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## $Id:,v 1.37 2009/03/26 15:11:05 jerome Exp $
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""WebSubmit function - Displays a generic interface to upload, delete
and revise files.
To be used on par with Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage function:
- Create_Upload_Files_Interface records the actions performed by user.
- Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage execute the recorded actions.
- Due to the way WebSubmit works, this function can only work when
positionned at step 1 in WebSubmit admin, and
Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage is at step 2
- One issue: if we allow deletion or renaming, we might lose track of
a bibdoc: someone adds X, renames X->Y, and adds again another file
with name X: when executing actions, we will add the second X, and
rename it to Y
-> need to go back in previous action when renaming... or check
that name has never been used..
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import os
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language, wash_language
from invenio.websubmit_managedocfiles import create_file_upload_interface
def Create_Upload_Files_Interface(parameters, curdir, form, user_info=None):
List files for revisions.
You should use function in your
submission to apply the changes performed by users with this
@param parameters:(dictionary) - must contain:
+ maxsize: the max size allowed for uploaded files
+ minsize: the max size allowed for uploaded files
+ doctypes: the list of doctypes (like 'Main' or 'Additional')
and their description that users can choose from
when adding new files.
- When no value is provided, users cannot add new
file (they can only revise/delete/add format)
- When a single value is given, it is used as
default doctype for all new documents
main=Main document|additional=Figure, schema. etc
('=' separates doctype and description
'|' separates each doctype/description group)
+ restrictions: the list of restrictions (like 'Restricted' or
'No Restriction') and their description that
users can choose from when adding/revising
files. Restrictions can then be configured at
the level of WebAccess.
- When no value is provided, no restriction is
- When a single value is given, it is used as
default resctriction for all documents.
- The first value of the list is used as default
restriction if the user if not given the
choice of the restriction. CHOOSE THE ORDER!
=No restriction|restr=Restricted
('=' separates restriction and description
'|' separates each restriction/description group)
+ canDeleteDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are
allowed to delete.
('|' separated values)
Use '*' for all doctypes
+ canReviseDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are
allowed to revise
('|' separated values)
Use '*' for all doctypes
+ canDescribeDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are
allowed to describe
('|' separated values)
Use '*' for all doctypes
+ canCommentDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are
allowed to comment
('|' separated values)
Use '*' for all doctypes
+ canKeepDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which users can
choose to keep previous versions visible when
revising a file (i.e. 'Keep previous version'
checkbox). See also parameter 'keepDefault'.
Note that this parameter is ~ignored when
revising the attributes of a file (comment,
description) without uploading a new
file. See also parameter
('|' separated values)
Use '*' for all doctypes
+ canAddFormatDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which users can
add new formats. If there is no value,
then no 'add format' link nor warning
about losing old formats are displayed.
('|' separated values)
Use '*' for all doctypes
+ canRestrictDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which users can
choose the access restrictions when adding or
revising a file. If no value is given:
- no restriction is applied if none is defined
in the 'restrictions' parameter.
- else the *first* value of the 'restrictions'
parameter is used as default restriction.
('|' separated values)
Use '*' for all doctypes
+ canRenameDoctypes: the list of doctypes that users are allowed
to rename (when revising)
('|' separated values)
Use '*' for all doctypes
+ canNameNewFiles: if user can choose the name of the files they
upload (1) or not (0)
+ defaultFilenameDoctypes: Rename uploaded files to admin-chosen
values. List here the the files in
current submission directory that
contain the names to use for each doctype.
('=' separates doctype and file in curdir
'|' separates each doctype/file group).
If the same doctype is submitted
several times, a"-%i" suffix is added
to the name defined in the file.
The default filenames are overriden
by user-chosen names if you allow
'canNameNewFiles' or
+ maxFilesDoctypes: the maximum number of files that users can
upload for each doctype.
('|' separated values)
Do not specify the doctype here to have an
unlimited number of files for a given
+ createRelatedFormats: if uploaded files get converted to
whatever format we can (1) or not (0)
+ keepDefault: the default behaviour for keeping or not previous
version of files when users cannot choose (no
value in canKeepDoctypes): keep (1) or not (0)
Note that this parameter is ignored when revising
the attributes of a file (comment, description)
without uploading a new file. See also parameter
+ showLinks: if we display links to files (1) when possible or
not (0)
+ fileLabel: the label for the file field
+ filenameLabel: the label for the file name field
+ descriptionLabel: the label for the description field
+ commentLabel: the label for the comments field
+ restrictionLabel: the label in front of the restrictions list
+ startDoc: the name of a file in curdir that contains some
text/markup to be printed *before* the file revision
+ endDoc: the name of a file in curdir that contains some
text/markup to be printed *after* the file revision
global sysno
ln = wash_language(form['ln'])
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
out = ''
## Fetch parameters defined for this function
(minsize, maxsize, doctypes_and_desc, doctypes,
can_delete_doctypes, can_revise_doctypes, can_describe_doctypes,
can_comment_doctypes, can_keep_doctypes, can_rename_doctypes,
can_add_format_to_doctypes, createRelatedFormats_p,
can_name_new_files, keep_default, show_links, file_label,
filename_label, description_label, comment_label, startDoc,
endDoc, restrictions_and_desc, can_restrict_doctypes,
restriction_label, doctypes_to_default_filename,
max_files_for_doctype) = \
wash_function_parameters(parameters, curdir, ln)
recid = int(sysno)
recid = None
out += '<center>'
out += startDoc
out += create_file_upload_interface(recid,
minsize=minsize, maxsize=maxsize,
keep_default=keep_default, show_links=show_links,
file_label=file_label, filename_label=filename_label,
description_label=description_label, comment_label=comment_label,
sbm_indir=None, sbm_doctype=None, sbm_access=None,
uid=None, sbm_curdir=curdir)[1]
out += endDoc
out += '</center>'
return out
def wash_function_parameters(parameters, curdir, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
Returns the functions (admin-defined) parameters washed and
initialized properly, as a tuple:
check Create_Upload_Files_Interface(..) docstring
tuple (minsize, maxsize, doctypes_and_desc, doctypes,
can_delete_doctypes, can_revise_doctypes,
can_describe_doctypes can_comment_doctypes, can_keep_doctypes,
can_rename_doctypes, can_add_format_to_doctypes,
createRelatedFormats_p, can_name_new_files, keep_default,
show_links, file_label, filename_label, description_label,
comment_label, startDoc, endDoc, access_restrictions_and_desc,
can_restrict_doctypes, restriction_label,
doctypes_to_default_filename, max_files_for_doctype)
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
# The min and max files sizes that users can upload
minsize = parameters['minsize']
maxsize = parameters['maxsize']
# The list of doctypes + description that users can select when
# adding new files. If there are no values, then user cannot add
# new files. '|' is used to separate doctypes groups, and '=' to
# separate doctype and description. Eg:
# main=Main document|additional=Figure, schema. etc
doctypes_and_desc = [doctype.strip().split("=") for doctype \
in parameters['doctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
doctypes = [doctype for (doctype, desc) in doctypes_and_desc]
doctypes_and_desc = [[doctype, _(desc)] for \
(doctype, desc) in doctypes_and_desc]
# The list of doctypes users are allowed to delete
# (list of values separated by "|")
can_delete_doctypes = [doctype.strip() for doctype \
in parameters['canDeleteDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
# The list of doctypes users are allowed to revise
# (list of values separated by "|")
can_revise_doctypes = [doctype.strip() for doctype \
in parameters['canReviseDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
# The list of doctypes users are allowed to describe
# (list of values separated by "|")
can_describe_doctypes = [doctype.strip() for doctype \
in parameters['canDescribeDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
# The list of doctypes users are allowed to comment
# (list of values separated by "|")
can_comment_doctypes = [doctype.strip() for doctype \
in parameters['canCommentDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
# The list of doctypes for which users are allowed to decide
# if they want to keep old files or not when revising
# (list of values separated by "|")
can_keep_doctypes = [doctype.strip() for doctype \
in parameters['canKeepDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
# The list of doctypes users are allowed to rename
# (list of values separated by "|")
can_rename_doctypes = [doctype.strip() for doctype \
in parameters['canRenameDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
# The mapping from doctype to default filename.
# '|' is used to separate doctypes groups, and '=' to
# separate doctype and file in curdir where the default name is. Eg:
# main=main_filename|additional=additional_filename. etc
default_doctypes_and_curdir_files = [doctype.strip().split("=") for doctype \
in parameters['defaultFilenameDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
doctypes_to_default_filename = {}
for doctype, curdir_file in default_doctypes_and_curdir_files:
default_filename = read_file(curdir, curdir_file)
if default_filename:
doctypes_to_default_filename[doctype] = os.path.basename(default_filename)
# The maximum number of files that can be uploaded for each doctype
# Eg:
# main=1|additional=3
doctypes_and_max_files = [doctype.strip().split("=") for doctype \
in parameters['maxFilesDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
max_files_for_doctype = {}
for doctype, max_files in doctypes_and_max_files:
if max_files.isdigit():
max_files_for_doctype[doctype] = int(max_files)
# The list of doctypes for which users are allowed to add new formats
# (list of values separated by "|")
can_add_format_to_doctypes = [doctype.strip() for doctype \
in parameters['canAddFormatDoctypes'].split('|') \
if doctype.strip() != '']
# The list of access restrictions + description that users can
# select when adding new files. If there are no values, no
# restriction is applied . '|' is used to separate access
# restrictions groups, and '=' to separate access restriction and
# description. Eg: main=Main document|additional=Figure,
# schema. etc
access_restrictions_and_desc = [access.strip().split("=") for access \
in parameters['restrictions'].split('|') \
if access.strip() != '']
access_restrictions_and_desc = [[access, _(desc)] for \
(access, desc) in access_restrictions_and_desc]
# The list of doctypes users are allowed to restrict
# (list of values separated by "|")
can_restrict_doctypes = [restriction.strip() for restriction \
in parameters['canRestrictDoctypes'].split('|') \
if restriction.strip() != '']
# If we should create additional formats when applicable (1) or
# not (0)
createRelatedFormats_p = int(parameters['createRelatedFormats'])
except ValueError, e:
createRelatedFormats_p = False
# If users can name the files they add
# Value should be 0 (Cannot rename) or 1 (Can rename)
can_name_new_files = int(parameters['canNameNewFiles'])
except ValueError, e:
can_name_new_files = False
# The default behaviour wrt keeping previous files or not.
# 0 = do not keep, 1 = keep
keep_default = int(parameters['keepDefault'])
except ValueError, e:
keep_default = False
# If we display links to files (1) or not (0)
show_links = int(parameters['showLinks'])
except ValueError, e:
show_links = True
file_label = parameters['fileLabel']
if file_label == "":
file_label = _('Choose a file')
filename_label = parameters['filenameLabel']
if filename_label == "":
filename_label = _('Name')
description_label = parameters['descriptionLabel']
if description_label == "":
description_label = _('Description')
comment_label = parameters['commentLabel']
if comment_label == "":
comment_label = _('Comment')
restriction_label = parameters['restrictionLabel']
if restriction_label == "":
restriction_label = _('Access')
startDoc = parameters['startDoc']
endDoc = parameters['endDoc']
return (minsize, maxsize, doctypes_and_desc, doctypes,
can_delete_doctypes, can_revise_doctypes,
can_describe_doctypes, can_comment_doctypes,
can_keep_doctypes, can_rename_doctypes,
can_add_format_to_doctypes, createRelatedFormats_p,
can_name_new_files, keep_default, show_links, file_label,
filename_label, description_label, comment_label,
startDoc, endDoc, access_restrictions_and_desc,
can_restrict_doctypes, restriction_label,
doctypes_to_default_filename, max_files_for_doctype)
def read_file(curdir, filename):
Reads a file in curdir.
Returns None if does not exist, cannot be read, or if file is not
really in curdir
file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(curdir, filename))
if not file_path.startswith(curdir):
return None
file_desc = file(file_path, 'r')
content =
content = None
return content

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