## $Id$ ## This file is part of the CERN Document Server Software (CDSware). ## Copyright (C) 2002 CERN. ## ## The CDSware is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the ## License, or (at your option) any later version. ## ## The CDSware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with CDSware; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. <? <protect> ## $Id$ ## DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! IT WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FROM CDSware WML SOURCES. ## Description: function Send_FTT_Mail ## This function sends a warning mail indicating a ## submission has been correctly finished ## Author: T.Baron ## PARAMETERS: addressesFTT: addresses to which the email is sent ## sourceDOC: kind of document ## edsrn: name of the file containing the reference ## authorfile: name of the file containing the author ## titleFile: name of the file containing the title ## newrnin: name of the file containing the 2nd reference ## status: one of "ADDED" or "APPROVAL" ## textMailFTT: Text to be appended to the email function Send_FTT_Mail ($param_array,$MAINPATH) { global $doctypes; $edsrn = $param_array[edsrn]; $newrnin = $param_array[newrnin]; // The title is read from the specified file. $title = join("",file("$MAINPATH/".$param_array[titleFile])); if ($title == "") { $title = "-"; } // The author is read from the specified file $author = join("",file("$MAINPATH/".$param_array[authorfile])); // Any spaces or "/" characters, in the report number, are replaced // by the "_" character $fp = fopen("$MAINPATH/$edsrn","r"); $rn = fread($fp,filesize("$MAINPATH/$edsrn")); fclose($fp); $rn = ereg_replace("[\n\r ]+","",$rn); $rn = ereg_replace (" ","_",$rn); $rn = ereg_replace ("/","_",$rn); if ($newrnin != "" && file_exists("$MAINPATH/$newrnin")) { $fp = fopen("$MAINPATH/$newrnin","r"); $additional_rn = fread($fp,filesize("$MAINPATH/$newrnin")); fclose($fp); $additional_rn = ereg_replace("[\n\r]+","",$additional_rn); $fullrn = "$additional_rn and $rn"; } else $fullrn = $rn; if ($param_array[textMailFTT] == "") { $email_txt = "A document has just been submitted:\n\n" . " Report Number: " . $fullrn . "\n" . " Title:" . $title . "\n"; if ($author != "") $email_txt .= " Author:" . $author . "\n"; $email_txt .= " Source:" . $param_array[sourceDoc] . "\n"; if ($param_array[status] == "ADDED") $email_txt .= "\nAutomatic Integration Done!!!"; elseif ($param_array[status] == "APPROVAL") $email_txt .= "\nAn email has been sent to the referee."; } else { $email_txt = $param_array[textMailFTT]; $tag = ereg_replace(".*<([^>]*)>.*","\\1",$email_txt); while ($tag != "" && $tag != $email_txt) { if ($tag == "RN") $email_txt = str_replace("<RN>","$fullrn",$email_txt); else { if (is_file("$MAINPATH/$tag")) { $fp = fopen("$MAINPATH/$tag","r"); $replace_text = fread ($fp ,filesize("$MAINPATH/$tag")); fclose($fp); } $email_txt = str_replace("<$tag>","$replace_text",$email_txt); } $tag = ereg_replace(".*<([^>]*)>.*","\\1",$email_txt); } } mail($param_array[addressesFTT],$fullrn . " submitted!",$email_txt,"from: ".SUPPORTEMAIL."\nbcc: ".ADMIN_EMAIL); } </protect> ?>