][title_start + \
elif title is not None:
## Pass title line
start_idx += 1
## now rebuild reference lines:
if type(end_line) is int:
lines = \
rebuild_reference_lines(docbody[start_idx:end_line+1], \
lines = rebuild_reference_lines(docbody[start_idx:], \
return lines
def get_reference_lines(docbody,
"""After the reference section of a document has been identified, and the
first and last lines of the reference section have been recorded, this
function is called to take the reference lines out of the document body.
The document's reference lines are returned in a list of strings whereby
each string is a reference line. Before this can be done however, the
reference section is passed to another function that rebuilds any broken
reference lines.
@param docbody: (list) of strings - the entire document body.
@param ref_sect_start_line: (integer) - the index in docbody of the first
reference line.
@param ref_sect_end_line: (integer) - the index in docbody of the last
reference line.
@param ref_sect_title: (string) - the title of the reference section
(e.g. "References").
@param ref_line_marker_ptn: (string) - the patern used to match the
marker for each reference line (e.g., could be used to match lines
with markers of the form [1], [2], etc.)
@param title_marker_same_line: (integer) - a flag to indicate whether
or not the reference section title was on the same line as the first
reference line's marker.
@return: (list) of strings. Each string is a reference line, extracted
from the document.
start_idx = ref_sect_start_line
if title_marker_same_line:
## Title on same line as 1st ref- take title out!
title_start = docbody[start_idx].find(ref_sect_title)
if title_start != -1:
## Set the first line with no title
docbody[start_idx] = docbody[start_idx][title_start + \
elif ref_sect_title is not None:
## Set the start of the reference section to be after the title line
start_idx += 1
## now rebuild reference lines:
## (Go through each raw reference line, and format them into a set
## of properly ordered lines based on markers)
if type(ref_sect_end_line) is int:
ref_lines = \
rebuild_reference_lines(docbody[start_idx:ref_sect_end_line+1], \
ref_lines = rebuild_reference_lines(docbody[start_idx:], \
return ref_lines
def get_reference_section_beginning(fulltext):
sect_start = {'start_line' : None,
'end_line' : None,
'title_string' : None,
'marker_pattern' : None,
'marker' : None,
## Find start of refs section:
sect_start = find_reference_section(fulltext)
if sect_start is not None:
how_found_start = 1
## No references found - try with no title option
sect_start = find_reference_section_no_title_via_brackets(fulltext)
if sect_start is not None: how_found_start = 2
## Try weaker set of patterns if needed
if sect_start is None:
## No references found - try with no title option (with weaker patterns..)
sect_start = find_reference_section_no_title_via_dots(fulltext)
if sect_start is not None: how_found_start = 3
if sect_start is None:
## No references found - try with no title option (with even weaker patterns..)
sect_start = find_reference_section_no_title_via_numbers(fulltext)
if sect_start is not None: how_found_start = 4
return sect_start
## ----> Glue - logic for finding and extracting reference section:
def extract_references_from_fulltext(fulltext):
"""Locate and extract the reference section from a fulltext document.
Return the extracted section as a list of strings, whereby each
string in the list is considered to be a single line.
E.g. a string could be something like:
'[19] Wilson, A. Unpublished (1986).
@param fulltext: (list) of strings, whereby each string is a line of the
@return: (list) of strings, where each string is an extracted line.
## Try to remove pagebreaks, headers, footers
fulltext = remove_page_boundary_lines(fulltext)
status = 0
lines = []
sect_end = None
#How ref section found flag
how_found_start = 0
sect_start = get_reference_section_beginning(fulltext)
if sect_start is None:
## No lines
status = 4
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 1:
sys.stdout.write("-----extract_section_from_fulltext: " \
"No section found!\n")
sect_end = None
if sect_start.has_key("end_line"):
sect_end = sect_start["end_line"]
## Attempt to find the end of the section in the case where references are being
## extracted, and a first pass failed at finding the end of the reference section
if sect_end is None:
sect_end = \
find_end_of_reference_section(fulltext, \
sect_start["start_line"], \
sect_start["marker"], \
if sect_end is None:
## No End to reference or author section? Not safe to extract...
status = 5
write_message("-----extract_section_from_fulltext: " \
"No end to section!\n", verbose=2)
## Extract
lines = get_lines(fulltext, \
sect_start["start_line"], \
sect_end, \
sect_start["title_string"], \
sect_start["marker_pattern"], \
return (lines, status, how_found_start)
## Tasks related to conversion of full-text to plain-text:
def _pdftotext_conversion_is_bad(txtlines):
"""Sometimes pdftotext performs a bad conversion which consists of many
spaces and garbage characters.
This method takes a list of strings obtained from a pdftotext conversion
and examines them to see if they are likely to be the result of a bad
@param txtlines: (list) of unicode strings obtained from pdftotext
@return: (integer) - 1 if bad conversion; 0 if good conversion.
## Numbers of 'words' and 'whitespaces' found in document:
numWords = numSpaces = 0
## whitespace character pattern:
p_space = re.compile(unicode(r'(\s)'), re.UNICODE)
## non-whitespace 'word' pattern:
p_noSpace = re.compile(unicode(r'(\S+)'), re.UNICODE)
for txtline in txtlines:
numWords = numWords + len(p_noSpace.findall(txtline))
numSpaces = numSpaces + len(p_space.findall(txtline))
if numSpaces >= (numWords * 3):
## Too many spaces - probably bad conversion
return 1
return 0
def convert_PDF_to_plaintext(fpath, for_top_section):
"""Take the path to a PDF file and run pdftotext for this file, capturing
the output.
@param fpath: (string) path to the PDF file
@return: (list) of unicode strings (contents of the PDF file translated
into plaintext; each string is a line in the document.)
status = 0
doclines = []
## Pattern to check for lines with a leading page-break character.
## If this pattern is matched, we want to split the page-break into
## its own line because we rely upon this for trying to strip headers
## and footers, and for some other pattern matching.
p_break_in_line = re.compile(unicode(r'^\s*?(\f)(?!$)(.*?)$'), re.UNICODE)
## build pdftotext command:
if for_top_section:
text_representation = "" #FIXME -layout
text_representation = "-raw"
cmd_pdftotext = """%(pdftotext)s %(rep)s -q -enc UTF-8 '%(filepath)s' -""" \
% { 'pdftotext' : CFG_PATH_PDFTOTEXT,
'rep' : text_representation,
'filepath' : fpath.replace("'", "\\'")
write_message("%s\n" % cmd_pdftotext, verbose=2)
## open pipe to pdftotext:
pipe_pdftotext = os.popen("%s" % cmd_pdftotext, 'r')
## read back results:
count = 0
for docline in pipe_pdftotext:
unicodeline = docline.decode("utf-8")
## Check for a page-break in this line:
m_break_in_line = p_break_in_line.match(unicodeline)
if (m_break_in_line is None) or for_top_section:
## There was no page-break in this line. Just add the line:
count += 1
## If there was a page-break character in the same line as some
## text, split it out into its own line so that we can later
## try to find headers and footers:
count += 2
## close pipe to pdftotext:
write_message("-----convert_PDF_to_plaintext found: " \
"%s lines of text\n" % str(count), verbose=2)
## finally, check conversion result not bad:
if _pdftotext_conversion_is_bad(doclines): #FIXME must not run this with -layout
status = 2
doclines = []
return (doclines, status)
def get_plaintext_document_body(fpath, for_top_section):
"""Given a file-path to a full-text, return a list of unicode strings
whereby each string is a line of the fulltext.
In the case of a plain-text document, this simply means reading the
contents in from the file. In the case of a PDF/PostScript however,
this means converting the document to plaintext.
@param fpath: (string) - the path to the fulltext file
@return: (list) of strings - each string being a line in the document.
textbody = []
status = 0
if os.access(fpath, os.F_OK|os.R_OK):
## filepath OK - attempt to extract references:
## get file type:
pipe_gfile = \
os.popen("%s '%s'" \
% (CFG_PATH_GFILE, fpath.replace("'", "\\'")), "r")
res_gfile = pipe_gfile.readline()
## Remove trailing numeration from filename, to check extension
if (res_gfile.lower().find("text") != -1) and \
(res_gfile.lower().find("pdf") == -1):
## plain-text file: don't convert - just read in:
textbody = []
for line in open("%s" % fpath, "r").readlines():
elif (res_gfile.lower().find("pdf") != -1) or \
(res_gfile.lower().find("pdfa") != -1):
## convert from PDF
(textbody, status) = convert_PDF_to_plaintext(fpath, for_top_section)
## filepath not OK
status = 1
return (textbody, status)
def write_raw_references_to_stream(recid, raw_refs, strm=None):
"""Write a list of raw reference lines to the a given stream.
Each reference line is preceeded by the record-id. Thus, if for example,
the following 2 reference lines were passed to this function:
[1] See for more details.
[2] Example, AN: private communication (1996).
and the record-id was "1", the raw reference lines printed to the stream
would be:
1:[1] See for more details.
1:[2] Example, AN: private communication (1996).
@param recid: (string) the record-id of the document for which raw
references are to be written-out.
@param raw_refs: (list) of strings. The raw references to be written-out.
@param strm: (open stream object) - the stream object to which the
references are to be written. If the stream object is not a valid open
stream (or is None, by default), the standard error stream (sys.stderr)
will be used by default.
@return: None.
if strm is None or type(strm) is not file:
## invalid stream supplied - write to sys.stderr
strm = sys.stderr
elif strm.closed:
## The stream was closed - use stderr:
strm = sys.stderr
## write the reference lines to the stream:
strm.writelines(map(lambda x: "%(recid)s:%(refline)s\n" \
% { 'recid' : recid,
'refline' : x.encode("utf-8") }, raw_refs))
def usage(wmsg="", err_code=0):
"""Display a usage message for refextract on the standard error stream and
then exit.
@param wmsg: (string) some kind of brief warning message for the user.
@param err_code: (integer) an error code to be passed to halt,
which is called after the usage message has been printed.
@return: None.
if wmsg != "":
wmsg = wmsg.strip() + "\n"
stnd_help_message = """Usage: refextract [options] -f recid:file1 [-f recid:file2 ...]""" \
+ help_message + """
refextract -x /home/chayward/refs.xml -f 499:/home/chayward/thesis.pdf
## Display the help information and the warning in the stderr stream
## 'help_message' is global
write_message(stnd_help_message, stream=sys.stderr, verbose=0)
## Output error message, either to the stderr stream also or
## on the interface. Stop the extraction procedure
halt(msg=wmsg, exit_code=err_code)
def get_cli_options():
"""Get the various arguments and options from the command line and populate
a dictionary of cli_options.
@return: (tuple) of 2 elements. First element is a dictionary of cli
options and flags, set as appropriate; Second element is a list of cli
global cli_opts
## dictionary of important flags and values relating to cli call of program:
cli_opts = { 'treat_as_raw_section' : 0,
'fulltext' : [],
'output_raw' : 0,
'verbosity' : 0,
'xmlfile' : 0,
'dictfile' : 0,
'inspire' : 0,
'kb-journal' : 0,
'kb-report-number' : 0,
'authors' : 0,
'affiliations' : 0,
'first_author' : 0,
myoptions, myargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hVv:f:zalrx:d:pj:n:", \
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
if err.opt in ("c", "collection", "i", "recid", "e", "extraction-job"):
## These are arguments designed to be used for the daemon mode only
## They should not be present here.
halt(msg="Error: '%s' is a daemon-specific flag and should not be " % err.opt \
+ "used with specific fulltext input. \n Use '--help' for flag options.")
## Invalid option provided - usage message
usage(wmsg="Error: %(msg)s." % { 'msg' : str(err) })
for o in myoptions:
if o[0] in ("-V","--version"):
## version message and exit
write_message("%s\n" % __revision__, verbose=0)
elif o[0] in ("-h","--help"):
## help message and exit
elif o[0] in ("-r", "--output-raw-refs"):
cli_opts['output_raw'] = 1
elif o[0] in ("-v", "--verbose"):
if not o[1].isdigit():
cli_opts['verbosity'] = 0
elif int(o[1]) not in xrange(0, 10):
cli_opts['verbosity'] = 0
cli_opts['verbosity'] = int(o[1])
elif o[0] in ("-f", "--fulltext"):
## add a pdf/text file from where to extract references
elif o[0] in ("-z", "--raw-references", "--raw-authors"):
## treat input as pure lines relevant to extraction:
cli_opts['treat_as_raw_section'] = 1
elif o[0] in ("-x", "--xmlfile"):
## Write out MARC XML references to the specified file
cli_opts['xmlfile'] = o[1]
elif o[0] in ("-d", "--dictfile"):
## Write out the statistics of all titles matched during the
## extraction job to the specified file
cli_opts['dictfile'] = o[1]
elif o[0] in ("-p", "--inspire"):
## Output recognised journal titles in the Inspire compatible
## format
cli_opts['inspire'] = 1
elif o[0] in ("-j", "--kb-journal"):
## The location of the journal title kb requested to override
## a 'configuration file'-specified kb, holding
## 'seek---replace' terms, used when matching titles in references
cli_opts['kb-journal'] = o[1]
elif o[0] in ("-n", "--kb-report-number"):
## The location of the report number kb requested to override
## a 'configuration file'-specified kb
cli_opts['kb-report-number'] = o[1]
elif o[0] in ("-a", "--authors"):
cli_opts['authors'] = 1
elif o[0] in ("-l", "--affiliations"):
cli_opts['affiliations'] = 1
elif o[0] in ("--first_author"):
cli_opts['first_author'] = 1
# What journal title format are we using?
if cli_opts['verbosity'] > 0 and cli_opts['inspire']:
sys.stdout.write("--- Using inspire journal title form\n")
elif cli_opts['verbosity'] > 0:
sys.stdout.write("--- Using invenio journal title form\n")
if len(myargs) >= 1:
## some standalone arguments are present, abort
usage(wmsg="Error: Unrecognised argument '%s'\n Use '-f' or \
'--fulltext' to specify each document for extraction." % myargs[0])
# What journal title format are we using?
if cli_opts['inspire']:
write_message("--- Using inspire journal title form\n", verbose=2)
write_message("--- Using invenio journal title form\n", verbose=2)
return (cli_opts, myargs)
def display_auth_aff_xml_record(recid, xml_lines):
""" Wraps XML lines holding extracted authors and affiliations
with the necessary record and controlfield elements.
@param recid: (int) record id of the document being extracted.
@param xml_lines: (list) of xml holding annotated authors
and affiliation information.
@return: (xml_lines) xml lines with the surrounding elements.
## Start with the opening record tag:
out = u"%(record-open)s\n" \
% { 'record-open' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_XML_RECORD_OPEN, }
## Display the record-id controlfield:
out += \
u""" <controlfield tag="%(cf-tag-recid)s">%(recid)s</controlfield>\n""" \
'recid' : encode_for_xml(recid),
## Loop through all xml lines and add them to the output string:
for line in xml_lines:
out += line
## Now add the closing tag to the record:
out += u"%(record-close)s\n" \
% { 'record-close' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_XML_RECORD_CLOSE, }
return out
def display_references_xml_record(status_code, count_reportnum, count_title, count_url,
count_doi, count_misc, count_auth_group, recid, xml_lines):
"""Given a series of MARC XML-ized reference lines and a record-id, write a
MARC XML record to the stdout stream. Include in the record some stats
for the extraction job.
The printed MARC XML record will essentially take the following
<controlfield tag="001">1</controlfield>
<datafield tag="999" ind1="C" ind2="5">
<datafield tag="999" ind1="C" ind2="6">
<subfield code="a">
Invenio/X.XX.X refextract/X.XX.X-timestamp-err-repnum-title-URL-misc
Timestamp, error(code), reportnum, title, URL, and misc will are of
course take the relevant values.
@param status_code: (integer)the status of reference-extraction for the
given record: was there an error or not? 0 = no error; 1 = error.
@param count_reportnum: (integer) - the number of institutional
report-number citations found in the document's reference lines.
@param count_title: (integer) - the number of journal title citations
found in the document's reference lines.
@param count_url: (integer) - the number of URL citations found in the
document's reference lines.
@param count_misc: (integer) - the number of sections of miscellaneous
text (i.e. 999C5$m) from the document's reference lines.
@param count_auth_group: (integer) - the total number of author groups
identified ($h)
@param recid: (string) - the record-id of the given document. (put into
001 field.)
@param xml_lines: (list) of strings. Each string in the list contains a
group of MARC XML 999C5 datafields, making up a single reference line.
These reference lines will make up the document body.
@return: The entire MARC XML textual output, plus recognition statistics.
## Start with the opening record tag:
out = u"%(record-open)s\n" \
% { 'record-open' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_XML_RECORD_OPEN, }
## Display the record-id controlfield:
out += \
u""" <controlfield tag="%(cf-tag-recid)s">%(recid)s</controlfield>\n""" \
'recid' : encode_for_xml(recid),
## Loop through all xml lines and add them to the output string:
for line in xml_lines:
out += line
## add the 999C6 status subfields:
out += u""" <datafield tag="%(df-tag-ref-stats)s" ind1="%(df-ind1-ref-stats)s" ind2="%(df-ind2-ref-stats)s">
<subfield code="%(sf-code-ref-stats)s">%(version)s-%(timestamp)s-%(status)s-%(reportnum)s-%(title)s-%(author)s-%(url)s-%(doi)s-%(misc)s</subfield>
</datafield>\n""" \
'timestamp' : str(int(mktime(localtime()))),
'status' : status_code,
'reportnum' : count_reportnum,
'title' : count_title,
'author' : count_auth_group,
'url' : count_url,
'doi' : count_doi,
'misc' : count_misc,
## Now add the closing tag to the record:
out += u"%(record-close)s\n" \
% { 'record-close' : CFG_REFEXTRACT_XML_RECORD_CLOSE, }
return out
def sum_2_dictionaries(dicta, dictb):
"""Given two dictionaries of totals, where each total refers to a key
in the dictionary, add the totals.
E.g.: dicta = { 'a' : 3, 'b' : 1 }
dictb = { 'a' : 1, 'c' : 5 }
dicta + dictb = { 'a' : 4, 'b' : 1, 'c' : 5 }
@param dicta: (dictionary)
@param dictb: (dictionary)
@return: (dictionary) - the sum of the 2 dictionaries
dict_out = dicta.copy()
for key in dictb.keys():
if dict_out.has_key(key):
## Add the sum for key in dictb to that of dict_out:
dict_out[key] += dictb[key]
## the key is not in the first dictionary - add it directly:
dict_out[key] = dictb[key]
return dict_out
def begin_extraction(daemon_cli_options=None):
"""Starts the core extraction procedure. [Entry point from main]
Only refextract_daemon calls this directly, from _task_run_core()
@param daemon_cli_options: contains the pre-assembled list of cli flags
and values processed by the Refextract Daemon. This is full only when
called as a scheduled bibtask inside bibsched.
global cli_opts, running_independently
## Global 'running mode' dependent functions
global write_message, task_update_progress, task_sleep_now_if_required
## If running inside as a bibtask, set the functions relating to the
## interface between bibsched and refextract
if daemon_cli_options:
running_independently = False
## Try to assign the write_message function from bibtask
## which will format log messages properly
write_message = bibtask_write_message
task_update_progress = bibtask_task_update_progress
task_sleep_now_if_required = bibtask_task_sleep_now_if_required
except NameError:
raise StandardError("Error: Unable to import essential bibtask functions.")
## Set the cli options to be those assembled by refextract_daemon
cli_opts = daemon_cli_options
running_independently = True
(cli_opts, cli_args) = get_cli_options()
## A dictionary to contain the counts of all 'bad titles' found during
## this reference extraction job:
all_found_titles_count = {}
## Gather fulltext document locations from input arguments
if len(cli_opts['fulltext']) == 0:
## no arguments: error message
usage(wmsg="Error: No input file specified.")
extract_jobs = get_recids_and_filepaths(cli_opts['fulltext'])
if len(extract_jobs) == 0:
## no files provided for reference extraction - error message
usage(wmsg="Error: No valid input file specified (-f id:file [-f id:file ...])")
## What top section data do I want?
extract_top_section_metadata = cli_opts['authors'] or cli_opts['affiliations']
## Don't parse the knowledge bases if authors/affiliations are being extracted
if not extract_top_section_metadata:
## Read the journal titles knowledge base, creating the search
## patterns and replace terms. Check for user-specified journal kb.
if cli_opts['kb-journal'] != 0:
titles_kb_file = cli_opts['kb-journal']
## Do a quick test to see if the specified kb file exists.
## If it does not, assume name and append onto etc directory.
if not os.path.exists(titles_kb_file):
titles_kb_file = os.path.join(CFG_ETCDIR, 'refextract', os.path.basename(titles_kb_file))
## Read the journal titles knowledge base, creating the search
## patterns and replace terms. Check for user-specified journal kb.
(title_search_kb, \
title_search_standardised_titles, \
title_search_keys) = \
## Read the report numbers knowledge base, creating the search
## patterns and replace terms. Check for user-specified rep-no kb.
if cli_opts['kb-report-number'] != 0:
repno_kb_file = cli_opts['kb-report-number']
## Do a quick test to see if the specified kb file exists.
## If it does not, assume name and append onto etc directory.
if not os.path.exists(repno_kb_file):
repno_kb_file = os.path.join(CFG_ETCDIR, 'refextract', os.path.basename(repno_kb_file))
(preprint_reportnum_sre, \
standardised_preprint_reportnum_categs) = \
done_coltags = 0 ## flag to signal that the starting XML collection
## tags have been output to either an xml file or stdout
for num, curitem in enumerate(extract_jobs):
## Safe to sleep/stop the extraction here
## Update the document extraction number
task_update_progress("Extracting from %d of %d" % (num+1, len(extract_jobs)))
how_found_start = -1 ## flag to indicate how the reference start section was found (or not)
extract_error = 0 ## extraction was OK unless determined otherwise
## reset the stats counters:
count_misc = count_title = count_reportnum = count_url = count_doi = count_auth_group = 0
recid = curitem[0]
write_message("--- processing RecID: %s pdffile: %s; %s\n" \
% (str(curitem[0]), curitem[1], ctime()), verbose=2)
## 1. Get this document body as plaintext:
(docbody, extract_error) = \
get_plaintext_document_body(curitem[1], \
if extract_error == 1:
## Non-existent or unreadable pdf/text directory.
write_message("***%s\n\n" % curitem[1], sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(msg="Error: Unable to open '%s' for extraction.\n" \
% curitem[1], exit_code=1)
if extract_error == 0 and len(docbody) == 0:
extract_error = 3
write_message("-----get_plaintext_document_body gave: " \
"%s lines, overall error: %s\n" \
% (str(len(docbody)), str(extract_error)), verbose=2)
if not done_coltags:
## Output opening XML collection tags:
## Initialise output xml file if the relevant cli flag/arg exists
if cli_opts['xmlfile']:
ofilehdl = open(cli_opts['xmlfile'], 'w')
ofilehdl.write("%s\n" \
ofilehdl.write("%s\n" \
except Exception, err:
write_message("***%s\n%s\n" % (cli_opts['xmlfile'], err), \
sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=IOError, msg="Error: Unable to write to '%s'" \
% cli_opts['xmlfile'], exit_code=1)
## else, write the xml lines to the stdout
sys.stdout.write("%s\n" \
sys.stdout.write("%s\n" \
done_coltags = 1
if len(docbody) > 0:
## the document body is not empty:
## 2. If necessary, locate the reference section:
if cli_opts['treat_as_raw_section']:
## don't search for sections in the document body:
## treat entire input as relevant section:
extract_lines = docbody
## launch search for the relevant section in the document body
if extract_top_section_metadata:
(document_info, extract_error, author_type) = \
extract_top_document_information_from_fulltext(docbody, first_author=cli_opts['first_author'])
(extract_lines, extract_error, how_found_start) = \
## I want references!
if not extract_top_section_metadata:
if len(extract_lines) == 0 and extract_error == 0:
extract_error = 6
write_message("-----extract_references_from_fulltext " \
"gave len(reflines): %s overall error: " \
"%s\n" \
% (str(len(extract_lines)), str(extract_error)))
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 4:
sys.stdout.write('-----reference lines extracted:\n%s\n\n' % extract_lines)
## 3. Standardise the reference lines:
(processed_lines, count_misc, \
count_title, count_reportnum, \
count_url, count_doi, count_auth_group, \
record_titles_count) = \
## Add the count of 'bad titles' found in this line to the total
## for the reference section:
all_found_titles_count = \
sum_2_dictionaries(all_found_titles_count, \
## I want authors/affiliations!
## Handle the xml processing separately, in the case that authors/
## affiliations are being extracted
if cli_opts['authors']:
extract_lines = document_info['authors']
## Associate authors with their affiliations if possible
out_lines = mark_up_authors_with_affiliations(extract_lines)
extract_lines = document_info['affiliations']
## Just the list of affiliations
out_lines = mark_up_affiliations(set([aff['line'] for aff in extract_lines]))
if not document_info and extract_error == 0:
extract_error = 6
elif extract_error == 2:
extract_lines = []
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 1:
sys.stdout.write("-----author/affiliation extraction " \
"gave len(extract_lines): %s overall error: " \
"%s\n" \
% (str(len(extract_lines)), str(extract_error)))
processed_lines = []
for first_auth_aff, l in out_lines:
(xml_line, \
count_auth, \
count_aff) = \
convert_processed_auth_aff_line_to_marc_xml(l.replace('\n',''), \
## document body is empty, therefore the reference section is empty:
extract_lines = []
processed_lines = []
## 4. Display the extracted references, status codes, etc:
if cli_opts['output_raw']:
## now write the raw references to the stream:
raw_file = str(recid) + '.rawrefs'
rawfilehdl = open(raw_file, 'w')
write_raw_references_to_stream(recid, extract_lines, rawfilehdl)
write_message("***%s\n\n" % raw_file, \
sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=IOError, msg="Error: Unable to write to '%s'" \
% raw_file, exit_code=1)
## If found ref section by a weaker method and only found misc/urls then junk it
## studies show that such cases are ~ 100% rubbish. Also allowing only
## urls found greatly increases the level of rubbish accepted..
if count_reportnum + count_title == 0 and how_found_start > 2:
count_misc = count_url = count_doi = count_auth_group = 0
processed_lines = []
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 1:
sys.stdout.write("-----Found ONLY miscellaneous/Urls so removed it how_found_start= %d\n" % (how_found_start))
elif count_reportnum + count_title > 0 and how_found_start > 2:
if cli_opts['verbosity'] >= 1:
sys.stdout.write("-----Found journals/reports with how_found_start= %d\n" % (how_found_start))
if extract_top_section_metadata:
out = display_auth_aff_xml_record(recid, \
## Display the processed reference lines:
out = display_references_xml_record(extract_error, \
count_reportnum, \
count_title, \
count_url, \
count_doi, \
count_misc, \
count_auth_group, \
recid, \
## Compress mulitple 'm' subfields in a datafield
out = compress_subfields(out, CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_MISC)
## Compress multiple 'h' subfields in a datafield
out = compress_subfields(out, CFG_REFEXTRACT_SUBFIELD_AUTH)
## Filter the processed reference lines to remove junk
out = filter_processed_lines(out) ## Be sure to call this BEFORE compress_subfields
## since filter_processed_lines expects the
## original xml format.
lines = out.split('\n')
write_message("-----display_xml_record gave: %s significant " \
"lines of xml, overall error: %s\n" \
% (str(len(lines) - 7), extract_error), verbose=2)
if cli_opts['xmlfile']:
ofilehdl.write("%s" % (out.encode("utf-8"),))
## Write the record to the standard output stream:
sys.stdout.write("%s" % out.encode("utf-8"))
## If an XML collection was opened, display closing tag
if done_coltags:
if (cli_opts['xmlfile']):
ofilehdl.write("%s\n" \
## limit m tag data to something less than infinity
limit_m_tags(cli_opts['xmlfile'], 2024)
sys.stdout.write("%s\n" \
## If the option to write the statistics about all periodical titles matched
## during the extraction-job was selected, do so using the specified file.
## Note: the matched titles are the Left-Hand-Side titles in the KB, i.e.
## the BAD versions of titles.
if cli_opts['dictfile']:
## title_keys are the titles matched:
title_keys = all_found_titles_count.keys()
dfilehdl = open(cli_opts['dictfile'], "w")
for ktitle in title_keys:
dfilehdl.write("%d:%s\n" \
% (all_found_titles_count[ktitle], ktitle.encode("utf-8")))
except IOError, (errno, err_string):
## There was a problem writing out the statistics
write_message("""Error: Unable to write "matched titles" """ \
"""statistics to output file %s. """ \
"""Error Number %d (%s).\n""" \
% (cli_opts['dictfile'], errno, err_string), \
sys.stderr, verbose=0)
halt(err=IOError, msg="Error: Unable to write to '%s'" % cli_opts['dictfile'], exit_code=1)
def main():
"""Main wrapper function for begin_extraction, and is
always accessed in a standalone/independent way. (i.e. calling main
will cause refextract to run in an independent mode)"""
write_message("--- Extraction complete\n", verbose=2)
def test_get_reference_lines():
"""Returns some test reference lines.
@return: (list) of strings - the test reference lines. Each
string in the list is a reference line that should be processed.
## new addition: include two references containing a standard DOI and a DOI embedded in an http link (last two references)
reflines = ["""[1] <a href="">CERN Document Server</a> J. Maldacena, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998) 231; hep-th/9711200. then ; L. Susskind, J. Math. Phys. 36 (1995) 6377; hep-th/9409089. hello world a<a href="">Yahoo!</a>. Fin.""",
"""[1] J. Maldacena, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998) 231; hep-th/9711200.""",
"""[2] S. Gubser, I. Klebanov and A. Polyakov, Phys. Lett. B428 (1998) 105; hep-th/9802109.""",
"""[3] E. Witten, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998) 253; hep-th/9802150.""",
"""[4] O. Aharony, S. Gubser, J. Maldacena, H. Ooguri and Y. Oz, hep-th/9905111.""",
"""[5] L. Susskind, J. Math. Phys. 36 (1995) 6377; hep-th/9409089.""",
"""[6] L. Susskind and E. Witten, hep-th/9805114.""",
"""[7] W. Fischler and L. Susskind, hep-th/9806039; N. Kaloper and A. Linde, Phys. Rev. D60 (1999) 105509, hep-th/9904120.""",
"""[8] R. Bousso, JHEP 9906:028 (1999); hep-th/9906022.""",
"""[9] R. Penrose and W. Rindler, Spinors and Spacetime, volume 2, chapter 9 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986).""",
"""[10] R. Britto-Pacumio, A. Strominger and A. Volovich, JHEP 9911:013 (1999); hep-th/9905211. blah hep-th/9905211 blah hep-ph/9711200""",
"""[11] V. Balasubramanian and P. Kraus, Commun. Math. Phys. 208 (1999) 413; hep-th/9902121.""",
"""[12] V. Balasubramanian and P. Kraus, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 3605; hep-th/9903190.""",
"""[13] P. Kraus, F. Larsen and R. Siebelink, hep-th/9906127.""",
"""[14] L. Randall and R. Sundrum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 4690; hep-th/9906064. this is a test RN of a different type: CERN-LHC-Project-Report-2006-003. more text.""",
"""[15] S. Gubser, hep-th/9912001.""",
"""[16] H. Verlinde, hep-th/9906182; H. Verlinde, hep-th/9912018; J. de Boer, E. Verlinde and H. Verlinde, hep-th/9912012.""",
"""[17] E. Witten, remarks at ITP Santa Barbara conference, "New dimensions in field theory and string theory":""",
"""[18] D. Page and C. Pope, Commun. Math. Phys. 127 (1990) 529.""",
"""[19] M. Duff, B. Nilsson and C. Pope, Physics Reports 130 (1986), chapter 9.""",
"""[20] D. Page, Phys. Lett. B79 (1978) 235.""",
"""[21] M. Cassidy and S. Hawking, Phys. Rev. D57 (1998) 2372, hep-th/9709066; S. Hawking, Phys. Rev. D52 (1995) 5681.""",
"""[22] K. Skenderis and S. Solodukhin, hep-th/9910023.""",
"""[23] M. Henningson and K. Skenderis, JHEP 9807:023 (1998), hep-th/9806087.""",
"""[24] C. Fefferman and C. Graham, "Conformal Invariants", in Elie Cartan et les Mathematiques d'aujourd'hui (Asterisque, 1985) 95.""",
"""[25] C. Graham and J. Lee, Adv. Math. 87 (1991) 186. <a href="">CERN Document Server</a>""",
"""[26] E. Witten and S.-T. Yau, hep-th/9910245.""",
"""[27] R. Emparan, JHEP 9906:036 (1999); hep-th/9906040.""",
"""[28] A. Chamblin, R. Emparan, C. Johnson and R. Myers, Phys. Rev. D59 (1999) 64010, hep-th/9808177; S. Hawking, C. Hunter and D. Page, Phys. Rev. D59 (1999) 44033, hep-th/9809035.""",
"""[29] S. Sethi and L. Susskind, Phys. Lett. B400 (1997) 265, hep-th/9702101; T. Banks and N. Seiberg, Nucl. Phys. B497 (1997) 41, hep-th/9702187.""",
"""[30] R. Emparan, C. Johnson and R. Myers, Phys. Rev. D60 (1999) 104001; hep-th/9903238.""",
"""[31] S. Hawking, C. Hunter and M. Taylor-Robinson, Phys. Rev. D59 (1999) 064005; hep-th/9811056.""",
"""[32] J. Dowker, Class. Quant. Grav. 16 (1999) 1937; hep-th/9812202.""",
"""[33] J. Brown and J. York, Phys. Rev. D47 (1993) 1407.""",
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